TC Minutes 06-25-1996MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEET.:NG OF THE'TOWN COUNCIL HELD JUNE 25, 1996 - 5:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Albert J. Reynolds at 5:36PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Richard Carnes, Jack Fawcett, Tom Hines, Celeste C. Nottingham, and Judy Yoder present. Also present were Town Manager Bill James, Town Clerk Patty Lambert, Town Attorney John Dunn, Police Chief Gary Thomas, Director of Community Services Larry. Brooks, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Administrative Assistant Jacquie Halburnt, and Community Development Director Mike Matzko, as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input: Trail head parking on Metcalf Road ® Switchback (Jeff Fowler) Mr. Fowler, resident to be in Wildridge (building currently), asked Council to reconsider parking on the Coyote Ridge cul de sac for the June Creek trail head. Mr. Fowler asked Council questions regarding the trail head, access, and forest service easements. Councilor Fawcett noted the issue is access into the forest service. The forest service put the easements in many years ago. Mr. Jack Hunn, owner of Lot 20 on Coyote Ridge, reviewed the process. Mr. Hunn suggested the snow storage parking area near Coyote Ridge with the idea Council and Staff would study further. Mr. Hunn read in the paper that a decision had been made without further public input. Mr. Hunn understood the decision was to promote the trail head at the end of Coyote Ridge and to allow parking to occur off the road near the intersection of Ferret Lane and East Wildridge Road, the snow storage area. Mr. Hunn considered this trail to be a marginal amenity - this trail doesn't go very far down the hill, then you turn around and come right back. Mr. Hunn noted there are three elements to this access. There is an easement that is provided across private property to facilitate access to an open space tract that the town owns. From there, the path would continue across the town owned open space tract to government land. Mr. Hunn questioned the easement language across private property parcels, specifically the Coyote Ridge access and Lots 22 and 23, Block 4. Each property has a platted easement on the subdivision plat which is recorded at the county. But, this is not a government easement. It is an easement that has specific language associated with it. Mr. Hunn questioned the easement - is it vehicular, is it pedestrian, is it drainage, it is all three? Without these questions answered, Mr. Hunn thought a decision is irresponsible. Mr. Hunn-stated there are entities that are affected by Council's decision that are out of the town's jurisdiction - one is the forest service and the other is the DOW. Mr. Hunn thought the Council needed input from the forest service and the DOW. Councilor Carnes asked about the letter from the forest service regarding Coyote Ridge. Town Manager Bill James informed the forest service asked the town to turn over the easement to them so that they could maintain the trail through that area. Discussion focused on the decision that had been made regarding the parking for Coyote Ridge. Town Manager James stated there was direction given to staff, at the work session, to go ahead and improve that area - do some grading and put down some gravel - for a parking area. Town Manager James stated the direction given was to allow parking to occur there for the trail head and to sign it so people knew how to get down to the trail. Mr. Hunn stated he made a suggestion, as one individual who has an opinion up there. Councilor Nottingham interjected Mr. Hunn stated he was representing his neighbors. Mr. Hunn stated he and Mr. Dave Gilman attended to represent their collective concerns. The suggestion was thought to be discussed further before any final decisions. Councilor Fawcett reiterated Mr. Hunn recommended, and Councilor Fawcett thought Mr. Hunn represented a few others besides himself. Council directed staff to look into that snow storage area. Staff came back to Council at another meeting and informed that works - not in the winter, but during a certain season of the year - April through October or something of that sort. Councilor.Hines concurred - Council directed staff to move forward. Mr. Hunn questioned the intent of the easements on Lot 22 and 23. Councilor Nottingham informed those easements go as far back as the 50's. It was an easement through the Nottingham ranch onto the forest service. The forest service had a right to go through the ranch. That easement was a lot bigger then, prior to Coyote Ridge. Director of Community Development Mike Matzko stated the Wildridge Subdivision Plat says access easement for Coyote Ridge and June Creek trail cul de sacs. On the plat, it is noted the easements are dedicated'to the town. The county's policy is these easements, crossing the specific lots, are owned by the town. The easements are a 20' wide easement on each side of the lot line between lot 22 and 23 - 40' wide total. Ruth, owner of Lot 22, stated the easement is for foot traffic, not for motor vehicle traffic. Matzko could not confirm this as he has not seen the agreement. Mr.,Jim Wiley, one of the owners of vacate Lot 23, noted the difficult configuration of his site. With the 20' easement on one side and the 10' easement on the other side, that allows approximately 15' or less to enter the lot. Councilor Nottingham thought Mr. Wiley could cross the town's easement to enter his lot. Mr. Wiley stated they could access, across the easement and questioned what drive way the hiker will go down to get to the trail. Mr. Wiley asked Council to look at the configuration of the cul de sac and then see if this is the most practical location for the trail head. Councilor Fawcett stated this is a public easement, for public use, which presumably Mr. Wiley knew when he purchased the property. Councilor Nottingham stated Council's goal was to focus on forest service access and to preserve public access. Council thought to make forest service access a little more user friendly, which led to a parking issue. Ruth, owner of Lot 22, stated she would not like the forest service to have access across her property. Ruth noted the trail gets very little use. Ruth did not like the word trail head to promote something that goes 1/3 mile straight down to a stream, dead ends, and you see a Mountain Star no trespassing sign. It leads not to any forest service land, anywhere. The trail ends at the stream - you have a choice to trespass on Mountain Star land or to try and stay on the green space, which is very steep, sage brush - about 300 yards to the forest service land. 2 Ruth voiced concern about the wildlife in the area. Councilor Benson hiked the trail recently and noted it .is wide enough for a vehicle. Ruth added she personally keeps the trail clear with a chain saw_ Councilor Nottingham added historically they drove back there on the old ranch road. Ruth informed she has contacted an attorney to see what the property owners' rights are as part of this easement. Ruth added she does not mind the way it is right now. Hardly any one goes down there. What concerns her is the word trail head - she envisions a sign, with a little map, promoting the trail. Town Attorney John Dunn reiterated, in the plat for Wildridge, those access easements were dedicated as easements for the benefit of the public. They were accepted by the town for maintenance, just like the streets. The town has an obligation to maintain the streets, it has control of the streets for reasons of safety. Town Attorney Dunn thought the same thing is true of those easements. The town can, if it wants to, contract with the forest service for maintenance of those easements. The public, in general, have a right to use the easement. Ruth reiterated this access stops short of forest service land by at least 300 yards. Mr. Fowler presented council with a survey of hikers for trail head site (see attached Exhibit A) and a petition for a new trail head site (see attached Exhibit B). Mr. Fowler discussed Exhibit B, a proposal for an alternative location at the bend in Metcalf Road. Mr. Fowler preferred, if the forest service is willing, to let them have access elsewhere, if that is possible. Mr. Bruce Chapman, attorney in Vail and representing Hank and . Katherine Handelsman, owners of Lot 26 on Coyote Ridge, stated if you look at the plat the access easement just goes between Lots 22 and 23, then it goes into Tract K, which is Town of Avon property. Mr. Chapman hasn't seen anything that shows there is an easement across the town property to get to the forest service. Mr. Chapman thought that was one of the essential items needed. Councilor Nottingham stated Tract K is open space, which is public property. Mr. Chapman thought by turning the easement over to the forest service, the town would lose control. Mr. Chapman thought the town could regulate how it is used - hours it is used and purpose, such as snowmobiles. Mr. Chapman questioned who should maintain the easement and thought perhaps the town should tax the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Mr. Chapman thought trying to de-emphasize the trail head and supplement it with another access at the switch back may be a good idea because of the seasonal parking situation. Ruth stated you wouldn't want to use the trail in the winter as the elk herd from Mountain Star winters there. Councilor Nottingham felt a perception of a special interest group and it sounded as NIMBY (not in my back yard) syndrome. When everybody bought there property, they knew what was there. Councilor Nottingham respected the 40' across Lots 22 and 23 that belongs to the public, to use. People bought up private properties accessing forest service and no one could get in. So then, the PUDs came along protecting that right and here Council is being asked to keep quiet, don't let anybody know it's really there. The easements are there and the public has a right to it. Robert, resident of Lot 22, reiterated his mother's concerns regarding the elks' wintering ground. Ms. Suzanne Daphane, attorney representing Clarkson and Shirley Mosely, owners of Lot 24, understood the access is written in the PUD. Ms. Daphane asked Council to slow down, get all the information, and then proceed. 3 Mr. Jack Hunn thought the responsible thing is to look at what, the asset is that, we are trying to make available to the public. Mr. Hunn invited.the Council to take a hike and see what value this trail has for the public. Mr. Hunn added that when he made the snow storage parking suggestion, he wasn't aware of Mr. Fowler's proposal, which might be a better proposal. Councilor Benson thought Ruth has a gold mine, it's a"very nice area back in there. Councilor Benson expressed difficulty with finding the forest service trail and thought anybody trying to locate the trail will end up wondering around on private property. Ruth stated they do. Councilor Benson asked if she would rather have a sign pointing people the right way or just wondering around her lawn. Ruth stated she didn't have a problem, with anybody that is lost, showing them the route. Councilor Hines thought Council should look.into the Metcalf switchback as a viable alternative. Councilor Fawcett agreed with Councilor Hines. Council thanked all in attendance. Citizen Input: Hours of Construction (Dave Power) Mr. Dave Power, resident of Wildridge on Long Sun, requested Council limit hours of construction on week days. Mr. Power presented Council with a petition of at least a dozen names but, stopped when Councilor Fawcett told him he would bring up the subject for him. Mr. Power suggested starting construction at 8:00am during the week days. Councilor Fawcett informed the Planning & Zoning Commission (P & Z) asked for animal control, dust control, hours of construction, and trash storage. Councilor Fawcett questioned why the only thing in this evening's Ordinance is animal control. Hours of construction were discussed. There are regulations in place for week ends and holidays but no regulations for week days. Council recessed at 7:15 PM and reconvened at 7:21 PM. Ordinances: First Reading of Ordinance No. 96-12, Series of 1996, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING SECTION 6.04.020 AND SECTION 6.04.060 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE Director of Community Development Matzko reviewed Ordinance No. 96-12. This Ordinance addresses the control of dogs on construction sites. This Ordinance requires dogs on a construction site to be either on a lease or within a secure animal enclosure. Discussion focused on current regulations versus proposed regulations in this ordinance and enforcement of both. Councilor Fawcett asked why other P & Z requests were not included in this Ordinance. Town Manager James stated the Mayor gave him guidelines that are followed, in Beaver Creek, with controlling animals on site. Town Manager James gave that to Community Service Officer Steve Hodges. Staff has had a chance to look at this item longer than getting the P & Z's requested items of only two weeks ago. 4 Councilor Fawcett thought it would be a good idea to table this and look into all these issues raised by P & Z, at a work session, then come back with an Ordinance that Council agrees_ with. Mayor Reynolds, Councilor Carnes, and Councilor Yoder agreed. Councilor Benson and Councilor Hines thought it to be an enforcement issue. Councilor Fawcett motioned to table, on first reading, Ordinance No. 96-12, Series of 1996. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried with Councilor Benson and Councilor Hines opposed. Unfinished Business: Swift Gulch Facility / RNL's final contract approval Councilor Fawcett stated this is a 30 page contract and Chris Squadra, the owner's representative, is not present to discuss this. Town Manager James informed Mr. Squadra has negotiated the contract with RNL. The contract has been reviewed with ARC, the Town Attorney, and staff. Councilor Nottingham stated she is comfortable because of the previous experience with ARC. Councilor Nottingham added her expertise is not where she can critic this. That is why Council hired someone to do that and, with the Town Attorney, the staff, and ARC doing that, Councilor Nottingham felt confident to approve the contract. Mr. Dick Shiffer, with RNL, reviewed specific paragraphs of the contract. Councilor Nottingham motioned to authorize the Mayor to execute the attached agreement between the Town of Avon and RNL for architectural services for the public works facility and there are some typos that I do believe need to be changed as-far as the ACR and that type of thing. Councilor Benson seconded the motion and the motion carried with Councilor Fawcett opposed. Unfinished-Business Continued: Swift Gulch Facility / Maintenance Design contract approval Mayor Reynolds understood that Maintenance Design's fees were included in RNL's contract. Mr. Don Leidy stated Maintenance Design services are above and beyond and unique from what the services are being provided by RNL. Councilor Fawcett asked Mr. Leidy if Maintenance Design has a relationship with RNL. Mr. Leidy stated Maintenance Design is 50% owned by RNL. Councilor Fawcett asked if Mr. Squadra, when negotiating the contract with RNL, knew Maintenance Design was in addition. Mr. Leidy stated yes. Council concurred that Mr. Squadra should be present to answer any questions regarding the three contracts: Swift Gulch Facility / RNL's final contract approval Swift Gulch Facility / Maintenance Design contract approval Recreation center / Zehren final contract approval 5 Councilor Hines motioned to reconsider the previous passage of the contract for RNL for architectural services and move that we table all three contracts at this point and time. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion and the motion carried with Councilor Nottingham opposed. Unfinished Business Continued: Swift Gulch Facility / Maintenance Design Letter of Intent Mr. Leidy asked, for the time and effort spent to date, that Maintenance Design get a notice to proceed. Council's consensus was to issue a letter of intent to Maintenance Design Group. Other Business: Councilor Hines announced there is a meeting tomorrow to meet the candidates for the executive director of the Transportation Authority. Councilor Hines announced he attended a meeting yesterday regarding the feasibility of doing the demo train project. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the May 28, 1996 Council_ Meeting Minutes b.) Approval of the Jurie 11, 1996 Council Meeting Minutes C.) Resolution No. 96-25, Series of 1996, A RESOLUTION APPROVING .THE FINAL PLAT, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 90, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO d.) Resolution No. 96-26, Series of 1996, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 49, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO e.) OEC Grant - Roundabout Study Contract f.) 1996 Street Repair & Improvements - Change Order No. 1 g.) Financial Matters Councilor Yoder motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor Benson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Adjourn: There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Nottingham moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor- Fawcett. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 7:57PM. RESPEt`~ ULLY SUBMITTED: 1. - Patty Lamber CMC Town Clerk 6 / ywRey w E X H I B I T A Survey of Hikers for Trail Read Site. T0: The members of Avon Town Council. From: Random Hikers in the Valley. Date: Collected -June 22 to 25, 1996 Survey Question: When you are beginning a hike would you prefer option #1 or'#2? Option #l: Parking approximately 2/10 of a mile from a trail head located in a populated neighborhood cul de sac. Option #2: Parking by a stream that is unpopulated and the trail head is located in the parking area. See Photos included. Name Option # Name Opt ion ` 7 t ~ H K~~p~ k i `C?/ GzidF.3 . r f f ~ ,f/ ~ " 1 G/w4 s ,~rel h4a/ ~4 / ~ ,s"~y ~ ~ Lei's ! / l 'Lt~ti~„P ` _ r rr 44 AD Option # 1 Option # 2 E X H I B I T B o6,,~., Petition for New Trail Head Site. T0: The members of Avon Town Council. From: The residents of Wildridge. Date: June 22, 1996 We as residents of the Wildridge Subdivision express concern, over potential increased traffic in our residential neighborhood, with the building of a trail head on Coyote Ridge. We support an alternative location for this trail head at the bend in Metcalf Road. We also support a secondary unpublished or unadvertised access through Coyote Ridge for those who live in the Wildridge Subdivision. We feel this is solution will best serve the residents and Hikers. Name Add re s Phone PC c' C;v t 4 r Uy L.ON(, SCJ.V LN ;7 S-L~'j j E j 1 2 ~ ~ Sa.3~ 17L,r~ )G l ~-c 5- 3 Z7 o YS s a ga -I ~YCf -/Zs~ c 7 9Y,> v ~y5 76V 6:-? 47-- -1-7- } _W-Z ~lqy X189 f59 - Ss2 7. _AV CC"~ 'J lee, X IL