TC Minutes 02-15-1995Larsen & Kovacevich PC .3034768672 P..-03 i EAGLE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SUMMIT Eagle County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall Fairgrounds Road Eagle, Colorado February 15, 1995 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Presented by the Eagle county Mass Transportation Committee AGENDA I: REGISTRATION AND CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. II. WELCOME AND OVERVIEW 9:00 a.m. to 10i00'a.m. Introduction of Facilitators and Panel Participants * Goals-for Meeting: Agree on one concept for permanent funding after reviewing the present system and discussing alternatives for obtaining permanent funding for-- .a countywide transportation system including whether funding should be by a gales tax or district assessments. III. PRESENTATION OF EAGLE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION IN THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (Panel Discussion) *-WHAT: Is there a need for a countywide system with permanent funding?' Larsen & Kovacevich PC 03034768672 P.04 IV- ALTERNATIVES FOR FUNDING (Small Group Discussion) A. Sales Tax B. District Assessments C. other V. ALTERNATIVES FOR OPERATIONS (Small Group Discussion) A. Intergovernmental Agreements 8. District Authority C. Other 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch (Catered) VI. LARGE GROUP DISCUSSION A. Funding Alternatives B. Operations Alternatives C. Other areas and issues of concern V. DIRECTIVE A. Time Frame and Deadlines B. Tasks and Goals VI. ADJOURNMENT 3:00 p.m. The ECMTC extends this invitation to all council members of each municipality in the county of Eagle, to each Eagle County Commissioner and to the members of the Transportation Task Force and the Beaver Creek Resort Company. Each member of these entities is asked to attend and each entity should send at least two elected representatives. In order to involve each entity in meaningful participation the ECMTC requests the each entity forward to the committee prior to the meeting a least three areas of specific concern to the entity regarding the issues identified above in the proposed agenda. Please address in your areas of concern the "vision" your entity has for a countywide system. Please address this response to the Eagle County Mass Transportation Committee c/o Larsen a Kovacevich, P.C. 953 S. Frontage Road W. 1105, Vail, Colorado 81657. Please RSVP by February 8, 1995 to Jill E. Kovacevich at 476-8711. Thank-you. Larsen & Kovacevich PC 3034768672 P.05 EXHIBIT A EAGLE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SUMMIT Most recently due to the cooperative efforts of the County of Eagle, Town of Vail and Town of Avon, Eagle County now has,a bus route from Gypsum to Vail. The ridership since the beginning of the route has been outstanding and the need for a countywide integrated system is a reality and the need continues to grow. It is more apparent that the cooperative efforts which joined in bringing the Gypsum route to reality must now commit to a continued cooperative effort to ensure consistent and dependable tratnsportation from one, end of the county..- to the other. The transportation system presently provided is continuing to tax the :municipalities, resort associations and county government by :relying on funding from general funds. This funding mechanism cannot continue to provide the quality, and quantity of 'transportation needed by the residents of Eagle County. The need for a countywide integrated transportation system goes beyond the need to transport employees to their'jobs, which need is of high priority. The needs also include a need to diminish and control pollution caused by motor vehicles, the limited road system on which our motor vehicles travel and the-needs include but are -not limited to the extreme scarcity of. parking available in our resort communities. All of there needs require us as interested. citizens and governing, bodies of the entities-presently providing ,transportation to work together to develop a. cooperative service which meets all our needs and can continue to.meet those needs by, dedicated and fixed funding. In order to obtain the funding we need a cooperative agreement on how to fund the system and who should run the system. This- summit is the first step in attempting to develop that cooperation. The Eagle County Mass Transportation Committee asks that each municipal and resort community join in a summit meeting to set this goal and help make this a reality. As background, the Eagle County Mass Transportation Committee is a committee which was formed in the Fall of 1993 by the Eagle County Commissioners. Its members are county citizens interested in resolving the transportation problems facing our county.- The committee is committed to this resolution irrespective of its political appointment by the County Commissioners. We are truly a citizens committee, not a political entity. If indeed our efforts render us powerless and dissolved but there is created a countywide transportation system with dedicated and fixed funding operated under one entity, the Eagle County Mass Transportation committee has succeeded. We will continue to strive for this goal until it is realized. Larsen & Kovacevich PC 303.4768672 P.06 0 • We come to you today to invite your attendance and participation-in•OUr summit meeting. Our agenda will be a short presentation of Eagle county's transportation system in the past, in the present and in the future with change and without change. Then we will engage in a group and panel discussion of our funding alternatives,'and operations alternatives. We will have experts available on a panel to, answer questions, and. discuss areas of concern. Lastly, we will develop a- directive to each entity and the Eagle County Mass Transportation Committee to take the first steps in developing a countywide transportation plan including an agreement on a funding and operations concept. We ask you to send at least two representative and to provide us with three issues which you feel need to be. discussed and integrated into our discussions and resolutions. Thank-you.