TC Minutes 12-19-19910 0
HELD DECEMBER 19, 1991 - 12:00 P.M.
The special meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Albert Reynolds
at 12:08p.m. A roll call was taken with Mike Bennett, Charlie
Gersbach, John Hazard, Tom Hines, and Gloria McRory present.
Mayor Jerry Davis was absent. Also present were Assistant Town
Attorney Larry Hartlaub, Town Manager Bill James, Director of
Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry
Brooks, Planner Jim Curnutte, Sergeant Gary Thomas, Fire Chief
Charlie Moore, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the
press and public.
Mayor Pro-Tem Reynolds called for Citizen In-put.
There being no one to come before Council, the Mayor Pro-Tem
closed that portion of the Agenda.
Second Reading of Ordinance No. 91-8, Series of 1991, AN
Mr. Dee Wisor, with Sherman & Howard and serving as Bond Counsel
to the Town Council, stated he has reviewed the documents
submitted upon first reading. Mr. Wisor informed that this
Ordinance is simply to permit a letter of credit change for the
Company that owns the Hotel; part of a bigger finance package for
the owners. Mr. Wisor stated there is no adverse impact on the
Town and that he is satisfied with the documents. Mr. Wisor
stated appropriate action of the Council would be to approve the
Ordinance on Second Reading.
Mayor Pro-Tem Reynolds called for a motion.
Councilman Bennett moved adoption of Ordinance No. 91-8, Series
of 1991 on Second Reading. Councilwoman McRory seconded the
Mayor Pro-Tem Reynolds opened the meeting for public hearing.
Legal Counsel representing AIRCOA Companies was present and did
not wish to comment. There being no one wishing to be heard, the
Mayor Pro-Tem closed the public hearing.
Mayor Pro-Tem Reynolds entertained a roll call.
Those Councilmembers voting aye were Charlie Gersbach, John
Hazard, Gloria McRory, Tom Hines, and Mike Bennett. There were no
nay votes. The motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 91-40, Series of 1991, A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE
Mr. James informed there is a substitution for Resolution No.
91-40; it is to Amend the 1991 Budget. With regards to the
Wildwood Townhomes project, the Town has 17 units that are
currently under construction and for sale. The Town now has
secured 13 qualified buyers. Chrysler Credit would like to
disperse all funds and close out the whole account by December
31st if the Town could guarantee the purchase of the last 4 units.
Discussion with Chrysler has been that as those buyers are
qualified we reduce the amount of our commitment of $302,000.
Presently, we have already guaranteed $700,000 and with this
Resolution that will drop the guarantee of $700,000 to $302,000
and again as each one is qualified it will reduce the $302,000
down to nothing.
Mayor Pro-Tem Reynolds questioned if all 4 units are presently
under contract. Mr. James responded that all are waiting to be
Councilwoman McRory moved approval of Resolution No. 91-40,
Series of 1991. Councilman Gersbach seconded the motion and the
motion was carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 91-41, Series of 1991, A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE
Mr. James commented that this Resolution amends the 1992 budget
with regards to reinstating the Community Center in the amount of
$3.5 million. This Resolution also provides for an expenditure
under the Housing Authority of $302,000 which pays back the Public
Works Fund in regards to the action just previously made in
Resolution No. 91-40. Section 2 of this Resolution will provide
the revenues in paying back the Public Works Fund, of $302,000
Housing Authority and revenues of $2.6 million in terms of bonds
that we provide for special Improvement District to provide for
road improvements in the amount of $1 million in 1992. That will
free up an additional $1 million to put forth a Community Center
and under an analysis at last meeting the additional 1.6 million
in bonds to be able to pay for for a Community Center in the
amount of 3.5 million.
Mr. James informed that Mr. Howard Gardner questioned if the
Council would be interested in working with other agencies to work
with Avon and possibly put in additional facilities in the
Community Center. Mr. Gardner was particularly interested in an
ice arena. Mr. James mentioned that Council will be approving a
goal in establishing a Community Center. Staff still needs to
compile the whole program.
Councilman Bennett stated that there is a very real possibility
that the funds may not even be spent in 1992. Mr. James added
that in all likelihood, the funds will not be spent in 1992; alot
of planning and financial analysis will be in 1992.
Councilwoman McRory commented that the Town has spent
approximately $25,000 for a Recreational Study by Rosall, Remmen,
and Cares. The results of that Study show that approximately 90%
of the people in the Community (residents and business owners)
wish to have a Community Center/Athletic Facility.
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Councilman Hazard suggested offering a permanent home to the Avon
Library Branch in the Community Center since the City Market lease
is for only 5 years.
Councilwoman McRory moved to approve Resolution No. 91-41, a
Resolution to amend the 1991 Town of Avon Budget. Councilman
Hines seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Next was Other Business.
Mr. Larry Brooks, in accepting responsibility for the matter,
informed Council that there has been a $70,000 error made in
Transportation in the amount of money allotted to part time people
(seasonal or overtime). The Revised Budget is in error $70,000.
Mr. Brooks commented that the last 36 hours have been spent in
researching and refiguring. To summarize, information received
was inaccurate. Mr. Brooks is taking steps to correct this
misfortune. Mr. Brooks added there may be a way to get the money
back; economize the next 12 months.
Mr. James mentioned to take this from the General Fund.
Councilwoman McRory moved to deduct $70,000 from the General Fund
Balance for 1991. Councilman Bennett seconded the motion.
Councilman Gersbach requested a report of what transpired, how it
came about. Mr. James responded that Mr. Brooks has been
working diligently to verify the error and to make sure there are
no other errors. The error was discovered on Tuesday and there
was not time for a written presentation; more information will be
forthcoming as it is documented.
The motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor
Pro-Tem Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilman
Bennett moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
McRory. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pro-Tem Reynolds at
PPatty N hartTown Clerk