TC Minutes 01-24-1989i
HELD JANUARY 24, 1989 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado,
was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado,
in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 7:35 p.m.
A roll call was taken with Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Emilie
Harrison, Gloria McRory, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis present. Also
present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director
of Engineering Norm Wood, Fire Chief Wayne Smith, Police Chief Art
Dalton, Town Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as members of the press
and public.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input.
Beth Mausolf, approached the Council. Ms. Mausolf was requesting that
the Town Council give approval and consideration to erect Nuclear
Free Signs in Avon. She stated that Nuclear Waste would be transported
by rail and by trucks on I-70 every ninety minutes for twenty years.
Ms. Mausolf was requesting six Nuclear Free Zone Signs;
one sign marking the entrance to Avon on I-70; two signs marking the
entrance to Avon on Highway #6; one sign marking the entrance to Avon
next to the railroad; and two signs on the railroad property.
She then presented some sample signs for the Council to review. She
stated that the procedure was as follows:
1. To write a letter to Robert Mot.son, District Engineer in Grand Junction
stating that Avon was interested in being a Nuclear Free Zone;
2. to state where the signs would be located, and to include sketches
of the signs;
3. She stated that the District Engineer would then send permits and
applications to set up a hearing. She stated that if all possible, a
hearing could be scheduled in mid-February, and possibly the signs could
be posted by March 1.
The Town Attorney stated that the Town of Avon had the right to enforce
its ordinances. He stated that the only issue the railroad could raise
would be that the Town was interfering with Interstate Commerce in terms
of speed regulations.
Art Dalton, police chief, stated that identification of hauling Nuclear
Waste would be a problem. It would be extremely difficult to know what
was being hauled and when it was being hauled. He stated that they could
take the identification number from the trucks or the railroad cars,
then issue the Corporation and the Company a summons.
After some discussion, the Mayor stated that Council would take this
matter into consideration, and thanked Ms. Mausolf for her presentation.
Second reading of Ordinance No. 89-1, Series of 1989, AN ORDINANCE
Mr. James stated that this was second reading on the Lease Purchase
Agreement for a police car and a pick-up truck which were approved
in the 1989 budget.
The Mayor opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no
one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
There being no discussion, the Mayor entertained a roll call.
Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett,
Emilie Harrison, Gloria McRory, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis. There were
no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried.
The Town Attorney report was next presented to the Council.
Mr. Dunn stated that in a Council executive session of that afternoon,
the Council reviewed the draft agreements between the Town of Avon and
Christie Lodge, and the Town of Avon and Falcon Pointe.
After some discussion, Councilman Stovall moved that the agreements
that were presented to the Council between the Town of Avon and Christie
Lodge, and the Town of Avon and Falcon Pointe be approved in substance
submitted to the Association as the final offer of the Town subject
only to such non-substantive changes as shall be agreed upon by the
Town Attorney no later than January 31, 1989. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried.
Eaglebend Subdivision and the release of funds was next presented to the
Norm wood stated that he had received a request from Jeff Spanel
requesting release of their Letter of Credit for funds for completing
subdivision improvements, which were completed in accordance with the
Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Eaglebend Subdivision.
He stated that in conjunction with that request, was also a request
for the Town to accept the public improvements substantially complete
in order to start the one year warranty period, which the Subdivision
Improvements Agreement provided for. He stated that minor items to be
completed when weather permits would include painting the bridge guardrail
extension, painting the fence along railroad tracks and reseeding small
area in front of the fence.
Mr. Wood recommended that Council approve:
1. Accept improvements required by Eaglebend Subdivision Improvements
Agreement as substantially complete, effective January 1, 1989 with
warranty period to extend through December 31, 1989.
2. Approve reduction on Letter of Credit to 10% of original face amount
or $11,395.20 for the warranty period in accordance with the Subdivision
Improvement Agreement for Eaglebend Subdivision.
Councilman Stovall moved approval to adopt the recommended action that
Norm Wood had setforth. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis
and was unanimously carried.
Next on the agenda was the appointment of Councilmembers/business people
for the Metro-Wide Marketing Committee.
Mr. James stated that on January 31, 1989 at 8:30 a.m., the Vail Town
Council would like to meet with the Avon Town Council and its representa-
tives to the Metro-Wide Marketing Committee at the Vail offices to
discuss the marketing efforts of both councils.
He stated that Avon has two seats on that committee, Vail has three.
Council would appoint two members to that committee, on a five member
committee locally, to look at the program to see if it should be funded.
He stated that they were recommending two Councilmembers and three
business people to set on that committee. He stated that the Chamber
had recommended three business people who volunteered their time, they
were: Greg Miller, Terry Halverson and Lynn Kraft.
Mr. James stated that he and Kevin Payne would plan on attending these
meetings and act as liaison.
Discussion followed.
Councilman Stovall moved that the Council appoint five members to a
seven member committee to be a local study group for purposes of giving
guidance of how to fund the program, and the business community's
part in the program, and also would move that Councilmen Davis and
Reynolds be appointed as the Town's representatives to that committee,
and that Kevin Payne coordinate with the other marketing applicants to
come up with two other people who would be willing to serve. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Bennett and was carried with Councilmen Davis
and Reynolds abstaining.
Councilman Stovall then moved that Councilmen Davis and Reynolds be
appointed to the Metro-Wide Marketing Committee for the first year as the
representatives of the Town. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
McRory and was carried with Councilmen Davis and Reynolds abstaining.
Mr. James stated that he would advertise for two positions, and to have a
list of interested people to the Council by the second meeting in February.
He stated that if Council was contacted by an interested party to serve
on the committee, they should contact the Clerk's office.
Next on the agenda was the discussion of the $24,000 to the Avon/Beaver
Creek Resort Association. The Council discussed the $24,000 to Avon/
Beaver Creek Resort Association. Mr. James stated that at the last
meeting it was requested that this matter be placed on the agenda for
discussion. Basically, the Town had given the Chamber funds for the
past couple of years as to support the position of a Special Events
Coordinator. He stated that the position was being eliminated from the
Resort Association.
Kevin Payne, Executive Director of the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association
approached the Council. He stated that the Chamber had looked at that
portion of the funding a little less specifically than some members of
the Council might have. He stated that they reviewed it as a contract
between the Town and the Resort Association to manage the Special Events
in Avon, rather than paying a specific salary. There was a person
designated to a roll of managing Special Events. He stated that the
decision that the Chamber Board had made was that their number one
priority was to refocus their efforts to solitify the organization
financially, while still emphasizing the Special Events, and basically,
that was a great portion of what the Chamber does. He stated that
last year, the Chamber was responsible for the management of the Avon
Bus System; the involvement of lengthy operations and negotiations over
the Central Reservations Issue(that has been resolved), the Chamber was
responsible for the Check-Mate Project, also responsible for the Vintage
Grand Prix, and additionally, the World Championships. He stated that
the Resort Board felt that Kevin take a greater roll, particularily,
the funding of the revenue generation of the Special Events.
He stated that at that point, it seemed appropriate to make a change in
that Special Events Coordinator's position. He felt that the $24,000
that was contributed to the Chamber bought Avon a bargin. He felt that
the Special Events last year were much better than in 1987. He stated
that the Chamber needed the $24,000, and that the Chamber needed every
dime it could get.
Councilwoman Harrison stated that when the Town gave the $4,000 to the
Chamber, which she was in favor, that the Town was moving an employee
that had been with the Town, over to the Chamber where that employee
belonged. She stated that the funding was given for that person. She
stated that the Town cannot keep legislating the $50,000's and the
$10,000's. She stated that the Chamber would take the $24,000 and pay
for the fireworks of 1988. Mr. Payne stated that that discussion has
not been addressed as yet.
Councilwoman McRory stated that in June of 1987, the Council approved
$2,000 per month for a Special Events Coordinator.
Councilman Davis stated that it was a matter of difference in perception.
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Councilman Stovall stated that it was his opinion that Council give
the Chamber the money if they need it. The Chamber still has a year
to resolved their problems, that were earlier discussed. He stated
that he was in support of the Resort Association, and the Council has
to support the marketing of the community. He stated that at the end
of the year, if the problems were not resolved, he would no longer
support the Chamber.
Lengthy discussion followed.
Councilman Davis stated that the Chamber was guilty of poor planning
and poor public relations. He stated that if the Town wanted to have
good special events, the Council was to have to take this into
Councilman Bennett stated that there would have not been a financial
problem if it would not have been for poor weather for the Charlie
Daniels Event. He stated that he was in support of retaining the
money to the Chamber.
Councilwoman McRory felt that Councilman Bennett had a conflict regarding
this issue because of his relationship with the Chamber.
The Town Attorney stated that Councilman Bennett had no financial
interest, and therefore he could vote on the issue.
Councilman Stovall moved to retain the $24,000 to the Avon/Beaver Creek
Resort Association which was previously budgeted and allow them to allo-
cate the funds as they deem appropriate with the understanding that the
Resort Association would continue with the Special Events as Mr. Payne
indicated. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was carried
with Councilwomen Harrison and McRory opposing.
Mr. Payne stated that it had been expressed that the Chamber has had
financial problems. He stated that the organization was not perfect,
but he was proud of what the organization has accomplished in the last
three years. He stated that the only ones that suffered last year, was
the organization itself.
The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council.
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the Cosgriff, Dunn & Abplanalp
bill for January 24, 1989. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis
and was unanimously carried.
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts
Payable for January 24, 1989. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
McRory and was unanimously carried.
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the Reconcilation Sheet of
Accounts Payable for January 24, 1989. The motion was seconded by
Councilwoman McRory and was unanimously carried.
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of
Meeting Minutes as presented. The motion
Stovall and was unanimously carried.
the January 10, 1989 Council
was seconded by Councilman
Norm Wood reported on the TV Translator System. He stated that after
the Town's commitment of $12,500 for matching funds, that the Town
had received commitments of a total of $25,700. He stated that Stan
Bernstein was to proceed with the financial preparation of a Financial
Report and a formation of a Special District to provide TV Translator
Service, and also authorize Dee Wisor to proceed with the legal services
as required for a formation of a District. The basic report should be in
by the first of February. The next meeting is scheduled for February
9, 1989 at 12:00 noon at the Avon Town Chambers.
It was stated that the Committee had elected officers.
Mr. Wood stated that the license permits could
substantial progress that the Town was making.
coming up within the next month or so. Mr. Wo
to succeeding the goal of $12,500 to match the
there was another $3,000 that was committed to
the project.
No action was taken.
be extended because of the
Another window would be
Dd stated that in addition
Council's contribution,
go toward promotion of
The matter of the Nuclear Free Zone would be placed on the agenda for the
next Council Meeting.
Mr. James stated that it was discussed with one of the Councilmembers
their interest to serve on the Board of Directors for the Avon/Beaver
Creek Resort Association.
The Council appointed Councilwoman McRory to serve on the Board of
Directors for the Chamber and that would replace Bill James, Town Manager.
The Council appointed Councilman Stovall to serve on the Board of
Directors for the Mountain Man Triathlon,and that would replace Bill James
from that Board.
Councilwoman Harrison moved to designate $18,000 of the $24,000 to pay
off the fireworks for 1988, and the balance to go toward the 1989 fireworks.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried.
0 0
The Council requested an update report from the Town Attorney in respect
to the Mall out-lot.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilwoman
Harrison moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Bennett. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Nottingham at 9:17 p.m.
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Patricia J, le, Tow ler