TC Minutes 05-08-20010
HELD MAY 8, 2001
A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building,
400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:32 PM. A roll call was taken
with Councilors Mike Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley; Mac McDevittand Mayor
Protem Buz Reynolds present. Councilor Rick Cuny was absent. Also present were
Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry
Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Human Resources Director Jacquie Halburnt, Police
Chief Jeff Layman, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs,
Public Works Director Bob Reed, Asst. Director of Community Development Ruth
Borne, Engineer Anne Martens as well as members of the public.
Citizen Input:
Mayor Yoder presented a Certificate of Recognition to Mike Matzko for his dedicated
service to the Community Development Department:
Citizen Input:
Employee Bonus Awards
Mayor Yoder presented awards to employees chosen for going above and beyond their
normal job duties. Awards were presented to:
Police Officer Jason McKown for being instrumental in rescuing a seven-year-old girl
who was abducted in Lakewood, Colorado.
Sergeant Chris Peck for upholding the objectives of the Town of Avon while conducting
an investigation.
Brian Houlihan, building inspector, for picking up the workload of fellow employees who
have been out sick for many weeks.
Ben Sokolski, public works department, who voluntarily stayed after his shift to replant
some trees that had been damaged due to a car accident: Ben constantly demonstrates
hard work and dedication.
Armando Morales, transportation department, who has a perfect attendance record since
1998, he always demonstrates a positive attitude and covers shifts without question.
Citizen Input:
L _I
Mr. Michael Cacioppo, editor of Speakout newspaper, commented on the Council
Communications agenda item that occurred at the worksession earlier in the day. Mr.
Cacioppo felt while the Council should not always be of unanimous consensus he
encouraged the Council to work together. Mr. Cacioppo stated regarding Mr. Buckley's
petition to bury the Wildridge power lines, let each side express their views, vote it up or
down, and move on.
Mayor Protem Reynolds stated that the Council did look at the feasibility of relocating or
burying the Wildridge power lines. He stated that this Council came to a conclusion with
a vote and said they do not want to put it on the ballot because it is not feasible.
Councilor Brown stated that they did look at the issue in detail and also heard from a lot
of Wildridge residents that said they did not want it to go to the ballot. He stated that if
they are wrong about what Wildridge residents feel, Councilor Peter Buckley should
continue to pursue his petition.
Councilor Peter Buckley stated that the cost to keep the study moving was $25,000,
which puts the taxpayer at risk. He stated that the $25,000 could be rolled into the bond
to have, the power lines relocated. He stated that there was also a proposal to remove
$50,000 of landscaping and irrigation on a bike trail, which Mr. Buckley felt was
unnecessary.. He stated that he was all for the bike trail, but not the $50,000 in
landscaping and irrigation.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 01-04; Series of 2001,'An Ordinance Concerning
Wildlife Protection
Mayor Protem Reynolds motioned to table the'Ordinance-to'address the issue of plastic
trashcans and trash bags. Councilor McDevitt- seconded the motion.' The motion carried
New Business:
Village at Avon Preliminary Plan - Public Meeting
Town Engineer Norm Wood stated that Traer Creek, LLC has submitted an application
for subdivision preliminary plan approval. Those plans, after introduction to the Council;
were forwarded to the Planning Zoning Commission, Colorado Department of
Transportation, Eagle County Engineers, Eagle River Fire Protection District, and Eagle
River Water and Sanitation District for their comment. Comments were due May 7, and'
Regular Council Meeting
May 8, 2001
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were received by the Eagle County Engineers office and the Fire District. Planning &
Zoning Commission has approved a resolution recommending approval of the
preliminary plan. Mr. Wood stated that the purpose of tonight's meeting is to get public
input on the proposed presentation. All comments will then be taken into consideration
and Staff will draft a recommendation incorporating conditions for approval or action at
the next Council meeting.
Mayor Yoder stated that this is a public hearing.
Mr. Bill Post with Traer Creek LLC gave a presentation to the Council. He stated that
this is the first phase of the project starting at the east end of the Stolport property, the
regional retail area. This will allow for all of the access infrastructure to be installed, the
new interchange on I-70 as well as the bridge on Highway 6. He stated that there are two
variance requests. One is an over-lot grading permit prior to final subdivision approval.
The second variance is for the public works facility, which will go into one four acre site
instead of two or three sites. The road will then become a cul-de-sac. A variance is
needed to access that site.
Ms. Margaret Langstaff, resident of the cluster homes on Eaglebend Drive, questioned if
they planned to build' an access road over the railroad that will goright past the cluster
homes, how will it impact them, and could it be built some place else?
Mr. Post stated that access road will only be used as a back up depending upon when they
get the on and off ramps built on I-70. He added that it would only be temporary. The
only vehicles that would be using that access would be the vehicles that are too large to
go on the town of Avon roads.
Mr. Brian Johnson, resident of the cluster homes on Eaglebend Drive, stated that there is
a daycare center on that street and there are children everywhere. He stated that he is also
concerned about dust.
Mr. Post stated that the dust would not be a problem. The way the road is built, there will
not be anymore dust than on a paved street. He stated that if it did become a problem
with the children during daycare hours, they could put out a guard so that the children
would not run out in the street.
Ms. Christie Farrero, resident of 3860 Eaglebend.Drive, stated that she is concerned
about the dust if they are going to grade in the fall and then let it sit until summer, there
will be dust flying around for six months. r
Councilor Peter Buckley questioned if the interchange could be built first, then the
construction traffic could enter the property that way. Mr. Post.stated that was not
Ms. Farrero questioned why the construction traffic could not run through Avon and enter
behind City Market. Asst. Town Manager Brooks stated that the. Council passed an
Regular Council Meeting
May 8, 2001
ordinance in 1998, that does not allow for the large trucks to run through East Avon. He
stated that the town could amend the ordinance.
Mr. Post stated that no traffic would run down Eaglebend Road, it would only cross it.
Ms. Chris Ekrem, resident of Eaglebend Drive, stated that she is also concerned about
these issues. She, wants to know what is envisioned for the project, especially along the
south property line. Nothing is spelled out in the maps as they are now.
There being no further comments, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing.
Councilor McDevitt asked Mr. Post to explain the timing issues as far as infrastructure
and the interchange.
Mr. Post stated that the last two pieces for the interchange approval should be completed
by this summer. By 2003, it is hoped that the interchange will be open.
Mayor Yoder stated,that the comments would be addressed and taken into consideration
at the next meeting.
Other Business:
Mayor Protein Reynolds motioned that the Avon Council declare that the use of the
Town of Avon trademarked. logo on an individual member's web page or stationary is
prohibited. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried with Councilor's
Debbie Buckley and Peter Buckley voting' nay.
Other Business:
Mayor Protein Reynolds asked Town Attorney Levin's opinion whether it is, a conflict of
interest for the Buckley's to push the issue of the removal of the power lines. Mr. Levin
will prepare a response for the next meeting.
Councilor Peter Buckley asked Mr. Levin to also research if there is a conflict of interest
when the Reynolds Corporation gets contracts from the Town of Avon.
Other Business:
Councilor Peter Buckley stated that he felt the logo issue is silly and a waste of time. Mr.
Buckley then stated that in response to the gondola survey, he is the only Councilmember
thus far to complete and turn in the survey. He encouraged the rest of the
Councilmembers to complete and turn in the survey.
Regular Council Meeting
May 8, 2001
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Consent Agenda:
a.) Approval of the April 24, 2001 Council Meeting Minutes
b.) Eagle River Bike Path Change Order
C.) Appointment of Planning & Zoning Commission Members
Councilor Brown motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor McDevitt
seconded the motion. The motion carried with Councilor Peter Buckley abstaining from
the vote.
There being-no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Brown motioned
to adjourn the meeting. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried
unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 6:33 PM.
sten Nash, Town Clerk
Michael Brown
Debbie Buckley
Peter Buckley
Rick Cuny
Mac McDevitt
Buz Reynolds
Judy Yoder
Regular Council Meeting 5
May 8, 2001