A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Municipal Building, 400
Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council'Chambers.
Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Council
members present were Debbie Buckley, Kristi Ferraro, Mac McDevitt, Brian Sipes, and Tamra
Nottingham Underwood. Amy Phillips was absent. Also present were Town Attorney John
Dunn; Town Manager Larry Brooks, Deputy Town Clerk Debbie Padilla, Town Engineer Norm
Wood, Finance Director Scott Wright, Police Chief Brian Kozak, Community Development
Director Eric Heidemann and Public Works/Transit Director Bob Reed as well as members of
the press and public.
Mayor Pro Tem Underwood noted that she would make a request regarding Resolution No. 06-
39 at the time it is consider on the agenda. There was no potential conflict of interests for this
Bill Hammer, Stone Creek Elementary Charter School, addressed Council with regard to the tap
fees due the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. He noted that tap fees are estimated at
just over $100K; and they are currently negotiating a payment plan with ERWSD. He asked
why the school would have to pay the Town's share estimated at over $1 OK when the group is a
short-term tenant of the property. He informed Council he would be attending the next ERWSD
Board meeting to request their consideration of a payment plan. He noted that ERWSD has
requested that the Town must first approve the payment plan prior to any consideration by their
Board. Town Engineer Norm Wood addressed the question, noting that Avon's portion of tap
fees are returned to Traer Creek and then returned to Eagle-Vail Metro District as the owner of
the water. Discussion ensued about the size of the line being installed and the future needs for
Avon, which are unknown at this time. It was noted that the agreement contemplates
improvement and the taps, but language may need to be clearer. In summary, two questions
are at hand:
1. Would the town support a payment plan, ERWSD must know if the Town supports that
2. The School is making an improvement to the property, would the town agree that the value
of the tap-stay with the property, so that the short-term tenant would not have to be held.
responsible for that capital improvement, (on a one inch tap) ,
Due to the nature of the topic, it was asked that this item be placed on the next agenda as a
discussion item so that staff & Council could review appropriate documents. Council supported'
the Stone Creek School Board's request to ERWSD for a payment plan. Council also requested
an update to the status of a permanent location for the school; Hammer noted that they would
be providing an update in the near future.
Pastor' Tommy of Calvary Chapel was present to address the Fall Fun Night, an event
sponsored by his church. They are providing activity for teens, which is the reason behind the
hours of the event and the need to obtain the sound permit. Mayor Wolfe opened the Public
Hearing for the topic, no comments were made, and the hearing was closed. Councilor Buckley
moved to approve the Outdoor Use of Sound Amplification for Applicant Calvary Chapel Vail
Valley for "Fall Fun Night" on October 31, 2006, 4 PM - *10 PM; Councilor Sipes seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (Phillips absent).
Scott Wright, Finance Director presented'the 2007 budget to Council and noted that this hearing
was an opportunity for the citizens of Avon to ask questions regarding the document. Councilor
Buckley raised questions on behalf of the Avon Business Association about the corporate level
of recreation center passes and related termination dates of the passes. Recreation Director
Meryl Jacobs presented the status of the punch cards.' After some discussion about ideas on
how to handle the expiration date of corporate passes, it was agreed that the town manager &
recreation, director review the policy and possibly provide some alternatives. Finance Director
Scott Wright noted that a public notice for the hearing was printed in the newspaper. Discussion
ensued about trying to include the budget document on the town's website and using the
distribution list to inform the public about its future consideration. Mayor Wolfe opened the
public hearing for Town of Avon 2007 Budget, no comments were made, the hearing was
Mayor Pro Tem Underwood requested that Resolution No. 06-39, Series of 2006, Resolution In
Support of Referendum I: The Colorado Domestic Partnership Act be withdrawn from the
agenda, that she is not interested in asking for Council support of this legislation due to the .
negative campaigning going on during this election cycle.
Norm Wood, Town Engineer, presented Resolution 06-40, Series of 2006, Resolution 06-
40,Series of 2006, A Resolution Approving the Final Condominium Map for Mountain Center
Condominiums, a Resubdivision of Mountain Center Condominium Building and Mountain
Center Phase 2, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado". The project is at 910 Nottingham
Road and the proposed subdivision will resubdivide two units and create approximately 11 new
units and common elements. Staff recommended approval of the map. Councilor Sipes moved
to approve Resolution 06-40, Series of 2006, Resolution 06-40,Series of 2006, A Resolution
Approving the Final Condominium Map for Mountain Center Condominiums. Councilor
McDevitt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Phillips absent)."
Community Development Director Eric Heidemann introduced new senior planner Matt Gennett
to the Avon Town Council.
Matt Pielsticker, Planner, presented Resolution No. 06-41, Series of 2006 Resolution formally
commenting on the draft White River National Forest Travel Management Plan and draft
Environmental Impact Statement Comments on draft White River National Forest Travel
Management Plan". He noted that this resolution was a follow-up from prior meetings and the
open house held in August. Based on the data collected at the meetings, staff submitted to
council a list of detailed comments in response to the draft White River National Forest Service
Travel Management Plan for the Holy Cross Ranger District, which surrounds Avon; the memo
included a summary of the plan and proposed comments. Thursday, 10/226/06 is the deadline
and everyone was encouraged to respond; it was suggested that staff include the numbers of
people who participated and commented. Councilor Ferraro moved to approve Resolution No.
06-41, Series of 2006, Resolution formally commenting on the draft White River National Forest
Travel Management Plan., Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by
those present (Phillips absent).
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October 24, 2006
Bob Reed, Transit Director, presented the Intergovernmental Agreement with Beaver Creek
Metropolitan District for Transportation Services .Agreement. He noted that the Agreement
.addresses transportation services from 11%1/06 through 10/31107 and is the same as the prior
year. He also noted that the rate is based on actual costs. Councilor Buckley moved to
approve the IGA with BCMD. Councilor Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously by those present (Phillips absent).
Larry Brooks, Town Manager, presented the Hazardous Material Recycling Request from the
Eagle-Vail Property Owners' Association asking for a monetary contribution to sponsor a
household hazmat collection day. Several changes have been made to this event and the
Eagle Valley Alliance Group is the main sponsor at this time and the location will be the
recycling center on the Traer Creek Property. It was recommended that the item be tabled at
this time until additional information can be obtained on both the cost & the date, so that
ultimately the Avon resident might benefit from the event.
Scott Wright, Finance Director and Larry Brooks, Town Manager, have distributed a request for
proposal on behalf of the Urban Renewal Authority to obtain proposals for an urban renewal
plan for Avon, due back no later than 11/17/06. Brooks also noted that he would not attend the
candidate forum because he would be at a CAST meeting.
John Dunn, Town Attorney, noted that he would be out of town for the next meeting on
Mayor Wolfe noted the dates of several candidate forum meetings, taking place in the near
future. He also noted that Eagle County Commissioners have funded Avon's transit center in
the amount of $400K; the Avon Town Council expressed their appreciation for this,funding from
the county. Larry Brooks, Town Manager also presented an update on the recent 1-70 Coalition
Group's 2nd annual retreat,,a meeting where the focus is to continue to address 1-70 alternative
modes of transportation. Eagle River Preserve Status & Steering Committee Update was
provided by Mayor Wolfe as well.
Mayor Wolfe asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda below. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood
moved to adopt the consent agenda; Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed
a. Contract with Axia for the "Silver Sneakers" national fitness program for senior citizens
b. 2006 Street Improvements, Elam Construction, Inc. Change Order 003 - Final Change
c. Design Services Proposal for Nottingham and Puder Ditch Headgate Improvements -
Bishop Brogden, Inc
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October 24. 2006
There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at
6:30 PM.
Debbie Buckley
Kristi Ferraro
Mac McDevitt
Amy Phillips
Brian Sipes
Tamra Underwood
Ron Wolfe,
Regular Council Meeting Page 4, of 4
October 24, 2006