TC Minutes 09-13-1988•
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado,
was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado,
in the Council Chambers.
A meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 7:30 p.m.
A roll call was taken with Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller, Gloria
McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis present. Councilman Watkins was
absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager
Bill James, Engineer Norm Wood, Director of Planning Lynn Fritzlen,
Director of Public Works, Parks and Recreation Larry Brooks, Town
Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as, members of the press and public.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input.
There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the Citizen
Input portion of the meeting.
Second reading of Ordinance No. 87-5, Series of 1987, AN ORDINANCE
Lynn Fritzlen stated that the applicant, Nottingham Ranch Company,
owner of Lot 1, Tract A, and Nottingham Associates, owner of Lot 2 and
3, Tract B, have applied for the following to be approved at the Town
of Avon Town Council meeting on September 13, 1988:
1. Approval on second reading of an ordinance to annex Lot 1, Tract A.
2. Approval on second reading of an ordinance to adopt amended zoning
for Lot 1,2 and 3, and Tracts A and B.
3. Final Plat approval for the Nottingham Station Subdivision which
includes Lots 1,2 and 3, and Tracts A and B.
It was brought to the attention of the Planning staff that the proper
12 day requirement posting was not satisfied on ordinance No. 87-9
(amending the zoning map), and therefore was requested that the
ordinance be tabled until September 27, 1988.
Ms. Fritzlen then reviewed the history of the parcels. She stated that
the fees for the Avon Metropolitan District were received.
Be it noted that Councilman Watkins arrived at 7:50 p.m.
After discussion and review of the documents, Ms. Fritzlen recommended
approval of Ordinance No. 87-5; table Ordinance No. 87-9 until the
next regular Council Meeting; and adopt Resolution No. 88-18, which was
the approval for Final Plat for Nottingham Station Subdivision.
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There was discussion and concern of the overhead lines and the question
of whether or not those lines were to-be buried on lots 1 and 2.
James Wear, Attorney for the applicants, approached the Council.
He stated that the development of the property would take place in
two distinct phases.
Lots 1 and 2 would be developed pursuant to this Subdivision Agreement,
and Lot 3 would be developed sometime in the future. He stated that
the owners of Lot 3 would have to again approach the Town for a specific
development plan.
He stated that prior to any development of Lot 3, the overhead electric
lines would have to be buried across Lot 1, 2 and 3. Mr. Wear then
proceeded to rep ew the map with the Council.
Councilman Miller moved approval of Ordinance No. 87-5, Series of 1987
on second reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harrison.
The Mayor opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no one
wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
The Mayor entertained Council discussion.
It was asked if there was any concern with impact if the grade crossing
were to come about.
Mr. Wood stated that the one thing that may result with a separated
grade crossing when the road actually connects to Avon Road, may actually
be moved closer to the river. Mr. Wood stated that Hurd Lane would
proceed past Lots 1 and 2, and would stop at Lot 3. He stated that the
Subdividers Agreement calls for the road to be extended on through Lot 3,
to the easterly line. It does not deal with going across Frank Doll's
property making the connection to Eagle Bend at this time.
The Mayor entertained a roll call on the motion.
Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller,
Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were
no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried.
Councilwoman Harrison moved to table Ordinance No. 87-9, Series of 1987
until the next regular Council Meeting, September 27, 1988. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Miller and was unanimously carried.
Resolution No. 88-18, Series of 1988, A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL
Lynn Fritzlen read the resolution in its entirety.
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of Resolution No. 88-18, Series
of 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell and was
unanimously carried.
The Town Attorney requested an executive session after the adjournment
of the meeting. The executive was in regard to the Christie Lodge
The Council agreed.
Next on the agenda was an agreement between the Town of Avon and the
Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association in that the Avon/Beaver Creek
Resort Association provide services which would promote economic
activity within the Town of Avon, and that the Town of Avon support
The Town Manager stated that he needed Council's authorization to go
ahead and develope an agreement with the Resort Association so that
their employees would be employees of the Town of Avon by contractural
relationship, so that the Town could provide them with both medical
and dental benefits, which were provided to the Town of Avon employees.
Mr. James recommended authorization to enter into an agreement subject
to final review and approval by the Town Council and the Town Attorney.
This agreement would be placed on the September 27, 1988 Council Meeting
Next on the agenda was the report on the regulations of Outdoor Amplified
Sound Systems.
Norm Wood stated that there were several suggestions in regard to control
of outdoor amplified sound systems.
He suggested that Council adopt an ordinance which would establish a
basic for control of permitting the outdoor sound systems. It would
require a permit for all outdoor sound systems, and that it would
qualify for certain hours, certain types of use. He stated that they
have broken this into three zones:
1. Residential Zone
2. Commercial Zone
3. Nottingham Park
The use for non-commercial purposes and residiential areas for a regular
permit, would be to permit the hours between 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. In
the commerical zone districts, the hours permitted would be between
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. In Nottingham Park, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
He stated that for special permits, there would be a procedure that
would allow special permits for conditions going beyond the regular hours.
The special permit would allow a public hearing before the Town Council
for approval.
Mr. Wood recommended that Council direct staff to prepare an ordinance
to implement the regulations and also a resolution to spell out the
Administrative procedures.
The Council agreed.
The TV Translator report was next on the agenda.
Councilman Davis reviewed the progress report and the press release
that he had drafted.
Councilman Davis teviewed the Mission Statement, the Goal Statement,
the Engineering, and the Feasibility Study with the Council.(See
attached to these minutes).
He stated that there was a meeting scheduled for September 22, 1988,
that public input was invited. He stated that the issue was not the
building and operating of a facility, but it was the issue of where
the funding would come from. He stated that the County did not have any
intention of being the lead agency for the translator system. He
stated that it has been suggested that the County somehow pay for the
portion of the County that do not have any Special Districts. He
felt that this had to be addressed. He stated that it was not fair
to the other entities that were paying for the service, for those
people to receive the service for free, without some kind of
compensation. He stated that the Council needed to address that matter.
He stated that the County needed to keep an open mind, let the
committee do the study, to see if there was a feasibility for implement-
ing the service. He stated then, at that time, there would be a
public hearing, and that the County would have to make their decision.
Cal Thomas, representing the Pinnacle Television Translator Corporation,
approached the Council.
Be it noted that Councilman Connell stepped down due to a conflict
of interest.
Mr. Thomas stated that about three meetings ago, he had presented the
Council with a resolution stating that the licenses that Avon now
possessed, would be made available, if the financing was in place.
Also, Mr. Thomas had prepared a business plan for Council's review.
He stated that his concern was:
1. The financing
2. The time factor.
Mr. Thomas then reviewed both of his concerns.
Discussion followed.
Councilman Davis suggested that the private sector and the Committee
work together to try and come up with a solution.
Further discussion followed.
Councilman Watkins moved to table this matter until the next regular
Council Meeting so that they had an opportunity to attend the September
22, 1988 Translator Meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Miller and was unanimously carried.
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The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council.
Councilman Miller moved to receive items #1 through #9. The motion
was seconded by Councilwoman McRory and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Miller moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts Payable
for September 13,1988. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman McRory
and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Miller moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts
Payable for September 13, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
McRory and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Miller moved approval of the August 23, 1988 Council Meeting
minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Harrison
and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Watkins commented on the letters from Larry Goad, and Jack
Hunn, which were placed in the Council's packets.
Councilman Watkins requested that the discussion of Fracionalization
be placed on a future agenda so that this ordinance could be reviewed.
The Council agreed.
The Town Attorney stated that the matter of the Beaver View East and
West project would not become an issue before the Town until the developer
of the project would apply for a building permit.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman
Miller moved to adjourn into executive session for the purpose of
the Christie Lodge Litigation. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Davis and was unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned into
executive session by Mayor Nottingham at 9:00 p.m.
• 0
atricia r/ Doyle, Tj6wn Clerk
own of Avon P. O. Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949-4280
September 12, 1988
Eael.e County Board of Commissioners:
P. 0. Box 850
Eagle, Colorado 81631
Re: Eagle County TV Translator System
Dear Sirs:
We would like to take this opportunity to clarify some
apparent misunderstandings regarding the activities and
recent actions of the Eagle County TV Translator Committee.
The Committee adopted-the attached Mission Statement and Goal
Statements at it's last meeting. Please note that these
statements do not suggest that Eagle County is to be the
funding source for this system or that the system should be
operated by any governmental agency. The statements do
indicate that the completed engineering feasibility study and
financial plan should address what portions of the county can
be served by the system and what revenues will be required to
install and operate the system. When this work is complete
it will then be possible to determine what is the most
appropriate structure for the funding and operation of the
system or if it is even feasible to install such a system.
Apparently there is also some misunderstanding regarding what
is required for an engineering feasibility study to determine
service area and costs. The authorized study addresses
service to virtually all of Eagle County with the exception
of the Basalt / E1 Jebel area which is currently receiving
signals from Garfield and Pitkin Counties. This type of
study requires a sophisticated engineering analysis to
determine service area, fringe areas and to avoid problems
associated with signal interference. The authorized study
includes computor generated contour maps that will identify
prime viewing areas as well as fringe areas. This type of
generation is necessary to define service areas as well as
the type of equipment needed. An incomplete study may well
result in areas with severe ghosting of images due to overlap
of coverage as well as other areas which may have a much
lower quality signal than necessary.
• 0
The Committee did not select a consultant for the study based
upon cost alone but selected the consultant believed to be
the most qualified to provide the service. This is probably
the most important phase of all in developing a TV Translator
System and a mistake at this point could well be far more
expensive than a mistake at the equipment installation stage.
The consultant selected was the most qualified of those
submitting proposals with the engineering credentials and
experience required to complete a study of this nature. The
remaining consultants who submitted proposals were highly
qualified technicians who would probably be excellent at
installing and maintaining a system of this nature.
In summary, the committee believes it has acted judiciously
in selecting a consultant to perform the engineering
feasibility study. We further request that the county
commissioners retain an open mind regarding the system until
the engineering study and financial plans are complete and
the committee has an opportunity to initiate and implement
the plans. All translator related proposals or suggestions
should be directed to the committee for consideration in
developing the feasibility, financial and organizational
plans for a system. It is impossible to make a realistic
evaluation regarding an organizational structure for the
funding or operation of a TV translator system without this
The Eagle County TV Translator- Committee would like to invite
the Eagle Count- Commissioner= and all other interested
parties with input or proposals for development of a TV
translator system to our next meeting to review the progress
made to date and to discuss the goals of the committee. We
believe this meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss
something that seems to be of importance to a large number of
residents of Eagle County considering the broadbased support
for funding the engineering feasibility study. The various
organizations contributing funds to the engineering
feasibility study are shown on the attached list.
This meeting will be at the Avon Town Hall on September 22,
1988 at 12:00 Noon. Lunch will be served. We look forward
to this opportunity for discussion and want thank you for
your cooperation and participation in the past.
J ry ~avis, Member
Eagle County TV Translator Committee
September 12, 1988
In March of 1988 the Eagle County Board of Commissioners,
following a request from representatives of various area
towns and special districts, agreed to provide matching funds
up to $10,000.00 for an engineering feasibility study for a
TV Translator Sytem to serve Eagle County. Based upon this
commitment from Eagle County the following towns, special
districts and organizations contributed a total of $8,250.00
in funds to complete the study.
Town of Avon
Town of Eagle
Town of Minturn
Town of Vail
Arrowhead Metropolitan District
Avon Metropolitan District
Berry Creek Metropolitan District
Edwards Metropolitan District
Lake Creek Meadows Homeowners Association
Representatives from each of the general areas contributing
to the study plus the Eagle Valley Television Corp. and the
Town of Redcliff were appointed to provide direction and
oversee the feasibility study. A Request for Proposals was
sent out on June 16, 1988 and five proposals were received by
the July 8, 1988 deadline. Following a review of the
Proposals, all five applicants were interviewed and HarTech,
Inc. was selected to perform the engineering feasibility
study for a maximum fee of $16,000.00.
.1im Hart of HarTech began work on the study August 29, 1988.
The initial phase consisted of visting potential translator
sites and gathering information on existing translators and
translator licenses available for use within the system.
Subsequent phases will include a computor generated analysis
of the potential service area covered by individual
translator sites, an evaluation of existing equipment and
sites, recommendations for the most effective use of existing
equipment and licenses, projected service area utilizing
existing equipment and licenses, recommendations for
additional equipment and licenses required to serve remaining
populated areas of Eagle County and cost estimates for
required capital equipment as well as annual operating and
maintenance costs.
This study should be complete by mid December 1988.
Completion of the Engineering Feasibility Study is only the
first step toward the implementation of a county wide TV
Translator System. As noted in the attached Eagle County TV
Translator Committee Goal Statements additional steps include
developing a financial plan, establishing funding sources and
developing an organizational structure to manage, operate and
maintain the system. All this is necessary before
construction can be started.
The Eagle County TV Translator Committee would like to invite
the Eagle County Commissioners and all other interested
parties with input or proposals for development of.a TV
translator system to our next meeting to review the progress
made to date and to discuss the goals of the committee. We
believe this meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss
something that seems to be of importance to a large number of
residents of Eagle County considering the broadbased support
for funding the engineering feasibility study. The various
organizations contributing funds to the engineering
feasibility study are shown on the attached list.
0 •
August 29, 1988
Mission Statement
To develop a business plan for the construction, operation
and tax base funding of a five (5) channel Television
Translator System to serve majority of Eagle County residents
and businesses (I-70/ Eagle River/ Colorado River Corridors).
Goal Statements
1. Engineering Feasibility Study
a. obtain money for study (complete)
b. finalize study (December 15, 1988)
C. interpretation of study (January 15, 1989)
2. Financial Plan/Funding Sources
a. tax based plan (February 15, 1989)
(special districts through inter-governmental
agreements/ newly created special authority/ county)
b. financing alternatives such as lease purchase of
capital equipment (February 15, 1989)
3. Organizational Structure
a. how will organization work? (March 15. 1989)
b. determination of lead agency (contact Pitkin and
other counties) (March 15, 1989)
C. pooling of licenses for county wide system
(March 15, 1989)
d. outside contracts vs. in house management and
operation (March 15, 1989)
Note: Organizational structure and recommended funding
sources will be guided by Engineering Feasibility Study and
Financial Plan.
4. System Construction
a. equipment specifications & bid documents
(April 15, 1989)
b. award construction (installation) contract
(June 1, 1989)
C. construction complete and system operational
(September 1, 1989)
Engineering Feasibility Funding Participants:
Town of Avon
Town of Eagle
Town of Minturn
Town of Vail
Arrowhead Metropolitan District
Avon Metropolitan District
Berry Creek Metropolitan District
Edwards Metropolitan District
Lake Creek Meadows Homeowners Association
Eagle County
Committee Members:
Susan Vaughn
Glen Ewing
Mike Metcalf
Merv Lapin
Darrell Weigert
Loraine Lopez
Kevin Whelan
Jerry Davis
Alternate Members:
Lee Metcalf
Willie Powell
Eric Afeldt
Bill James
Eagle County
Town of Eagle
Eagle Valley Television Corp.
Town of Vail
Town of Minturn
Town of Redcliff
Edwards / Arrowhead
Town of Avon
Eagle County
Town of Eagle
Town of Vail
Town of Avon
Eagle County TV Translator Committee
September 22, 1988
12:00 Noon - Avon Municipal Building
1. Review Project with County Commissioners and Public
2. Adopt Mission Statement
3. Adopt Goal Statement
4. Review Status Report from Hartech, Inc.