TC Minutes 06-25-2002i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD JUNE 25, 2002 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Pro Tern Buz Reynolds called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Mac McDevitt, and Brian Sipes present. Absent was Judy Yoder. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Clerk Patty McKenny, Human Resource Director Jacquie Halburnt, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transit Director Harry Taylor, Planner Tambi Katieb, as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input Julie Kessenich, Avon's Recreation Coordinator, presented an update to the Salute to the U.S.A. Celebration on July 4t`. It was already announced to the public that the fireworks display had been cancelled, however, she highlighted the schedule for the day with the names of the bands and some of the activities and vendors who would attend. Ordinances Community Development Director Ruth Borne presented Ordinance No. 02-15 for first reading. She noted that the applicant Mike Bowen, owner of Lot .6 of the McCrady Acres Subdivision, sought to assign Neighborhood Commercial zoning to this property. It has already been reviewed and justified that the NC zoning on Lot 6 is appropriate and fits the new character of the subdivision of the area of Town. She also highlighted the fact that commercial traffic would not be generated through this area because with the annexation of Lots 1, 2, 3, a cul de sac would be required in the EagleBend Drive area. Councilor D. Buckley moved to approve Ordinance No. 02-15, Series 2002 on first reading, an Ordinance approving Neighborhood Commercial Zoning for Lot 6 of McGrady Acres Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present. (Yoder absent). It was noted that the public hearing would be held on July 9, 2002 on second reading and the public was invited to attend or inquire about the rezoning with the Community Development Department. New Business Councilor Debbie Buckley raised the need for Council action to appoint another person to the Planning & Zoning Commission due to the recent appointment of Brian Sipes to the Town Council. Councilor D. Buckley moved to appoint Patrick Him to serve on the P&Z Commission. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion and it passed with a majority yea vote (Yoder absent). Manager Bill Efting would contact Mr. Him about his appointment. Town Manager Report Councilor P., Buckley asked about the status of Avon's Community picnic scheduled for July 16th. Manager Bill Efting informed the Council that there were discussions currently taking place with the Fire Department about whether or not to cancel the event in light of the demands on the fire department. Another date in August was being considered, but nothing was definite. It was decided that the July 16th date would not work for the picnic. Consent Agenda a. Approval of the June 11, 2002 Council Meeting Minutes b. Approval of 2001 Audited Financial Statements c. Award Contract - Avon Street Improvement, 2002 d. Resolution No. 02-33, Series 2002 -Final Plat Lot 21, Block 1, Wildridge e. Nottingham Road Bike Path - Change Order #4 Mayor Pro Tem Reynolds asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. Councilor D. Buckely moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously. (Yoder absent). There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 6 PM. APPROVED: Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Brian Sipes Judy Yoder Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 2 June 25, 2002 RF.GPF.(_)TFTTT.T.v CTTu1V4-FTTrn-