TC Minutes 07-14-1992• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD JUDY 14, 1992 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of-Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Davis at 7:32p.m. A roll call was taken with Councilors Charlie Gersbach,_John Hazard, Tom Hines, Celeste Nottingham, Derek Pysher, and Albert Reynolds resent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks,'Director of Community Development Rick.Pylman, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Recreation Superintendent Meryl Jacobs, Public Relations Officer Teresa Albertson, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public. First item on.the Agenda,was Citizen Input. State Representative Danny Williams presented the statewide initiative to raise the Colorado sales tax. Rep.- Williams thankedCouncil for the opportunity he has had in working for'the Town as Representative and complemented Council's helpfulness. Rep.; iWilliams informed he' ;is not asking Ifor'Council's support on this initiative;-just-here to give his perspective. Rep. Williams cave history of how the initiative 'has come 'about'. Rep. Williams informed statewide tax payers did not support public schools at one time. There were,thousands of school districts that acted much like special districts and levied taxes and funded schools. At one point in time, Colorado decided they should help support, with general/broad taxation, Colorado's public schools. In the late-50 s and early 60's a concerted effort was made by,the Legislature to mandate consolidation.of the Districts.. The consolidations did occur and Eagle County's consolidation is known as RE50J. In 1988, the Legislature adopted a New School Finance Act to change the funding proposition through out Colorado. The reason was in response to a lawsuit whereby, the plaintiff argued that the State was not making equitable contributions to school districts across the State, therefore equal,opportunity in each school district did not exist. The 1988 Act tried to recognize that there are school districts with similar needs and similar spending initiatives; thus creating a variety of different kinds of school districts such as urban, suburban, small attendance. The 1988 Act also suggested establishing a state share and a local statewide share of local property taxes to have some predictability of the state share and to try and stabilize or reduce statewide local property taxes and increase statewide taxes. In 1988'the Legislature recognized the need to progress with standards; students being prepared consistent with the amount of dollars being put into the program. Rep. Williams did not support the 1988 Act and still opposes it As it'has been very, punitive on Districts like Eagle County. The result of the 1988 Act was that Eagle County is totally reliant on property taxes to fund it's K-12 educational experience. • This put a ceiling on the expenditures on this District, so that they could find equity throughout the State. The dilemma of education is not focused on how to provide a better product, it is focused on what we can afford and who is going to pay. The 1988 Act in trying to stabilize property taxes and fund what was promised in 1988 has caused a crisis. The Legislature has since failed to fund the Act. Now, the funding crisis is approximately $300-$400 million dollars; a shortfall to fund the law. We could, simply not fund those promises with cuts across the State, however_ some Districts will be hurt more than others and to keep current funding we still need to produce the $300-$400 million and to fund excellence in education the sky would be the limit. After the 1992 Legislature session concluded and they were still unable to find a funding solution, Governor Romer proposed a statutory initiative that the public could vote on, which is the Children's First Act. This will raise the state sales tax from-3% to 4% generating approximately $300 million annually. For the first time there is a concerted effort to tell the people of Colorado where the money will be spent. Standards will be set and innovative ways will be looked at for more efficiency in administration to programs. Rep.- Williams stated he does support the initiative because he feels the government is responsible for education and funding,is part of the solution. Rep. Williams added there are lots of ways funding could have been done, however Governor. Romer chose the sales tax as it has shown to be passable by the voters over other tax increases. Rep. Williams does not feel the Legislature will react to finding a solution to this funding problem should this initiative fail. One solution, should it fail, could be overall statewide property tax increases. Councilor Nottingham read from CML newsletter, April, 1992, "combined state/local sales tax rate in Colorado is among the highest in the nation, based on data compiled by the US Advisory Commission on intergovernmental relations as of November, 1990°. Rep. Williams stated all state taxes combined (i.e. gas, sales, income, and any other fee or tax that goes to the state) divided by the population to dive you a per capita tax load; Colorado is' in the lowest percentile. However, local taxes (i.e. property; sales, and anything else that goes to the local level) are very, very high. The combination of the two (state and local) puts us somewhere in the middle. Councilor Reynolds questioned if an increase in taxes would hurt tourism. Red Williams stated he would not have chosen the sales tax as a resident of Eagle County; he'would have chosen an income tax. Rep. Williams stated he personally does not look at an area's taxes prior to planning or taking his vacation. Rep.. Williams added,Eagle County is not getting,money back in the RE50J District should this initiative pass. What we would hope to, get is a stabilized or reduced property tax and real dollars and growth for education and hopefully a-,better product. Councilor Hazard noted why vote for something you are not oing to benefit from; why not defeat this initiative and make the 91.7 million cut's and then do a local level tax for our children. -2- Rep. Williams agreed with Councilor Hazard and added that what would help Eagle County is to secede from the state of Colorado so we could do away with the School Finance Act. Rep. Williams added that the statewide premise is that'-there has to be equal opportunity for every kid within the state; a very poor kid in Huerfano County'is to receive the same education as.a rich kid in Vail. This is not necessarily equity; Eagle County residents are subsidizing with state taxes the poor kids living_in Huerfano County. However, the State of Colorado is committed to funding K-12 education with statewide dollars. Mayor Davis informed he was on the Eagle County School Board when the law passed and at that time the Board realized this was not good for Eagle County. Mayor Davis noted this 'is a stop gap measure, not a solution. The Legislature has not acted so let the backlash happen. When all the parents and all-the leaders tell the Legislature to fund it, then property taxes may be what they decide to do. However in Eagle County there are alot of people paying property taxes that don't live here, thus-it may-not be as negative. Mayor Davis noted Avon has current sales tax of over 8% and lodging tax of 12% and this initiative would not leave us any room to adjust local revenues. Councilor Hines echoed Mayor Davis's comments and does not support the initiative. Councilor Nottingham questioned if money raised from the increased sales tax will filter. into Eagle County. Rep. Williams stated he wouldn't hold his breath; Eagle County is known within the system as a "rich" District, thus Eagle County doesn't get alot of sympathy. Councilor Nottingham questioned the status of the initiative at the state level. Rep. Williams projected in the House, the majority of Republican Legislature do not support the initiative and the majority Democrats do support it. Statewide voters are not likely to pass any tax increase, no matter what it would be for. Ms'. Diane Paradis, Director of Finance for the School District, discussed the school budget. Eagle County school budget is set until.July, 1993 . In the last year, the School Board has cut $1 million. Those cuts include: 1/2 of equipment/technology, limited the salary.increases to 3%, 1/2 summer school program, closed Red Cliff and McCoy Schools, are presently charging for athletic fees, and 10% was cut from the athletic budget. The next round of cuts would hit art, music, and physical education, and possibly class sizes. 80% of the bud et is salary and benefits. Current General Fund budget total is 16.3 million. The school board is seeking additional revenue opportunities locally, possibly an override election to bring-$700,000 annually; transportation election to bring $600,000; collection of asbestos removal - expenses incurred. Mayor Davis suggested the sale of school land,and that the Town.of Avon would possibly-be interested in buying some of the property. Ms. Paradis informed the Property Task.Force Committee 1s recommending to the School Board that approximately 10 parcels be offered for sale. Mr. Jamison Smith, hopeful successor to Danny Williams, informed he is carrying a petition for Governor Romer's initiative as his show of support. Mr. Zmithx,stated the School Finance Act should be junked,-.,however this does;need;to be passed to allow time. -3- i Next on the Agenda was the Goshawk Townhomes. Goshawk Townhomes cancelled and requested to be on the next Agenda. Next on the Agenda was the Post Office Update. The Post Office officials did not show up. Mr. James mentioned the final design plans have not been seen and it is understood the Post Office is seeking bids. Mr. James informed the Post Office was asked if they would participate in the Streetscape Plan on West Beaver Creek Blvd. with similar fixtures and they declined to participate. Mr. James expressed concerns of how the Federal government comes into a ,local community and takes a position of not having to adhere to the local planning and zoning issues. Mr. James informed the Post Office has purchased the property. Mayor Davis informed that the Post Office officials did go to the Vail Council and listened to the Vail Council and made a few,changes in cooperation with those discussions. Mayor Davis would like-to have that same opportunity and directed Mr. James to keep trying to get the Post Office officials to come to the Avon Council. Next on the Agenda was the Railroad Update. Mr. Tom Britz, Vertical Marketing, informed of the "Good News" and the "Bad News". The good news is the comprehensive marketing plan is in place and ready to go;- coordinated with ABCRA, Town Staff, VRA, and Marketing Board with over $30,000 worth of trade-out. The bad news is the train can't,run on Labor Day weekend due to shortage of locomotives and crew. The Leadville day trip can not run due to the grade and lack of use of tracks. Mr. Britz suggested a Thanksgiving excursion and sought Council's direction. Councilor Nottingham questioned how much money has been spent thus far. Mr. Britz informed approximately $2-3,000. Councilor Hines questioned if everything is in place for a Thanksgiving excursion, would additional money be needed. Mr. Britz stated that no more money should be needed. Councilor Reynolds questioned if the train will be promoted as a ski train. Mr. Britz responded that if it is Thanksgiving it will be promoted as a ski train. With Council's consensus, Mr. Britz suggested coming before Council in approximately one month for an update with regards to the Thanksgiving train. Resolution No. 92-22, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES PARATRANSIT PLAN Mr: Larry`Brooks informed on July-26, 1990, the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).was signed into-law. This Act was established to "provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination-of discrimination against individuals with disabilities' -4- • • The Avon transportation system falls under Title II of this-Act, which requires us to submit a paratransit-plan to the Federal Transportation Authority (formerly known as UMPTA). To meet this requirement` Avon, Beaver Creeks Leadville, and Vail agreed to submit a joint plan. The deadline for submittal of the plan to the FTA is July 26th. The process took several months to complete and included several public meetings. Submittal of this plan requires adoption by-each of the Councils listed above by Resolution. Mr. Brooks explained transportation services; fixed route (Avon routes) and demand response (dial-a-ride in Beaver Creek) and detailed how'ADA affects both. Mr. Brooks noted new busses will need to be equipped for wheelchair accessibility. Mr. Brooks explained the, paratransit plan and explained that a 24 passenger wheelchair bus is currently available. Vail has one and is available as a back up to our system. Councilor Hines questioned whether the six new busses will be wheelchair accessible. Mr. Brooks confirmed all six will be equipped. With no further discussions, Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilor Pysher motioned, to adopt Resolution No. 92-21, Series of 1992.✓' Councilor Hines "seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Davis opened the meeting to Citizen In-Put. Mr."Jeff Townsend, of the Sheriff's office, came before Council to hear any concerns. Police Chief Dalton informed his Department has no problems with the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Townsend mentioned his concerns of lack of man power within the Sheriff's Office and added the Sheriff's Office has no problems with the Avon Police Department. Mr. Townsend stated there are 24 road deputies with 1,700 square miles to cover with shifts. Councilor Nottingham questioned "woodsies/keg parties" penalties and whether they are only ticketed for parking and/or for under age drinking. Mr. Townsend responded that each is ticketed for under age drinking if alcohol is present. Council's consensus was that the Sheriff's office is doing a good job. Next was Unfinished Business. Mayor Davis requested to discuss the School Finance Act and questioned what is Council's consensus. Council's consensus was opposition to the increase in sales tax and to repeal the 1988 School Finance Act. Mayor Davis and Councilor Nottingham will work together to revise the Resolution tabled at the last council meeting. -5- i i Next was New Business. Ms. Teresa Albertson presented the Town of Avon Public Relations Master Plan (Plan). The Plan is formatted similar to a Marketing Plan which includes an executive summary, definitions section, a section of the current situation, recommended goals, actions to meet goals, and an annual plan. Ms. Albertson cave highlights of each section. The Public Relations Master Plan is to be updated on a yearly basis. Ms. Albertson noted that her job is equally split between marketing for the Avon/Beaver Creek Transit and public relations for the Town of Avon and the Plan deals with both halves. Mayor Davis suggested, with regards to transportation, an annual survey and possibly renaming the bus system with a more generic name. Councilor Hazard questioned scheduling of the Mayor's Breakfasts. Ms. Albertson informed the Mayor's Breakfasts are scheduled quarterly. Mayor Davis suggested, with regards to the Mayor's Breakfasts, one be scheduled in the morning and one be scheduled in the evening. Councilor Nottingham complemented on the ideas of creating a motto and a press kit. Councilor Nottingham questioned new ideas or continuation of current actions with regards to two way communications. Ms. Albertson responded the plan is to continue the current actions and include proposed new ideas such as the newsletter, annual report, and Mayor's State of the Town. Councilor Nottingham questioned $10,000 for survey. Ms. Albertson informed this survey will be done professionally. Councilor Hines questioned budgeting. Ms. Albertson stated $25,000 has been budgeted for the Plan this year. Councilor Hines questioned the employer/employee bus pass and incentives. Ms. Albertson received little input last year, but with more output there is potential for more interest. Councilor Pysher questioned implementation of the Plan. Ms. Albertson informed the priorities have been set and will be met; flexibility is key with unexpected happenings such as "Bob". Next under New Business was Budget Scheduling. Mr. James highlighted the Budget Schedule. Budget Sessions and Goal Setting will be every Tuesday in August and more meetings to be determined as needed. Budget is scheduled to be adopted October 27, 1992 and take effect January 1, 1993. Next was the Mayor's Report. Mayor Davis mentioned an article in the Denver Post stating Representatives have passed appropriation of $2.8 million to Eagle County for 5 busses to meet qualifications for the Clean Air Act and Americans with Disabilities Act. Mayor Davis added this will be not confirmed until October. -6- 0 0 Mayor Davis mentioned,a local:control committee, equal protection campaign-,seeking defeat of,the Bruce Amendment. Mayor Davis noted an individual donated $25.00 towards the Fireworks,show. Mayor Davis announced there is a Transportation Task Force meeting tomorrow at 8:30am in the Vail Public Works building. Next was Council Committee Reports. Councilor Nottingham had nothing to report. Councilor Reynolds had nothing to report. Councilor Gersbach mentioned, with regards to the-105 Berry Creek Acres, a contract has been signed with Shirkie Evans' Group to manage the equestrian center. Councilor Gersbach-noted that Mr. Steve Isom proposed an Industrial Park on the Miller Ranch and a request to consider a trade for a portion of the Miller Ranch for, a portion of the Berry Creek acreage,-which was not met favorably. Councilor Hines had nothing to report. Councilor Hazard commented on the success of the new playground and noted the 4th of'July was perfect. Councilor Pysher had nothing to report. Mayor Davis directed Staff to commemorate Danny William's service to the Town of Avon with a plaque. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilor Hines moved to receive items #1 thru,#12 and approve items #13 thru #17. The motion was seconded by Councilor Nottingham and was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Hines moved approval of the June 23rd Regular Council Meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilor Pysher and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Davis called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Remolds moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Nottingham. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Davis at 10:28pm. -7- RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: wn Clerk Patty Neyh.rt, Iko APPROVED: -8-