A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at 400 Benchmark Road, Avon,
Colorado in the Council Chambers.
First Order of Business at 5:40 PM was a motion from Councilor P. Buckley to appoint Councilor
D. Buckley as Chair of the meeting since both the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern were absent from
the meeting. Councilor Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those
members present. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Michael Brown,
Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Brian Sipes and Ron Wolfe. Buz Reynolds and Mac McDevitt
were absent. Also present were Town Manager Lary Brooks, Assistant Town Attorney Inga
Causey, Assistant Town Manager Jacquie Halbumt, Town Clerk Patty McKenny, Community
Development Director Tambi Katieb, Finance Director Scott Wright, Police Chief Jeff Layman,
Town Engineer Norm Wood and Public Works / Transit Director Bob Reed as well as members
of the press and public.
Tamra Nottingham Underwood and her parents Mauri and Nancy Nottingham presented the
Town of Avon a framed photo taken circa 1923 of Avon as viewed from Beaver Creek looking
northeast toward Buck Creek. Ms. Underwood noted that the original homestead buildings are
visible in the photo. Council graciously accepted the gift and thanked the Nottingham's for
giving the Town a piece of Avon history.
Community Development Director Tambi Katieb presented on second reading Ordinance No.
04-14, Series of 2004, An Ordinance amending Title 15 of the Avon Municipal Code; Adopting
by Reference the 2003 International Building Code, the 2003 International Building Code for
One- and Two- Family Dwellings, the 2002 Edition of the National Electrical Code; the 2003
Edition of the International Mechanical Code; and the 2003 International Fire Code; and
Providing- Penalties for the Violation Hereof. He noted that the ordinance adopts the 2003
International Building Code, the 2003 International Residential Code for One and Two Family
Dwellings, 2002 Edition of the National Electrical Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code
and the 2003 International Fire Code. These Codes published by the International Code
Council will replace previously adopted codes published by the International Conference
Building Officials. He noted that the Codes are considered as new national standard codes and
have been adopted by Eagle County and other towns in the area. A public meeting with special
notice was held with the building, design and construction professionals in the area; all were in
favor of the updates. Further details about revisions were noted in Council's memo in the
packet. It was also noted that there were dramatic format changes addressed by Town
Engineer Norm Wood.
Chairwoman D. Buckley opened the public hearing, no comments were made and the hearing
was closed. Councilor P. Buckley moved to adopt Ordinance No. 04-14, Series of 2004, An
Ordinance amending Title 15 of the Avon Municipal Code; Adopting by Reference the 2003
International Building Code, the 2003 International Building Code for One- and Two- Family
Dwellings, the 2002 Edition of the National Electrical Code; the 2003 Edition of the International
Mechanical Code; and the 2003 International Fire Code; and Providing Penalties for the
Violation Hereof. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with a roll
call vote by those members present (Buz Reynolds and Mac McDevitt were absent.)
Community Development Director Tambi Katieb presented Ordinance No. 04-15, Series of
2004, Second Reading, An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Wildridge Planned Unit
Development (PUD) for Lots 54, 55, 89, 90, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Town of Avon,
Eagle County, Colorado. He requested that this item be tabled until the next meeting because
the materials were not submitted earlier enough for staff, to review them acceptably. Because
the Ordinance was posted for a public hearing, Chairwoman D. Buckley opened the public
hearing; no comments were made, and the hearing was closed. Councilor Sipes moved to table
Ordinance No. 04-15 until the next meeting. Councilor P. Buckley seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously with a roll call vote by those members present (Buz Reynolds and Mac
McDevitt were absent.)
Town Engineer Norm Wood presented Resolution No. 04-34, Series of 2004, Resolution
Establishing a Schedule of Fees for Building, Mechanical, Plumbing and Grading Permits
Issued by the Town of Avon. He-informed Council that the modifications in fees related to the'
adoption of the new building codes. When asked how much of an increase, he noted that it
would'be approximately a 10% increase to costs. Some further discussion ensued about how tor
estimate this increase to the community. Councilor Sipes moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-34,
Series of 2004, Resolution Establishing a Schedule of Fees for Building, Mechanical, Plumbing
and Grading Permits Issued by-the Town of Avon. Councilor Brown seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously with a roll call vote by those members present (Buz Reynolds and Mac
McDevitt were absent.)
Town Engineer Norm Wood presented Resolution No. 04-35, Series of 2004, Resolution
approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town of Avon and the Eagle River Fire
Protection District for the Purpose of Coordinating the Implementation and Administration of the
2003 Edition of the International Fire Code. He noted that it is the agreement that maintains the
coordination between the Town and the District for the effective administration of the
International Fire Code, i.e. clarifying responsibilities of the two entities. He noted that since the
separation of the Fire Department from the Town a few years ago, there has been nothing in
writing outlining the relationship, so this action that was highly recommended. There was some
discussion about the fact that the Charter requires a majority vote on an intergovernmental
agreement and that-it does not allow the Mayor to vote but only in a tie situation. It was
recommended by Attorney Causey to table the action until a time when the majority of the
Council is present. Councilor Sipes moved to table the vote on Resolution No. 04-35; Councilor
Wolfe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (Buz
Reynolds and Mac McDevitt were absent.)
New Business
Councilor Sipes moved to remove letter (b) from the Consent Agenda in light of the Council's
earlier discussion at the work session regarding extending the - timeframe for completion of
Avon's Comprehensive plan, a recommendation made by the Comprehensive Plan Steering
committee. Councilor Wolfe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those
members present (Buz Reynolds and Mac McDevitt were absent.)
Consent Agenda
Chairwoman D. Buckley asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. Councilor P. Buckley
moved to adopt the consent agenda without letter (b) RNL agreement. Councilor Sipes
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
a. Approval of the August 24, 2004 Regular Council Meeting Minutes
b. 2004 Street Repair and Improvements - Change Order #2 - Increase to contract due to final field
quantities associated with construction
c. Resolution No. 04-36, Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 87, Block 1, Wildridge,
Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (2431 Old Trail Road)
Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 3
September 14, 2004
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 6 PM.
Michael Brown
Debbie Buckley
Peter Buckley
Mac McDevitt
Buz Reynolds
Brian Sipes
Ron Wolfe
Regular Council Meeting
September 14, 2004
Pa "M enny n Clerk
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