A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building,
400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
Mayor Judy Yoder called the meting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with
Councilors Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley; Mac McDevitt, and Mayor
Protem Buz Reynolds present. Councilor Rick Curry was absent.-. Also present were
Town Manager Bill Efting, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Attorney John
Dunn, Town Clerk Kristen Nash, Human Resource Director Jacquie Halburimt, Town
Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transit Director Harry Taylor,
Planner Tambi Katieb, Planning Technician Eric Johnson, Building Official George
Hoyt, Detective Mike Leake as well as members of the press and public.
Citizen Input:
Mr. Tripp Plavic, Tony Sharpf, and the Dantas Brothers approached the Council. Mr.
Plavic stated that they are residents and builders in Avon and they are requesting that the
Council amend the Design Review Guidelines requiring compliance deposits for
construction. After discussion amongst the Council, Mayor Yoder stated that the
Council would review the issue at the March 26, 2002 work session.
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 02-03, Series of 2002, An Ordinance Authorizing and
Directing the Issuance of up to $15,305,000 of the Town's Multifamily Housing Revenue
Bonds (GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Program - Buffalo Ridge II Apartments
Project), Series of 2002, the Execution and Delivery of a Financing Agreement, a Trust
Indenture, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and Related Documents; Authorizing and
Directing the Execution and Delivery of Such Bonds; Making Certain Determinations
with 'Respect Thereto; Providing for the Principal Amount, Numbers, Provisions for
Redemption and Tender and Maturity of, and Rates of Interest on, the Bonds; Requesting
the Trustee to Authenticate the Bonds; Authorizing Investments; Authorizing Incidental
Action; and Repealing Inconsistent Actions
Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing.
Assistant Town Manager Brooks stated that this.ordinance authorizes funding for 176
units of the Buffalo Ridge II housing project. The balance of the units will be funded- at a
later date through a separate funding mechanism. This is all part of the obligation of the
Village at Avon. The developer is required to supply 100 affordable units. They are
developing 244 units, which 176 of the units will be funded through this bond.,
• •
Mr. Brooks stated that these bonds- do not result in debt, indebtedness or financial
obligation to the Town of Avon. That is stated in the documents as well as the ordinance.
If they default, the Town has the option to pick it up, but is not obligated to do so.
Mr. Brooks added that the Avon Town Council is a leader in the valley in affordability.
The Town currently has 414 affordably based units. In addition, 622 units are committed
for a total of 1,036 affordable units either completed or the Council is thinking about. He
stated that this does not include the land trade that the Council is working on at this time.
Mr. Brooks commended the Town Council.
Councilor Peter Buckley confirmed that these ate employee housing that is open to the
public, not restricted. Mr. Brooks stated that there is a tier of eligibility.
Mr. Jack Gardner, of Hogan and Hartson,'stated that they are open to the public. He
stated that both projects, the 176 units financed with these bonds as well as 68 units that
will be financed through a 63-20 non-project'corporation, which is forthcoming in about
a month, have been submitted to the Federal Housing and Urban Development
Department for approval. Upon approval, •these'borids would be backed by GNMA
securities. To get the approval, both projects must submit to affordability criteria. Mr.
Gardner stated that purchasers must be employed within the county and this must be their
principle residence.
Mayor Protem Reynolds asked when the units would become'available on the market.
Mr. Gardner stated the closing of the funding would be in mid April with occupancy
coming on line beginning in the fall.
There being no public comments, Mayor Yoder closed.the public hearing.
Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned approval of Ordinance No. 02-03, Series of 2002.
Councilor' Brown seconded the motion.
Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call.
The motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 02-09, Series of 2002, A Resolution Authorizing a Contract with the
Colorado Department of Transportation Relating to the Maintenance of Proposed
Roundabouts at Post Boulevard and I-70 Interchange in the Town of Avon
Town Engineer Wood stated that the Town has an agreement with the developer of the
Village at Avon that the Town will provide maintenance on all streets and roads,
including the roundabouts and the interchange at I-70. CDOT wants to take that another
Regular Council Meeting
February 26, 2002
step farther and have an agreement with theTown that the Town will provide
maintenance on the roundabouts as well. It is an overlapping agreement. Staff
recommends approval.
Mayor Protem Reynolds confirmed what was.included in the maintenance as it is a broad
term. Mr. Wood stated what'would be covered and added that the Village at Avon will
reimburse the Town for all, costs; -so there is no cost to the Town. He also confirmed that
it is the section under the Interstate as well as the roundabouts, but does not include the
Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned approval of Resolution No. 02-09, Series of 2002.
Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The"motion carried unanimously.
Town Manager Report:
Town Manager Efting stated that the log cabin would only be open on the weekends for
ice-skating, and should last a couple more weekends.
Mr. Efting stated that the Public Works department would be working on pothole repairs
as weather permits. People can call Mr. Efting to report any potholes.
Town Attorney Report:
Town Attorney Dunn stated that he would be working to remedy the default by AT&T
Broadband to provide high-speed cable internet service south of the railroad tracks and
from Burger King to the east, as stated in their franchise agreement with the Town.
Mr. Dunn also stated that he has provided a summary on the State Statute on Executive
Consent Agenda:
a.) Approval of the February 12, 2002 Council Meeting Minutes
b.) Resolution No. 02-08, Series, of 2002, A ResolutionA'pproving the Temporary
Easement of Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town
of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado
c.) Resolution No. 02-10, Series of 2002, A Resolution Revising Fee Schedule
"A" Pertaining to Fees for Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Grading and
Electrical Permits, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado
d.) Resolution No. 02-11, Series of 2002, A Resolution Affirming Avon Town
Council's Compliance with HB 0152-1006, Concerning the Mandatory
Adoption of Local Government Master Plans
Regular Council Meeting
February 26, 2002
e.) Resolution No. 02-12, Series of 2002, A Resolution Adopting a Restated and
Amended Plan Document for the Town of Avon Public Employees Money
Purchase Pension Plan-
f.) Resolution No. 02-13, Series, of 2002; A Resolution Adopting a Restated and
Amended Plan Document for the Town of Avon Police Employees Money
Purchase Pension Plan
g.) Resolution No. 02-14, Series'of 2002; A Resolution'Amending a Deferred
Compensation Plan . ! .
h.) Resolution No. 02-15, ,Series.of 2002, A Resolution Approving and
Authorizing Execution of a Pipeline Crossing Agreement with the Union
Pacific Railroad Company as Required for Completion of the Metcalf
Stormwater Drainage Project in the Town of Avon, Colorado
Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as amended
(Resolution No. 02-10, Series of 2002, was amended). Councilor Brown seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor McDevitt
motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion
carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM.
Nash, Town Clerk
Michael Brown
Debbie Buckley
Peter Buckley
Rick Cuny
Mac McDevitt
Buz Reynolds
Judy Yoder
Regular Council Meeting
February 26, 2002
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