HELD OCTOBER 27. 1992 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Davis at 7:34p.m.
A roll call was taken with Councilors Charlie Gersbach, John
Hazard, Tom Hines, Celeste Nottingham, Derek Pysher, and Albert
Reynolds present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town
Manager Bill James, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks,
Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Community
Development Rick Pylman, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief
Charlie Moore, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the
press and public.
First item under Citizen Input was Eagle County Commissioner
Candidate, Johnnette Phillips.
Ms. Phillips informed she is a County Commissioner Candidate for
District 2, with a background of County Clerk and Recorder for the
last 14 years. Ms. Phillips voiced her concerns and views on
commissioners' communications and service, master plan, airport,
childcare, and transportation. Ms. Phillips fielded questions on
recycling, reviewing and amending County budget, combining
services such as special districts, and transportation.
Next under Citizen Input was Judy Yoder, member of the Board of
Trustees of the Eagle County Public Library.
Ms. -Yoder requested Council's support and endorsement for the
Eagle County Public Library becoming a special district as the
Eagle Valley Public Library. Should the special district pass,
the the library will. receive a total 2.75 mills, which they are
currently receiving 1.157.. This will allow the purchase of more
materials and books, extend current hours, and building additional
libraries. Feasibility studies will be done shortly after the
election, if the special district passes. Ms. Yoder read the
question as it appears on the ballot and requested a "yes" vote
from all.
Resolution No. 92-31, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE
1992 BUDGET.
Mr. Bill James reminded that the last two months Council has been
discussing revised estimates to the 1992 budget, the proposed 1993
budget, and setting the mill levy.
Mr. James stated Resolution No. 92-31 is amending the 1992
budget to reflect; general fund, $6,668,043;.public works fund,
$2,309,892; debt service-fund, $575,818;-Wildridge special"
assessments fund, $258,000;'and housing authority fund;.$2,057,886
for total expenditures of $11,869,639.
Councilor Reynolds motioned to adopt Resolution No. 92-31, Series
of 1992. Councilor Pysher seconded the motion and the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Davis questioned final date to amend the 1993 budget and
setting the mill levy should these be adopted this evening. Mr.
James responded mill levy certification must be made by December-
15, 1992. Mr. James added the mill levy will not be certified
until Council instructs. This will allow future discussions and
possible changes for the 1993 budget and mill levy should Council
wish to amend.
Resolution No. 92-32, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE
Mr. James informed the main change from an earlier worksession
was deletion of the.public relations position. The public
relations budget is now $10,000; a reduction of $61,000 from the
original budget. The $10,000 is planned for six newsletters, four
mayor's breakfast, and a community survey.
Councilor Pysher questioned total debt service; $506,000 not
$576,000. Mr. James informed this figure will be double checked.
Mr. James added total expenditures for 1993 are estimated at
$9,444,389; less than 1992 basically due to fewer capital
Mayor Davis noted increase of $3,000,000 to $9,000,000 over a
period of a few years was due mainly to transportation and fire
services. Actual operating budget, excluding transportation and
fire is $4.2'million.
Councilor Pysher commented he would like see.additional funds put
into the debt service to potentially buy down some of the
principal and interest payments; with interest over, 1/2 million,a
year., there should be an opportunity of savings if we could pay
that down a little bit.
Councilor Hines motioned to adopt Resolution No. 92-32, Series of
1992. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion
carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 92-33, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION SETTING THE
Mr. James informed.-the Town needs to receive A new valuation of
assessment from the'County. The County included Eaglebend
affordable housing project in our assessed value, which is
approximately $1.4 million. Eaglebend is a tax exempt property.
The County is requesting the State provide tax-exempt status for
this property., again this year as last year. Less the $1.4
million,- the adjusted valuation of assessment is approximately $38
million. Mr. James'suggested passage of the Resolutionv revenues
will just have'to be adjusted to meet the mill levy assessment.
Revenues will be approximatel:y-$2,5,000.
0 0
Mr. James noted a proposed small reduction in the mill levy; from
25.573 to 25.352, approximately 3.5%.
Councilor Pysher voiced opposition of the mill levy at this level
and is seeking reduction of the mill levy by 5 points.
Councilor Reynolds motioned to adopt Resolution No. 92-33, Series
of 1992. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion
carried with Councilor Pysher opposing. .
Resolution No. 92-34, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE
Mr: Rick Pylman informed Design and Construction Services, Inc.,
otherwise known as Tony Siebert, has been building'a condominium
project on Lot 8,-Block'3; Benchmark Subdivision. The first
twelve units are completed and now condominium space needs to be
created for separate deeds to each unit. Staff recommends
approval of this Resolution.
Councilor Hazard motioned to approve Resolution No. 92-34, Series
of 1992. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion
carried unanimously.
Next was New Business regarding a landscaping request from the
Aspen Trailer Park.
Mr. James noted that representatives of the Aspen Trailer Park
have requested the Town help to pay for landscaping along their
newly installed fence and I-70. This would cost approximately
$60,000. Discussions focused on irrigation and maintenance and at
who's expense. Council's consensus was for-Mr. James to research
this further.
Next under New Business was discussion of a request from the Aspen
Trailer-Park for a program to help residents purchase homes.
Discussions regarded mortgages, down payments, affordable housing,
and programs for mobile homes. Council directed Mr. James to
research this further.
Next under New Business was a letter from Patrick Clary regarding
a,street light request at the intersection of Stonebridge Drive
and Highway 6.
Council's consensus was this is a valid request'and placement of
the light would be best served on Highway 6: Council directed
Staff to send a letter to the State, since this is a State
highway, to request the state erect a.street light on Highway 6 at
Stonebridge Drive. Should the State', maybe the
Town could then do something.
• •
Next was the Mayor's Report.
Mayor Davis questioned if Council would like to endorse the ballot
question regarding the Library district. Council's consensus was
to endorse this ballot question. Mayor Davis directed the Town
Clerk to provide an endorsement letter for the Mayor's signature
and to make this available to the newspapers.
Next was Other Business.
Council presented Committee Reports.
Councilor Nottingham informed Channel #23, in a cooperative effort
with CMC, is offering a production class.
Councilor Nottingham announced this is Red Ribbon Week for Drug
Free Eagle Valley.
Mayor Davis mentioned the Avon Arts Council and Council's
consensus was to discuss this at the next worksession.
Mr. James stated the Public Works Fund budget will be discussed
at next worksession. Mayor Davis requested a five-year budget
plan be presented at next worksession.
The Financial Matters were next presented to Council.
Councilor Hines moved to receive items #1 thru #3 and approve
items #4 thru #10. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds
and was unanimously carried.
Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes.
Councilor Hines motioned approval of the October 13, 1992 Regular
Council Meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by
Councilor Reynolds and the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor
Davis called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to
adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Nottingham. The
meeting was adjourned by Mayor Davis at 9:00pm.
Patty Neyh*rt,jTowm Clerk