TC Minutes 09-25-19900 • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 7:32 p.m. A roll call was taken with David Garton, Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Gloria McRory, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Police Chief Art Dalton, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Town Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as, members of the press and public. The Mayor called for Citizen Input. Cheryln Baker, Candidate for County Assessor, approached the Council. Ms. Baker gave a brief history of herself and her experience for this position. The Mayor thanked Ms. Baker for her presentation. The Avon Police Departatent was presented with the Silver Buckle Award. Also Officer John Dodson was presented with an award for outstanding service in respect to this program. He has made presentations to the schools and has spoke before various groups on the safety of the seat belts. Police Chief Art Dalton then introduced Officer Chris Peck to the Council. Officer Peck has been added to the police force for Avon. Sandy Blaha with NWCCOG(North West Colorado Council of Governments), approached the Council. Ms. Blaha gave a brief history of the organization. She reviewed the services that they provide to the surrounding cities and towns. She stated that Avon's dues for 1991 would be between $1,501 to $1,577. Barb Keller, Director of Community Development for the NWCCOG, approached the Council. She reviewed the 1991 programs for Technical Assistance that the organization provided. 0 i Lane Wyatt with the Water Quality-Quantity Division of NWCCOG, approached the Council. He gave a brief history of this division. He stated that this was a ten year old organization that was a Coalition of the head of water towns and counties. He reviewed the tri-annual review with the Council. The Mayor stated that it would really be an impact for this valley if they started to divert water from the streams, and had hoped that the future Councilmembers would attend these vary important meetings. The Mayor thanked Sandy, Barb and Lane for their presentations. Mr. Bob Nuffer, Director for the Colorado West Professional Counseling organization, approached the Council. Mr. Nuffer gave a brief history of the organization. He reviewed the statistics of 1990. Mr. Nuffer was requesting a contribution of $3,000 from the Town of Avon so as to help provide scholarships for their clients who have a low income or who could not afford the fees, or who do not qualify for funding by either the State Alcohol Drug Abuse Division, or the State Division of Mental Health. Discussion followed. The Mayor thanked Mr. Nuffer for his presentation and stated that the Council would consider the request at their budget sessions. Ceil Folz, representing the Vail Valley Foundation, approached the Council. She stated that the organization would like to get the Town involved in the American Ski Classic for 1991. The dates of the Classic would be March 10th to the 17th. It would include the World Cup Race, the Legends Downhill, the Giant Slalom, and the Ford Celebrity Cup. She stated that the Foundation had also been granted a parallel ski race for 1991. She then reviewed some of the activities and the-location of where some of the races would be held (Vail or Beaver Creek). Ms. Folz was requesting a contribution from Avon for approximately the same funding as last year. The Mayor thanked Ms. Folz for her. presentation and stated that the Council would consider the request at their budget sessions. Mauri Nottingham, representing the WE RECYCLE PROGRAM, approached the Council. Mr. Nottingham reviewed the history of the Recycling program with the Council. He was requesting a contribution of $9,870 for the 1991 WE RECYCLE program. -2- The Mayor stated that Mr. Nottingham should be commended for his work on the program as well as the volunteers, and that the request would be considered at the Council's budget sessions. Nancy Nottingham representing the Child Care Task Force, approached the Council. She reviewed the history of the program. Mrs. Nottingham was requesting that the Town match the funds that they contributed- last year, which was $1,500. She explained the program for 1991. The Mayor thanked Mrs. Nottingham for her presentation and stated that the Council would consider her request at their budget sessions. Ted Martin, representing the Mountain Man Triathlon Event Program, approached the Council. Mr. Martin presented the Council with a media report from last year. It showed where Avon stood with the media in terms of marketing, and Public Relations budget. Mr. Martin was requesting that the dollars which were appropriated last year for 1991, be released early, so that they could start winding up for the 1991 event. The appropriated funding amount was $8,,000. Councilman Davis requested that Mr. Martin present the Council with a budget for this program, and also the Council would appreciate a Financial Statement. Mr. Martin agreed. Mr. James stated that Mr. Martin submit a bill, the Town would then proceed to process the check in the amount of $8,000. Mr. Martin was requesting that the Council take into consideration the contribution of $8,000 for the 1992 budget. The Council requested that Mr. Martin furnish the Council with a Financial Statement for the organization. Tom Johnson, resident of Avon, approached the Council. Mr. Johnson resided at 0208 West Beaver Creek Boulevard. He stated that he needed support from the Council on a complaint he had, in respect to a Van parked in the driveway of a residence next to him, which was on a daily basis. He stated the Van was large enough that it could be classified as a commercial vehicle. He stated that possibly the Council could consider a restriction on gross weight of a vehicle that could be parked in a resident driveway. Councilman Davis-'requested that staff look into this matter and see if any other towns have any regulations on this matter. Councilman Stovall wanted to know how the Council could enforce this request. He had a concern of how the Council could determine that this vehicle was driven to and from work, verses a contractor who drives h1s truck to and from work. -3- Councilman Stovall stated that there for enforcing this, and that would be which have very large advertising on Discussion followed. may be a more reasonal request in respect of the vehicles the side of their vehicles. The Mayor stated that the Council would give it some thought. John Hazard, resident of Avon, approached the Council. He stated that during these proposed budget session, he wanted to bring this matter to the attention of the Council. He stated that the Council had been requested by the Vail Valley Marketing Board, for a contribution of $100,000 for 1991. He asked the Council of what happened to the $90,000 that Avon contributed last year to the Marketing Board, and how was it specifically spent in proportion to media, print, television, and advertising, etc. He stated that the heard that the sales tax had increased and that the marketing board had credited themselves to their efforts. He suggested that the Town possibly try, as an experiment, not to contribute the funds to the Vail Valley Marketing Board for 1991. He stated that he was sure that the merchants of Avon would continue to advertise in the newspapers and the radio, etc. He stated that he was sure that Avon itself, could advertise their upcoming events without costing $100,000. He asked that the Council consider this alternative and put the $100,000 to other uses which would benefit Avon. The Mayor thanked Mr. Hazard for this comments. There being no further Citizen Input discussion, the Mayor closed that portion of the agenda. Second reading of Ordinance No. 90-5, Series of 1990, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS(EAGLEBEND PROJECT). The Town Manager requested that this Ordinance be tabled indefinitdi-Y. Councilman Garton moved to table Ordinance No. 90-5, Series of 1990, indefinitely. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bennett and was unanimously carried. Resolution No. 90-37, Series of 1990, A RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPROVAL OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF EAGLEBEND AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION. Mr. James stated that the principles involved in the Eaglebend Affordable Housing Project had requested that in place of trying to finance their project through the Private Activity Bonds, they would like to consider creating a 63-20 Corporation for the purpose of building their project. The 63-20 Corporation would have a separate Board of Directors that would basically be responsible for the management and construction for the phases for the Eaglebend Housing Project. -4- He stated that the way this was structured, it should not present any risk for the Town. He stated that the only major change between the Private Activity Bonds and this 63-20 Corporation was that when the debt was finally retired, the project would be referred back to the Town of Avon. There were 96 units planned for Phase I. Mr. James stated that Council action would,be to approve Resolution No. 90-37, which were the By-Laws, which would create the 63-20 Corporation, then, at a later date, he would return and present the financing plan. He stated that the Boardmembers of the Corporation ..would consist of five members; Jerry Flynn', Vail Associates, Inc.; Jeff Spanel, representing Art :.Kleinstein; land owner;.-:a-major .employer'from.Beaver.Creek, and a member from Avon. He stated that the Council could appoint someone for the fifth member, or the members of.the`Board could appoint someone. Elaine-Lowry,-,representing Sherman & Howard, 'stated that the.Council- was requested to approve the Articles at this meeting, and the Articles in return would allow the Council to approve the.By-Laws later. Councilwoman McRory.felt that the fifth member should be.appointed from thd~Housingg.Authority, or someone from the Town of-Avon. It was stated that the.-By-Laws could suggest that appointment. Discussion followed. It was stated that if the Bonds were paid off, and there was not sufficient funds to buy off the`larid,then,',the landowner would actually hold Series "B" Bonds, and those Bonds would have to be retired before the project could be referred to the Town of Avon. Council had some questions of why the Town was named as the appropriate entity, instead of the Housing Authority. Elaine Lowry stated that this Corporation must be sponsored by a political subdivision, and the political s'ubdiv'ision may not include a Housing Authority. It had to be a governmental entity. She stated that there was no liability in terms of liability of the Bonds. No financial liability to the Town. Councilman Garton moved approval of Resolution No. 90-37, Series of 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis and was unanimously carried. .It was stated that the discussion of sources and uses of funds would be discussed at the next meeting. Resolution No. 90-34-, Series of 1990, A AND REVENUES FOR EACH-FUND AND AMENDING OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR OF JANUARY, 1990, AND ENDING ON THE LAST RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES THE 1990 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY DAY OF DECEMBER, 1990: -5- Mr. James stated that the Council requested that staff prepare a resolution amending the 1990 budget to apply for additional licenses for T.V.Translators, the estimated cost being $2,000, and then $3,000 to provide information regarding the T.V. Translator System which will appear on the ballot in November. Councilman Bennett moved approval of Resolution No. 90-34, Series of 1990, for the expenditure of $5,000 for T.V. Translator System. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Resolution No. 90-35, Series of 1990, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, FILING 1, EAGLEBEND SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. Rick Pylman stated that Tony Seibert, as South Harbor Development Corpora- tion, had submitted, a Final Plat and Townhouse Declarations for Lot 7, Block 2, in the Eaglebend Subdivision. The plat divided an existing duplex structure into two separate lots. The plat had been reviewed by the Town Staff and was found to be in general conformance with the Town of Avon Subdivision regulations for a minor subdivision. Recommended action was to approve Resolution No. 90-35, Series of 1990 subject to: 1. The completion of technical corrections as identified by the Town Engineer. 2. The completion and execution of all certificates to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney, and the renew of the Townhouse Declarations by the Town Attorney prior to recording with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County. Councilman Bennett moved approval of Resolution No. 90-35, Series of 1990, with the above conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Garton and was unanimously carried. Resolution NO. 90-36, Series of 1990, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF LOT 53, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. Rick Pylman stated that Hans Oberlohr had submitted a Final Plat and Townhouse Declatations for Lot 53, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision. The plat divided an existing duplex structure into two separate lots. The plat had been reviewed by the Town Staff and was found to be in general conformance with the Town of Avon Subdivision Regulations for a minor subdivision. -6- 0 Recommended action was to approve Resolution No. 90-36, Series of 1990 subject to:- 1. The completion of technical corrections as identified by the Town Entineer. 2. The completion and execution of all certificates to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney, and the renew of the Townhouse Declatations by the Town Attorney prior to recording with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County. Councilman Bennett moved approval of Resolution No. 90-36, Series of 1990 with the above conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Garton and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was discussion of the Sketch Plan for Lot 38, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision. Rick Pylman stated that this was a vacant lot. He stated that when a subdivision was proposed there would be three steps, the sketch plan, the preliminary plan and the final plat. He stated that this was a sketch plan, the applicant came in to receive comments and input from the Council. This applicant wanted to build two separate units on a single parcel. He stated that the applicant was turned down because if did not comply with the Town Codes. The applicant wanted to take the duplex lot, split it into two single family lots, rezone it, and build two separate houses. Discussion followed. Councilman Garton agreed that some type of criteria or policy was needed in regard to this matter. He did not want this known as a blanket statement that all developers could come in and receive approval. Further discussion followed. Councilman Garton moved approval of the concept of Lot 38, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision as shown. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman McRory and was unanimously carried. Councilman Davis discussed the issue of duplex and single family units.. in respect to secondary units on the same parcels, basically known as caretaker.UAits. He stated that if there were secondary units, would they be charged additional tap fees. He would like to see this issue incorporated into the Town's housing, as well as, to consider it in the zoning revisions, as how the Town would deal with this issue. Next on the agenda was the abandoned foundation, Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision. Mr. James stated that he and staff a conversed with the owner(Greg Kraft), and basically gave him notice that the Town was going to proceed with the enforcement of the Town's abandoned property ordinance. Mr. James stated that a Memorandum of Agreement was drafted that basically stated that it would allow the owner an extension of time until March 20, 1991 to resolve this matter(See memorandum attached to these minutes). -7- Councilman Stovall stated that he was not comfortable with this Agreement. He stated that the owher.had been given plenty of time to resolve this issue. 'He stated that if the Town was going to have a statute concerning abandoned foundations, then there ought to, be a statute to enforce them. Councilman Reynolds agreed. Mr. James stated that if there-was no action toward this Agreement, the Town would move forward toward demolishing the foundation. Councilman Davis stated, as a legal matter, or a policy area, there were other foundations in the area that may be needed to be dealt with, and there needed to be a policy of how this issue would be dealt with. Discussion followed. Councilman Davis moved-to accept the Memorandum of Agreement as the only way the Town would not demolish the foundation until next March 20, 1991. The motion was seconded by Councilman Garton. The motion carried with, Councilmembers,Stovall and Reynolds opposing. Councilman Davis amended his motion to.include that if the Agreement was not signed by Friday, September 28, 14190, the Town would proceed. The amended motion was seconded by'Councilman Garton, and was.carried with Councilmembers Stovall and Reynolds opposing. Next-on the agenda was.Resolution No. 90-33,, Series of 1990, A RESOLUTION ALLOWING QUALIFIED POOLED INVESTMENTS. Mr. James stated that during the Audit, it was suggested that the Town look into a Cash Management Policy. Also it was recommended that the Town have another investment vehicle, which was-called Colo-Trust. The Town would invest in U S. Treasury Bills. Resolution No. 90-33 :would allow the Town to invest in this Pool. Councilman Garton moved approval of Resolution'No. 90-33, Series. of 1990. 'The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Mr. James stated that-the Town had a draft Agreement with the Denver Rio Grande Railroad. Mr. James stated itlwas for Council's review and requested any comments they may have in regard to the Agreement. The final Agreement would be ready for approval in a few days. -8- • i Mr. James stated that the Town had an Agreement with Leadville Transit. This would be deferred until the next meeting. Larry Brooks reviewed the scope of services of the Leadville Transit with the Council. Councilman Bennett moved approval of the Beaver Creek Transit Agreement as presented contingent upon the review of the Agreement by the Town Manager and the Town Attorney. The motion was seconded by Councilman Garton and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was discussion of the Agreement with the Department of Local Affairs in respect to the Railroad Crossing. Mr. James stated that the Town did receive a grant from the Department of Local Affairs for $200,000 for the railroad crossing. He stated that the Town Attorney and himself, had reviewed the Agreement and had no problems with it. Councilman Davis moved approval of the Agreement with the Department of Local Affairs, and authorized the Mayor to execute the document as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was the Avon Road Separated Grade Crossing Amendment #1. Fay Ferrin with Centennial Engineering, Inc. approached the Council. He reviewed the B & B Excavating Contract Amendment #1 with the Council. He had hoped that this amendment #1, if approved, would allow the basic contract to be executed. He stated that the contractor started work today, in regard to the water taps for the water system. He stated that the contractor would start laying pipe early next week f6r the water system in the areas where they have the right-of-way available to them. He stated that items #1 through #13 were items that were discussed two weeks ago(see Amendment #1 of the B & B Excavating contract attached to these minutes). Mr. Ferrin stated that the major item on that list was #12; the 36" storm sewer line. He stated that the contractor would like to carry that over until the summer of 1991. He stated that it was an approximately a #130,000 value from the contract. He stated that the contractor suggestec that they set that part of the contract aside, and re-negotiate the price next summer. Discussion followed. Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the Separated Grade Crossing Amendment #1 of the B & B Excavating Contract as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall and was unanimously carried. -9- The Town Attorney reported on the upcoming hearing for the immediate possession of Confluence. He stated that it had been re-scheduled for October 2, 1990, and tenatively in Leadville, Colorado. He stated that the other hearings had been set for October 9th. Mr. Dunn reported on the other issue which was in regard to the objection that had been filed with the Public Utilities Commission. The objection was for the Separated Grade Crossing and was filed by 182 Corporation. The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council. Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts Payable for September 25, 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts Payable for September 25, 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Be it noted that the minutes for the September 11, 1990 Council Meeting would be presented to the Council at the October 9th Council Meeting. The Council reviewed the plans for the Benchmark Road - East. Mr. James requested authorization to enter into an agreement to purchase the Out-Lot of the Annex Property from Jim Otis. The purchase price was in the amount of $150,000 with some conditions that the Town Manager had reviewed with the Council earlier, and to have John Dunn draft a contract, with the closing in 30 days. Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the above. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Mr. James reviewed and discussed the Benchmark Road Improvements with the Council. Mr. James needed authorization to proceed to negotiate. Councilman Davis so moved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. 9 0 he Mayor requested that the Council adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel matters. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Garton moved to adjourn into executive session. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall. The Mayor adjourned by meeting at 10:28 p.m. The Council then retired into executive session. LETTER OF AGREEMENT LOT 18, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE The Town of Avon has issued a formal notice of abandonment of building as per Section 8.30 of the Avon Municipal Code, for the structure located on Lot 18, Blcok 1, Wildridge Subdivision. The owners representative has requested a stay of demolition in order to pursue two avenues of resolution: 1. Regrading and revegetation of the site and removal'of the foundation to mitigate public nuisance impacts of the existing structure. 2. Compeltion of the structure. The Town of Avon will agree to stay demolition of the structure if the following conditions are met: 1. Recertify the foundation within fourteen (14) days with a letter from a registered civil-engineer. Owner will remove foundation if not certifiable. If the foundation is found to be partially deficient, corrections shall be made within thirty (30) days. 2. The owner shall apply for,and receive a new building permit to allow construction of,Phase I Wildflower Condominiums within thirty (30) days. -New building permit fees will be assessed. 3. The construction of the building will be diligently,pursued according to approved plan and shall meet the following time frames: 25% completion by March 20, 1991 50% completion by June 20, 1991 75% completion by August 20, 1991 Temporary certificate'of occupancy by November 20, 1991 Final certificate of occupancy by December 20, 1991 • LETTER OF AGREEMENT Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge Page 2 • Should the owner of Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge determine to not pursue immediate completion of the structure, the site shall be regraded and revegetated and the foundation shall be removed to mitigate public nuisance impacts within thirty (30) days of the signing of this agreement. The Town shall be the sole determinant as to the acceptibility of any regrading and revegetation measures. The owner of Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge hereby agrees to the conditions and stipulations of this document. The owner agrees that if these conditions and stipulations are not met, the Town of Avon shall take action to remove the existing structure and lien the property to recover all associated costs, as outlined in Section 8.30.050 of the Avon Municipal Code. Owners/Repre n ive Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision to- a- 90 DATE NOTICE OF AWARD PROJECT NO. CC-CY-070H-24 AVON ROAD SEPARATED'GRADE. CROSSING 1990 UTILITY RELOCATIONS To: B&B Excavating Inc. P.O. Drawer 249, Vail, Colorado 81658 The Town Council, Town of Avon, has considered the Proposal submitted by you for the above captioned project in response to the invitation for bids dated August 22, 1990 and, Addenda 1 and 2 thereto. , In addition, the council has considered the adjustments to the Proposal described in Amendment No. 1, attached hereto. You are hereby.notified that your bid; as modified by said Amendment No. 1, has been accepted in the amount of Six Hundred Sixty Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Three Dollars and Fifty Cents ($660,933.50). You are required 'by the terms of the Proposal to execute the Contract and furnish' the required bond and certificates of insurance on or before September 28, 1990. You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to the Town. Dated this 21st day of September 1990. r Town of Avon State of Colorado Bill Jame Town Manager Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged. By: B&B Excavating, Inc. _ 1990. This day of Lay. c~ . By: Title • AMENDMENT NO. 1 PROJECT NO. CC-CY-070H-24 AVON ROAD SEPARATED GRADE CROSSING 1990 UTILITY RELOCATIONS The plans and specifications for subject project are hereby amended and revised as follows. 1. The work of Bid Item No. 21, 210, Reset Guard Rail Type 4, is deleted. 2. The Bid Price of Bid Item. No. 27, 403, Hot Bituminous Pavement.(Grading E)(Haul and Asphalt) is changed from $75.00 per ton to, $45.00 per ton. 3. The estimated quantity of Bid Item No. 28, 403, Hot Bituminous Pavement (Grading EX)(Haul and Asphalt) is changed from 510 TON to 260 TON by'deleting the overlay on U.S.,Highway No. 6. 4. The estimated quantity of Bid Item No. 29, 411, Emulsified' Asphalt (CSS-1H) is changed from 595 GAL to 305 GAL by deleting the overlay tack coat on U.S. Highway No. 6. 5. The work of Item No. 52, 606, Guard Rail Type 4 (Precast Portable) is deleted. 6. The work of Items No., 53, 607, Fence Chain Link (72 inch) and No. 54, 607, 16-Foot Gate Single (Chain Link) is deleted. 7. The work of Bid Items No. 56, 614, Traffic Signal Span Wire Pole Wood, No. 57, 614, Loop Detector 6x30 Quadruple,, and No. 58,-614, Traffic Signal-Light Span Wire Pole Wood is deleted. 8. The work of Bid Items No. 73,627, Thermoplastic Pavement Marking and No. 74, 627,,. Preformed Plastic Pavement Marking (60 mil) is deleted. 9. Bid. Item No. 75, 604, Structural 'Backfill is added as follows: Gradation of Structure Backfill shown in Addendum No. 1, Item 8.a shall be: Sieve Designation 3/4 inch 3/8 inch No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 50 No. 200 % By Weight Passing Lab Sieves 100 60- 100 40-60 0-45 0-25 0-6 0-2 i i -2- -AMENDMENT NO. 1 PROJECT NO. CC-CY-070H-24 AVON ROAD SEPARATED GRADE CROSSING 1990 UTILITY RELOCATIONS 10. Bid Item No. 76,119, Restore Sod is added as follows: Surface restoration of pipe trenches shall not include replacement of sod in grassed areas. 11. Bid Item No. 77, 627, Paint Pavement Marking shall be added as follows: Pavement markings designated on the plans as Thermoplastic or Preformed Plastic shall be Paint in conformance with the Standard Specifications. Pavement marking of U.S. Highway 6 shall, be deleted as shown on the revised "For Construction" drawings. 12. The work of the 36" Storm Sewer Line, consisting of Bid Items No. 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 50 and 51 shall be deleted from the contract at this time, pending redesign. This work remains within the scope of work of the contract. The unit prices and time of completion of this work will be determined through negotiation and will be added to the contract by Contract Modification Order following completion of redesign. It is the intent of the Town and the Contractor that this.work will be done during the-summer of 1991 to coordinate with the planned road and bridge construction. 13.'1 The Contract Price shall be adjusted as shown on the attached tabulation of bid adjustments. PROJECT CC-CY 44-0700-24 & • PAGE I OF 2 AVON ROAD GRADE SEPARATED ING 1990 UTILITY RELOCATIONS ' BID ADJUSTMENTS FOR ANBND!ENT 10. 1 ORIGINAL BID BY ADJUSTMEM B 6 B EXCAVATING, INC. FOR AEOMMERT 90. - - 1 LINE ITEM ITEM EST - BID ITEM COST ADJUSTED N0. 10. DESCRIPTION QUM BIT PRICE COST ADJUST CHANGE COST 1 107 TE'8P EROS CONT 1 L S 1,600.00 1,600.00 11600.00 2 201 CLR AND GRUB 1 L S 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 3 202 DELL ABANDONMENT 1 L S 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 4 202 REM VALVE., Box 1 EACH 440.00 440.00 440.00 5 202 REM PIPE <=12' 390 LF 3.00 1,170.00 1,170.00 6 202 REM PIPE >12' 6S LF 32.00 2,080.00 2,080.00 7 202 REM FIRE HYDRANT 1 EACH 560.00 560.00 560.00 8 202 REGRADE IRR LATERAL 1 L S 11500.00 1,500.00 11500.00 - 9 202 REM C&G 160 LF 4.00 640.00 640.00 10 202 REM ASPH MAT 815 SY 4.00 3,260.00 3,260.00 i 11 202 REN GUARD RAIL 35 LF 12.00 420.00 420.00 12 202 REM FENCE 20 LF 9.00 180.00 180.00 13 202 PLUG PIPE =(12' 18 EACH 300.00 5,400.00 50400.00 14 202 PLUG PIPE >12' 3 EACH 560.00 1,680.00 11680.00 15 202'REN MANHOLE 2 EACH 690.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 16 202 REM POMP SYSTEM 1 L S 11250.00 11250.00 1,250, 00 17 202 REVERSE ANCHOR PLUG 4 EACH 1,700.00 6,800.00 6,800.00 18 202 UNCLASS EXCAY (CIP) 280 CY 40.00 11,200.00 14200.00 19 210 RESET GROUND SIGN. 3 EACH 150.00 . 450.00 450.00 20 210 RESET FENCE 70 IF 17.00 1,190.00 1,190.00 21 210 RESET GRD RAIL TY 4 40 LF 22.00 880.00 DELETE (880.00) 0.00 Z2 210 RESET. SPRINKLER HD 6 EACH 63.00 378.00 378.00 23 210 ADJUST MANHOLE 2 EACH 375.00 750.00 750.00 24 210 MODIFY MANHOLE 1 EACH 950.00 950.00 950.00 25 210 ADJUST VALVE BOX 1 EACH 95.00 95.00 95.00 26 403 HBP PATCH H" 265 TON' 80.00 211200.00 21,200.00 17 403 HBP GR E H_AA 645 TON 75.00 48,375.00 DEDUCT 830/TON (19,350.0 29,025:00 28 403 HBP GR EX 10 510 TON 55.00 28,050.00 DEDUCT 250 TONS (13,750.00) 14,300.00 29 411 EMULS ASPH CSS10 595 GAL 3.50 2,082.50 DEDUCT Z90 GAL (1,015.60) 1,067.50 30 506 RIPRAP D18 TY H 150 CY 98.00 14,700.00 DELETE (14,700.00) 0.00 31 603 18' CS PIPE 62 LF 24.00 1,488.00 1,468.00 32 604 ME SLAB 4'D 8=5' 4 EACH 1,300.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 33 604 MH SLAB 4'D H=15' 2 EACH 2,350.00 4,700.00 4,700.00 34 604 MR SLAB 4'D H=20' 1 EACH _ 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 35 604 MH SLAB 6'D H=15 1 EACH 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 36 604 MH SLAB VD H=20 4 EACH 3,700.00 14,800.00 14,800.00 37 604 MH BOX H=15 2 EACH 4,300.00 8,600.00 DELETE (81600.00) 0.00 38 604 ME BOX H=20 1 EACH 4,700.00 4,700.00 DELETE (4,700.00) 0.00 39 604 18' RCP CL 111 10 LF 34.00 340.00 DELETE (340.00) 0.00 40 604 36' RCP CL III 360 LF 155.00 55,800.00 DELETE (55,800.00) 0.00 41 604 36' JACKED S"yER 52 LF 910.00 47,320.00 DELETE (47,320.00) 0.00 42 604 8' DIP SAN CL 52 Z74 IF 57.00 15,618.00 15,618.00 43 604 30' DIP SAN CL 52 239 LF 168.00 40,152.00 40,152.00 44 604 8' PVC SAN 353 LF 100.00 35,300.00 35,300.00 45 604 18' STEEL CASING- 60 LF 170.00 10,200.00 10,200.00 46 604 Z2' STEEL CASING 142 LF 250.00 35,500.00 35,500.00 PROJECT CC-CY 44-0709-24 PAGE 2 OF 2 IVOR ROAD GRADE SEPARASE~lSSING 1990 UTILITY RELOCATIONS B i B EXCAVATING, INC. LINE ITEM ITEM EST BID I TEM COST ADJUSTED NO. - - - NO. DESCRIPTION - QUANT UNIT PRICE COST ADJUSTMENTS CHANGE COST 47 604 42' STEEL CASING 62 LF 360.00 22,320.00 22,320.00 46 604 18' BORED ST CASING 50 LF 445.00 ' 22,250.00 22,250.00 49 604 Z2' BORED ST CASING 55 LF 713.00 39,215.00 39,2.15.00 50 .604 36' FES V/TR GUARD 1 EACH 1,500.00 1,500.00 DELETE (1,500.00) 0.00 51, 604 36' FES 1 EACH 1,000.00 1,000.00 DELETE (1,000.00) 0.00 32 606 GD RAIL TY 4 PRECAST 50 LF 35.00 1,750.00 DELETE. (1,750.00) 0.00 53 607 FENCE CH LINK 72' 2850 LF 11.00 31,350.00 DELETE (31,350.00) 0.00 54 607 16' GATE CHAIN LINK 2 EACH 1,100.00 2,200.00. DELETE (2,200.00) 0.00 55 609 C & G TY 1 SEC IB 160 LF 19.00 3,040.00 3,_040.00 56 614 SIGNAL POLE VOOD 2 EACH 1,500.00 3,000.00 DELETE (3,000.00) 0.00 57 614 LOOP DET 6X30 QUAD 4 EACH 1,000.00 4,000.00 DELETE (4,000.00) 0.00 58 614 SIG/LT POLE VOOD 2 EACH 1,950.00 3,900.00 DELETE (3,900.00) 0.00 59 614 CONS! TRFC CORYB 1 L S 18,750.00 18,750.00 18,750.00 60 619 2' VTR MTR PRV 6 VLT 1 EACH 11850.00 11850.00 1;850.00 61 619 8' DIP VTR 267 LF 81.00 21,627.00 21,627.00 62 619 12' DIP VTR 1303 LF 73.06 95,119.00 951119.00 , 63 619 2' COIN TO EXIST 1 L S 500.00 500.00 500.00 64 -619 2' VTR SVCE 357 LF 82.00 29,174.00 29,274.00 65 619 8' GATE VALVE V/BOX 3 EACH 750.00 2,250.00 21250.00 66 619 12' BFLY VALVE V/BOX 3 EACH 3,100.00 9,300.00 9,300.00 67. 619 12' BFLY VALVE V/VLT i EACH 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 68 619 FIRE HYD ASSY 1 EACH 2,400.00 2,400.00 2.400.00 69 619 12X12 VET TAP.CIP 2 EACH 3,050.00 6,100.00 .6.100.00 70 619 818 VEST YAP CIP 2 EACH 1,900.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 71 619 Of CON TO EXIST 1 L S 4,150.00 4,150.00 41150.00 72 626 MOBILIZATION- i L S 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 73 627 THERHO PVT NKG 3872 SF 2.00 7,744.00 DELETE (7,744.00) 0.00 74 127 PREF PVT MG 60M 1208 SF 5.50 - - 6,644.00 DELETE - - - - (6,644.00) 0.00 TOTALS - 893.811.50 - (229,543.00) 664,26830 75 604 STR B'FILL TO 3/4' 1 L S - 0.00 - - - 0.00 DEDUCT LUMP SUM (2,700.00) (2,7 .00) 76 619 DELETE SOD REPLACEMENT 1 L S 0.00 0.00 DEDUCT LU)0' SUM (2400.00) (2,000.00) 77' 627 PAINT PVT MG 2100 SF 0.00 0.00 AIM 0 0.65/SF = 1,365.00 1,365.00 WISED TOTALS (232,878.00) 660,933.50