TC Minutes 09-12-19890 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 1989 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 7:43 p.m. A roll call was taken with Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Gloria McRory, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Community Development/Engineer Norm Wood, Police Chief Art Dalton, Deputy Town Clerk Dorothy Gallegos, as well as members of the press and public. The Mayor stated that the Council had an appointment of a new Council Member to replace Emilie Harrison who had recently stepped down and moved out of state. He further stated that Dave Garton was successful of his efforts and had retained the seat. Councilman Stovall moved to appoint Dave Garton as the new Town Council Member. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis and was unanimously carried. Mr. Garton was sworn in by Town Attorney John Dunn. The Mayor called for Citizen Input. Jo Brown, President of the Vail Board of Realtors, approached the Council. She stated that Nova Dostall, who was killed in an automobile accident in South Dakota this spring, was an Executive Officer for the Vail Board of Realtors in 1979. She said that some of Nova's friends thought it would be nice to plant a tree in Avon Park in memorial to her. She stated that the Board of Directors asked her to come before the Council to ask the Parks and Recreation Department to plant a tree. She said that $300 would be given to the Town of Avon and asked that they notify her of when this would take place so Nova's friends and family could attend. The Mayor stated that her request had been accepted and said that he was sure it would be put in an appropriate place. The Mayor thanked Ms. Brown for her request. • • Rick Marcus, director of Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, approached the Council. Mr Marcus handed out a 5-page report with NWCOG financial questions and answers to the Council. He stated that they have had several tough times at their Council of Governments and said they had a deficit which they have carried for the last 4-5 years which this last year they have made several strides to reduce it by $62,000. He also stated that they still needed approximately $82,000 to reduce the deficit. He stated that the handout had information regarding financial structure conditions, how the deficit happened, how they took care of it and how it was in active to keep it from happening again. He further stated that they were looking at a one time deficit reduction assessment in 1990 based upon the amount of dues that each community in the regional council paid. The second handout explained 8 different programs they had which included grant funds, nutrient programs, weatherization programs, community development, a legal division, a revolving loan fund, televideo productions and a marketing plan. He stated that the Town of Avon currently paid $312,000 into the regional business and the water dues were $5,250 which the deficit assessment for 1990 was $800 for a grand total of $7,363. He stated that in 1991 they had done restructing of the dues which were published in the news- letter that some of the people have already received. He stated that there would be some due increases in the community but some dues would be decreasesd. He stated that he had already sent to the Town of Avon Finance Department, a document with this information on it for budget purposes. Councilman Davis asked when they could expect to see the final product on the business plan for the TeleWest Program. Mr. Marcus stated that the final plan should be refined and out within the next 30 days as the Board had given TeleWest Program until December lst to try and get a marketing program going so they could evaluate it for 1990. Mr. Marcus thanked the Council for their time as well as the Mayor for his attendance in the past years and for his support. There being no further Citizen Input, the Mayor closed that portion of the agenda. First reading of Ordinance No. 89-12, Series of 1989, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.12 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADDITIONAL EXEMPTION FROM THE REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX (this ordinance was tabled at the August 22nd Council Meeting-a copy of the original ordinance and the second draft was included in packets). • Mr. James stated that in the original ordinance it had outlining of some recommendations that were given to the Council by Gerry Mayham from Housing Urban Development which was based on a recommendation from Bolduc Realtors as well as from some developers. He stated that after the ordinance was presented to the Council they had a work shop on it & Town Attorney had sent another ordinance which was enclosed for their consideration. He stated that they were still in the discussion stage and that Gerry Mayham was there to discuss the ordinance with the Council and answer any questions they had. Gerry Mayham from Housing Urban Development approached the Council. He stated that at the last work session he was asked to check with Title Companies to see if they would pick up the $2,000 amount. He stated that in the title business he had checked with Colorado Wealth and they had said no, American Title of Eagle said no, Eagle County Title said no and Land Title said no as they would not pick it up on the Town's insurance. He stated that the title companies would not just pick up the Town's ordinance because of restrictions on their title policies. He stated that if they sold a house within one year the 20 transfer tax would be due to the Town of Avon. Mr. Dunn stated that the only thing they could ask a title company to do was to pull the promisory note but said that they would pick up the initial obligations. He also stated that they would have self interest to assure themselves that the requirements for exemption were being met. Council Stovall moved to bring Ordinance 89-12 draft I & 89-12 draft II to the table for approval. Councilman Davis seconded the motion and was unanimously carried. Ordinance 89-12, Series of 1989 was opened for discussion. Councilman Stovall stated that in the past, the Council had discussed the possibility of rolling back the transfer tax from 20 to 1%. He also stated that it occured to him essentially that they may be doing that if the first $100,000 would be exempted from the purchase price. He asked if that was what they were trying to accomplish. Mr. James stated that in order to help a first time buyer to be able to get into.these units would be with the Town considering exempting a real estate transfer tax and stated that it was proposed to help out the first time buyers through a Housing Urban Development. Councilman Davis stated that if they were going to exempt one type of buyer why not consider exempting everyone up to a certain level. -3- 0 • Councilman Stovall asked Mr. James if they had any concept of how this would affect the revenues. Mr. James stated that it would have a minimal affect on some of the revenues and that it all depended on the commercial and residential sales. He also stated that in the original ordinance it had to be a primary residency and could not be an investment. Councilwoman McRory stated that she was under the impression that the original $100,000 amount was to try and shoot for buyers earning $30,000 a year. She also stated that if it was going to be raised to $150,000 it would be for someone in the earning range of $60,000-$65,000 a year. She thought that the Town would be loosing alot of revenue if they would raise it to $150,000 as she felt that alot of real estate on the market for $160,000 would come on the market for $149,900. She felt they would be loosing alot more revenue boosting it up to $150,000 than keeping it under $100,000. She stated that she wanted to send the message that they wanted to supply affordable housing to a certain income group and felt that they were not doing that. She also stated that the reason they had went with $150,000 was because they were asked to do so by a realtor which she felt was not fair and asked what was. Councilman Stovall stated that the intent of the changes that he proposed would allow more families, individuals, and local people to be able to qualify for this and could relocate to the Town of Avon which he said would benefit the community. He felt that $150,000 was a good compromise that a great number of locals would take advantage of and hopefully would chose to relocate in Avon. K.T. Gazunis, Director of Economic Development approached the Council. She stated that housing was the number one priority in her organization and said she had done quite a bit of research in affordable housing. She further stated that these figures were not very arbitrary and that they had some logical defense for any of these figures. She said that $30,000 was just about the median average working class in the County. She stated that the average income was just over $27,000 and the median income was around $30,000. She stated that $100,000 made alot of sense and that the $30,000 range that they were marketing, at this point made albt of sense. She further stated that there was. alot of growth in the County and felt they needed affordable housing. She also said that she encouraged the Town to keep as much real estate transfer tax intact as possible as a savings account against any negative side affects of development but yet be very generous to the middle income wage earners. -4- • 0 Mr. James stated that maybe they should use Ms. Gazunis' guide- lines. He further stated that they should use the average median income guideline in Eagle County for the exemption. Councilman Davis stated that their original concern was to get people interested in Avon and catering to people with an average income was not what they wanted to do and said that it should be 4 times above the average wage earner but yet still have a place in that price range for people to buy. Council Davis moved to amend Ordinance No. 89-12, Section 1, Paragraph "0" to read "The first $120,000 of any sale or conveyance of real property and completed improvements for occupancy as a primary residents provided the following conditions are met". The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall and was unanimously carried. First reading of Ordinance No. 89-13, Series of 1989, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A GASEOUS FUEL FRANCHISE GRANTED BY THE TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Gerald Bonser, District Manager in the Mounta:in.Division for Public Service Company of Colorado, approached the Council. He stated that this was an amendment to add transportation fuel to the franchise tax collection which stated at the time they did not collect but could be a possibility in the future. He also stated that the second major portion of the amendment was adding the nations clause to the franchise giving the option to review the franchise for its monitary benefits annually. Councilman McRory moved approval of Ordinance No. 89-13, Series of 1989. Councilman Bennett seconded the motion and was unanimously carried. Mr. James gave an update on the proposed Annual Business License Fees. He stated that on September 6, 1989, a public hearing was held. He further stated that he had not met with the -Marketing Committee since the hearing but a meeting was scheduled for Thursday, September 21st at noon. He said that the Committee would come up with a recommendation, mail a notice out to all the businesses and then report back to Council with their recommendation. Charlie Gersbach from Vail Associates Real Estate, approached the Council. He stated that he had received a phone call from Mr. Kendall who was supposed to attend the meeting but was not able to be there. He stated that Fueller & Company and Vail Associates Real Estate had entered into a contract with Peregrine to market the property. -5- 0 • Charlie stated that Hank Vanderus, his partner in Fuller and Company, had been working for the Committee Members of the Peregrine Project out of Denver and had their permission to speak to the Council with where they were at with the building. Mr. James stated that the purpose the Council asked to put this issue on the agenda was because Peregrine Project was given a 60-day notice to cleanup the building, paint it and landscape it which it had not been done yet. Mr. Vanderus approached the Council. He stated that in regard to his phone conversation with Mr. Kendall, he wanted to know what intern was the message he was to convey to the Council. He further stated that in the phone conversation it was his understanding that Mr. Kendall wished to cooperate and would respectfully request that they form a work session immediately to discuss the issue. He stated that he recognized the fustrations that the building had caused with the Town and being the broker involved, it was his wish to sell the property. He said that they would like to do something with the exterior of the property and they recognized it needed painting. He further stated that within the next 10 days they had a committment to remove all the garbage, drywall and material on the north side of the building. He suggested that they have a work shop, appoint some of the Council Members along with himself, Mr. Gersbach and the owners to resolve this matter and to work towards getting this accomplished. Mr. Vanderus introduced Mr. Rod Unger who was interested in possibly purchasing the building and stated that the has had experience in affordable housing. Mr. Unger introduced himself to the Council and stated that he hoped to meet with some of the members as well as well as some of the staff members within the next two weeks. He stated that he was half way done with his dudiligence analysis on the project and hoped to turn in an offer in real soon. He stated that he had only been working with this project for 2 weeks and said he wasn't very familiar with it but hoped to work with the Town in getting their feedback and some of their insites of the project. Councilman Reynolds stated that he was concerned about the building needing to be painted before winter came. He said that the painting would not take a whole lot of time but said that there had not been alot of progress towards this. He also stated that this building had been sitting there two-toned and asked the gentlemen if they went before-Council to ask the Town to paint it. Mr. Kendall from Denver was able to attend the meeting. He approached the Council next. -6- 0 u Mr. Kendall stated that it was not what they wanted to do. He said they wanted to eliminate the two-tone and paint it. He further stated that the reason for a work session was to decide amongst everyone what color to paint it so they would not choose different colors. He also said that the building needed more than just painting. Mr. Unger stated that technically his problem was what to do with the exterior and had problems with choosing the best kind of paint or coating to put over the exterior. He stated that basically he just wanted to coordinate something that he could live with and perhaps some other alternatives such as putting colored banners in the mean time was something they could do so it did not look like a battleship. Mr. Gersbach stated that their involvement with the project was to come and join the present owners to sell the property. He stated that something else should be considered besides just painting the building. He also stated that they could enclose a canvus- type covering around the building and possibly go with some type of landscaping techniques to make the building look a little better than it did now. He said that they just wanted to sit and discuss this with the Council and see what could be done. The Mayor asked that if the Council agreed on sitting down and discussing this with them and they gave them an extension, how long it would take to get it painted and put a closing on it. Mr. Unger stated that he understood the delays and fustrations of the Town but was requesting they give them a couple of days or a couple of weeks more so they could clean up the building and get it sold. Mr. Kendall stated that they were aware of the fact that the building needed to be cleaned up and they were doing their best to get it done. He further stated that in order for people to look at the commercial space they had to go through the building and therefore they knew something had to be done soon. Councilman Davis stated that this was an ongoing situation and someone soon was going to have to pay for something to get done. He said that they needed to get the message to the people in charge of this building that something needed to get done in order to get this building issue moving along and stated that he realized you could not force people to buy the building. He also said that maybe if it was cleaned up and painted,they may get more people wanting to buy it. He stated that something needed to get done now and not 30 or 60 days from now. He also stated that the Council had given them enough direction already and the next step was to take it to the Planning & Zoning Commission. -7- E The Mayor stated that they wanted to hear from them in one week as to what there plans were going to be. The next item on the agenda was an update report on the Abondoned Foundation/Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision. Mr. Wood stated that in response to a handwritten complaint regarding an abondoned foundation in Wildridge, a notice of violation was issued. He further stated that in response to that notice, Mr. Greg Kraft, a representative of Lilian Kraft, owners of the property, had appealed a declaration to the Town Council and that the appeal stated the lot was being prepared for construction. Mr. Kraft approached the. Council. He stated that back in 1986 shortly after they passed fractionalization, they realized there was a need for affordable housing. He stated that they had designed an 8 unit project which included two buildings. He said they had found a lender to do the permanent loans for the purchasers which was Alpine Federal Savings & Loan but intern they lost all four purchasers. He stated that over the last four months he had started an F.H.A. approval process. He further stated that he: had been working with another individual who had had several contractors bidding the project and had hired Mark Donaldson, an architect, to oversee the project and to assist him in coordinating the bids. He said that generally the project was moving ahead to the point where he could begin marketing the project within 30 days and have F.H.A. approval by approximately early November. He stated since the project was on the ground already, they were able to begin construction at any time. Mr. Kraft said that he had kept in touch with Mr. Wood with the progress he had been making and keeping him informed with what had been done througout the summer. When he received the notice he said he filed for an appeal which was required and stated that he wanted the Council to know they were progressing and he hoped to have this built within the next 6 months. Mr. Wood stated that the initial permit had expired and all that was required to begin construction was to reapply for a permit. Councilman Stovall recommended they give Mr. Kraft a 60-day extension, put him on a docket and have him give.the Council an update at a later date as to where he was with the construction. Mr. Kraft requested that the Council give him 60-days to report back to them as to how his progress with the project was. Councilman Davis moved they give Mr. Kraft a 60-day time period which he would need to report back to the Council with the status of the project. Councilman Bennett seconded the motion and was unanimously carried. -8- • • The purchase of the Warehouse Space was next on the agenda. Mr. James stated that they did not have time to discuss this issue and requested that they go into executive session at the end of the Council meeting. Jerry Bender from Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District approached the Council. He stated that they operated the regional water authority plant just west of Nottingham Park. He stated that they have had problems with breaking in of vehicles and noticed a great deal of traffic next to the building because of the bike path which presented a safety problem at times. He further stated that he came before the Council to request their permission to put up a fence. He handed out a diagram of where they proposed constructing the fence and stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission did not have a problem with the fence concept although they had not decided what type of fence to put up. He also stated that in order for him to proceed with the fence he needed the Council's permission to build around the park area as this property belonged to the Town of Avon. Mr. Mayor stated that he had a problem with the location as it was the Town's property and said he thought the fence would look obnoxious there. Councilwoman McRory asked what type of fence he wanted to put up. Mr. Bender stated that it would be a 6 foot chain linked fence and with the recommendation of the staff, a stockayde fence similar to the one currently being constructed along the bike path would be built. He said he would prefer a chain linked fence for security purposes. Councilman Davis asked if his main concern were vehicles being broken into. Mr. Bender stated that some of the employees on call would leave their vehicles at work and take the company truck home. He further stated that on one occasion a private vehicle was broken into and damage was done. He also said that he was concerned with the amount of activity with children around the area on skate boards. The Mayor asked Police Chief Art Dalton for his comments on this problem. -9- 0 • Mr. Dalton stated that they have had two calls since the first of the year at that location. One call he said was of a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot and the other was of the breaking in. The Councilmembers objected to Mr. Bender putting up a fence around the Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District building as they felt there was not a need for it and would not make the area look very nice. The Mayor told Mr. Bender that his request was not accepted but thanked him for coming before the Council. The appointing of a Councilmember to represent the Colorado West Professional Counseling Center was next on the agenda. Mr. James stated that Mr. Tom Steinberg represented the Vail area and that a Councilmember from Avon should represent the Avon area. He further stated that a staff member would not be able to handle it. Councilman Davis moved to appoint Dave Garton to serve on this Committee. Councilman Stovall seconded the motion and was unanimously carried. Councilman Garton stated that he would volunteer his time to be a member and would represent the Avon.Town Council. Mr. James approached the Council. He stated that Mr. Larry Brooks had been serving on the Transportation Committee which was to solve long term transportation needs in the Eagle County. He felt there was a need to get the Council's involvement at this level and requested that a Councilmember volunteer their time to sit in on these meetings with Mr. Brooks. Councilman Davis stated that transportation was a big issue and felt that it needed to be a joint effort. He further stated that the problem was they needed a person to represent the Avon Town Council in case there were disagreements or they would possibly be able to lead the Committee in a different direction. Councilman Bennett volunteered his time to serve on this Committee. -10- The Town Attorney reported on the Avon Center. He stated that he was told that the developers were prepared to stipulate to pay for the property and see what efforts could be made to get taxes paid. He also stated that in regards to last weeks T.V. Translator meeting the determination made was not to pursue in any direction of the determination of the district court objecting the petition for the district. He furhter stated that other alternatives such as having a hearing or that the efforts committee come up with a different approach would be a possibility. Councilman Davis stated that he was advised by Mr. Wood that they had new permits on the 5 licenses for another 18 months. Proclamation "National Family Week". The Mayor read the Proclamation in its entirety. A copy of the adopted Proclamation would be sent to the Colorado Family Association in Denver. Proclamation "Red Ribbon Week - Drug Free". They Mayor read the Proclamation in its entirety. A copy of the adopted Proclamation would be sent to the Governor's Office so it could be presented to Drug Free Colorado. Proclamation "Emergency Medical Services Week". The Mayor read the Proclamation in its entirety. A copy of the adopted Proclamation would be sent to the Vail Valley Medical Center. The Mayor stated that he was going to Greeley, Colorado on October 6, 1989 to present the award for the lottery fund. He also stated that there would be a followup meeting on September 20, 1989 at 10:00 a.m. in Glenwood Springs regarding the CAST Census. He further stated they would ta:ilk about it more next week but it was important to have more people participate in this group as he felt it was important because they needed an accurate count for the community. The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council. -11- • Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts Payable for August 31, 1989. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall and was unanimously carried. Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts Payable for August 31, 1989. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall and was unanimously carried. Councilwoman McRory moved approval of the August 22, 1989 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Council- man Reynolds and was unanimously carried. The Town Attorney stated that early in the day he had passed out a Resolution Creating Housing. Authority. Mr. Dunn read the resolution in its entirety. He stated that there was no time limit on filing a certificate of appointment for each commissioner but recommended it be done within a reasonable amount of time. Councilman Davis moved approval of Resolution 89-33, Series of 1989. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall and was unanimously carried. Mr. James requested that Council retire into executive session to discuss the Doyle & Associates Warehouse. Councilwoman McRory moved approval to adjourn into executive session. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Nottingham at 9:50 p.m. The Council then retired into executive session. AP V LD"~/ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Z~dhu Dorothy allegos Deputy Town Clerk -13-