TC Minutes 11-26-2002MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING.OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 26, 2002 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Reynolds called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley, Brian Sipes, Ron Wolfe and Mayor Pro Tern Mac McDevitt present. Councilor Pete Buckley was absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Clerk Patty McKenny, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transit Director Harry Taylor, and Community Development Planner Tambi Katieb, as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input Eagle County Commissioner Tom Stone and County Engineer Helen Migchelbrink addressed the Council with regard to the proposed sharing of costs for a pedestrian trail system on Highway 6 among Traer Creek Metro District, Eagle-Vail Metro District and Eagle County. The Council was presented with executed Letters of Understanding by all parties involved in this proposal. The Council was asked to consider an amendment to the Annexation Agreement between the Town and Traer Creek that states that neither Traer Creek nor any other party to the Annexaiton Agreement shall be obligated to provide funding for the future roundabouts and to request the receipt of the consent of BNP Paribas to this amendment of the Annexation Agreement. Helen Migchelbrink proceeded to show the proposed pedestrian trail system using a map which identifies different segments of the trail system. Certain segments of the system will benefit the residents and taxpayers of each entity participating. It is hoped that design will take place this winter and construction will begin next summer. Shane Bohart with Traer Creek Metro District and Walter Allen, EVMD, were also present to show support for the trail system. The estimated breakdown of the associated costs by party for construction of Segments I through 3 are as follows: Eagle County $125K Traer Creek $200K Eagle Vail $$175 These appropriations are all subject to approval by the respective Board of Directors. Again, the parties acknowledge that all parties' participation in segments 1-3 is conditioned upon the receipt of the Town of Avon's agreement that neither Traer Creek nor any other party to the Annexation Agreement shall be obligated to provide funding for the future roundabouts. Upon execution of the Letter of Understanding, the parties agree to work with the Town to amend or modify the Annexation Agreement to satisfy the aforementioned condition. Acting Town Manager Larry Brooks commented on the proposal noting that a great deal of collaboration by many parties went into this proposal. He noted that the feasibility study and the desire of the community for this system are two main reasons to support it. Council directed staff to work with the Town's attorney and Traer Creek's attorney to amend the agreement through an Ordinance that would be presented at a later meeting. At this point in time, Shane Bohart invited the Council to tour the Village at Avon project on Tuesday, December 10, 2002. Ordinances Planner Tambi Katieb presented on first reading Ordinance No. 02-22, Series of 2002, an Ordinance adopting the Town's Updated Zoning Map. The Map has been updated to reflect all ordinances, resolutions, rezoning and annexations that changed the zoning of property in the Town since 2001 as well as any technical corrections that were identified since the last update. The P&Z Commission approved the map on November 19th. Councilor Sipes moved to approve Ordinance No. 02-22, Series of 2002. Councilor Wolfe seconded the motion. Mayor Reynolds asked for any discussion. The motion passed unanimously by those members present (P. Buckley absent). Resolutions Mayor Reynolds read Resolution No. 02-54, Series of 2002, a Resolution in appreciation of Town Manager Bill Efting. Councilor D. Buckley moved to approve Resolution 02-54. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed with a roll call vote of those members present (P. Buckley absent). Bill Efting thanked the Council for some of his best years as public servant and Town Manager of Avon. Unfinished Business Attorney John Dunn presented The Village (at Avon) Water Agreement noting that Traer Creek Metro District, Eagle-Vail Metro District and Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority have executed the Water Lease and Water Sublease agreements. He explained the final changes made to the documents and addressed the letters that were included in the Council packet. The letter. from Traer Creek Metro District clarified water service to additional property and the letter from Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority clarified the transfer of additional storage. He noted that the appropriate attorneys and staff have reviewed all the documents and that everything seems to conform to previous agreements and provides the necessary protection to the town in its commitment to provide water service to Traer Creek Metro District. Councilor D. Buckley moved to direct the Mayor to sign the Water Lease and Water Sublease Agreements. Councilor Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (P. Buckley absent) New Business Town Engineer Norm Wood presented a memo outlining the water system improvements required to serve The Village (at Avon), Buffalo Ridge Housing Project. The improvements include the elimination of the existing pressure reducing valve (PRV) located on the transmission main near Burger King and the installation of a new PRV on a currently closed transmission main located between the Avon Municipal Building and the Fire Station. The proposed easement includes the area required to connect with the existing water main, installation of drain line from the fault to an existing storm drain and installation of electric service from an existing transformer to the vault. Staff recommended approval of the Grant of Easement to allow construction to proceed with the installation of the PRV in order to have water service available to the Buffalo Ridge Housing Project when it is ready to start coming on-line in the spring of 2003. Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 November 26, 2002 Councilor Brown moved to approve the easement to Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (P. Buckley absent). Town Engineer Norm Wood presented correspondence from the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) regarding designation and approval of floodplain areas. The current Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map for the Town of Avon is dated August 19, 1987. Several areas have been annexed since that time and are not shown on the Map. He also noted that the map shows all areas within the Town boundaries at that time as being in Zone D which is defined as "Areas of undetermined, but possible flood hazards". He noted that this definition has not been a problem to date, but does seem to have some potential to be with federally controlled lending institutions. Norm asked for Council approval of a letter drafted to the Colorado Water Conservation Board that requests their review of the Town's floodplain information and possibly change the designation of the areas. This would then lead to an updated FEMA Map that would include the current town boundaries and a more definitive definition of flood hazard areas. Councilor D. Buckley moved to authorize the Town Engineer to submit the letter to the CWCB requesting the designation and approval of flood hazard areas within the 'Town of Avon. Councilor Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present. (P. Buckley absent). Town Manager Report Acting Manager Larry Brooks addressed the publicity the Town has gotten regarding the revised snowplow schedule. He clarified the fact that plow trucks will be doing routes as soon as accumulation of snow exists. Mayor Report Mayor Reynolds informed the audience and public that the Council has decided to hire Larry Brooks as the full-time permanent Town Manager for Avon. He noted that Larry has been with the Town for almost 20 years serving in many capacities for the Town. Larry thanked the Council and expressed his appreciation for their support. Mayor Reynolds explained that he would be donating the difference of his salary from Councilor to Mayor to a scholarship fund he has setup with Battle Mountain High School. He would like to give back to the community and school with this fund. His daughter graduated from Battle Mountain and his son will graduate this year. Town Engineer Norm Wood presented information on the Buck Creek Drainage Improvement project from I-70 to Eagle River. He noted the project would redesign the existing drainage channel from I-70 to the Eagle River in order to handle more runoff from snowmelt and large storms. The project is a preventative measure to avoid excess runoff. He identified the public meeting schedule as well. Regular Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 November 26, 2002 Consent Agenda Mayor Reynolds asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. Councilor Wolfe moved to approve the Consent Agenda with one change to the minutes; the time would reflect that the meeting began at 5:30 PM on November 18th and not 8:30 AM. Councilor D. Buckley seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, a motion was made to adjourn. The meeting adjourned. APPROVED: Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Brian Sipes Ron Wolfe Regular Council Meeting Page 4 of 4 November 26, 2002 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: