TC Minutes 04-13-19930 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING'OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD,APRIL 13, 1993 - 7:30 P.M. The.regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado-was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Albert J. Reynolds at 7:42PM. -A roll call was taken with Councilors Jack Fawcett, John Hazard, Tom Hines, Celeste C. Nottingham, and Jim Roof present. -Councilor Jerry Davis,arrived at`7:55PM: Also present'were.Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill-James, Director of Engineering Norm'Wood, Director of Municipal Services'Larry Brooks, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Planner Tom Allender,-Police.Chief Art Dalton, Police Lieutenant Gary Thomas, Fire Chief-Charlie Moore, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as meibersnof the press and public. First item under Citizen Input was Appointment of New Planning & Zoning Commissioners. Ballots were distributed to Councilmembers and collected by Town Clerk Neyhart. The Town Clerk tallied the votes and Fire Chief Moore verified the tally. Mayor Reynolds announced that the newly appointed Planning and Zoning Commissioners were Patti Dixon, Jack D. Hunn, Albert Reynolds, Jr., and Henry Vest. Next item under Citizen input was Channel #5 update. Mr. Brian Hall, Board of Directors President, gave update of Channel #5. Mr. Hall informed funds are received from franchise agreement-fees (approx. 73%), sponsorships and membership drives. Channel #5 is perceived,as a communication-resource with filming Council meetings and the Vail Valley Sunday Program. A high school internship program was formed which a student received funds and credit for working at the station., That student then formed a video club at the High School and they provide sports and current affairs to Channel #5. A college credit television course was available through Colorado Mountain College this year. Bilingual programs have been developed. Goals are to serve as a resource, increase number-of people involved in the station, strengthen fund base, and increase number, type, and quality of programs. Ms. Suzanne Silverthorn mentioned that Eagle County government has expressed an interest in producing a ,weekly or monthly call-in show-. Invitation to-participate includes Town of Avon and other .government municipalities and entities. Channel#5 is still researching theAogistics and more information will follow. Ms. Silverthorn added that a television production class will be offered for teenagers in conjunction with the Avon Recreation Department. Ms: Silverthorn noted another goal is to produce a live Council meeting. Council's concern was live productions contesting with prime time shows, however in moderation it may be well received. • i Next item under Citizen Input was the ABCRA Information Signs Request by Ms. Kate Collins. Ms. Collins requested directional / information signs for the Avon Beaver Creek Resort Association. Signs are blue and white and will say tourist information. The state has approved and-will install the signs within their right-of-way and standards. Ms. Collins included $400'in 1993 budget, however to comply with the_ new streetscape plan'the total cost is approximately $2,000. Ms. Collins requested an amount not to exceed $1,600 fora total of,10 signs to be located in six various locations (I-70, I-70.Ramps, Avon Road, Highway 6, East Beaver Creek Blvd. and Beaver Creek Place) from sizes ranging 2X3 to 3X5. Councilor Nottingham questioned length of time in City Market and mentioned-this is an investment for four years. Councilor Nottingham questioned cost figured with Town of Avon doing work. Mr. Larry Brooks responded estimated cost is for an outside contractor doing work; not the Town of Avon. Certain signs will be done by CDOT. Councilor Roof questioned if signs could be combined so,as not to add to the numerous signs already in place. Ms. Collins responded further research is necessary and volunteered,to look into this. Councilor Davis estimated the Town of Avon contributes'$50,000 to. $60,000 to the Avon Beaver Creek Resort Association.so.that they can distribute information. And, Councilor Davis stated.we are haggling over whether we want to tell people it js there. Ms. Collins mentioned she has been working on this since last fall and would like to get it geared up for the summer to benefit us the most. Councilor Davis motioned to authorize up to $1,600 and get the information signs up as soon as possible. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Next item under Citizen Input was in addition to the Agenda. Mr., Allan Nottingham presented a school petition from the residents of Avon. Mr. Nottingham expressed, as a parent and concerned citizen of the Town of Avon, the lack of a fair shake from the School District. It appears that because there is no school in the Town of Avon, Avon's children are faced with the continual threat of being shuttled from one school to another to help alleviate the over crowding. A few years ago, the Avon Council focused on an elementary school for Avon. The School Board voted against a school in Avon-and in favor of a school in Edwards. This was against the recommendation of the County Superintendent.at that time. After the decision.was made, the Town supported the Edwards School as it was assumed Avon children would go to the Edwards School. And, Avon children would be able to attend that school through out their elementary education. After two years and because of over crowding,.Avon children will probably-be transferred to Meadow Mountain. Mr. Nottingham added that transfers are not in the best interest of:the children. Transfers hinder advancements that are needed to stay at the same level that the other children have; and some children more than others. -2- 0 • Good citizens have been lost and their is potential to lose more because our school district does not provide the education that is needed and desired. This area is a growing area and more schools are needed. The School Finance Act and Amendment 1 does not help provide the dollars needed for proper schooling. Perhaps a renewed effort is needed for our children to receive a proper education. Mr. Nottingham submitted a petition signed by approximately 24 Avon citizens and requested the Council to back the Avon citizens with a Resolution and/or letter to the School District in support of this effort. Mr. Nottingham read the petition, "We the undersigned, residents of Avon, would like to petition the Avon Town Council to communicate to the Eagle County School Board promptly the following matters; 1) that Avon wants to be included in a long term master plan that guarantees the stability in our community by providing consistency in the education of our residents and 2) that we are adamantly opposed to any boundary changes in that they would adversely affect the stability of our community and the consistency of our children's education". Councilor Nottingham added her children have been moved by the Eagle County School District three times while living in the same home. Mayor Reynolds announced this will be brought up later in the Agenda for Council action. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 93-4, Series of 1993, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WILDRIDGE SPA PLAN BY AMENDING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION FROM A SIX UNIT MULTIFAMILY USE TO TWO DUPLEX LOTS. Mr. Tom Allender informed this is second reading with two amendments from first reading. First addition is, "Whereas, the project received design review approval before the adoption of Resolution No. 91-17". And, the second addition is, "it is the condition of such amendment that the project proposed for said lot be completed no later than two years from the effective date of this ordinance." With these two additions, the ordinance presented is ready for adoption. Mayor Reynolds opened the meeting for public input. Hearing none, Mayor Reynolds closed that portion of the meeting. There being no further comments, Mayor Reynolds called for a motion. Councilor Hines motioned approval of Ordinance No. 93-4, Series of 1993 on second reading. Councilor Roof seconded the motion. With no further discussion, Mayor Reynolds entertained a roll call. Those voting aye were Councilors Celeste C. Nottingham, Jim Roof, Tom Hines, Jerry Davis, Jack Fawcett, John Hazard. Motion carried unanimously. -3- • • Resolution No. 93-17, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF FOXX 4 SUBDIVISION, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, REPLAT NO. 2, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Mr. Allender informed Resolution No. 93-17 is subsequent to Ordinance No. 93-4. A copy of the plat is on the wall for review. And, staff has reviewed and recommends approval. Councilor Fawcett motioned to approve Resolution No. 93-17, Series of 1993. Councilor Hines seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. First item under Unfinished Business was discussion on the Nottingham Lake Sedimentation Pond Design / Storage Tank / Pump Station Wildridge Fire Station. Mr. Wood informed, with regards to the sedimentation pond, the Avon Metro District,(AMD) will bid construction and the Town has a budget for landscaping. Bids have been advertised; bid opening on Monday; and plan to award contract next Wednesday at the AMD meeting. The Wildridge water improvements include a pump station on the fire station site. A site plan is on the wall to review how it fits into the hillside and ties in with the playground that is proposed on that area. Anticipated schedule; advertise for bids next week, opening of bids in mid-May, and award contract latter-May with anticipated construction start of June 1st and completion in July. The full project, including Mountain Star pump station, is anticipated to be complete in November. Next item under Unfinished Business was the Wildwood Townhomes / Hiring of Remedial Engineering Firm. Mr. Bill James reminded the Wildwood Townhomes is a project the Town built and sold for affordable housing to seventeen owners. And, through the process, a conclusion has finally been reached with the punchlist. There are still discrepancies between the Town, Colorado First contractor, and Mark Donaldson architect. Staff recommends hiring an independent firm to review and prove liability; who is responsible for completion of disputed items. Proposal is in Council's packet. An example of a disputed item; the concrete is buckling next to the entry doors of practically every unit and neither the contractor or the architect is taking responsibility for this item. Councilor Nottingham questioned arbitration. Councilor Fawcett questioned charging the parties involved. Mayor Remolds informed we are holding $5,000 from the Contractor and nothing from the Architect. Attorney Dunn stated ideally of course you want to get an agreement from everybody to see through arbitration with this firm and share the expense. -4- E Council's consensus was to hire the firm, bring them up to take a look at the project, and report back to Council with an estimate of how much it will cost, after notifying the contractor and the architect of the Town's intentions. First item added to the Agenda under New Business was the request from Allan Nottingham for Council to send a letter to the School District in support of the petition from Avon residents. Mayor Reynolds questioned if council wanted to take any action regarding this petition. Council's consensus was agreement with the concerns voiced in the petition received from the Avon citizens. Councilor Nottingham motioned we send a letter to the Eagle County School District, the Superintendent and Board, communicating some of the concerns we heard hear tonight regarding the stability of the school system and the affect on our community. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion. Councilor Roof recommended copies of the letter be sent to the local newspapers so that the community is aware of Council's action. The motion carried unanimously. Next item under New Business was the Greyhound Bus Agency. Mr. James informed that Greyhound currently serves the area by stopping at the Vail Transportation Center. Greyhound has approached the Town of Avon to assist with stopping in Avon. Six busses are scheduled daily; using the Avon Center turnaround. Greyhound has asked the Town to sell tickets, which the Town would received 12.5% of ticket sales from this area (approximately $15,00-$18,000 yearly). It is feasible, from Town staff perspective, if Council is interested in pursuing. Greyhound brought a bus in last week on a trial run. Half of the shelter area would need to be enclosed. Councilor Roof questioned moving operation from Vail to Avon; no longer a stop in Vail. Mr. James confirmed. Councilor Roof questioned if Avon doesn't agree to moving from Vail to Avon is Greyhound still going to stop in Vail. Mr. James confirmed. Councilor Fawcett questioned reason for leaving Vail. Mr. James responded Greyhound states they are having difficulty with staffing. Councilor Hines questioned staffing in Vail versus Avon. Mr. James informed in Vail, Greyhound hires staff; in Avon we would not need additional staff as this could be handle through the Transportation Department in the Avon Center. Councilor Davis suggested discussing. with our neighbor, Vail, and questioned why Greyhound can't stop in both places. Council's consensus was to table this matter and discuss further with Vail. -5- ~J E Next item on the Agenda was the Mayor's Report. Mayor Reynolds informed he attended the CAST business meeting held in Denver. Main conversations were Amendment 1 and the Pope's visit in August. First item added to the Agenda under Other Business was Jerry Davis's resignation. Councilor Davis motioned to direct the Town Clerk to advertise for a vacancy on the Town Council to be filled by the first meeting in May. The motion was seconded by Councilor Fawcett. Councilor Davis informed he is resigning his position on the Avon Town Council effective the first meeting in May. Mayor Reynolds stated Councilor Davis will be missed and that he has done alot for this community. The motion carried with Councilor Hines opposing. Next item added to the Agenda under Other Business was an Executive summary on the Community Center. Mr. James informed that Staff has completed the Executive summary on the Community Center and this will be taken "on the road". There are are total of nine organizations, including Vail Council, Vail Recreation District, Beaver Creek Metro, Beaver Creek Resort Company, Eagle-Vail Metro District, Arrowhead Metro District, Berry Creek, Eagle County School Board, and Western Eagle County Recreation District, which we will present our Community Center to and discuss their interest of financial participation. Lucy Garrity from BBC will also attend these meetings. Meetings are scheduled through May and feed back will be presented to Council in June. Next item added to the Agenda under Other Business was the Recycling Center. Mr. James mentioned that Mr. Mauri Nottingham would like Council to consider including in the Public Works Facility a recycling center. A lease agreement would possibly be needed with Eagle County for the space. Mr. Nottingham requested approximately 6,000 sq.ft. building and 6,000 sq.ft. outside for storage of trucks, etc. Council's consensus was for Mr. James to look into this further. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilor Fawcett requested, on a regular basis, approximately 15 minutes during the Worksession to discuss miscellaneous items, such as financial questions. -6- • i Councilor Hines motioned to receive items #1 through #8 and approve items #9 through #10. The,motion was seconded by Councilor Nottingham and-was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Hines motioned approval of the'March 23, 1993 Regular Council Meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilor Roof and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to adjourn: The motion was seconded by Councilor- Nottingham. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at'9:231im. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty, Ne hart, Town Clerk, -7-