TC Minutes 01-10-1989i i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD JANUARY 10, 1989 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting, of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Gloria McRory at 7:30 p.m. A roll call was taken with Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Emilie Harrison, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis present. Mayor Allan Nottingham was absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Police Chief Art Dalton, Town Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as members of the press and public. The Mayor Pro Tem called for Citizen Input. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor Pro Tem closed that portion of the agenda. First reading of Ordinance No. 89-1, Series of 1989, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT The Town Manager stated that the Lease Agreement provided for the purchase of a police vehicle(Jeep Cherokee), which was budgeted in the 1989 budget, and also a pick-up truck for the Public Works. He stated that staff had solicited proposals from various leasing companies. The Chrysler Credit Corporation was the best interest rate, which was 8 1/2o for three years. Councilman Stovall moved approval of Ordinance No. 89-1, Series of 1989 on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds. There being no further discussion, the Mayor Pro Tem entertained a roll call on the motion. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Albert Reynolds, Mike Bennett, Emilie Harrison, Jim Stovall and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. Resolution No. 89-1, Series of 1989, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1989 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1989, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1989. 0 • The Town Manager stated that Council agreed to participate in a Metro-Wide Marketing Program with the Town of Vail, Vail Associates and Eagle County. He stated that this resolution amended the Public Works Fund in the amount of $60,000 for 1989. Councilman Davis moved approval of Resolution No. 89-1, Series of 1989, a resolution to amend the 1989 budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bennett and was carried with Councilwoman Harrison opposing. The Town Attorney report was next presented to the Council. Mr. Dunn discussed the Mall/Avon Center and the out-lots. He stated that a few years ago, the proposal that was made by Bond Counsel was that the adjacent property owners convey to the Town, the . portion of their property, which was to be approved as part of the Mall. The area that was discussed was between the building(Avon Center) and the Mall property. He stated that there was a provision in the Mall Agreement that when the Mall was completed, that portion of land between the building and the Mall area would be conveyed to the Town. He stated that this never happened; 1. That the Town was really never in favor of any part of that property; 2. That none of the projects were ever finished. He stated that that property was now owned by a lender after the foreclosure. The lender was told that the out-lots had been conveyed to the Town, or the lender was lead to believe that it would happen. He stated that the out-lot between the building and the Mall was never made a part of the security. Therefore, when the foreclosure occurred, Avon Center ended up owned by the lender, the out-lot remained in the ownership of the developer. He stated that the developer no longer had any interest in the project and did not pay taxes on that out-lot. As a result, the Tax Sales Certificates were auctioned off and, on January 13, 1989, unless taxes in the amount of approximately $1,400 are not paid, the Avon Center out-lot would be conveyed by Treasurer's Deed to Shapiro Construction. He stated that the precise total amount due on delinquent taxes were $1,476.73 for the three years, and the tax to redeem, would be $935.58, which would be a grand total of $2,412.31. After lengthy discussion, the Council agreed to pay the taxes so that the Town would be owner of the out-lot property. The Town Attorney recommended that the Tax Certificate be redeemed, that the taxes be paid, and further steps be taken that the property be conveyed to the Town, and that $2,412.31 be paid out of the Mall Construction Fund. -2- • Councilwoman Harrison so moved. Stovall. i The motion was seconded by Councilman Councilman Davis asked of which entity would the Town go to collect the Deed. The Town Attorney stated that the Town would go to the entity which had the Legal Title to the property. Councilwoman Harrison amended her motion to include the above. Councilman Stovall amended his second and was unanmously carried. The Mayor Pro Tem called for a vote on the main motion. The motion was unanimously carried. At that point, Councilman Davis retired from the meeting at 7:45'p.m. Next on the agenda was discussion on the Berry Creek Metropolitan District Fire Protection. Mr. James stated that he had received a couple of correspondence from Berry Creek indicating that they had concern of the increase in fire protection for 1989. He stated that the difference between increasing their contribution by 5% would be a difference of approximately $1,600. After discussion, Councilwoman Harrison moved to direct the Town Manager to converse with Berry Creek one more time, explain to them the Town's position and, if Berry Creek would not be forth- coming with the correct fees; then notification would be sent to Berry Creek stating that the Town would terminate the contract as of January 1, 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bennett and was unanimously carried. Mr. James reported on two requests for contributions from--the--Town. 1. Was a request of $1,000 to look at having the Olympics in the State of Colorado in either the year 1998 or the year 2002. He stated that Colorado Ski Country was initiating this effort, and they have asked CAST(Colorado Association of Ski Towns)to communicate the preliminary study. He stated that they would have to raise approximately $500,000 by February 2, 1989 to assure the best possible bid being prepared to review in May 1, 1989. 2. The other contribution request was from Colorado of Governments for $500 for a Rehabilitation Program for qualified homeowners whose homes do not meet Code. He stated that they would have to qualify as being low or moderate income level to qualify for that program. Basically, Redcliff, Gypsum and some portions of the counties would be able to utilize the program, but not the Town of Avon or Vail. Mr. James recommended that Council agree that the Town cut-off all contributions for a period of time until the Town could adjust to the new year, unless there would be a urgent request or an emergency. -3- • i It was the consensus of the Council to discontinue all contributions until the Town could adjust to the new year. The contribution of COG, $500, and the contribution request of CAST of $1,000 was denied. Mr. James stated that the conbributions for 1989 would be given, but any organizations that want to be considered for next year, would have to appear before the Council for consideration. The Council agreed. The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council. Councilwoman Harrison moved to receive items #1 through #7. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall and was unanimously carried. Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts Payable for January 10, 1989. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stovall and was unanimously carried. Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts Payable for January 10, 1989. The motion was seconded by Councilman Reynolds and was unanimously carried. Items under Other Business were as follows: Strategic Planning/Mission Statement. Mr. James discussed and reviewed the Mission Statement, the Vision Statement for each goal to be developed, and the priority goals for the Town of Avon in 1989. He stated that priority #9 and #10 were currently being worked on, and funds had already been committed. He stated if this continued to happen, and if these low priorities keep moving into the high priorities, there would no longer be funds for goals for the high priorities. He stated that if Council was in agreement with the list, he would move forward with strategies and activities to start accomplishing these goals. The goals for the Town of Avon in 1989 were as follows: Master Plan Lift Airport Recreation Facility Welcome Sign TV Translator System County Marketing Golf Course(See memorandum attached to these minutes). -4- 0 Councilwoman Harrison stated that approximately June of 1986, the Town of Avon contributed to the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association, $24,000 for a Special Events Coordinator, and now that the Special Events Coordinator has been dismissed from the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association, she assumed that meant that the Town need not fund that position. It was stated that in 1986, the position was eliminated from the Town, and was added to the Resort Association. Councilwoman Harrison requested that this matter be an agenda item for the next regular meeting. Mr. James requested that the consensus of the Council would be to direct him to pursue this matter with Christie Lodge, and see if a resolution could be reached with Christie Lodge, and new guidelines be written. Also, to request that Christie Lodge's new proposal be in writing which was given to the Council that evening. He stated that he would like to clear this matter of the books. He would review the Town's counter proposal with the Town Council before submitting it to Christie Lodge. Council agreed. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilwoman Harrison moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bennett. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pro Tem McRory at 8:12 p.m. SP,E'CTFULLY -S1JBMIT,TED : atribia",Y,! Doyle, T/6wn Clerk -5- MISSION OF AVON TOWN COUNCIL To provide the leadership, service, and regulations necessary to promote a quality life style for Avon residents and a positive economic climate for the business community. • • Mission Statement (completed) Vision Statement (for each Goal to be developed) Goals - Identified (completed) Prioritized (completed) Strategies/Activities (to be completed) 0 Goals Priority Points Master Plan 1 (106) Lift 2 (103) Airport 3 ( 86) Recreation Facility 4 ( 80)* $169,00 funds committed to date Railroad Crossing 5 ( 63) Church 6 ( 55) Affordable Housing 7 ( 53) Welcome Sign 9 ( 51) T.V. Translator 9 ( 51)* $15,000 funds committed to date County Wide Marketing 10 ( 50)* $60,000 funds committed to date Information Center 11 ( 46) Purchase Checkmate 12 ( 43) Railroad Passenger Srvc. 13 ( 24) Recognition VIP'S 14 ( 8) Golf Course ? ? *Projects currently in progress **Strategies/activites to be developed for 0 6 RECOMMENDED PROJECTS (GOALS) FOR 1989 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Master Plan Lift Airport Recreational Facilities Welcome Sign T.V. Translator County Marketing Golf Course