TC Minutes 01-28-19920 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD JANUARY 28, 1992 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Davis at 7:53p.m. A roll call was taken with Councilors Mike Bennett, Charlie Gersbach, John Hazard, Tom Hines, Gloria McRory, and Albert Reynolds present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Planner Jim Curnutte, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Public Relations Officer Teresa Albertson, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public. First item Mayor Davis stated was from Councilor Mike Bennett. Councilor Bennett thanked everyone from the Community, Council, and Staff and announced his resignation from the Council, effective tonight. Councilor Bennett added that it has been 30 days since residency in the Town and believes that it is proper to remove himself from the formal process. Councilor Bennett stated that it has been a pleasure to be here and wished everyone a good day. First item on the Agenda under Citizen Input was Channel #23, represented by Mr. Steve Miller, President of the Board. Mr. Miller apologized for not attending last Council meeting as scheduled. Channel #23 is Vail Valley Community Television. Mr. Miller stated that when Mayor Davis resigned from the Channel #23 Board, the Board sought to replace Mayor Davis through the interview process. Mr. Miller added that his appearance tonight is to eliminate any confusion of the Council's chosen replacement of Councilor Hazard. Mr. Miller informed that it is the Board's pleasure to identify the Town's representative and will do so at the next Board meeting (Feb. 11th, 7:00am at Channel #23 Studios). Councilor Hazard will be accepted with full Board honors and understandings. Other Boardmembers are Chris Vail, Brian Hall, Regio Bryan; treasurer, Bill Perkins, Jim Shearer, Jeanne Noe; executive director, and Josh Hall; technical supervisor. Mr. Miller invited all to tour the Studio; call Mr. Miller or Jeanne Noe with requested day and time if interested. Mr. Miller mentioned a letter that Channel #23 has received from Heritage Cablevision (see attached Exhibit A) regarding funding of $10,000 for Channel #23. Mr. Miller added that the funding received from Heritage Cablevision to Channel #23 is contingent on the renewal of the franchise agreement that Heritage Cablevision has with the Town. Mayor Davis mentioned that Heritage Cablevision franchise agreement's renewal is in 1994. t i Mr. Miller expressed that Channel #23 is public access television and requested Council to consider a value for such service. Councilor Hazard questioned other funding sources. Mr. Miller responded that a fund raising committee has been established to cover consistent funds that may not be available in the future. Council thanked Mr. Miller for his presentation. Next under Citizen Input was the Avon Art Trust represented by Mr. Deane Knox. Mr. Knox informed that the Avon Art Trust will shortly become a legal non-profit organization (501C6). Mr. Knox stated that the Art Trust is endowed with the responsibility of the Citizen of the Year (Citizen of the Valley, Contributor of the Valley) program. The first Citizen of the Year is Allan Nottingham and the Art Trust has commissioned Herb Mignery to complete Allan's bust in March. Mr. Knox requested Council to consider placement of future pieces of statues (one, possibly two a year, representing a five year program). Mr. Knox suggested Mr. Nottingham's bust be displayed in the Council Chambers or at least until further sculptures are completed. Mr. Knox reminded Council of a theme in determining future sculptures; history; old west; growth; and mentioned Checkmate's suitability. Mr. Knox added that Mr. Nottingham's bust will be displayed as "Cowboy Mayor" in keeping with the theme. Mr. Nottingham's bust is approximately 6 1/2' with base and will need a 12 X 12 area for display. The Art Trust recommends Sidewalk Society by Glenna Goodacre. Sidewalk Society consists of a total of 7 figures, life + 1/4 size, and costs $275,000. Albuquerque, New Mexico has the first set (displayed altogether) and the Town of Avon will have the second set (suggested to divide the pieces up and display on 3-4 corners along Avon Road). In order to acquire Sidewalk Society, Mr. Knox requests the Town to budget $137,500 in the Special Improvement District upfront, the Town then pay $68,750 to the Artist who will carry this amount for three years with no interest, and the Avon Art Trust will be responsible for $68,750 as the second project for the Town. There is also the possibility that the Town purchase the 7 pieces from the Art Trust. Freight will be handled by Mr. Knox. Individually, the pieces would cost approximately $60,000, such as the Indian woman and child displayed outside the Council Chambers this evening. Five complete sets will be cast and the rest will be individual pieces. By contract, it is disallow to have any other sets in the State. Council agreed to pursue this matter further. Mr. Peter Romanelli and Mr. Don Orrell, from the Avon Beaver Creek Resort Association, requested to come before Council under Citizen Input. Mr. Romanelli came in to say hello and to answer any questions that Council may have. With no questions from Council, Mr. Romanelli introduced Mr. Orrell. • • Mr. Orrell informed that the Mayor's Cup is scheduled for 10:00am, Sunday, March 15th at Beaver Creek on Centennial. Town of Avon employees can race free. Invitations will be sent out for the Mayor's Cup. The location for the Awards ceremony is to be determined. There being no further Citizen Input, the Mayor closed that portion of the Agenda. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 92-1, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 2.32 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, RELATING TO RESIDENCY QUALIFICATIONS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS. Town Attorney John Dunn informed that the Ordinance before Council contains the changes requested upon First Reading. Those changes being; Page 2, Section 2.32.020, the 6 month period is reduced to 3 months and Page 3, Section 2.32.04 has been added, "if the loss of a home or place of abode in Avon is caused by fire or other casualty at the home or place of abode of the councilmember, then at the sole discretion of the Council all time periods provided in this Ordinance may be extended." Mayor Davis opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no one wishing to be heard the Mayor closed that portion of the meeting. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilor Reynolds motion approval of Ordinance No. 92-1, Series of 1992 on Second Reading. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. Mayor Davis entertained a roll call. Those Councilmembers voting aye were Tom Hines, Gloria McRory, Albert Reynolds, Charlie Gersbach, John Hazard. There were no nay votes. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-4, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 1992 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET. Mr. Bill James stated this is a housekeeping matter. One item is the Transportation Fund; the American Disabilities Act for hiring a consultant, and for increasing transportation service in the Core area. Another item is authorization to hire Centennial Engineering to study feasibility of Separated Railroad Crossing on W. Beaver Creek ($15,000 in Public Works Fund). Total is $19,415 in the General Fund, offset by revenues of $8,015, and Public Works Fund expenditure is $15,000, offset by fund balance of $15,000. Councilor Reynolds moved approval of Resolution No. 92-4, Series of 1992. Councilor Gersbach seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously. 0 • Resolution No. 92-3, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE TOWN ENGINEER TO PREPARE AND FILE WITH THE TOWN CLERK CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH A PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS IN TOWN AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Mr. James informed that this is the first step in creating a Special Improvement District for improvements on Avon Road and West Beaver Creek Blvd. which are in accordance with our Transportation Master Plan and the Town's Urban Design and Streetscape Plan. The Town Engineer must submit boundaries of the proposed District, preliminary plans showing proposed improvements; preliminary estimate of proposed costs; and an assessment plat showing the area to be assessed, description of each parcel and name and address of each owner with the estimated assessment amount. The assessment of each parcel may be based upon projected average vehicle trips per day that would be generated under the current use of the property and then for undeveloped property what the potential use of that piece of property would be. Mr. James stated there were concerns with assessing on acreage. Mr. James presented projected costs of the pro ect (see attached Exhibit B). Total original projected cost was 1,915,024. Total project cost as is outlined equals $1,534,524, less contributions of $760,000 (Town of Avon and Colorado Department of Transportation), plus additions of $380,500 (including Sidewalk Society through Avon Art Trust) equals Total Proposed Project Assessment of $1,155,024. Mr. James and Mr. Wood have been meeting with affected property owners and have received positive responses. Mr. Wood detailed for Council the boundaries and landscaping of the proposed special improvement district with a wall map to assist the presentation. Basically the special improvement district is outlined from Hwy 6 North on Avon Road including under the I-70 overpass and includes grass, wildflowers, shrubs, trees, decorative concrete, pedestrian lighting and walkway, sculptures, benches, and trash receptacles. Road widening will be on Avon Road (going North from Beaver Creek Blvd. to the I-70 Interchange) and on Beaver Creek Blvd. (from Avon Road East to Beaver Creek Place and approximately 500' West of Avon Road). Councilor Hines moved adoption of Resolution No. 92-3, Series of 1992 with Section 4 to read, "The Council hereby determines that a portion (estimated to be $1,155,024) of the entire cost of the Project is of special benefit and shall be paid by special assessments against the lots, tracts and parcels of land benefited and that a portion (estimated to be $595,000) is of general benefit and will be defrayed by the Town from other monies. The Project is to be constructed by the Town which will design and administer the Project and will advertise for and award the construction contracts." Councilor McRory seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Wood detailed the Special Assessment District area to be benefitted, with the use of the wall map. This is outlined on Exhibit A of the Resolution. • 0 Resolution No. 92-2, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF WILDWOOD TOWNHOMES SOUTH, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 11, BLOCK 5, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. Mr. Rick Pylman stated this is a simple townhouse plat of Lot 11, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision, Wildwood South Townhomes (a 12-plex). This final plat will create fee simple units so that these units may be transferred to the individual buyers. Staff has reviewed the plat and found it to be in compliance with the requirements for minor subdivision. Staff recommends approval of this plat. Councilor Hines moved adoption of Resolution No. 92-2, series of 1992. Councilor McRory seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously. Next under Unfinished Business was Project Feasibility Study of West Beaver Creek Blvd. Grade Separation. Mr. Norm Wood informed that the original proposal from Centennial Engineering of October 17, 1991 is still valid. This study will consider options of Beaver Creek Blvd. under the tracks and over the tracks. This proposal is not to exceed $15,000 and could be completed within four months from notice to proceed. Councilor Reynolds motioned to proceed with the Project Feasibility Study of West Beaver Creek Blvd. Grade Separation with Centennial Engineering. Councilor Gersbach seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously. Next under New Business was Traffic Flow at the westbound off ramp of I-70. Mr. Norm Wood informed that this proposal is to install stop signs on the westbound off ramp of I-70 to Avon Road. Congestion is occurring on the ramp and onto I-70. In discussions with the Highway Department, the conclusion was installation of stop signs on Avon Road-Northbound and Nottingham Road, with the existing stop sign on the exit ramp. Mr. Wood mentioned that the Transportation Master Plan suggests a traffic light at this intersection and the stop signs allow the Highway Department to evaluate the situation. The Highway Department has requested a written request from the Town, if the Town wishes to proceed. Council directed Mr. Wood to communicate with the Highway Department in regards to Council supporting the installation of the stop signs, with reservations of possibly creating more problems in the center of Town. Next was Mayor's Report. Mayor Davis mentioned the Roaring Fork Valley and their efforts in creating a Rural Regional Transportation Authority. Mayor Davis mentioned possibly lobbying for the efforts in Denver on February 7th. Mayor Davis mentioned the Legislative Seminar thru Colorado Municipal League at the Radisson in Denver on February 6th. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilor McRory moved to receive items #1 through #4 and approve items #5, #6, #7, and #8. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor McRory moved approval of the January 14th Regular council meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Mr. Bill James presented a News Release featuring East/West Partners and Wright & Company announcing plans to develop Wildwood. From approximately 900 units presently zoned, a reduction to 80 units is planned, according to this press release. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Davis called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Davis at 10:02pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: f14-'46-- Patty Neyh rt, own clerk * 9 949 5637 CHANNEL 23 EXHIBIT A Pol Heritage 'Csblevision P.O. Dos 679 9llmdu nse, Ca6*%.80498 (303) 468.22N ne do-fc. Channel 23 P.O. Box 6600 Avon, CO 81620 Att: Jeane toe - ai rector Dear Jeane, _ In response to your letter dated January 7, 1992 requestWP. funding for YYCTY. Heritage Cablevision of Colorado, inc. has agreed to provide YYCTY a $10,000.00 Grant for the'199Z.'ye'ar contingent upon a satisfactory renewal of the Vail and Avon.,,,:. . Franchise Agreements. Negotiations for such Franchises--ju'e`6h-going at the present time. As previously discussed, Heritagg'A. W's-long-term cowdtments from the towns to ensure paybacks for techaid*V.jdvancements. We would appreciate YYCTY's support in acquiring these-fri chise renewal s • ' Each year thereafter, an amount will have to be budgetddl~td approved by the company. we understand your increases fo evenses. as we have many of our own, but feel the $10,000.00.is.very-generous. and is the maximum our budget can withstand.. Please feel free to contact me if you have any furtlta,.5ioei4 S. Si ncerel y, At - pz~ St"ley F. MCK#nzfe General Manager cc: Brian Shirk Nancy Murphy • X. EXHIBIT B • TOWN OF AVON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1992-1 January 28, 1992 Construction Street Improvements $327,684 Landscaping (North) 197,311 Landscaping (South) 496,461 Street Signs 25,000 Construction Engineering 32,768 Total Construction $1,079,224 Design EDAW $50,000 Intermountain Engineering 108,000 Total Design $158,000 Ra Land Cost $133,800 Legal 20,000 Appraisals 10,000 Total R/W $163,800 Finance & Administration Financial Planning $6,500 Legal/Sherman & Howard 20,000 Bond Issuance Costs 27,000 Capitalized Interest 70,000 Administration 10,000 Total Administrative 133,500 TOTAL PROJECT $1,534,524 Town of Avon Contribution (Town of Avon $595,000/CDOT $165,000) $ 760,000 Original Project Assessment $ 774,524 Proposed Additions Additional R/W $ 123,000 Beaver Creek Blvd. Landscaping 78,000 Art Purchase 137,500 Capitalized Interest 30,000 Bond Issuance Costs 12.000 TOTAL ADDITIONS $ 380,500 PROPOSED PROJECT ASSESSMENT $1,155,024 TOTAL PROJECT COST ($1,915,024)