TC Minutes 09-24-1991i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD SEPTEMBER 24, 1991 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Davis at 7:36p.m. A roll call was taken with Mike Bennett, Charlie Gersbach, Tom Hines, Gloria McRory, and Albert Reynolds present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Police Chief Art Dalton, Sergeant Gary Thomas, Public Relations Officer Teresa Albertson, Director of Recreation Meryl Jacobs, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public. The Mayor called for Citizen In-put. First item was a Public Hearing on the proposed Streetscape and Urban Design Guidelines. Bill James stated that we have had two public meetings and we would like to receive additional public input so we can submit to Council a final draft. Various architects are reviewing the Urban Design Guidelines and their comments will be included in the final submittal to Council. Rick Pylman gave a brief history and description of the Streetscape and Urban Design Guidelines. He mentioned that in 1990 the Council adopted a Comprehensive Plan addressing further definitions for 1.) Zoning Codes; 2.) Transportation Master Plan; 3.) Streetscape Plan; 4.) Architectural Control Guidelines; 5.) Recreation Master Plan; and 6.) Housing Plan. Two of these (Streetscape Plan and the Architectural Control Guidelines) are being address now. Mr. Pylman displayed drawings and maps from the consultant, EDAW, and did a review of such for the Streetscape Plan. Mr. Pylman encouraged people to read the Design Guidelines Booklet (available at the meeting) for further information on the architectural control guidelines being proposed. Mayor Davis opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Mr. Pylman stated that a Resolution will be presented at next Council meeting. Next item under Citizen In-put was the BerryCreek 5th Intergovernmental Agreement. Mr. Howard Gardner reaffirmed that the Town of Avon had at last Council meeting agreed to contribute 5%. He has since met with other participants and has the following agreements: Town of Vail = 60%, Eagle County = 11%, Eagle-Vail = 6.5%, BerryCreek = 6.5%, Beaver Creek = 5%, and Arrowhead = 5%. He is short 1% and is requesting the Town of Avon to increase from 5% to 6%. A single percentage point is approximately $2,400. 0 0 Regarding the Miller Property Right Away, Mr. Gardner understands that the owner of the BerryCreek 5th need only supply the easements and the Miller Property owner would need to provide the road. Location of easements would be the preference of the BerryCreek 5th owner. Mr. Gardner added that it will be the Authority's intent to develop a master plan within the first year for the BerryCreek 5th property. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilman Bennett moved that the Town of Avon increase participation of 5% to 6% subject to provisions in the original motion made two weeks ago. Councilman Hines seconded the motion. The motion carried with Councilman Reynolds opposing. Mr. Gardner requested that we elect a Boardmember for the Authority. First meeting will be in November and Mr. Gardner will notify new boardmember. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for We Recycle. Mr. Mauri Nottingham gave summary of services performed. First eight months of this year, 825 tons of recyclables have been collected. We Recycle is basically operating a collection service. Most dollars are expensed on trucks, drivers, and gasoline. Mr. Nottingham is requesting most money from the County and is requesting $10,000 from the Town of Avon. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for the Salvation Army Holiday Food Drive. Alicia Pellerito stated that this program offers holiday meals to needy families who otherwise would not have one. Ms. Pellerito is requesting funds from Town of Vail, Town of Minturn and in-kind services from Eagle County. Ms. Pellerito is requesting $500 from the Town of Avon. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for the Salvation Army.Adopt-A-Family. Alicia Pellerito stated that this organization is a coordination of individual(s)/families that have and wish to help families that have not. Most funds have been received in the past from individual contributions, via the press, which also has been donated. More cash funds are needed and Ms. Pellerito is requesting $1,000 from the Town of Avon. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for Echo Ranch. Tsu Wolin-Brown and Patti Dixon presented a video tape from Channel 4's Wednesdays Child of a success story from Echo Ranch. The subject spent two years at Echo Ranch going thru therapy and was successfully adopted at the age of 14. Length of stays at Echo Ranch varies tremendously, depending on circumstances. Echo Ranch is licensed to house 10 children, plus 1 emergency case. Ms. Wolin-Brown and Ms. Dixon are requesting $2,000 from the Town of Avon. -2- 0 s Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1993 funding for the Mountain Man Triathalon. Mr. Ted Martin is requesting these funds be dispersed from the 1992 budget. February, 1992 represents the 10th Anniversary. As in the past, they will produce a one-hour nationally syndicated cable sports special. This show is seen by somewhere between 16-24 million people around the country. Mr. Martin is requesting $8,000 from the Town of Avon. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for Drug Free Eagle Valley: Marka Moser informed that the organization has been in existence for approximately 2 years. They are an umbrella organization and include D.A.R.E. representatives. They are basically a coordinating agency so that area groups' efforts are not duplicated. They are instrumental in Project Graduation. Colleen Corcoran mentioned they have requested state funding but also need the local support. They provide information and presentations to schools, churches, etc. Ms. Moser and Ms. Corcoran are requesting $2,500 from the Town of Avon. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for Eagle Valley Child Care Task Force. Nancy Nottingham mentioned that the Task Force was formed two years ago to identify child care needs in Eagle County. Four primary needs were identified: 1.) more day care spaces available, 2.) be able to lower cost of day care, 3.) be able to get information to parents moving into the area and 4.) train existing child care providers. Funds were spent towards scholarships thru Colorado Mountain College to address the training of existing child care providers. Also, two seminars are scheduled to get information out to businesses on how they may take steps to help with/provide child care. Bulk of funds to be spent as part of a resource and referral network; KIDSLINE. Ms. Nottingham is requesting $1,500 from the Town of Avon. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for Resource Center. Cherie Paller stated that the Center has decided to resurrect the Buddies Program; Big Brothers and Sisters along with the other services. The Crisis Intervention services is doing approximately 800 calls now and this service will be continued thru volunteer efforts. The Community Nonprofit Network (CNN) will be doing newsletters, Volunteer of the Week column in the local newspaper and serves as a community register of all nonprofits in the valley. Ms. Paller is requesting $2,500 from the Town of Avon. Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for Channel 23. Ms. Jeane Noe, program manager for Channel 23 and producer of Vail Valley Sunday Program, mentioned that the Sunday Program is a community talk show featuring Tony Mauro in its fourth season. They are funded partially thru franchise fees and from the Towns. Community sponsors are asked to held offset production costs. Ms. Noe is requesting $500 from the Town of Avon. -3- Next item under Citizen In-put was a request for 1992 funding for Vail Jr. Hockey Club. Mr. Craig Denton stated there are approximately 160 kids and the Club is trying to keep fees down by requesting assistance from various entities. Even though Vail Recreatioh'District charges the club 1/2 price'($60/hr) for ice time, the fees collected from the kids do not cover expenses. Also, the-District may increase the ice time rate or they may request a different fee schedule for kids living in Vail due to their tax base and do not want to subsidize kids living in Avon and Eagle-Vail. There are approximately 63 kids in Eagle-Vail, 61 in Vail, 28 in Avon, and 10 in Edwards. Program lasts from October to April, two to three nights per week. Fees range from $175 for 4, 5, & 6 year olds, up to $375 for high school kids. Mr. Denton is requesting $1,200 from the Town of Avon. The Council then recessed at 8:55p.m. and reconvened at 9:10p.m. Next item under Citizen In-put was the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association.', Mr. Stu Weiss, from the Board of Directors, stated that the functions of the Association are; 1.) special events, 2.) chamber functions, and 3.) information services. The Association coordinated 12 special events, including two new ones this year of, a horse showland a jazz festival. Chamber functions included ten business after hours; quarterly newsletters, three luncheons, two business seminars, and representatives to other organizations in the area. For information services, they distribute various area maps and brochures and will have an on-going video on the Town of Avon, and wil"I be,a booking service. The Association is now negotiating with two major companies that have computer-booking services in the area and will be able to book events and facilities for people that come into the center. Mr. Weiss is asking for'$158,000 from the Town of Avon, an increase of $9,000 from last year. This additional money is basically to run the information center the whole year instead of just part of the year. For special events and chamber functions there is no re ested increase The Association budget is broken down with 15 to special events, 25% to chamber services, and 16% to the information center. Mr. Weiss added that they have some time constraints in acquiring funds due to contracts needing,to be signed for the information center computer and personnel positions needing to be;;filled. Mr. Weiss asked Council to appropriate the Association's budget earlier rather than later. Again, Mr. Weiss is asking for;$158,000 from the Town of Avon. Mr. Weiss mentioned that the information center computer system is being negotiated with both the Vail Resort Association and the Activities Desk to be installed in the Association's office to book activites. In both proposals there is a charge for the system which includes the personnel to run it. Part of the $9,000 additional request is for this computer system. Mr. 'Weiss added that funding comes from Town of Avon, memberships, sponsors, and donations. Vail Associates donates approximately;i$4,500, plus in-kind services. Mr. Weis would like to see Avon Merchants Association combine as one with the Resort Association. -4- • 0 Mr. Weis mentioned that should the Town of Avon decide to coordinate the special events and relinquish the Association's part, the Association may loose some members. The information services and chamber functions would continue to grow. With special events being 58% of the Association's budget, it is not the only part of the budget and the Association would continue to function. The Association would be willing to help with concessions or work with the Town in various services. Next item under Citizen In-put was Mr. Rich Phelps with the U.S. Forest Service. Mr. Phelps informed that the White River National Forest is conducting an oil and gas leasing analysis. This analysis is required by the 1987 Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act. This survey is being conducted to determine the suitability, potential, and availability of forest service lands for lease for the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas. Mr. Phelps mentioned that there is a possibility of 5 wildcat wells to be in the Town of Avon/Town of Vail area. Mr. Phelps requested to come before the Council at a Worksession in Mid-November. There being no further Citizen In-put, the Mayor closed that portion of the Agenda. Resolution No. 91-25,,Series of 1991, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A TOWN CLERK, PATRICIA A. NEYHART. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilman Bennett moved approval of Resolution No. 91-25, Series of 1991 and was seconded by Councilman Reynolds. The motion was carried unanimously. Next was Unfinished Business. Rick Pylman led discussion of abandoned foundation on Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. In March of 1981 the Town of Avon issued a building permit for what is now the abandoned foundation at the east end of the Chambertin Project. The last building inspection that the Town performed was August, 1981. In March, 1982 the Town declared the building permit expired. In 1986/87 the foundation was purchased by the current owners and as recently as August, 1990 the Planning Commission granted a fractionalization and design review approval for 8 units called the Mountain Resort Condominium Project. That approval has- a two year time frame, thus is valid until August, 1992. In December, 1990 the Town issued a notice of violation which is a declaration of abandonment of a building. In February the Council addressed, at a hearing, that if the building permit was not pulled by September, 1991, the owner was to appear before Council with an update of the project and a privacy fence was to be built around the front of the foundation. This being the end of September, the property owner was asked to come before Council. -5- 0 • Mr. Pylman added that there is a clause in the Municipal Code of the Town that allows the Town to declare a building abandoned and within a 60 day time frame, if no extensions are granted, abate the nuisance/tear it down and lien the property to recover costs associated with the removal of the foundation. Mr. Thomas Weber, representing his wife who is part owner of the property, stated that they have a potential buyer for the property. Mr. Weber requested a 30 day extension to finalize the purchase. If the property is not purchased Mr. Weber will see to it that the foundation is covered and fenced. Mr. Weber is selling a completed building, not just the property; design review has been approved. The plan is for 8 units; 2-three bedrooms of 13,00 sq.ft. each, 4-two bedrooms of 850 sq.ft. each, and 2-one bedrooms of 450 sq.ft. each. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilman Reynolds motioned extension to second Council meeting in October. Councilman Hines seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously carried. Next was New Business. Rick Pylman stated that the Applicant has requested tabling the Public Hearing on Preliminary Plat Sunroad Subdivision-First Amendment. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilman Bennett motioned tabling at the request of the applicant the Public Hearing on Preliminary Plat Sunroad Subdivision-First Amendment. Councilman Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously. Next was Town Attorney Report. John Dunn asked Council to adjourn into Executive Session following meeting to discuss Nexus Financial Programs. Next was Other Business. Bill James asked Council to meet for a Worksession tomorrow, September 26th. The meeting will be scheduled approximately 4:00pm-6:00pm at the Municipal Building. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilwoman McRory moved to receive items #1 through #4 and approve items #5 and #6. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. -6- 0 Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the September 10, 1991 minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bennett and was unanimously carried. Mayor Davis called for a motion to adjourn to executive session. Councilwoman McRory moved to enter into executive session. Councilman Reynolds seconded motion and the meeting adjourned to executive session at 10:05p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty Ne hart, Town Clerk -7-