TC Minutes 03-29-1995Tuesday, Match 23. 199S 03:39:00 PM Schorr Professional Writing Pagel of 1
Avon Town Council Meeting - March 29, 1995
Public Comment by Linn Schorr
RE: The Bouders
I have the following concerns in regards to The Boulders development:
1) I am concerned with die location of the development in relatioii to the Eagle River. Aldhough the
development obeys all setback regulations, it is none the less locateddirectly adjacent to the hank of
the river. Drainage from this development will reach the river directly. The Town of Vail released a
di-All version of their Non-point Source Water Quality Management, Plan this last week. This study
revealed that approximately 16,000 pounds of oil and grease and 430,000 pounds. of suspended
solids reach Gore Creek annually. Residential property was found to be the major contributtr of
cihuw ninants. There is no reason to believe &-it stonmwater nuiuff fi onm the town of Avon is
significantly less than those values recorded for Vail. In light of the close proximity of the Boulders
development to the river, I would ask that the Council ensure that proper pollution controls are put
in place for all runofffrom the development and that in soma"way the owner is held accountable for
the maintenance of pollution controls, since detention structures and grease traps can fill with
sediments and become completely ineffective after as short a time as one storm season.
2) Secondly, I have recently read through the Town of Avon Master Drainage Study recently
adopted. in the rccomineridations section ofthe nport is found the following statement:
"It has been decided to increase the requirements for temporary pollution controls and decrease the
requirements of permanent controls". I would be interested to know how these new requirements
will affcct the Boulders development in light of the Vail study.
3) Thirdly, I would like the Council to consider snow storage for the development. Snow removed
from impervious areas can contain pollution levels similar to stornwater runof. Eventually this
snow will reach the river and I am concerned whether pollution controls will be provided for this run
off as well and again whether detention structures will be required to be cleaned regularly.
Thank you for hearing me this evening.