HELD JANUARY 10, 1995 - 7:30'P.M.
A regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
In the absence of Mayor Reynolds and Mayor Pro-Tem Nottingham,
Councilor Fawcett motioned to nominate Councilor Hines as
Temporary Chairman. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the
motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order by Temporary Chairman Tom Hines
at 7:30PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Richard Carnes,
Jack Fawcett, John Hazard, and Judy Yoder present. Mayor Albert
Reynolds and Mayor Pro-Tem Celeste C. Nottingham were absent.
Also present were Town Manager Bill James, Town Attorney John
Dunn, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, Town Engineer Norm-Wood, Planner
Mary Holden, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Police Chief Gary Thomas,
Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Director of Municipal
Services Larry Brooks, and Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, as
well as members of the press and public.
Citizen Input.was the Eaglebend request to waive building permit
Mr. James stated the last time we built affordable housing under
'our non-profit housing corporation, the Council gave them an
exemption from the building permit fees. They are requesting
that similar type exemption be granted this time. Staff has no
problem with that. Fees are undetermined at this time.
Councilor Hazard waive the building permit fees for
Eaglebend. Councilor Yoder seconded the'mot'io'h and the motion
carried unanimously.
Citizen Input was an Appeal of P & Z Parking Variance / Lot 14 /
15,,Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek /,Connors - Gummelt Bldg.
on Metcalf:
Town Engineer Norm Wood informed the Vail/Avon Commercial Park is
an improved commercial building located on Metcalf Road in the IC
Industrial District. In July of 1993, a variance was approved
reducing the required parking spaces from 72 spaces to 58 spaces.
The basis-for granting that original variance was that 500 of the
building would be used for mini storage space and 50% would be
industrial, commercial uses as allowed in that zone district.
The basis for that was mini storage has substantially less
parking-requirements than the other uses in the IC zone district.
In December of 1994, the P & Z received another application for a
variance which would additional 5,776 square feet of
floor area to be added into the building through the addition of
mezzanine levels in the 50% portion of the building that was
designated for allowed IC zone district uses. This had the
impact of increasing parking space requirements from 72 to 79.
So, P & Z received a request for a variance to increase the
parking variance by 14 spaces to 21 spaces for this particular
sight. Following the review of the application and public
hearing, the P & Z approved the variance for the 21 spaces from
the required IC zone,district parking requirements. All of this
reduction was to be assigned to the proposed 27,055 square feet
of mini storage.'space and the remaining 35,421 square feet was to
be provided by the one space per 800 square feet.
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Mr. Wood continued, following that decision, there was an appeal
of the granting of the parking variance. This decision has been
appealed to the Town Council in accordance with the provisions of
the Avon Municipal Code. In reviewing an appeal of a variance
request, the Town Council should consider the very same criteria
that was initially considered for the granting of a variance.
The approval criteria, for a variance, shall consider the
following factors, with respect to the requested variance;
A.) The relationship of the requested variance to existing and
potential uses and structures in the vicinity.
B.) The degree to which relief from the strict or literal
interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is
necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment
among sites in the vicinity or to obtain the objectives of this
title without grant-of special privilege.
C.) The effect of the requested variance on light and air,
distribution of population, transportation and traffic.
facilities, public facilities and utilities,-and public safety.
D.) Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems
applicable to the requested variance.
In addition to that, the Council must make the following findings
for the granting of a variance;
A.) That the granting of,the variance will.not constitute a grant
of special privilege inconsistent-with the limitations on other
properties classified in the same district.
B.) The granting of,the variance will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to
properties or improvements in the vicinity.
C.) That the variance is warranted for one or more of the
following reasons:' ,
1.)- The'strict'or literal interpretation and enforcement of
the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or
unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of
this title;
2.) There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or
conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not
apply generally to other properties in the zone district;
3.) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of
the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of
privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the
That is the basic criteria for the approval of the variance.
Temporary Chairman Hines opened the meeting for public hearing.
Mr. Ron Blake, Director of Colorado West Mental Health, requested
Council to reconsider funding for 1995. Mr. James suggested
scheduling discussion for a worksession. Council agreed.
Mr. -David L. Yoder, appellant and resident of Wildridge, spoke,
against the variance. Mr. Yoder explained his appeal is to the
second variance - for the seven additional parking spaces
required for the added mezzanine space. Mr. Yoder listed reasons
for his appeal.
Mr. Mark Donaldson, representing T.J. Connors and Ed Gummelt,
gave a history of the project and of the mezzanines inception.
Mr. Donaldson discussed a mini-storage parking survey from Mr.
Buzz Victor of Mini-Storage Companies in Denver. Mr. Donaldson
discussed allocated parking spaces and square footage
requirements. There are a total of 58 spaces that exist;
designate 8 spaces for the two levels of self storage. The
remaining spaces coincide with the condominium project -
warehouse / distribution space to be sold to various business
owners. Mr. Donaldson-mentioned the parking needs of the
employees working in the warehouse space. Mr. Donaldson asked
Council to uphold the Planning & Zoning Commission decision.
Mr. Donaldson noted the last letter received,,from Valley Wide
Plumbing & Heating, withdraws their'objection as well as the
letter from the neighbor to the south, Avon Business Service
Mr. Jack Hunn, Chairman.of the Planning & Zoning Commission, gave
history and frustrations of the Planning & Zoning Commission,
with this project. Mr. Hunn stated that he made the decisive
vote to allow the variance. Mr. Hunn felt threatened; if they
didn't get the variance they couldn't build the mezzanines and
the project would fail. Mr. Hunn stated that after a lot of
thought, he felt"he made a mistake in allowing this variance and
that it should have been denied.
Discussion focused on the mezzanines / additional floor area
versus parking requirements and a possible compromise. How do we
prevent the future conversion of warehouse spaces into a more'
retail / public attraction space as seen in other warehouse
districts? How can we prevent the conversion of mezzanine spaces
into office space and to not cause an enforcement burden?
Special Review Use process was discussed.
Mr. Bill Sargis, member of the Planning & Zoning Commission,
stated he voted for the variance. Mr. Sargis felt this would
become another "Peregrine" over seven parking spaces. If the
reduction of seven parking spaces was not allowed, they would not
be allowed to build the mezzanine area. Mr. Sargis added no
public complaints were received.
Mr. Buz Reynolds, Jr., member of the Planning & Zoning
Commission, stated he voted against the variance. He felt the
parking was getting a little out of hand.
Mr. David Yoder noted that Valley Wide is a contractor on this
project. Mr. Yoder suggested getting rid of the mezzanines that
are adding the extra floor space and use modular steel structures
for storage.
Mr. Donaldson mentioned grades, accessibility, building heights,
and future uses. Mr. Donaldson noted mezzanines can not be sold
off separately. Discussions followed on allocation of parking
Mr. T.J. Connors, developer of the project, stated he conceived
this project, the town approved it, he sold it, he built it and
he will own 501i of it. Mr. Connors realized some items on the
project are not in conformance and assured they will be brought
into-conformance, such as the 12 1/2% grade. Mr. Connors noted
he did not realize you needed parking for loft storage. Mr.
Connors stated originally there were 72 parking spaces. A
variance was approved, of 14 spaces from the 72, taking spaces
down to 58.' Those 58 spaces were allocated - 36 spaces to first
and second floor level condominium owners - 22.spaces to the mini
storage on the third and fourth floors. We asked for a reduction
of the 22 spaces of mini storage down to 8. This would allow us
to give 50 to the condominium owners. This would allow us to
build the mezzanines. The ten buyers of the condominium project
have, all submitted letters to Council in support of this
Council discussions followed:
Mr. Dan Shelton, With Vail Furniture, stated he bought the
warehouse space.on acubic foot basis.with the intention of
putting in an upper loft. Mr. Shelton stated he will go ahead
with this project even without,the mezzanine. So, there is a
compromise.. Perhaps other-owners are willing to give up the
mezzanines. Mir. 'Shelton mentioned there are different types of
kits that you can put inside for more warehousing.
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Councilor Fawcett questioned future uses and suggested deed
Discussions followed on temporary modular type kits for storage
and deed restrictions.
Mr. Shelton noted at some point in time he does want the
mezzanine and'that it would only be used for storage. Mr.
Shelton noted he would be willing to deed restrict in terms of
storage only.
Further discussions followed on deed restrictions and temporary
storage units.
Councilor Yoder motioned to deny the variance and uphold the
appeal for the parking on Lot 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver
Creek.Councilor Hazard seconded the motion.
Discussion followed.
Councilor Fawcett asked if perhaps this should be tabled and to
work this out at a worksession next Tuesday.
Mr. Connors added he would like to look into the portable units
that have been discussed and suggested tabling until a
worksession. Councilor Fawcett suggested Mr. Connors contact
other buyers of his project and discuss possible deed
restrictions with them.
Councilor Fawcett moved to table the motion. Councilor Carnes
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Council recessed at 10:20pm and reconvened at 10:32pm.
Citizen Input was an Appeal of P & Z Design Review / Lot 97,
Block 1, Wildridge / Romanelli Duplex:
Mr. Jim Stovall, representing Mr. Ro_manelli; requested Council to
table this'until
Councilor Yoder motioned to table the appeal of the P & Z Design
Review for Lot 97;, Block 1,.Wildridge. Councilor Hazard second
the motion.
Councilor Yoder amended motion to table, within thirty days of
today.`: Counci,lor.Carnes seconded the mended motion.
The amended motion and the original motion carried unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 94-23, Series of 1994, AN
Mr. James stated the lease agreement allows for the purchase of
the "Pledge", a Glenna,Goodacre sculpture. Payment schedule is:
1995 payment of $54,222.60
1996 payment of $57,500.00
1997 payment of $53,750.00
and represents a 7.516 interest per year.
Temporary-Chairman Hines opened the meeting for public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, Temporary Chairman Hines closed
that portion of the meeting.
Councilor Fawcett motioned approval of Ordinance No. 94-23,
Series of 1994, on second reading. Councilor'Yoder seconded the
Councilor Fawcett withdrew first motion.
Councilor Fawcett motioned approval of Ordinance No. 94-23,
Series of 1994, on second reading, with the amendment to the
paragraph titled Option to Purchase that the date January 15,
1995 be changed to January 15, 1997. Councilor Yoder seconded
the motion.
Temporary Chairman Hines called for.a roll call vote.
The motion carried with Councilor Carnes opposing.
Town Attorney Report:
Attorney..Dunn stated he has a signed agreement, however it is not
notarized. Mr. Allan signed the agreement and returned it to his
attorney without having his signature notarized either on the
agreement or the deed. Lack of notarization does not make the
deed invalid; they are still binding between the two parties.
Attorney Dunn added that there is an $80,,000 mortgage against the
property, which was put on October 7, 1994. This was not
disclosed until after the agreement had been negotiated.
Attorney Dunn recommended to proceed on the basis of what we
have. We would send the agreement to the title company, who has
agreed to act as escrow agent. Attorney Dunn questioned whether
they will still act as escrow agent when the document is not
notarized. Attorney Dunn noted we have an agreement which
requires.him to complete the project by July.l, 1995. If he
fails to do so, then the agreement is that the property is the
Town's and all of that is enforceable. The.$80,000 mortgage is
due October 6, 1995; a very short term mortgage. So, the town
would be in the position of having to buy the property. That may
be preferable to the alternative, which is tearing it down.
Council directed Attorney Dunn to secure the proper notarization,
while retaining the documents already received.
Other Business:
Town Manager James understood that at Council's Beaver Creek
Resort Tour today, Mr. Ken Myers informed his planners had met
with Mr. James. Mr. James stated he met with Mr. Peter Jamar,
Mr. Andy Daly, and Mr. Jim Thompson briefly where it was brought
up to get all the planners together. That is the last he has
heard of that. There was an individual that came by and asked
about retail sales in Avon.and what potential development was
left and how much of that would go into retail. Mr. James
questioned what planners Mr. Myers was referring to. Councilor
Fawcett stated Premier International Planning Firm. Mr. James
stated he did not remember meeting with them.
Other Business:
Temporary Chairman Hines thanked all the Town employees who
worked over the holidays. Special mention was made to Monica
Padilla, Anthony Gulizia; Theresa Cruz, and Maria Lopez.
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Consent Agenda:
a.) Resolution No. 95-1, Series of 1995, A RESOLUTION AMENDING
b.) Approval of the December 13, 1994 Council Meeting Minutes
c.) Financial Matters
Councilor Yoder motioned to approve the Consent Agenda.
Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried
There being no further business to come before Council, Temporary
Chairman Hines called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Fawcett
moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Yoder.
The meeting was adjourned by Temporary Chairman Hines at 10.52PM
Patty Ney art, Town Clerk