TC Minutes 10-15-1991lrl ~ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER 15, 1991 - 7:30 P.M. The special meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Municipal Offices. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Albert Reynolds at 7:31p.m. Councilmembers present were Mike Bennett, Charlie Gersbach, Tom Hines, John Hazard, and Gloria McRory. Also present were Town Manager Bill James, Public Relations Officer Teresa Albertson, Director of Recreation Meryl Jacobs, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public. First on the Agenda was Un-Finished Business. Funding special events and the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association were discussed. Councilwoman McRory mentioned that it seems there are more tourists than in the past, not too much of an off-season and people are still looking for information. Councilwoman McRory entertained the idea of a 6 1/2 day schedule for Chamber functions on a year-round basis. Councilman Bennett stated that Council seems to be looking at three concerns; does Council want to fund the Avon/Beaver Creek Association and how much $40,000-$70,000; who to do special events within budget at highest quality; and Council wants more Chamber/Information Center functions from Avon/Beaver Creek Association. Seems the Association's bookkeeping was confusing and Council wants to be assured that money given is going specifically to special events. Mr. Don Orrell, from the Avon/Beaver Creek Association added that he was hired: given an amount to do an event, and it was up to him to keep within that figure. Mr. Orrell's expertise was not in the bookkeeping area for the Association, and that he kept a simple line item style for budgeting special events. Councilman Reynolds mentioned that the document from the Avon/Beaver Creek Association looked to be off by $30,000 - again very confusing or creative bookkeeping. Mr. Bill James stated that the Town could maintain the funds. The Town and Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association should work together on events; plan each event and write check for each event. Some events need town assistance and can save money such as 4th of July insurance. Don Orrell, Teresa Albertson, and Meryl Jacobs work together; develop an event budget and bring to Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association and Avon Council to cut check. This way the Council can do an evaluation on each event that the Association is basically doing. Councilwoman McRory stated that this could present personnel problems. Mr. Orrell added that the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association does not want to do events on a "per event" schedule. • Mr. James commented that Council was lacking last year. Council information on the events. • has expressed that communication would like to get updates and Mr. Orrell stated that the Association needs to cover staff cost and have events person. Councilwoman McRory stated the Association has to pay overhead - they need a person for memberships and to seek sponsorships. Mr. James commented that Council also has requested that the name "Town of Avon" be on top of advertisements. Mr. Orrell mentioned that maybe their have been some frustrations. The Association now consists of 125 members, 25 added this summer. Maybe the Association needs to come before Council and give update prior to the event and then a rap-up of each event. Mr. James commented that Council can not agree to fund more than one year; funding requests will be on a yearly basis. Councilman Hines stated that the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association is requesting a sort of all or none type of funding. Councilman Hines echoed Councilman Hazard's earlier remarks to take special events back under the Town control and fund Chamber of Commerce functions. Councilman Gersbach mentioned the strong desire of the Council to have Chamber of Commerce. Presently the Association has 125 members, thus the Chamber would start off with 125 members. Councilman Gersbach felt the Town of Avon should run special events and the Chamber will retain Avon/Beaver Creek Association name and do chamber services. Councilman Bennett added that it is a thankless job to serve on the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association Board and that if the Council takes special events away they may not participate at all or will lose some memberships. Mr. James commented that even though the Town may do special events it is still expected that the Association work with the Town as it benefits the Association as well. Councilman Bennett did some quick figuring and produced break-even amount even with the Town doing special events as opposed to the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association. Councilman Bennett questioned the value of "control". Mr. James commented that we may develope an event menu with both Boards. The Town may fund each event; even if the Town does special events the Association is expected to help. The Town could offer some options to the Association; we need them and they need us. Events have been enhanced by the business community. Councilwoman McRory stated that the Association is a large, good working Board. Councilman Reynolds requested that the Town and the Association work closely together and that the Association/Town Staff come before Council and present each event. Mr. James commented that the Town gave $149,000 to the Association last year; $50,000 operations and $99,000 special events. The Association has requested $158,000, including the -2- 0 • Visitor Center, for 1992. Mr. James advised not bidding out special events and offer to work with or in conjunction of the Association. Councilman Bennett stated that the Association and the Town have worked together in the past. Town should request better bookkeeping/accountability of funds. Councilwoman McRory offered to give $58,000 for operations/chamber functions. Let the Town run special events and work with the Association. The Association may do concessions. Councilman Gersbach offered that the consensus of Council is the Association has done a good job on special events. The Association has lacked the accountability of funds and communication with the Town. Also, the Town to require Avon name on top of advertising. Let's modify the contract between the Town and the Association. Offer $158,000 to the Association. The Association runs the special events with the proper accounting, Avon name on top, control of Council, and work towards a stronger Chamber. Councilman Bennett offered $143,000 with the other specs that Councilman Gersbach offered above. Less money for less events; 1992 will have 6 special events. Councilman Gersbach summarized: $143,000 to Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association, Two Budgets (1 = Chamber = $40,000, 2 = Special Events = $103,000), Six Events, Regarding Special Events require better accounting, Council to be updated and Avon is featured sponsor, and Chamber Functions to be reviewed by Council. Next was Other Business. Mr. James stated he will be meeting with Sherman & Howard to discuss pension problems of prior funds. Mr. James will be working on a new personnel policy of sexual harassment and plans to have developed by Tuesday for Council approval. Mr. James informed Council that a change order regarding Wildwood Townhomes will be presented at next Council meeting. This is regarding fill dirt for the foundation for approximately $30,000. Mr. James and Mr. Rick Pylman will be meeting with the Wildridge Covenants Committee tomorrow in Peter Monroe's office. Mr. James updated Council of the meeting he had with Mike Shannon, Andy Daly, and Bob McIlveen regarding the easement of Vail Associates property at the confluence. Mr. James commented that they have expressed a willingness to work with the Town and mentioned zoning their property along Highway 6. They also agreed to share cost on a public works site and preferred the Nottingham acreage. Mr. James stated that the assessed valuation of 35 million last year increased to 41 million this year. If the mill levy stays the same that represents an increase of $135,000. This amount may help facilitate plans for the recreation center/meeting facility/day care center. -3- 0 There being no further business to come before Council, the meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pro-Tem Reynolds at 9:33p.m. -4- RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty Ne hart Town Clerk