TC Minutes 05-09-1995•
HELD MAY 9, 1995 _ 7:30 P:M.
A regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Reynolds at 7:30PM._ A
roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Richard Carnes,.
Jack Fawcett, Tom Hines, and Judy Yoder present. Councilor
Celeste C. Nottingham arrived at 8:10PM. Also present were Town
Manager Bill James, Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Clerk Patty
Neyhart, Deputy Town Clerk Linda Donnellon, Town Engineer Norm
Wood, Director of Community Services Mike Matzko, Community
Service Office Steve Hodges, Police Chief Gary Thomas, Fire Chief
Charlie Moore, as well as members of the press and public.
Citizen Input: Water Wheel Restoration / We Recycle
Mr. Mauri Nottingham informed the Town's next assessment of
$3,000 towards We Recycle will be reduced by approximately $800.
We Recycle is not running in the black, just less in the red.
The market for newspaper is now $100 per ton; corrugated
cardboard is up to $110 per ton, where last year it was $30.- Two
years ago, aluminum was at $ .23 and it is now at $ .61. Just
more of a demand!
Mr. Nottingham next discussed-the water wheel on his property. .
The water wheel will be on public land, when the property is sold
and deeded. The water wheel is historical, unique, and-worth-
restoring. Mr. Nottingham hoped the Town would pick it up as a
project to get it protected with some sort of shed that would go
over it to keep the weather off of it until we could do something
further about it. Mr. Nottingham added he would personally .
donate $5,000 for the project and felt other family members could
give a little more. Mr. Nottingham thought total family
donations would be between $5,000-$10,000. Restore right where
it is - it is in a flood plain now and is designated a picnic
area. Discussion followed on riparian ways and disturbance to
the area during restoration. Council requested more information
on costs from Mr. Nottingham"and thought this might be included
during the budgeting process.
Citizen Input: Trapping of Animals
Ms. Chris Miller requested Council to outlaw any and all
trappings, including humane trappings, within the Town. Ms.
Miller's cat was trapped by a neighbor in a have-a-heart trap.
After discussion including leash laws and various types of
trapping, Council felt that the ordinance, as adopted, is
Citizen Input: Building Permit Costs
Mr. Buz Reynolds, Jr. informed of the increase in building permit
costs. Mr. Reynolds compared past year's building costs to
present and thought the increase was due to the,adoption of the
1995 building codes. It was-not Council's intent to increase
costs when adopting the 1995 building codes.. Council directed
Staff to review further.
Citizen Input: Leash Law
Mr. Josh Hall asked Council to allow leashed dogs on the lakeside
area of the park. Mr. Hall sited reasons for his request. Staff
will research any side issues regarding health threats and any
concerns that Avon Metro District may have and report back to
Citizen Input: Unlawful acts in Aspen Mobile Home Park
Mr. Randy Carter, citizen in Avon for fourteen years, voiced
concern regarding violence in the Aspen Mobile~Home Park. Mr.
Carter informed he and the manager of the park will attend next
meeting to offer the Police Department broader authority to go in
and enforce the laws within this private park. Mr. Carter cited
gang fights, drinking in vehicles and in the streets,,frequent
manager changes, speeding, the drive-by shooting, and illegal
immigrants as major concerns. Mayor Reynolds-and Councilor
Benson suggested the neighborhood watch program, with signs in
Spanish, as well as English. Councilor Hines suggested community
activities. Police Chief Thomas informed foot patrol started a .
couple of weeks ago. Chief Thomas reiterated the suggestion of a
neighborhood watch and suggested management hire security on
weekends and evenings as they did during last 4th of July..
Councilor Nottingham mentioned the limitation of occupants in, the
homes. Mayor Reynolds noted these concerns are not limited to
the Aspen Mobile Home Park - they,are also concerns at Sunridge
and Eaglebend. Mr. Carter stated-he will get as many neighbors
as possible to force management to give the town as much
authority as possible to treat those streets like city streets.
Discussion followed on how to give the Police Department more
authority than it,currently has. Chief Thomas is working on
solutions and will present at a
Resolution No. 95-22, Series of 1995, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE
Mr. James informed this Resolution will amend the budget for
transportation personnel, the Avon entrance flag poles from three
to four, and for the U.S. Postal site. The postal site road
improvements cost $11,184.75, plus light fixture costs. The post
office stated they will agree to pay a fixed amount and have not
agreed to this fixed cost at present.
Councilor Carnes asked are we proceeding with the flag poles?
Mr. James stated we have not heard back that the plans are OK.
Councilor Hines heard the issue was trees, not flag poles.
Councilor Nottingham motioned to approve Resolution No. 95-22,
Series of 1995. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion and the
motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 95-23, Series of 1995, A RESOLUTION FINDING
• •
Town Attorney John Dunn stated this Resolution will make a
preliminary finding of substantial conformance of the two
annexation petitions which have been filed with the town with
state statute and particularly will make a'-finding that not less
than 1/6 of the perimeter of the area I proposed to be annexed is
contiguous with the annexing municipality; that a community of
interest exists between the area proposed to be annexed and the
annexing municipality, and that the area is urban or will be
urbanized in the near future and that the area is integrated with
or is capable of being intergrated with the annexing
municipality. Based upon those findings, the Resolution will
schedule a hearing before the Council on June 13th to determine
whether or not the subject property is eligible for annexation
into the town under all applicable statutes and constitutional
Councilor Hines asked if the issue with the County has been
resolved, because if this is adopted, we set the time clock in
motion. Mr. James spoke with Mr. Jim Fritz. Mr. James got the
impression the County will require a municipal impact report -
they did require an impact report on Basalt. Mr. James reviewed
this with Mr. Bill Post and rather than ask for an exemption of
the impact report, we will go ahead and prepare one. Peter Jamar
& Associates are working on the draft document now. That should
be available Friday, for Council to review next Tuesday at
Worksession. Mr. James noted this is not the fiscal impact
report - there are two different documents. Town Staff is
meeting with Ford Fricke to get development scenarios to help
with fiscal impact. Mr. James added on May 22nd, Peter Jamar_is
going to make a presentation to the County Commissioners.
Councilor Hines announced that for clarification, the adoption of
this Resolution,does not mean the Town has now annexed the--.-
Stolport Property.
Mr. Bill Post stated this is considered a proforma matter toget
all the rest of this started for the next several months. Mr.
Ragonetti and Mr. Jamar are present if there are any questions.
Councilor Hines motioned to approve Resolution No. 95-23, Series
of 1995. Councilor'Fawcett seconded the motion and the motion
carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business: Annexation - Names of attorneys
Mayor Reynolds asked if-Ye have any names of any attorneys to
represent the town regarding the'annexatio'nMr. James stated
yes, and that will be reviewed next Tuesday.
New Business: Update on Research of River Setbacks
Mr. James reminded that Council requested Staff to review present
requirements of our setbacks from the river and to see about the
possibility of changing that from present standards to 50'
setbacks. Staff has been reviewing. Our current 30' setback is
measured from the mean annual flood high watermark and was
adopted back in 1979. That same definition was incorporated into
our zoning code. Mr. James asked to do, additional work to
include mapping, to have for Council on May 23rd.
Councilor Hines received information on buffer zones and
impervious surfaces and offered to share this with anyone
• •
Councilor Nottingham,requested information from Grand County
regarding their suggestions of set backs, to take a close look at
the final Eagle River Management Plan to compare, and to put off
this information to Council until after May 23rd, so that she may
be in attendance.
Discussion followed on 50' - the town never adopted.50' - it has
always been 30'. The County has 50' from the center of the
river; same as Vail. Councilor Nottingham noted some of the
newer adoptions are 251, 301, 50' back from the wetlands
delineation. Councilor Nottingham also requested information
from a municipality in Summit County that has adopted "back from
the wetlands delineation".
New Business: Eaglebend Phase III Construction Update
Mayor Reynolds announced that Mr. Jeff Spanel was not present;
thus this item will be postponed.
New Business: Deeds & Easements Discussion
Mr. Mike Matzko understood this discussion was driven by some
concern over some specific areas adjacent to the river and asked
if that was correct. Councilor Nottingham stated it was driven
by a suggestion, probably coming out of Basalt, as to something
they had done that had worked well for them. Mr. Matzko
presented differences between easements and fee ownership, as
they relate to the public sector, and summarized these
Councilor,Nottingham,would like to know,-if there is a possibility
of getting a copy,of the strong public easement used specifically
in Basalt, from Kent Mueller. Mr. Matzko will contact Mr.
Mueller, and get a,copy of,that Councilor Nottingham stated the
rationale, ditected'towards,perhaps the easement or'use that we
like, along the river, most likely for trails, specifically at
this point in time on the. Shapiro property where the water wheel
is - and they have found-,in communitie's west of ours, that
getting the.strong public easement served.their purposes better
because, of building so close to the river and degradation of the
banks and that type of thing caused on going or some other
problems later, in which restoration had to be done and
maintaining of the banks and that if we, the town, owned'them,
the cost of doing those..types of things that were a necessity for
health, safety, welfare, as well as aesthetics, and to stop the
degradation of these banks, would be that of a financial expense,
perhaps to the municipality who had just gotten ownership of that
property. Whereas, if they had had the strong public easement,
which they do, those costs were suppose to be the costs of the
landowner. Now, that was my purpose to see which would be to our
advantage and even though, who knows, if the landowner can't pay,
the town may end up paying anyway because of health, safety, and
welfare issues - but, it doesn't-put as the first line
of defense. So, that is really the angle that I am looking at tc
analyze this situation.
Councilor Fawcett stated well, the property might also remain on
the tax rolls.
Councilor Hines offered some reverse psychology and said that if
the-town is the first line of defense, maybe we would look a
little more cautiously about how we encroach upon the bank, if we
own the land. Councilor Nottingham stated, well, its already
done. Councilor Hines stated you are looking at site specific.
Councilor Nottingham stated yes I am - site specific.
Councilor Hines thought to look upon this,idea further down the
road. Councilor Nottingham stated that is,very good to consider.
Councilor Fawcett asked Mr. Matzko for his opinion. Mr. Matzko
stated in general, in terms of land that you-are considering
using over some period of time - something beyond a simple
utility easement or drainage easement - something that is pretty
straight forward - I would strongly consider the option of
ownership simply because of the flexibility - particularly with a
trail system. Unlike other parks, you take out a small section
of trail and you affectively change the whole parcel and they are
much more susceptible to that than large lots. There are
technological, social, other changes that we can anticipate down
the road, and yes, an easement may be in perpetuity - there may
be a change and as property values go up it becomes more
difficult to re-negotiate those. A town would have the option to
sell that property or lease it or whatever, but as the owner of
an easement you don't have that same flexibility.
Councilor Nottingham commented that it might be very good
depending if you are just talking about easements versus
ownership of land - property. My whole purpose of this is
applying these types of situations specifically to river corridor
habitat type areas. If they were talking adjacent to our park or
something like that on flat - I sure would rather own it: My
only purpose is because of the financial exposure to the town.
Councilor Carnes asked how do you place a value on a strip of
land down by the river? Councilor Nottingham added especially if
it is.wetlands or riparian way. Mr. Matzko noted that the tax
revenues may not be significant.
Mr. James requested further direction from Council.
Councilor Fawcett thought, if the land is donated or given to us,
we should accept it outright, own it in fee simple and we have
total control and we don't have to worry about whatever the
future might bring it is ours. And, the liability, hopefully
will be covered under the policies the town carries.
Councilor Nottingham reiterated her request of a copy of the
strong public easement from the community from the west of us.
Mr. James stated he will contact Mr. Mueller and request a copy
for Council's review.
Mayor Reynolds announced this item is tabled.
New Business: Swift Gulch Update
Mr. James informed we have received an engineer's estimate for
the utilities (sanitary sewer, water service, shallow utilities -
except gas); site grading for parking, circulation, and modular
buildings; Swift Gulch Road improvements, and modular building
for municipal services and site grading for the ABCRA modular
building. A project budget reflects engineering fees are
$21,1650, site development is $462,570,,ahd contingency is around
$36,000; modular building is $201,600'for a total project cost of
$721,160. Mr. Bob McIllveen and Mr. Bill Simmons are present and
represent Beaver, Creek Resort Company. Beaver Creek Resort
Company, is -willing to share'these costs equally at a 50/50 share.
Mr. James detailed a lease/purchase, 10 year financing program.
Mr. James noted we need to get a better feel for what the actual
numbers are going tb be and we will have.those,figures when we
get our bids, back.
Discussion followed on ABCRA; figures are only for site work,
ABCRA would need to purchase their own modular.
Councilor Nottingham voiced concerns of the expense for something
temporary and the lack of brainstorming with fellow Council
members regarding the temporary and/or permanent goals for Swift
Discussion followed on responding to citizens', the town's,
ABCRA, and the Charter School needs. Mr. James stated this
evening's information was to update the Council that Beaver Creek
Resort Company is willing to share 50/50 in these cost estimates
and that we are going to go out to bid for this project and
continue to move ahead; until Council states not to,.
Councilor Carnes asked what the cost is of site grading for the
ABCRA. Councilor Fawcett noted it is approximately $6,500.
Councilor Carnes asked about the regional aspect. Councilor
Carnes thought Swift Gulch to be strictly the Town of Avon and
Beaver Creek Resort Company. Mr. James stated regional is on a
temporary basis.
Further discussion followed on cost break downs and the timing.
It was mentioned the Charter School may possibly purchase the
modular for ABCRA so that the Charter School could take over the
ABCRA space and the library space at City Market for next school
Mr. James felt bids could be reviewed by Council the first
meeting in June.
Councilor - Carnes asked if Council is pursuing this as a
commitment to ABCRA. Mayor Reynolds responded we are providing
them a site.
Mr. McIllveen agreed that Beaver Creek Resort.Company is willing
to go ahead and do a 50/50 on the utilities for-Swift Gulch.
Let's get the site set up, get it going because, we are all going
to need long term solutions to the transportation system., The
$200,000 on the buildings, that is the temporary part of the deal
- the rest is permanent. Mr. McIllveen thought that at some
point in time, the goal would be to try to build a public works
facility on the Swift Gulch site. Right now, Mr.. McIllveen is'
stating that Beaver Creek Resort Company will be a part of that.
The short term solution is how do we get the utilities and,handle
the bus problems. Mr. McIllveen stated Beaver Creek Resort
Company is investing in this - we are, somewhere along the line,
assuming that we are putting money,into something that down the
road we are still going to have a piece of.
Councilor Nottingham expected a few years ago when we started a
laborious process of looking for public works sites and Swift
Gulch was not one of the desired sites because it was to small to
meet the needs of Avon. I would like an opportunity, I suppose,
to sit with my peers and discuss that issue and the goals that we
had or set some goals in regards to that because we have been
putting it off for a while. I am concerned about the permanence.
I was hoping that in a shorter time - would warrant this type of
an expenditure - that we would be starting on our own permanent
public works facility.
Councilor Nottingham informed school starts August 20th and asked
if that date is realistic. Mr. James stated we won't know-until
we get the bids in and get a schedule. Mr. James estimated
November 1st that all this could be put in place, trailers set up
and people would be moved in. Councilor Carnes mentioned
temporarily moving ABCRA instead of the school. Councilor
Nottingham appreciated all the support for the school but-felt it
just wouldn't work. Mr. James noted, OK, let's drop the school;
then tell me where we are at. We still have ABCRA and the Beaver
Creek Resort Company interested in sharing that space with the
Mr. James asked shall we proceed and see if this program is going
to work with those two organizations and try to move our
facilities over there this fall or do you want to put a hold on
Council's consensus was to go out for bids to get actual cost
figures and to have the opportunity to brainstorm on goals for
the public works facility prior to any commitment.
New Business: Recreation Center Update
Mr. Gary Meredith reviewed Change Order #5. Six items make up
Change'Order #5; Item #AP,-19A Additional Design Fees of $4,847,
Item-AP'-22A Misc. Locker Revisions of $1,788,.Item AP-27A Storage
Room #146 of $7,174, Item AP-28A Finishes to Room #207,of
$15,995; Item AP-29A Misc. Revisions per owner request of $5,650,
and Item`AP-31'.Interior Signage over allowance of $2,835. Council
voiced concerns'with-items #4 / AP-28A'Finishes to Room #207 and
#5 / AP-29A Misc. Revisions per owner request. Council felt the
decision - t:o.. finish room 2,07 was ,well in advance of any
.;construction stage. Councilor Hines asked Mr.,' Meredith to find
out when touncil-finally finalized the fact that Council approved
the finish on room #207. Councilor Hines questioned sink cost
under item AP-29A Misc. Revisions per owner request - it seems
high. Mr. Meredith will research that item as well.
Councilor Carnes requested amounts of any outstanding change
orders currently; such as the $19,000 for the heated ramp.
Councilor Carnes stated the recreation center is within budget
right now, as opposed to the Vail Valley Times article stating
the pool is over budget. Mr. Meredith will make that available
to Council and informed we're still approximately $2,000 in the
black. Mr. Meredith noted, if we incorporated the dollar amount
for Change Order #5, we would be 'approximately 2.51i over the
original contract amount.
Councilor Hines motioned approval of Change Order #5 with the
exclusion of AP-28A and personally I'll leave it up to Council
whether to pull out the other or not - I'm fine with it. .
Councilor Nottingham said, pull it out. Councilor Fawcett said,
yea, AP-29A. Councilor Hines interjected, and also AP-29A.
Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion. The motion carried
Mr. Meredith informed the blood drive, on behalf of Marge
Reynolds, will be held in the Municipal Building on May 30th from
New Business: Set Public Hearing date for Wildridge Area
Concerns / Stop Signs, Etc.
Mayor Reynolds stated my assumption is that we are concerned
about signage in Wildridge and we want to,set up a public meeting
so people can come down and discuss it with us. Mayor Reynolds
asked when do we want to do?
Councilor Fawcett asked for information from staff such as
depressions / dips in the road - placement of signs - costs -
public safety, etc. and would like to have this available for the
public meeting.
Mayor Reynolds announced the Wildridge public meeting will be
Thursday, June 15, 7-9pm. Mr. James stated a mailer will be sent
out first of June and Council suggested publishing the notice in
the paper.
Other Business: Council Committee Updates
Mr. James distributed the school site dedication ordinance with
regards to the annexation.
Mr. James informed the Town of Vail is increasing dispatch
services, for police and fire departments, from $23,000 to
$79,000. Overall, Avon's cost will go up 261 for police and
121% for fire.
Councilor Nottingham conducted a Channel #5 survey with fellow
Councilmembers and various staff members to determine who watches
and what they watch. Councilor Nottingham motioned that we write
a letter of support, supporting Channel #5.and the services it
provides as public access to our community and encourage Vail
Town Council to keep supporting them also. Councilor Hines
seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilor Nottingham requested the letter be copied to Mr. Jim
Councilor Carnes mentioned a letter from Terry Halverson and felt
we should look into the opportunities.
Councilor Carnes mentioned the Transportation summit meeting,
tomorrow at 8:30am. Councilor Carnes asked Council for their
input regarding the proposed 11216 sales tax for transportation.
Council's consensus was more information is needed before a
position can be reached.
Consent Agenda:
a.) Approval of the April 25, 1995 Council Meeting-Minutes
b.) Financial Matters
Councilor Hines motioned to approve the Consent Agenda.
Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried
Adj ourn.:
There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor
Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved
to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Benson. The
meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 11:13PM.
Patty Ne ha$t_, JCMC
Town Cle