TC Minutes 03-08-2005MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD MARCH 8, 2005 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at 400 Benchmark Road, -Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Debbie Buckley, Kristi Ferraro, Mac McDevitt, Amy Phillips, Brian Sipes and Tamra Underwood. Also present were Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Attorney John Dunn, Asst. Town Manager Jacquie Halburnt, Town Clerk Patty McKenny, Finance Director Scott Wright, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Public Works / Transit Director Bob Reed, and Community Development Director Tambi Katieb as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input Police Chief Jeff Layman acknowledged and thanked Police Officer Mike Lundblade and Detective Mike Leake for their commitment to police work reflected by the awards they will be receiving from the Eagle County Public Safety Council. He spent a few minutes explaining the situation the officers -were involved with at the Buffalo Ridge Project. Both officers would receive Distinguished Service Medals. Jeanette Hix, Canyon Run resident, presented an update on the restoration of Avon's waterwheel as well as some historical information on the waterwheel itself. The Colorado Historical Society has been notified and agreed to evaluate whether or not this location will receive a nomination to then see if it will receive funds to restore the site. The waterwheel will need an assessment by an archeologist; a grant is currently being written in order to receive this assessment. The application for the designation would be due in August and awards are made in November. Currently Canyon Run Homeowner's Association is serving as the non-profit sponsor on the application; she would prefer that that be the Town of Avon and offered some information for Avon to consider regarding the creation of : a "historical preservation commission". This organization would then serve as the non-profit sponsor and provide a benefit by making it easier to receive future grant monies and preserve other locations in the Town of Avon. Council asked staff to follow-up with the Colorado Historical Society in order to become better informed about this process. Resolutions Scott Wright, Finance Director, presented Resolution No. 05-10, Series of 2005, A Resolution to amend the 2005 Budget. He noted that this budget amendment addresses the proposal to fund Channel 5 $10K for the purchase of capital equipment. He noted that staff's research of the Town's existing franchise agreement helped them discover that a provision exists for the Town to create a PEG Access Equipment Fund, funded by a surcharge of up to fifty cents ($.50) per subscriber, to be utilized solely for PEG access equipment and facilities. Funds granted under this provision must be allocated in accordance with an operating plan approved by the Town Council. The Town would be able to retain title to all PEG equipment provided with this funding. Discussion ensued about whether or not this billing was already in place, as an increase in rates was just noted by Comcast. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood was very concerned about implementing another fee. It was noted that there would either be an Eagle County surcharge or an Avon surcharge, but not both and that currently Avon is not paying either. The current rate of the franchise fee is 3% and generates about $40K per year in revenue. Some discussion ensued about obtaining a long-range plan from Channel 5 that would explain what improvements would be made and what quality improvements would be seen. Councilor Buckley indicated that Channel 5 could provide an annual financial report to Council, something that has not been done in the past. Finance Director Wright noted that further dialogue with Comcast is in order just to confirm the implementation of the PEG fee (possibly a 90 day notice per the franchise agreement). Some members were concerned about implementing this fee and asked for further discussion on this particular topic, separating out the funding of Channel 5 the $1 OK. It was noted that Town of Vail funded $1 OK and this is the only time that Channel 5 has requested funding for purchasing capital equipment. Councilor Sipes moved to approve Resolution No. 05-10, Series of 2005, A Resolution to amend the 2005 Budget as written. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with a roll call vote. New Business Town Engineer Norm Wood presented the request from the Mountain Star Association to officially change the name of Buck Creek Road to Mountain Star Drive. He presented the procedure in which to do this, i.e. draft resolution and hold public hearing. Discussion ensued on how the name was changed in the first place. Jim Clark, Mountain Star Property Manager, provided some history as to when & how the name changed, sometime in 1994, he thought. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood expressed firm opposition to the request of changing the name, stating that the street name should remain the same as it is a geographic description and historical in nature to Avon. She further asked that Avon no longer name streets after developers or people related to developers. Other,Council members concurred with her. The question posed to Council was "do you support changing the name of Buck Creek Road to Mountain Star Drive? With a roll call vote, the Council unanimously opposed changing the name. A request was made to staff to return with a written policy on naming streets in Avon. Liz Campbell, Director of Education & Community Outreach, and Jason Denhart, Development Associate, Bravo! Vail Valley Music Festival, presented a proposal, called Music Matters, on specific programming for the Avon community. This program is a year-round outreach initiative that enhances school music programs and further integrates the arts into our community, is an integral part of the Festival's service to the community as well as an investment in its continued success. Bravo! Representatives worked with Recreation Special Events coordinator Fraidy Aber to identify which special events would be a good venue for Bravo!'s participation. The Festival's outreach programs proposed included some of the following: ✓ Two afternoon Young Artists concerts at the Thunderbird Arts Festival and Notthingham Park July 16"' & 17th concerts. ✓ Instrument petting zoo at 2 Avon events, cinema in the park & the fishing derby. ✓ Five "Live at the Library" performances ✓ Three Avon Elementary inc-classroom performances ✓ Some advertising benefits Funding for these programs were proposed at $10K. Town Manager Brooks indicated the funding would come from the General Fund Balance. Council was very supportive of the proposal and asked staff to bring a budget amendment to the next meeting. Other Business Town Manager Larry Brooks presented the information on the Tri-America Triathlon and the proposed Group Cycling Program (topics were slated for the work session agenda). Recreation Center staff has been working with Vail's Special Events Commission and the WCTB to explore the concept of combining Avon's High Country Triathlon with the TriAmerica Central Triathlon Series, which would take place over Labor Day weekend in Avon and Vail. At this point, staff would recommend that the events be combined, only if Avon would get name recognition in the event. Councilor Phillips noted that the Avon businesses really want an event for either Memorial or Labor Day Weekends. Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 March 8, 2005 Town Manager Brooks then highlighted the information on the Group Cycling Proposal, a proposal to begin a spin class at the Recreation Center. Mayor Wolfe asked that staff present comparison information on costs of spin classes throughout Eagle County and then propose a competitive fee for the classes that recovers the expenditures. Discussion ensued over whether to lease or. purchase the equipment, most council members preferred to lease the equipment. Finance Director Scott Wright commented that for the $10K expenditure involved, it might be more beneficial to just purchase and not have to go through the paperwork with a lease. Regardless of purchasing or leasing, the full amount of $10K will need to be appropriated. Council asked staff to review once more the scenarios, proposed fee schedules and a spin class comparison with area facilities. The Holiday Lighting Plan was included as a work session item and only one comment was raised regarding that topic. Assistant Town Manager Jacquie Halburnt was asked to include a new award called the "Mac" award for the most "elegant & tasteful lights". Mayor Wolfe summarized some of what has been written about the Town's Communication Plan. It was noted that "fact sheets" would be prepared on more significant communication issues. Some discussion ensued about using a "questions and answers" format to drafting press releases. All agreed that that approach might work, but it really must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Other suggestions were made as follows: to include pictures, use more descriptions of the town, include Town events in the Chamber events calendar, and be proactive about getting the press releases out - at least seven days prior to an event. Town Manager Report Town Manager Lary Brooks recognized Town Engineer Norm Wood for his efforts (and former Asst. Engineer Anne Martens) in obtaining an enhancement grant for the EagleBend Drive streetscape improvements. He asked if Council wanted to hold a special meeting next week to discuss transit. Their were mixed responses; a follow-up would be made providing different dates. Town Attorney Town Attorney John Dunn noted that the notice of appeal in the Cassidy's sales tax case was filed. A response would probably take at least 60 days or better. Consent Agenda Mayor Wolfe asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda below. Some discussion ensued about the improvements to be done on, EagleBend Drive, whether or not trees will be cut down. Council members on EagleBend would like to see all the trees somehow saved, especially the ones recently planted by local neighbors. It was noted that the width of the lanes would likely be at about 11 feet. Discussion continued on the topic of trees - if the Town should proceed in consulting with an arborist regarding the large Chinese Elm tree on Nottingham Road to determine if it could be replanted at another location. The discussion led to whether or not the tree belonged to the Town or to the property owner. And finally discussion ended on the topic of the location of the bus stops, and whether or not there needed to be two stops. Councilor Sipes moved to adopt the consent agenda; Councilor Buckley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. a. Minutes from February 15, 2005 Special Meeting b. Minutes From February 22, 2005 Meeting c. SonnenHalde Condominium Assn Reimbursement Request Nottingham Road Improvements- Easement Acquisitions d. EagleBend Drive Streetscape Improvements-Inter-Mountain Engineering Design Services Proposal Regular Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 March 8, 2005 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8 PM. APPROVED: Debbie Buckley Kristi Ferraro Mac McDevitt Amy Phillips Brian Sipes Tamra Underwood Ron Wolfe Regular Council Meeting March 8, 2005 RES TFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty a ny, Tow le Page 4 of 4