TC Minutes 07-25-19950
HELD JULY 251 1995 - 7:30 P.M.
A regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Albert Reynolds at
7:30PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson,
Richard Carnes, Jack Fawcett, Tom Hines, Celeste C. Nottingham,
and Judy.Yoder present. Also present were Town Manager Bill
James, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, Town Attorney John Dunn, Town
Engineer Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks,
Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Police Chief Gary Thomas, Director of
Recreation Meryl Jacobs, Aquatics Fitness Supervisor Clark
Shively, and Director of Community Development Mike Matzko, as
well as members of the press and public.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 95-12, Series of 1995, AN
Fire Chief Charlie Moore informed that during a recent review of
a six.unit townhome project, it was discovered that a section in
the Municipal Code requiring fire sprinklers in residential
occupancies was written in a way that requires fire sprinklers in
any multi-family configuration, three stories or more, or more
than twelve units. What that potentially means is that even a
tri-plex would need fire sprinklers. That was not the intention
of the last code adoption. The intention was to require fire
sprinklers when there were twelve aggregate units in a building.
This Ordinance amends the language in that section to reflect
that intent. Only one word changes; an "or" to an "and".
Councilor Nottingham motioned to approve, on first reading,
Ordinance No. 95-12, Series of 1995. Councilor Hines seconded
the motion.
Mayor Reynolds called for a roll call vote.
The motion carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business: Swift Gulch Update.,
Town Manager Bill James presented a cost sharing agreement, for
the installation of utilities and modular units, to house
transportation and public works, on the Swift Gulch property,
between the Town of Avon and Beaver Creek Resort Company. The
agreement would allow Beaver Creek Resort Company to store up to
15 busses on the site, over the long term. Total estimated cost
for the entire project is $766,750. Avon's share is $379,875, of
which the Town would pay $280,000 cash and then lease the modular
buildings in the amount of $99,875. Since Avon"is paying cash
for the utility portion, Beaver Creek will be responsible for
paying an environmental phase I assessment, an appraisal, and
cost of financing. Beaver Creek's portion would be $386,875 and
done entirely through a lease/purchase plan, arranged by the
Discussion followed on installing a natural gas line. Current
plans call for propane and do not include the installation of a
natural gas line. Cost of installation and potential cost
recovery were concerns.
The Town of Avon will be the construction manager.
The agreement does not include a building or utility hookups for
the Avon Beaver Creek Resort Association (ABCRA).. A location
and a concrete pad has been provided to ABCRA.
Completion date is sixty days after notice to proceed is given.
A critical item, however, is the delivery of the modular units.
The demand of the modular units is extending the due date.
Councilor Hines motioned to approve the facility cost sharing
agreement, subject to the town attorney's review. Councilor
Yoder seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business: 1996 Contribution Requests
Town Clerk Patty Neyhart presented the letter and contribution
application that was mailed to organizations last year. In
preparation of the upcoming budget, Town Clerk Neyhart requested
direction from council on mailing the contribution applications.
Councilor Hines suggested to make bold "if your planning/budget
cycle does not permit you to submit a complete application by the
due date, you will not have any opportunity to request funding
until Fall, 1996".
Councilor Nottingham suggested changing item 7e. It should
reflect "Council may request a progress report on the event or
organization prior to its implementation and final report once
the event is completed".
Councilor Hines motioned,to continue,to submit.the same request
forms for 1996 contributions with the two amendments made-,
previously. Councilor'Fawcett seconded the motion and the motion
carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business: Vision & Goal Setting Session
Town Clerk Neyhart informed the Vision & Goal Setting Session has
been scheduled for August 1, 1995 in the Board Room at the
Charter at Beaver Creek.
Councilor Fawcett motioned to authorize the mayor to sign the
contract with the Charter at Beaver Creek. Councilor Yoder
seconded the motion and the motioned carried unanimously.
Councilor Carnes informed he will be unable to attend. Mayor
Reynolds stated he will cancel an appointment previously made and
attend this goal setting session.
Unfinished Business: Staff Use of Recreation Facility
Director of Recreation Meryl Jacobs presented a recommendation
for staff use of the recreation center as follows: "All full and
part time employees of the Avon Recreation Center shall be
eligible for a complimentary recreation facility pass. All other
full and part time employees of the Town of Avon shall receive a
50o discount on all individual pass types and shall be considered
at the resident rate. Family members of all Town of Avon
employees shall be eligible for the twenty five punch card at the
corporate rate". Ms. Jacob's recommendations took into
consideration other town's policies, as well as the private
sector's. Employee benefits were discussed regarding full time;
part time, recreation center and town employees, and residency.
Punch passes, individual and family passes were discussed. All
passes are non-transferable, non-refundable.
• •
Councilor Fawcett motioned to approve staff use of the Avon
recreation facility as stated above. Councilor Hines seconded
the motion. With Councilors Benson, Carnes, Hines, Nottingham,
and Yoder opposed, the motion failed.
Councilor Hines motioned approval of staff use of the Avon
recreation facility with the following amendment that all full
time employees of the Town of Avon shall receive a 50% discount
on any pass type of their choosing and shall be considered at the
rate where the employee lives. Councilor Nottingham seconded the
motion. The motion carried with Councilor Fawcett and Councilor
Yoder opposed.
Unfinished Business: VIP & Public Preview for the Recreation
Ms. Jacobs informed the dates for the VIP and public preview
parties will change. Ms. Jacobs asked for Council's approval to
proceed with the plans of the two parties; one invitation only
for V.I.P.'s and another for the public to preview the center.
Councilor Hines opposed spending public funds for a private
party. The facility was built for the public use.
Councilor Fawcett felt the purpose of the private party will be
for public relations and marketing. The movers and shakers will
go back to their constituents and praise the Town of Avon's
recreation center.
Discussions followed on whether to have one or two parties, cost
of the parties, and whether to allow swimming at the parties or
not. Ms. Jacobs voiced concern of the number of people, if
swimming is allowed at the preview parties.
Councilor Hines suggested having one party, sending out the
invitations to the VIPs and having everyone there at the same
Councilor Carnes suggested inviting the VIPs two hours earlier
than the public.
Councilor Yoder motioned to table this issue. Councilor Benson
seconded the motion. The motion carried with Councilor Hines
Councilor Fawcett suggested to discuss this at a work session.
Mayor Reynolds thought that to be a good idea. Councilor Hines
thought this should be discussed at the Council meeting so the
public could see how Council decides to spend their money.
New Business: Recreation Contract / Office Restoration Proposal
Councilor Hines motioned to authorize the Mayor to proceed with
the proposal which is the restoration of office space in the
recreation offices. Councilor Benson seconded the motion and the
motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Recreation Contract / CO2 Tank Lease & CO2
Delivery Service
Councilor Yoder motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract for CO2 service with Great Western Air Gas. Councilor
Benson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Recreation Contract /-Storage Unit
Councilor Hines motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract for a storage unit on the recreation site. Councilor
Benson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Recreation Contract / Laundry Services
Councilor Yoder motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
letter of agreement from Green's Machines for laundry service at
the recreation center. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion and
the motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Recreation Contract / Vending Machine Services
Councilor Yoder motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract with Alpine Vending, as is. Councilor Benson seconded
the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Recreation Contract / Pool Chemical Supplier
Councilor-Hines motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
proposal for the purchasing of pool chemicals with Maximum
Comfort. Councilor Benson seconded the motion and the motion
carried unanimously.
New Business: Recreation Contract / Mechanical Monitoring
Consulting Services
Councilor Yoder expressed a conflict of interest and stepped down
from her seat as a councilmember.
Councilor Benson motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
letter of agreement for the mechanical monitoring of the HVA
system within the recreation center. Councilor Nottingham
seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilor Yoder return to the Council as a voting member.
New Business: Recreation Contract / Pay Phone Service
Councilor Yoder motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract with We Paytel for pay phone service at the
recreation center. Councilor Benson seconded the motion and the
motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Fire Contract / Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Testing of Aerial Devices & Ground Ladders
Councilor Hines motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. to test aerial
devices and ground ladders.. Councilor Yoder seconded the-motion
and the motion carried unanimously.
New Business: Change Order #2 / Tennis Courts
Councilor Benson motioned to appr-ove'Change Order #2 to the Avon
tennis courts contract to increase the contract by $10,534.75 to
$229,317.25 with-ptoper accounting.. Councilor Yoder seconded the
motion and the motion carried unanimously.
New Business: TCI Cablevision Franchise Term Extension
Councilor Nottingham motioned to approve the extension of
cablevision franchise term extension to October 29, 1995, ninety
days. Councilor Yoder seconded the motion and the motion carried
Town Attorney Report: Susan Arnold / Structural Fire
Attorney Dunn stated that the fire department has been unable to
collect $5,589.50 from Susan Arnold for an out of district
(Lakecreek) structural fire that occurred in January, 1995.
Attorney Dunn will proceed to file a complaint.
Other Business:
Councilor'Nottingham noted the library is moving out of the City
Market space and no commitments have been made to use the space.
Councilor Nottingham also mentioned the space that ABCRA
currently occupies. Councilor Nottingham noted Council needs to
be thinking about the space, through the rest of the lease
Councilor Benson mentioned the speed limit up Metcalf Road and
would like to see that increased. A public hearing will be
scheduled for Wildridge residents to discuss the speed limit and
other traffic concerns.
Councilor Carnes informed that there is a transportation tax
going to ballot at 1/20. There are still some questions to be
answered and another meeting is scheduled for this Friday, 8:00am
in Eagle.
Mayor Reynolds and Mayor Protem Nottingham attended the
Leadership Coalition,meeting where the transportation tax was
discussed. More information and a good plan are needed.
Consent Agenda:
a.) Approval of the July 11, 1995 Council Meeting Minutes
b.) Resolution No. 95-39, Series of 1995, A RESOLUTION
c.) Financial Matters
Councilor Yoder motioned to approve the Consent Agenda'.
Councilor Fawcett seconded-the motion and the,motion carried
There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor
Reynolds called for a motion to_adjourn. Councilor Hines moved
,to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Fawcett. The
.meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 9:38PM.
Pdtty Neyha t CMC
Town Clerk