A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building,
400 Benchmark Road; Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken
with Councilors Mike Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Mac McDevitt and Mayor
Protem Buz Reynolds present. Councilor Rick Cuny was absent. Also present were
Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry
Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Finance Director Scott , Wright, Police Chief Jeff
Layman, Town Engineer Norm Wood; Public Works Direcfon Bob Reed, Transportation
Director Harry Taylor, Community Development Director Mike Matzko, Police Sergeant
Chris Peck as well as members of the public.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 01-01, Series of 2001, An Ordinance of the Town of
Avon, Eagle County, Colorado Granting a Franchise to Holy Cross Energy, Its
Successors and Assigns, to Locate, Build, Install, Construct, Acquire, Purchase, Extend,
Maintain, Repair and Operate Into, Within and Through the Town of Avon, All
Necessary and Convenient Facilities for the Purchase, Generation, Transmission and
Distribution of Electrical Energy, and to Furnish, Sell and Distribute Said Electrical
Energy to the Residents of the Town for Light, Heat, Power and Other Purposes by
Means of Conduits, Cables, Poles and Wires Strung Thereon, or Otherwise On, Over,
Under, Along, Across and Through All Streets and Other Public Ways in Said Town of
Avon, Colorado, and Fixing the Terms and Conditions Thereof
Town Attorney Levin stated this ordinance is for the renewal of the Holy Cross
Franchise. It is a 20 year franchise, which provides for the Town to collect a franchise
fee of 3% of Holy Cross's revenues collected from the sale of electricity within the town
of Avon. It also includes a community enhancement fund provision by which Holy Cross
is going to make an additional contribution to the Town for community enhancement
Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned approval of Ordinance No. 01-01, Series of 2001.
Councilor Brown seconded the motion.
Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call.
The motioned passed with Mayor Protem Reynolds voting nay.
- i i
Consent Agenda:
a.) Approval of the January 9, 2001 Council Meeting Minutes
b.) Financial Matters
c.) Fire District Maintenance Agreement
d.) Holy Cross Energy - Tract G Easement
e.) Lot C - Tract G Easement
f.) . Resolution No. 01-05, Series of 2001, A Resolution Approving an Order
of the Town Manager
Mayor Protem Reynolds motioned approval of the Consent Agenda with the addition of
Resolution No. 01-04, Series of 2001, A'Resolution'Authorizing the Filing of A Lawsuit
Against Barbara Andrews Events, Inc. Councilor Debbie Buckley seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Council,' Councilor Brown motioned
to adjourn the meeting. Councilor 1VMDevittseconded the motion.- The motion carried
unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:34 PM.
Michael Brown
Debbie Buckley
Peter Buckley
Rick Curly
Mac McDevitt
Buz Reynolds
Judy Yoder
Nash, Town Clerk
Regular Council Meeting Minutes 2
January 23, 2001