A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at 400 Benchmark Road, Avon,
Colorado in the Council Chambers.
Mayor Buz Reynolds called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with
Councilors Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Brian Sipes, and Ron Wolfe present. Mayor Pro
Tern Mac McDevitt and Councilor Brown were absent. Also present were Town Manager Larry
Brooks, Town Attorney John Dunn, Assistant Town Manager Jacquie Halbumt, Town Clerk
Patty McKenny, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Finance Director
Scott Wright, Police Chief Jeff Layman, as well as members of the press and public.
Citizen Input
Police Chief Jeff Layman introduced a new police officer, Matthew Westenfelder. The Town
Council welcomed him and thanked Jeff for taking the time to introduce new staff.
Finance Director Scott Wright presented Resolutions No. 03-46 through No. 03-51 as budget
related legislation. He noted some revisions changed in the mill levy resolutions (Nos. 50 & 51)
due to the confirmed certification of the mill levies from the Assessor's office. He noted the
resolutions that adopted the 2004 operating & CIP Budgets (Nos. 48 & 49).,. He-stated the mill
levies for the Town's operating budget & Avon Metro District. Some discussion. ensued about
the related taxes due per mill levy. Council thanked staff for their excellent work in producing
the 2004 budget.
Councilor Sipes moved to approve the resolutions as follows:
a. Resolution No. 03-46, Series of 2003, A Resolution to Amend the 2003 Town of Avon
b. Resolution No. 03-47, Series of 2003, A Resolution to Amend the 2003 Town of Avon
Capital Projects Fund Budget
c. Resolution No. 03-48, Series of 2003, A Resolution to Adopt the 2004 Town,of Avon
d. Resolution No. 03-49, Series of 2003, A Resolution to Accept the Proposed Town of
Avon Long Range Capital Program and Simultaneously Adopt the Year 2004 Capital
Projects Fund Budget
e. Resolution No. 03-50, Series of 2003, A Resolution Levying General Property Taxes for
the Year 2003, to Help Defray the Costs of Government for the Town of Avon, Colorado,
for the 2004 Budget Year
f. Resolution No. 03-51, Series of 2003, A Resolution Levying General Property Taxes for
the Year 2003, to Help Defray the Costs of Government for the Avon Metropolitan
District, Avon, Colorado, for the 2004 Budget Year
Councilor D. Buckley seconded the motion and with a roll call vote, the motion passed
unanimously by those members present (McDevitt & Brown absent).
New Business
Town Attorney John Dunn presented the agenda item related to the Tract J Bridge Demolition
noting that the Council must set a date and conduct a public hearing on the report of the
Director of Public Works (under whose authority the work was done pursuant -to the Uniform
Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings). The location of the bridge is between US
Hwy 6 & Sunridge Condominiums; the Owner of the land is Grand Eagle Investment
Councilor D. Buckley moved to set the hearing for the assessment on December 9, 2003.
Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present
(McDevitt absent).
4- B&uM-
Consent Agenda >3 uc l2.
Mayor Reynolds asked for a motion. Councilor BFewn d to approve the consent agenda.
Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present
(McDevitt absent). Qkmo& ""Ict .
a. Approval of the November 11, 2003 Regular Council Meeting Minutes
b. Audit Engagement Letter with Clifton Gunderson
c. Service Agreement between Town of Avon & Beaver Creek Metropolitan District
d. Service Agreement between Town of Avon & Smith Creek Metropolitan District
e. Resolution No. 03-52, Series of 2003, A Resolution Approving The Condominium Map, Mountain
Vista Commercial Condominium, A Resubdivision Of Lot 4, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision,
Town Of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, 0140 West Beaver Creek Blvd.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 6 PM.
Michael Brown
Debbie Buckley
Peter Buckley
Mac McDevitt
Buz Reynolds
Brian Sipes
Ron Wolfe
Regular Council Meeting
Noverntier 25, 2003
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