TC Minutes 04-14-1992MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD APRIL 14, 1992 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in'the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Davis at 7:37p.m. A roll call Was taken with Councilors Charlie Gersbach, John Hazard, Tom Hines, Celeste Nottingham, Derek Pysher, and Albert Reynolds present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm,Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director-of Community Development Rick Pylman, Planner Jim Curnutte, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Public Relations Officer Teresa Albertson, Town Clerk Patty,Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public. First item under Citizen Input was the Avon Library Branch. Ms. Judy Yoder, member of the Board of Trustees gave an update on the Library's progression. Ms. Yoder stated the Library opened in September without a Director and with that in mind introduced Mr. Joe Gunter, the new Director as of March 1st. Ms. Yoder also introduced Lorraine Haslee, manager for the Avon Branch. Mr. Gunter noted the favorable response for the Avon Library and how pleased he is to be part of the Community. Mr. Gunter informed that he will continue to keep Council updated on the programs and materials available or planned at the Library. Ms. Haslee agreed with Mr. Gunter regarding the overwhelming favorable Community response (averaging 150 people daily). Ms. Haslee stated the Library is very receptive to any input or suggestions and special requests are accepted. Ms. Haslee mentioned eight individual childrens' programs are planned weekly this summer. Next item under Citizen Input was Ms. Barbara Stegemann representing Adrenalin Adventures. Ms. Stegemann informed Mr. Don Orrell of the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association approached Adrenalin Adventures with the idea of including bungee jumping during the July 4th celebration., Ms. Stegemann stated that during.the July 4th celebration, the bungee operation will be.from a crane instead of'a hot air balloon and on private land;`Avon Town'Square.,-Adrenalin Adventures is currently in operation with a hot air balloon'at the 4=Eagle Ranch in Wolcott. Cost of a bungee jump is $89.00 for tourists and $69.00 for locals. • Second Reading, Ordinance AMENDING CHAPTER 8.24 OF RELATING TO LIMITATION OF 0 No. 92-3, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. Mr. Rick Pylman reminded Council that this Ordinance is in response to complaints the Town received regarding construction activity; specifically.the noise. '.Mr. Pylman stated the Ordinance allows construction activity`Monday thru Friday with virtually no restrictions, from 7:00am to 7:00pm on Saturdays, and 9.:00am to 6:00pm on Sundays and Holidays; enforceable by audible noise at the property line. No changes were made to the ordinance after.-first read-ing and is presented tonight for second reading and public hearing. Mayor Davis opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed that portion of the meeting. Councilor Hines questioned penalties; any warning prior to fines. Mr. Pylman,stated there is no first time warning built into the Ordinance; thus, would be at the discretion of the enforcing officer. Councilor Hazard mentioned parking problems already occurring in the,Wildridge area and questioned enforcement of parking problems. Police Chief Dalton stated first time the officers give warnings; second time the officers issue tickets. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilor Pysher.motioned adoption of Ordinance No. 92-3, Series of 1992. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. Mayor Davis entertained a roll call. Those Councilors voting aye were Albert Reynolds, Derek Pysher, Charlie'Gersbach, Tom Hines, and Celeste Nottingham. Motioned carried with Councilor Hazard opposing. First Reading, Ordinance No. 92-5, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 15.08; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE`THE 1991-'EDITIONS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE'AND THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS;, AND REPEALING CHAPTER 15.04 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF THE-MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO First'Reading, Ordinance No. 92-6, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 15.12 OF. THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE "NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE", 1990 EDITION First,Reading, Ordinance No. 92-7, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING-CHAPTER 15.20 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE "UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE", 1991 EDITION First Reading, Ordinance No. 92-8,.Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 15.24 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE "UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE", 1991 EDITION' -2- First Reading, Ordinance No. 92-9, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE, REPEALING CHAPTER 15.32 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE AND REENACTING CHAPTER 15.32 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE "UNIFORM FIRE CODE"; 1991 EDITION Mr. Bill James informed that Ordinances 92-5 (Building), 92-6 (Electrical), 92-7 (Plumbing), 92-8 (Mechanical), and 92-9 (Fire) are all related to the Uniform Codes. Mr. James stated the Uniform Codes apply standards for safety and environmental concerns. Mr. James recommended Council to pass the Ordinances on first reading this evening, review the codes at the April 28th Worksession, and schedule the public hearing with second reading on May 12th. This schedule gives the public / construction trade plenty of time to respond. Councilor Reynolds motioned approval on first reading, Ordinances 92-5, 92-6, 92-70, 92-81 and 92-9, Series-of 1992. The motion was seconded by Councilor Hines. Mayor Davis entertained a roll call. Those Councilors voting aye were Celeste Nottingham, Charlie Gersbach, Tom Hines, Derek Pysher, Albert Reynolds, John Hazard. There were no nay votes. Motion passed. Next was Unfinished Business. Goshawk Townhomes was scheduled, however Mr. James informed that Ms. Deb Taylor, representative for Goshawk, called and informed she is unable to attend. Council deferred decision until Goshawk representatives are in attendance. Council directed Town Clerk to mail copy of packet literature (minutes of past Council meetings, letter from-Land Designs by Ellison, etc.) to Ms. -Deb'Taylor and- Ms. Susan O'Neill for review. Next was New Business. First item is to receive Petition for Referendum. Mr. James reminded-Council that Ordinance No. 92-2 was passed creatinga Special Improvement District for purposes of installing landscaping and street improvements basically in the core area of the Town and creating.the Special Assessment District to pay for those improvements. Mr. James informed that under the Town's Charter there is a provision that allows-for a referendum. The public may request, within 30 days of passage of any Ordinance,. the Ordinance be brought back before the Council for basically-two decisions; either repeal the Ordinance and start the process over or not-do anything with it OR to call for an election at-either special or regular election. Mr. James informed the Town Clerk has verified the petitions and stated a total of 57 signatures appear on the petitions with 51 qualified (only 23 qualified signatures needed), 1 was not a resident of Avon, 3 were duplicates, and 2 were unable to verify. Mr. James stated that With Council's discussions, during the Goal Setting Session earlier-during the Worksession, the recommendation-was to repeal the-Ordinance and amend the budget in the Public Works Fund to pay for all the improvements with available cash of Town funds in the amount of $1,569,000 in 1992. -3- 0 • Councilor Nottingham stated because this is a good project, because it should happen for the future of Avon', for necessary safety reasons as well as aesthetic reasons this same proposal should be put on the November ballot for more citizens to become involved. Councilor Reynolds stated the prcject should be completed in 1992; the Ordinance should be.repealed and the project paid for out of Town funds. Councilor Gersbach stated the completion in 1992 keeps the Council on track of the :Goals set. Councilor- Gersbach-noted the bridge proposal should be completed, the landscaping should be completed; to go with the entire $1,500,000 is not necessary and feels a scaled down project would be sufficient. Councilor Pysher expressed respect toward the following their beliefs. Councilor Pysher ads the project; just not the funding mechanism. stated the Ordinance should be repealed as it should be amended and the Town should pay for Public Works Fund. petitioners for led most people liked Councilor Pysher . stands; the budget the project from the Councilor Hazard expressed pleasure of the initiative of Mr. Yoder. Councilor Hazard respected the show of democracy. Councilor Hazard stated the Ordinance should be repealed and the Town should complete the entire project and pay for it. Councilor Hines expressed discomfort in paying $1,500,000 out of Town funds for the entire project. Councilor Hines expressed favorableness for the completion of the entire project. However, due to the referendum, Councilor Hines suggested putting the issue on the November ballot with a possible different format. Mayor Davis stated this project was the Council's priority for 1992. It was presented to a certain. group of the public; namely business owners as the Town hoped they would pay half. The business owners exercised, their rights under the Avon Charter. Mayor-Davis stated he would like to see the project completed in its entirety in 1992. Mayor Davis added that of all the options he favors to take the entire amount-of money out of the Public Works Funds..,Mayor Davis added that doing this does not. necessarily-strap•,the Town, however•it.does.mean that this is the, project that:we will be'doing and:will probably not be doing any other projects of this magnitude at least in this year. Mayor Davis called >for, a,'motion. Councilor Nottingham questioned what percentage'of-the Town's budget will this project take. Mr. James responded this will effect the Cap t&l'Projects Fund,' not General Fund: General Fund provides 'for al-l our- general ".operations. , Year ending 1991 there was approximately $65011000 in General Fund Balance;`sufficient fund balance to carry us'thru 1992 assuming all estimates for all operations are correct without a great fluctuation in revenue projections. In Public Works Fund $1,700,000 was carried over into 1992. With this-project of $1,569,000, at the end of 1992 an estimated balance of $350,000 will be in reserve to finish off the Railroad roject in case of any unforeseen expenses. Keeping in mind the $1,569,000 is not a set figure until bids are received; a 10% contingency is estimated in the $1,569,000. -4- Mayor Davis interjected that the Town has the option of not spending:a dime;-.we get,;t6 the point where we take the bids and if it comes out to-be $2,500;000'the Town can say we can not do this project. The Town is not committing itself to do the project outside this budget;. or if the-bids are over this budget the Town has'the option of`doing,a portion-of the project. Councilor Gersbach questioned the amount in the Capital Projects Budget. Mr. James responded $3,100,000 in 1992; of which $1,569,000 is for the Road and Streetscape Improvements. Councilor.-Gersbach questioned the Town's contribution under the proposed Special Assessment District. Mr. James answered'at last count was $733,000; that number-was going'to reach $850,000 due to unforeseen state concerns. Councilor Gersbach suggested a 1992 project to parallel that figure ($850,000); spend what we were going to spend. Mayor Davis called for a.recommendation or motion. Mr. James , suggested two motions; one in dealing with repealing the ordinance and the other with regards to financing the project. Councilor-Reynolds moved to repeal ordinance No. 92-2, series of 1992. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Attorney-Dunn stated an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 92-2- will be presented at next Council meeting. Councilor Pysher moved to authorize the.Town Manager to,amend the Public Works Fund, 1992 Budget to provide $1,569,000 for road.and streetscape improvements approved for the Local Improvement District No. 1992-1. Councilor-Reynolds seconded the motion. Councilor Hazard added it should include the landscaping in connection with the Avon Road project. Councilor Pysher stated -the motion does include this. Mayor Davis conducted a-roll call. Those Councilors voting aye were Derek Pysher, John Hazard, Charlie Gersbach, Albert Reynolds. Those Councilors voting nay were Tom Hines and Celeste Nottingham. Motion carried. Next item under New Business was to Receive the Audit Report. Mr. James reminded Council of the discussion at the Worksession with Mr. Jack Schroeder of Van Schooneveld regarding the 1992 audit. Basically, Council needs to receive,the draft Audit Report. Final Audit Report will be available in two weeks. Councilor Reynolds motioned to receive the audit report. Councilor Gersbach seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. -5- 0 Next item under New Business was approval of Consultant for Feasibility Study for Community Center. Mr. James stated under the Public Works Fund an amount has been reserved to do a feasibility study and some architectural work for a community center this year. Mr. James presented two proposals from.firms that have done alot of work on community centers. Mr.. James recommended the firm of Browne, Bortz, & Coddington, Inc. due to the fact they have done more work in Eagle County and resort areas. Architectural firm used would be for cost estimates and not necessarily the firm hired for final design. Councilor Nottingham motioned approval of the recommendation of the feasibility study for the community center by Browne, Bortz, & Coddington,-Inc. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Next under New Business was Nottingham Lake Clean-Out. Mr. Norm Wood informed that Mr. Bill Nottingham is in agreement with using the Stolport property with the stipulation of receiving approval from Mr. LeRossignol who has a purchasing contract on the-property. Mr. Wood added that.Mr. LeRossignol is in agreement. _Mr., Wood stated the contract-documents are being prepared; will'be put-to bid; and start up date of pumping the lake is scheduled for the day after Labor'Day-with completion of dredging expected Mid-October. The lake should be fully restored approximately two weeks after completion of the dredging. One sedimentation pond is recommended at,an approximate,cost of $117,000. Current estimate for lake dredging•is $147,000. Some odor may occur at the Lake and the sedimentation pond. Next under New Business was Parking Lot Design. ,Mr. Larry Brooks informed one of the improvements covered in the Public Works Fund budget is the Parking lot between the Municipal Building and the Fire-Department. Mr.. Brooks informed a culvert will be placed in the large ditch between the two buildings-to -create a small parking lot to add to what is currently available. Estimated cost'is within $50,000. Mr. Brooks presented a design of the area to be created. Mayor Davis noted more parking spaces are needed at the Municipal Building-, especially with the addition of the Eagle County Offices. Mr. Brooks added if Council approves the project this evening the project may be completed in a month. Council directed Mr. Brooks to complete the project. Councilor Reynolds questioned Mr. Brooks on when the the new . playground equipment in the park will be installed. Mr. Brooks informed the equipment will arrive in stages; beginning the end of May with last shipment expected no later than June 12th. Existing playground will be removed right after Memorial Day Weekend. Installation of the new equipment will be completed before July 4th weekend. -6- • Next under New Business was an update on the Stop Sign on Avon Road/Nottingham Road. Mr. Norm Wood informed the Highway Department has been contacted to install Stop Signs at the intersection of Avon Road/Nottingham Road and the Westbound ramps of I-70 to improve traffic control. Mr. Bob Moston, from the Highway Department has reviewed the request., Mr. Moston recommends, prior to installation, public notice to allow time to adjust. Mr. Wood informed, with Council's.approval, notices will be published in the paper to try and make the public aware, prior to installation. Council directed Mr. Wood to proceed (with Councilor Reynolds' opposition). Next was Town Attorney's Report Attorney Dunn informed Council of his absence at the next two Council meetings. Attorney Dunn assured Council that his term .of President of the Colorado Bar Association will not interfere with his Municipal duties. Mayor Davis questioned Attorney Dunn on the Mayor's right to call up.an issue or'review a decision of the Planning and.Zoning Commission. Attorney Dunn responded that the Planning and zoning section of the Municipal Code does allow the Mayor to call up a_ decision for review. Attorney Dunn added that the Administrative section of the Municipal Code is more specific and provides-that, "within, ten working days following action of the Planning and Zoning Commission notification of this decision shall be deposited in the mail. The decision shall become final if no written appeal is-'made from the Town Council by any aggrieved person within 20, days following the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission". Attorney Dunn continued, "the section prior to that provides that the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed to the Council by the applicant or any aggrieved person or at the request of the Mayor at anytime before the decision becomes final". Attorney Dunn added, "that reading those two sections together, I conclude that the Mayor may call up,,the decision within 20 days following the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission". Mayor Davis noted that Planning and Zoning Commission now meets on a Tuesday as opposed to a Thursday when the'20 days was proposed. Presently the 20 days is now a day short. Mayor Davis questioned, his ability to review this now with it being 1 day short. Discussions followed. Attorney Dunn stressed as long as it-does not infringe the rights of anyone else. Councilor Pysher suggested amending the Charter to show 21 days for future appeals to prevent this from happening again. Mayor Davis said, "as the Mayor, I asked to call up this appeal and I don't really care what you thought happened, that's what-I asked to do.,.OK? Now,,if John wants to rule on,whether-the 20 days or 21 days'disqualifies_them;.I'll go.along with that. But, I think we're setting ourselves up"for a-legal situation that perhaps could be very negative when we can just go ahead with it and deal with it.-and listen to them, which is.all I.wanted to do in the first place.- Why are . we "so opposed • to that?*. I don't understand and 'it is one of the'few things the Mayor has the right to do around here". -7- 0 0 Attorney Dunn read a'section of the last Council Meeting Minutes of-March 24th whereby Mayor Davis requested to have this item placed on the next Agenda. for discussion. Attorney Dunn ruled, "that at that time it was 21 days past when the decision became final- and accordingly'the appeal by the Mayor was without fact". Attorney Dunn suggested that should the Council decide to take the matter up as a Council; the Council has the authority as a governing body to take under consideration an application by Shamrock, to have authority from this Council for a special review use. Councilor Hines echoed Councilor Pysher's suggestion of amending the Charter to show 21 days. Councilor Gersbach stated Council has the authority to review a decision by a Board that''Council appointed and advised that Council should listen~to.Shamrock. Councilor Pysher totioned'that Council affirm the decision of Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. Mayor Davis conducted the roll call. Those Councilors voting aye were Pysher, Hines,- Reynolds, and Nottingham. Those Councilors voting nay were Hazard -and Gersbach. Motion carried. Councilor Hines suggested an Ordinance to change the Charter; with Council agreeing on 30 days. Attorney Dunn will submit the Ordinance for first reading at next meeting. Next was Mayor's Report. Council Committee Reports were first under Mayor's Report. Councilor Nottingham informed Channel #23 has a new concept called MEU (Mind Extension University); an educational program,service that is fully credited and being offered during off-hours. CMC welcomes the program. April 22nd at the Sonnenalp there is,to be a presentation at 4:,30-6:30pm for further explanation. Channel #23 is also looking for further funding and grants. Councilor Reynolds informed the Housing Committee is wrapping up Wildwood with only two more to be loan approved. Councilor Hines informed the Avon Town Cup may expand next year with suggestions from Councilmembers and Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association-Staff that were generated from this year's races. With regard to the Easter Egg Hunt, no parents will be allowed in the "hunting areas". Ted Martin will again be doing the Mountain Man Triathalon. Mayor Davis voiced dissatisfaction with the Avon Mayors Race/Town Cup Races this; year.. Councilor Hazard mentioned the Wildwood Tour and his dissatisfaction with the lack of Council attendance or notification. Town Clerk admitted that there could,have been miscommunication,with'.the,arrarigements. Councilor Pysher summarized his first NWCCOG luncheon/meeting in Walden, Colorado. -8- • Mayor Davis mentioned the Annual Avon Easter"Egg Hunt from 11:00am to 1:00pm on April 18th. Mayor Davis mentioned the first Saturday in May is free access for residents to the Eagle County Landfill. Mayor Davis extended an invitation to Council for the Western Colorado Council of Boy Scouts of American to attend the Golden Jubilee Dinner at the Grand Junction Hilton on May 7th at 6:00pm. Mayor Davis reminded Council the Eagle county-,Commissioners have scheduled Monday, April 27 at 9:00am as the day to meet with Carl Neu. Mayor Davis mentioned concerns with this schedule. Several Councilmembers are not able to attend and Mayor,Davis will bring this to the Commissioners attention at tomorrow's meeting. Mayor Davis reminded Council of the Eagle County Regional Meeting to be held tomorrow at the Antler's in Vail at 5 45pm-7:15pm and requested all Councilmembers to be present. Mayor Davis requested the Town Clerk to distribute copies of the Vail Recreation District letter, from Rob Robinson regarding surveys, to all Councilmembers. Mayor Davis commented that starting a worksession at 11:45am and ending the agenda this evening makes for a long day. Mayor Davis added the focus should be on decision making; not on meeting more often. Mayor Davis suggested starting the worksession at 3:00pm or 4:00pm 'in the afternoon, whenever possible. Councilor Nottingham recommended to critique with the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association the Avon Town Cup to offer Council's after-the-fact opinions to Mr. Don Orrell. Councilor Nottingham commented on the misinformation or lack of information prior,to the'race.-Councilor Nottingham expressed displeasure with the awards program held in the Coyote Cafe; with the Cafe opened to the public during the awards program. Mayor Davis commented on the difficulty of the course and its intimidation for a family event. It was the Council's consensus that the Avon/Beaver.Creek Resort Association is to come before Council after each event and present a recap.- Mayor Davis requested Councilor Hazard, as a committee member of the ABCRA, to invite the ABCRA soon to a Council meeting to,update Council on future,events-as well as critique past events. Councilor.-Hines; as &.committee member on the ABCRA Special Events Committee, assured Council'that Council's concerns have been heard by the ABCRA and changes will be initiated. The Financial Matters.were next presented to Council.. Councilor.Hines'moved to:receive items,#1 thru #il.and.approve items #12`thru #17.- The motion was'seconded by-'Councilor Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Hines moved approval of the March 24th Regular Council Meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds and was unanimously carried. -9- C 0 There being no further business to come before Council, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Davis at 10:58pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: APPROVED: -10- 1 Patty Ne hart Town Clerk