TC Minutes 01-11-2000i i
A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building,
400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:26 PM. A roll call was taken
with Councilors Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds and Mayor
Protem Bob McIlveen present. Councilor Jim Benson was absent. Also present were
Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry
Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Director of Community Development Mike Matzko,
Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Fire Chief
Charlie Moore, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Executive Assistant Jacquie Halburnt as
well as members of the press and public.
Mayor Yoder stated that Resolution No. 00-02 and Resolution No. 00-05 would be
removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Resolutions.
Resolution No. 00-02, Series of 2000, A Resolution Authorizing a Letter of Engagement
of Bond Counsel and Negotiations Relating to the Prospective Purchase of 11 Units in the
Sherwood Meadows Townhomes
Assistant Town Manager Brooks stated this resolution authorizes to proceed with the
purchase of 11 of the 20 units in the Sherwood Meadows complex. The 11 units are
currently held by one owner and this resolution will authorize the staff to proceed with
the necessary work with bond counsel. It will take approximately 14 weeks to complete
the process if it does come about.
Mr. Brooks reviewed actions by the Council relating to affordable employee housing.
The Town currently has 393 units, including deed restricted units. There are 598 units in
the future, 500 of which will come from the Village at Avon. The Council is to be
congratulated on their efforts.
Councilor Buckley motioned approval of Resolution No. 00-02, Series of 2000.
Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried with Councilor Reynolds
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Resolution No. 00-05, Series of 2000, A Resolution of Consent for the Eagle River Fire
Protection District
Town Manager Efting stated this resolution is the first step toward a regional fire district.
This resolution will put the question on the May election ballot. The mills are not to
exceed 3.8. The district will be broken into five wards, Avon is in two of the five wards.
This matter does have to pass the May election.
Councilor McDevitt asked what it would take to leave the district. Town Attorney Levin
stated there is a section in the State code that allows an area to remove itself from the
special district. A petition has to be filed in court for removal. Voters in the special
district would have to be given notice of that case and be given an opportunity to be
heard. The Town would have to satisfy to the court that the Town could provide the
services at the same level as the special district had been providing. Also, there would be
the matter of moving the property. Current property owned by the Town would be sold
to the district, upon removal from the district the property would have to be put back in
the condition they are in now. That would take negotiations between the special district
and the Town. The State code spells out the process. Also, the majority of the property
owners could petition the court for removal. It could also be removed by a ballot
Councilor McDevitt asked how the transfer of assets works. Mr. Levin stated that it is his
understanding that our current assets will be ours until we enter into an agreement with
the district. Councilor McDevitt asked if the Town could lease the assets and never
transfer them. Mr. Levin felt that yes we could do that. Town Manager Efting stated the
intent since the beginning is that the stations and the land will stay with those that own
them. As far as the vehicles, everyone will be paying for them.
Councilor McDevitt stated he wanted to be sure that we have the ability to get out if the
Wildridge staffing does not happen.
Councilor Reynolds questioned how much time it would take to go through the courts.
Mr. Levin said he would expect 6-8 months.
Mayor Protem McIlveen motioned approval of Resolution No. 00-05, Series of 2000.
Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda:
a.) Approval of the December 14, 1999 Council Meeting Minutes
b.) Resolution No. 00-01, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final
Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon,
Eagle County, Colorado
c.) Resolution No. 00-02, Series of 2000, A Resolution Authorizing a Letter
of Engagement of Bond Counsel and Negotiations Relating to the
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Prospective Purchase of 1 I Units in the Sherwood Meadows Townhomes
d.) Resolution No. 00-05, Series of 2000, A Resolution of Consent for the
Eagle River Fire Protection District
e.) Swift Gulch - Conveyance of Water and Sewer Facilities
f.) Swift Gulch Public Works Maintenance Facility - Change Order #3
g.) Fire Station Remodel - Additional Services Request
h.) Contract for Flash Cadillac for the 2000 Salute to the USA
L) Squaw Creek Metro Fire Agreement Amendment
j.) Valuation Consultants Proposal for Appraisal Services for West Beaver
Creek Blvd.
k.) Valuation Consultants Proposal for Appraisal Services for Sherwood
1.) Waste Engineering Proposal for Environmental Study Phase I, Sherwood
m.) Contract with Dick Phelps Golf Course Architect
n.) Financial Matters
Mayor Protem McIlveen motioned to approve the Consent Agenda minus item c and d.
Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The here being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Reynolds
motioned to adjourn. Mayor Protem McIlveen econded the motion. The motion carried
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:41 p m.
Jim Benson
Debbie Buckley
Rick Cuny
Mac McDevitt
Bob McIlveen
Buz Reynolds
Judy Yoder