TC Minutes 03-27-1990MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD MARCH 27, 1990 - 6:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Council of the.Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 6:05 p.m. A roll call was taken with David Garton, Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Gloria McRory, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Director of Engineer Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Deputy Town Clerk Dorothy E. Gallegos, as well as members of the press and public. The Mayor called for citizen input. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the Citizen input portion,of the agenda. Second reading of Ordinance No. 90-1, Series of 1990, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF BUSINESS REGISTRATION FEE; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF. Mr. Wood stated that this ordinance was adopted at the last Town Council meeting. Basically-this ordinance had some amendments which would be to change the current business licensing fee from $10 to:$75. Mayor Nottingham entertained a motion to bring Ordinance No. 90-1, Series of 1990, to the table for discussion and open it up for public hearing. Councilwoman McRory moved to bring Ordinance No..,90-1, Series of 1990 to the table for discussion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bennett and was unanimously carried. At this time, Mayor Nottingham opened up the meeting.for a public hearing. He asked that anyone wishing to address this issue to do so at that time. i • The first speaker was David Yoder from Yoder Engineering. Mr. Yoder thanked the Council for giving him the opportunity to speak to them. He felt that they needed to be careful how they taxed the businesses in the community. He'further stated that if the purpose of the increase was to keep track of the businesses within the community, then he suspected.that the $10.00 was not adequate, but was concerned that $75.00 was excessive. He stated that one thing that was obvious to everyone about Avon was, they really had a business service center to the.upper Eagle Valley. He also stated that they need,--,to be careful,-.they didn't create the impression,: that they did_ mot want the businesses, in'-the-,Avon area. He further stated that-.-the businesses currently in Avon were going to pay the price increase whether it was fair or not because the Council was representing the community and they would have to go along with their decision. He also stated that he was happy it was not going to be based on the last proposed ordinance which was to be based on the headcount. He stated that the businesses and services in Avon area should stay in Avon. He also said that businesses outside the area wanting to move into Avon, made their decision much more emotionally than they should. He futher stated that the new businesses may look at licensing costs iri'Avon', ..and may not want to pay that much money. Mr. Yoder stated they they would pay the increase but Council needed to be cautious with what happened beyond this and felt they were paying there fair share now. Dan Sunday, represented Alpine Coffee Service and Dr. Bob's Video Games. He stated that he opposed to the increase in the licensing fee but agreed that the $10.00'fee was ridiculously low. He also stated that $75.00 was out of line,and said $25.00 would seem more reasonable. He also stated that vendors who came in out of the Avon area to service local busineses, did not generally pay this fee. He further stated that the people who locally lived in Avon contributed more to the community to begin with and stated that they were more visible. He stated that they paid their fair share by donating their time-.. or items from their business for Town of Avon special events. He agreed that the Council and administration had done alot to enhance the businesses in the Avon area but felt it was not a fair tax. Councilwoman McRory asked Mr. Sunday how many businesses he paid for in Vail and what the cost was. Mr. Sunday stated that he paid $700 for two business licenses in Vail. Councilwoman McRory stated if he paid $700 for two business(-licenses in Vail why_was-he complaining about paying the $75.-fee in Avon. Dean Koll represented Zehren & Associates. He stated that he did, not have any questions of why the fee was going from $10 to $75 but further stated that it would have been nice if it had been mentioned in the letter sent out to all the businesses,- what the additional fee would be going towards. He said there should have been a break- down of where the extra money would be going and how it was going to benefit them. -2- 0 0 No one else from the public wanted to be heard. Mayor Nottingham asked the Council for their input and comments. Councilman Davis stated that he.-had a business located in Vail and in Avon. He further::stated that his decision to move his Vail business to-Avon was not because he was paying $475.00 for a business license in Vail but,was because he felt he could probably save around $25,000 a year in rent to live and work in Avon. He thought Avon was still a good business climate. He stated that a $75, $1501 or a $450`business license fee was not going to detour those businesses that saw what Avon had to offer and felt it could be construed as a detou-rant but felt it was a small price to pay to have a good business around. His concern was that as a service business and as a member of the community, he did not collect sales tax and other than paying property taxes, he had an opportunity to put his business where ever-he had wanted to. He did not feel that $75 was a whole lot to pay and stated that he,felt the businesses should contribute to the general _fund. He said if they would have more revenue, they would be able to have additional activities in the Town of Avon. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing and entertained a roll call. Those Councilmembers voting aye were, David Garton, Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Gloria McRory, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. Mayor Nottingham stated that it was published in the papers for the public hearing on the Master Plan to be#n,at 7:00 p.m. -He further stated that in order to accommodate the public, he thought they could skip the next two items on the agenda momentarily and move on to the next items of the agenda. First reading of ordinance No. 90-2, Series of 1990, AN ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, INITIATING CHARTER AMENDMENTS TO EXEMPT BONDS PAYABLE FROM IMPOSITIONS OTHER THAN GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FROM ELECTION AND DEBT LIMIT PROVISIONS OF THE CHARTER AND TO EXEMPT GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR HOUSING FROM ELECTION AND DEBT LIMIT PROVISIONS OF THE CHARTER, SUBJECT TO A SEPARATE DEBT LIMIT FOR SUCH BONDS; SUBMITTED SUCH CHARTER AMENDMENTS TO THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE TOWN AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 8, 1990; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY -3- 0 0 John Dunn reviewed the ordinance with the Council. He stated that the ordinance would call for a special election to vote on two amendments to the Charter. The first amendment proposed in the ordinance was an amendment which would clarify a conflict that currently existed in the Charter. This would allow the Council to issue bonds payable from sales tax revenues without the necessity of an election. He further stated that the other proposed Charter amendment would permit the issuance of general obligation bonds without the necessity of an election, provided there was a two thirds vote of the council for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, or equipping rental housing to be owned by or on behalf of a governmental entirety. He stated that the ordinance was prepared essentially to provide for an election date of May 8, 1990. This was the anticipated election date for the Avon Metropolitan District, however, it came to his attention that it would not be necessary to have the Avon Metro. District election because there were no contests for any of the seats on the Board of Directors for the Avon Metro. District. Therefore, it seemed most appropriate that the election be held in the regular course of business. He said that the statue stated the election had to be held no earlier than 30 days after the final adoption of the ordinance. He further stated that would give a time frame, assuming, first reading was that night, and second reading the first meeting in April, which would give a time frame running from May 10th to September 10, 1990. He recommended that the Council schedule an election on Tuesday, June 5th and stated there was an emergency provision in the ordinance, section 14, and if the determination was not necessary to proceed with the emergency, it should be taken out of the ordinance. Mayor Nottingham asked Mr. Dunn what the earliest date, assuming, they would adopt the ordinance on the first reading, would be to have an election. Mr. Dunn stated that the second reading would be on the 10th of April, and further stated that the earliest date could by May 10th and stated that they would have missed the May 8th date by only a couple of days. Council further discussed the election date and all agreed to have the election date set for May 15th, 1990. Councilman Garton asked if they would declare it as an emergency, what the time frame would be. Mr. Dunn stated that the election could be held as early as the 27th of April. Councilman Garton moved approval of Ordinance No. 90-2, Series of 1990, on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds. -4- • • They Mayor opened the meeting for discussion. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the discussion and entertained a roll call. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: David Garton, Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Gloria McRory, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. Resoultion No. 90-9, Series of 1990, A.RESOLUTION AMENDING'.THE-1990 BUDGET/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT/RESIDENT TRAINING Mr. Wood stated that this resolution was to make an amendment to the budget and=to_-formalize.actions already-taken-to.purchase=computer equipment and to add additional funds to the resident fire training program. Councilman Bennett moved approval of Resolution No. 90-9,,Series of 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds.and was unanimously carried. Resolution No. 90-8, Series of 1990, A RESOLUTION AMENDING Resolution No. 89-33 CHANGING THE NAME OF THE "TOWN OF AVON HOUSING AUTHORITY" to "THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN-OF AVON". Mr. Wdod.stated that in the initial establishing resolution of the housing authority, Resolution No. 89-33, referred to the legally -created housing authority as "The Town of Avon Housing Authority" and-in.the subsequent documents such as the by laws, the-Housing Urban Development (HUD) requested they refer to it as "The Housing Authority of the Town of Avon". This was so they could keep every- thing consistent and therefore,.they had drawn up a resolution to get'-that changed. Council Bennett moved approval of Resolution No. 90-8, Series of 1990. The motion was secohded:by Councilman Garton and was unanimously carried. The next item on the agenda was the discussion of ,a Fire Department Consultant. Mr. Wood stated that Bill James had included in the packets a memo and a proposal from Charlie Moore regarding a select-ion of a consultant to study the fire operations. He further stated that if the Council had any comments or questions to please ask' if not, they would go ahead and proceed with the proposal submitted by National Loss Control Corp. He further stated that the proposed fee was $15,660 to proceed with the analysis. Mayor Nottingham asked Council if they had any comments or questions. There being none, he further stated they did not need to take any action and was o.k. for the Fire Department to proceed with the proposal. -5- • 9 The Town Attorney report was next on the agenda. Mr. Dunn stated that since the last council meeting, there was a settlement conference on the Water Board's case. He further stated that in the settlement conference, there seemed to give rise to some movement to try to work out the differences and therefore a meeting was held last Monday involving Gregg Miller, Dennis Gelvin and Jim Collins. He further stated that this meeting was not very productive. He also stated that for the regular meeting of the Avon Metropolitan District on Wednesday, the report was brought back to the board and the recommendation,-,made to the board was, that they continue to resolve this matter through the litigation rather than negotiations. He said that the case remains set for the 12th of June. He further stated that there was some indication at the conference that the. case would not get tried in one day and there may-be a possibility it could take 2 - 4 days. Next on the agenda was the Mayor's report. Mayor Nottingham stated he had received a letter from Ed Everett who was from the Benchmark Mobile Home Park, regarding the mobile home issue. He opened this for discussion and asked for any comments on this issue. Councilman Davis stated that criticism was something they should be considering. He stated that he did not know if this had all been fair but the criticism was that the Council had done nothing or stepped up concerning this issue. He suggested that maybe as a way to take a harder look at this issue-was to,:have a special meeting and invite the residents of the mobile home park. His concerns were that there-were-"people living there who were concerned with what was going to happen to them or their homes. He futher stated that he would like to see the Council, within the next 6 weeks to 2 months, hold a special meeting regarding this issue and get the residents input. In the mean time find out what legal rights the town had in doing something. Councilman Garton suggested they have a work session on this issue and maybe they could come up with a policy statement of what they intended to require in order for a developer to rezone the mobile home park. He agreed they did not look like they really had backed up the residents as far as their dislocation:-problems were concerned. It seemed to him they could draft 3 or 4 points that would require for an approval of rezoning. He further stated they needed to show the residents they were not forgetting about them. Mayor Nottingham agreed that having a special meeting or a work shop would be a good idea. Councilman Davis suggested the-.meeting be after 5:00 p.m. in order to accommodate the residents of the park attending the meeting. -6- Councilman Bennett stated that in clarifying the defending of the residents, he thought there was alot of potential for problems but did not feel there were any definete problems yet. Councilman Stovall stated that the problem he felt the residents had at this time was not knowing what was going to happen to them and felt they needed to have a workshop with the residents. Councilman Davis moved to schedule a meeting within the next 60 days concerning the issue of the mobile home park and that they notify the residents through a process of door to door notification. Councilwoman McRory seconded the motion and was unanimously carried. Resolution No. 90-7, Series of 1990, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mayor Nottingham opened this up for public hearing and asked if there was anyone from the audience wishing to be heard. He further stated to the residents, they--would have an inhouse meeting first and then a public hearing to get the residents comments and input. Bob Prasser approached the Council. He stated that it was obvious that eventually the mobile home park would be taken out but his concerns were that if someone came in and give him the value of the trailer, and because of its location, he would have paid more for his trailer. He stated that they needed time to find somewhere else to locate their trailers and would need enough money to have them moved. Councilman Garton asked Mr. Prasser if what he wanted was the developer buy their trailer at a fair value. Mr. Prasser stated that he felt that would be fair enough for them or whatever they decided to do, they just wanted to be treated fair. Councilman Davis clarified that the Council had payed attention to the problem and further stated there had been several discussions in the past regarding this issue. He stated that he agreed that someday the trailer park would no "longer be around and felt that as a Council, they needed to, for the developer and the residents sake, come up with some policies which would allow it to be rezoned and felt that would only be fair. Mr. Prasser asked whether the rezoning of the park would affect the rest of the rezoning of the Town in terms of having resort housing and asked what the Council wanted to have. -7- r ~ Councilman Stovall stated that the Council had not seen any plans regarding the rezoning of the mobile,--home park and further stated that they had only seen and read what had come out in the newspapers. Mr. Prasser stated that the residents of the park were there to show the Council they were concerned about what was going to happen. Councilman-,-..Davis stated to the residents that earlier he had made a motion to have a meeting within the,next 60 days to address the issue of the mobile home park and to invite all the residents of the park to give their input and comments. Yvonne Evans, a resident of the mobile home park, stated that getting into a trailer was the only way for her to start out and further stated that she did not want to live in apartment.-.buildings where there would be people coming and going from all sotts of states. She said that she could not afford to purchase a house-arid;.livng in a trailer was the only thing she could.'afford and only way of living. Mayor Nottingham stated that they wanted to have a public hearing so the residents could hear where the Council was coming from as well as the Council hear the residents side. He futher stated they would all be notified regarding.the meeting and said they would have an opportunity to speak theh. Councilwoman McRory stated that any action they would take, was some- thing they needed to make sure was legal. There_ being no further discussion from the public, .the,-Mayortstated they=::would all-Ibe notifed when the next public hearing would be and further stated they were all invited to attend. Peter Jamar, from Jamar and Associates, told the residents of the mobile home park, that the master plan had designated Benchmark Mobile Home site as a residential site. Mayor Nottingham requested they move forward with the Master Plan introduction. Rick Pylman, Town of,Avon Planner, stated that their intentions were to present the Comprehensive Plan to the Council with the request of adopting it. He stated that the Comprehensive Plan had been,a public input process and stated-there had been quite a few public meetings on this issue. He further stated that since most everyone was familiar with the plan, they would not go into great detail. He stated there were several sections and that they had gone through some goal settings and set some goals for the community on issues that included land use, transportation, annexations,-recreation, etc._ He'further stated they had developed an urban design plan that addressed urban designing. He stated that the plan included a:-land.-,use plan in areas of the community. -8- Mr. Pylman further'stated that they had taken the community and broken it down into 19 subareas.,and addressed those subareas with very specific design criteria and•stated that they had gone through all of this in-detail before and stated it was not necessary to do all that again. He did state that the Planning'& Zoning Commission had adopted the plan at their last meeting. Peter Jama.,gave a handout to the Council showing changes that had been made in the Comprehensive Plan. He went over the changes with the Council members. and said those changes had been incorporated in the plan. Mr. Jamar.thanked the Council, Planning Commission, and staff' for all.the help they had given them in the creation of the plan-and.stated,that there had been a lot of hard work done in the creating of'the Master Plan. He futher stated that the process they. had gone through had been a good one. He" once again thanked, the Council for their support and efforts. Councilwoman McRory stated that it had been a long struggle but, that it had all been worth it and further stated that they had done a.---good job . Mayor Nottingham asked the Council for their questions or comments. There being no-one wishing,:- to be heard, the Mayor entertained a motion to approve the resolution. Councilman Garton moved approval of Resolution No.. 90-7, Series of 1990,,adopting the .Comprehensive Plan with the new revisions. The motion,was seconded by Councilwoman McRory and was unanimously carried. The Mayor-stated that he had received a resolution from the Town of Vail proclaiming the week of April 21-27,'as".".Earth Awareness Week" and stated he would take the same action. Councilman Davis moved to accept Resolution No. 90-11 proclaiming the week of April, 21-27th •as "Earth'Awareness Week". The motion was seconded by Councilman Garton and was unanimously carried. The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council. Councilman'Reynolds moved to approve items #1 & 2 of the General Fund of Accounts Payable for March 27, 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman-Garton and was unanimously carried. Councilman.-Reynolds moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts Payable for March 27, 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Garton and was unanimously carried. -9- • Councilwoman Mc Rory moved approval of the March 13, 1990 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. The Council recessed at 7:40 p.m. and reconveyed at 7:55 p.m. Resolution No. 90-10, Series of 1990, A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE EAGLE COUNTY MILL LEVY ELECTION FOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Peggy Osterfoss, a member of the Recreational Task Force, approached the Council. She stated that they were there to give the Council a presentation on the upcoming April 10th election on the Eagle County- Recreational & Housing Issue. She further stated:.-.that-this issue was not new but it was an issue that was coming up for a vote. She .'~gave a brief hisroty of the project and stated that back in 1985, the governments involved in Eagle County determined that recreation was an important priority for the locals and that it was time to undertake a study to try and determine exactly what sorts of recre-:: ational facilities would be desirable, She further stated that the voting date was set for April 10, 1990, and that the intent of the proposal was not to meet all recreational needs in,the Eagle County and not to take the price of the efforts from the local governments but, was an effort to go beyond what local governments could-do. She further stated that the election involved a mill- election that would generate 1.8 million dollars annualy in order to fund regional recreational facilities. She stated that the specifics included.:-in_.the proposal were the purchasing of the Berry Creek-Fifth Filing, the right of first refusal on the Miller Ranch Property,, the funds to purchase the Miller- Ranch and to develop.=-and operate facilities in Eagle-Gypsum area: She stated that the Edwards site would include 10 acres and would be available for the private developers for affordable housing. She also stated that funds collected from the mill levy could only be used to develop recreational facilities. Peter Jamar gave a slide show presentation on the property wanting to be purchased and used for the facilities. He stated that there were-plans established and an analysis had gone through that resulted in the conclusion that the mill levy election was the best way to go and basically to let the people decide whether they wanted to pay for the recreational plan. He further stated that if the-election was passed, much more detailed planning on each of the sites would be completed and there would be public input on each of the site::plans. He stated that the three regional park sites would be in Edwards, Eagle/Gypsum and El Jebel/Basalt. Kevin Lindahl from the Eagle County Recreational Task Force approached the Council. He reviewed the financial plan with the Council and stated: that the budget had included a Phase I and Phase II. He stated that the Berry Creek Parcel would include the land acquisitions for both the Miller Ranch and Berry Creek 5th filing at a cost of 3.37 million dollars, Eagle/Gypsum area at a cost of $800,000, Basalt/El Jebel at -10- 0 • a__cost., of $'700,000 for recreational park development. He further Stated that the revenues from the mill levy was 1.8 million dollars and stated that they based their budget on a 2k%"growth factor. He also stated that-their-budget was not based on increasing this tax each year but based on some new construction added to the budget. He also stated that this figure was based on $600 million dollars worth of assessed value. He also stated that the mill levy' tax would cover cost for the operation of the recreational facilities. Councilman Garton stated that he was-concerned after looking at the figures, they were spending too much money on the Edwards site. Mr. Lindahl stated that the money initially was divided based on assessed value. Councilman Bennett stated that on the reserve fund it appeared to - be 15t of the annual budget and asked if this was going to be their budget for the next 5 or 10--,years and if they planned to maintain that level of the budget with the 15% of the annual budget. Mr. Lindahl.stated that it would maintain that level and would actually grow because until they got any facilities, the 2h% growth factor basically would get an increase. He further stated that once they would open their, indoor recreational centers, he anticipated their administrative and operational cost to go up because they would have more-year round programs and very serious utility bills at that point in time. Councilman-Davis commented on the process. He.stated that it had been a very interesting process and they had made alot of headway in the-communication with the various members of the neighbors. He further stated that this fund would go on as long as the County Commissioners would let it accumulate and further'stated that it could provide for facilities and money for the next 50 years. He also stated that they should look at these pieces of property not only as recreational facilities but as parks. Councilman Stovall stated they should go out and support this issue. He further stated that he-.did not feel anyone would feel sorry they ever did this. He further=stated that if they did not go out and vote they were going to be very disappointed and urged everyone to vote in favor of the election. Tommy King, a member of, the, Lacrosse'-.Club of Vail,_was concerned and asked that if this was going to be used-by locals,who-:_would have to pay for this property and if the locals would have to pay more. -11- 9 W Mr. Lindahl stated that this property was being used by locals but if an opportunity came along to use it and would not damage the needs of the use it in conjunction with the locals. He furt] ,could help generate revenue and-_'-help offset the stated that was why they would have users fees. did not want to get into a situation where they use it because they couldn't pay enough to keep purchased to be where the NFL wanted locals, they could zer stated that it ,taxes. He further He stated they would not let people it open. Pam.Horenkates approached the Council. She stated that she lived in Edwards and her concerns were the housing development. She stated that she understood that once this was passed, 10 acres would be set aside for development of housing. She was interested in what that was all about and and who would be in charge of developing. She wanted to know what input, as a local, she had regarding this issue. Peter Jamar stated that even though they had indicated a conceptional building design and plan, that along with all the other facilities, they would have to go through a public hearing and a rezoning..process. He further stated that the County saw this as a positive aspect of the development for affordable housing. He stated that the County Commissioners would have control over sight planning, architecture, and the various impacts of the project. He further stated that there would be some planning and thought given to that in terms of what- kind of housing it would be. He also stated that this property,as well as any other property, would have to be rezoned in order to build that kind of a project. Patrick O'Malley.,approached the Council. He stated that he had a residence in Eagle-Vail and.in Edwards. He(:-.stated that he had chosen this valley as his place for retirement because of its beauty. He further stated that George Gillette, gave the most singular possibility of enhancing God's beautiful valley-when he offered that land to thi-s community. He further stated that to have a man put- his own private resources-out publically, he would hope ;that this would be recognized as naming something after this person He stated that all of the,peop]e should be congratulated on the wisdon of bringing it to this point.. He futher stated that the time-they were spending in the Chambers Room that'night, 10, 20' or-30 years from now, would be recognized as a crucial point and stated that this'was the best place in the world to live. He stated they should go out and sell this property before the election day. Bill Jennings, from Arrowhead, approached the'Council. He stated that he would like to see it be something compatible with the neigh- borhood. He also stated that if it was done right, it could be an enhancement to Arrowhead along with the rest of the County. . Peter Jamar stated that if this election did not pass, the County was going to miss a major opportunity as he felt they would not have another opportunity. He further stated that if it did not go through, there was not going to be the land available at.a later date. Ron Phillips stated that he had appreciated the opportunity of working with members of the Avon Town Council as well as Bill James. He further stated that it was a:rewarding process and appreciated their time for the presentation.and for their consideration. -12- LA • Councilman Reynolds' moved approval: of. Resolution :No. 90-~v'Series of 1990. Councilman Bennett seconded the motion and was unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before-the Council, Councilman Reynolds moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Garton. The.meeting was adjourned by Mayer Nottingham at.9:05 p.m. APPROVED: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED:. x'17 Dorothy /f. Gallegos Deputy Town Clerk -13-