TC Minutes 05-24-19880 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD MAY 24, 1988 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 7:36-;p.m. A roll call was taken with Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller, Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Public Works/Parks and Recreation Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as, members of the press and public. The Mayor called for Citizen Input. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the Citizen Input portion of the agenda. Second reading of Ordinance No. 88-6, Series of 1988, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.28 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON RELATING TO SIGNS. This ordinance was tabled at the May 10th Council Meeting. Norm Wood stated that, following the second reading, and the tabling of Ordinance No. 88-6, the direction of the Town Council was to return back to the Planning and Zoning Commission to address freestanding signs and to consider the possibility of placing some retrictions on those signs. He stated that as a result of the Planning and Zoning Commission's discussion, they concurred with the Council that additional restraints were needed with regard to freestanding signs. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the following amendments to Ordinance No. 88-6 to provide those restraints: Amend Section 15.28.080, Paragraph "0" to read: Freestanding signs will generally be allowed only in vehicular oriented areas. In general, sites shall be limited to one freestanding sign with an area of forty(40)square feet and a height of eight(8)feet. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have discretionary powers to approve more than one freestanding sign when a property has entrances from more than one front lot line. The Commission shall also have discretionary powers to approve a freestanding sign with a maximum total area of sixty- four(64)square feet and a maximum height of twenty(20)feet. Freestanding signs may not exceed the height of the tallest building on the site. Mr. Wood stated that the Commission recommended that a section be added to the ordinance to delete Subparagraph 6, Pa-tagraph Section 15.28.080 of the Code. This subpa;eagraph currently reads: 6. "The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have discretionary powers in approving a sign program. The Commission may approve sign programs allowing up to fifty percent increases in sign area or height without requiring a variance request." Mr. Wood stated that this provision would no longer be necessary with the increased sign allowances in Ordinance No. 88-6. Mr. Wood recommended that Council amend Ordinance No. 88-6, Series of 1988 to reflect these changes, and then move to approve Ordinance No. 88-6 on second reading. Councilman Miller moved approval of Ordinance No. 88-6, Series of 1988 on second reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Councilman Watkins moved approval to amend Ordinance No. 88-6 per the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations, adding paragraph "0", and also add the section that would delete paragraph 6. The amended motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. The Mayor opened the meeting for discussion on the amendment. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the discussion and entertained a vote on the amendment. The motion was unanimously carried. The Mayor opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing. The Mayor called for a roll call. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller, Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. First reading of Ordinance No. 88-7, Series of 1988, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON AS IT RELATES TO A BOND FOR WORK IN A PUBLIC WAY. Norm Wood stated that this ordinance was prepared at the direction of the Town Council to reduce some of the paper work and cost associated with building in the Town of Avon. The current Code requires a corporate surety bond or cash deposit in conjunction with all permits issued for work within public street right-of-way. This ordinance would eliminate the requirement for posting of a bond or cash deposit with permits issued for installation of driveways when a driveway is to be installed in conjunction with development for, which a building permit has been issued. He stated that staff felt that adequate controls were available through the building Code to assure satisfactory completion of these facilities without the added bonding requirements. A permit for driveway installation will still be required. Mr. Wood recommended that the Town Council approve Ordinance No. 88-7, Series of 1988 on first reading. -2- 0 Councilman Miller moved approval of Ordinance No. 8.8-7, Series of 1988 on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Harrison. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller, Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. First reading of Ordinance No. 88-8, Series of 1988, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON AS IT PERTAINS TO DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF THE FEE FOR A BUILDING PERMIT. Norm Wood stated that this ordinance was prepared at the direction of the Town Council to reduce costs associated with building in the Town of Avon. Building Permit and Plan Check fees are based upon estimated construction cost or buildina valuation. Currently this valuation is based upon national average construction cost data listed in Building Standards Magazine, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, times a local cost multiplier of 1.5. Ordinance NO. 88-8 eliminates this 1.5 multiplier and would make Avon Building Permit and Plan Check fees consistent with Eagle County. Mr. Wood recommended that Council adopt Ordinance No. 88-8, Series of 1988 on first reading. Councilman Miller moved approval of Ordinance No. 88-8, Series of 1988 on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller, Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. First reading of Ordinance No. 88-9, Series of 1988, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON AS IT PERTAINS TO TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY. Norm Wood stated that this ordinance was prepared at the direction of the Town Council to reduce paper work and building costs associated with building in the Town of Avon. He stated that this ordinance clarifies conditions for issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. He stated that it allows for the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a portion of a building prior to completion of the entire project. The language is generally in accordance with that in the administrative section of the Uniform Building Code. Mr. Wood stated that it also adds a new Section 15.04.692 which provides for the revocation of a temporary certificate of occupancy which may have been issued on the basis of incorrect information or upon determination that the building does not comply with the Town's regulations. This language is also generally in accordance with that in the admininistra- tive section of the Uniform Building Code. -3- 0 0 He stated that the ordinance does not necessarily reduce building costs, but should clarify issuance of temporary certificates of occupancy and reduce some of the current paper work associated with temporary certificates. Mr. Wood recommended that Council adopt Ordinance No. 88-9, Series of 1988 on first reading. It-was stated that this ordinance does not allow for camp-out. Councilman Miller moved approval of Ordinance No. 88-9, Series of 1988 on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell. Norm Wood stated that this ordinance does apply to multi-buildings, that if one unit was completed, a certificatelof occupancy could be given eventhough the rest of the units were not complete, as long as, the rest of the project was safe to occupy. Mr. Wood stated that for single-.family, certains items had to be completed, before entry could be"Possible, such as, restrooms, kitchen facilities, wheather proofing. For Multi-family units, the entire project would be looked at, such as, safety hazards, and the occupancy unit itself. After some discussion, the Mayor called for a roll call vote. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller, Clint watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. First reading of Ordinance No. 88-10, Series of 1988, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON AS IT PERTAINS TO DEPOSITS TO SECURE THE COMPLETION OF CLEANUP AND LANDSCAPING. Norm Wood stated that this ordinance was prepared at the direction of the Town Council to reduce paper work and building costs associated with building in the Town of Avon. He stated that this ordinance does not necessarily reduce building costs, but may eliminate some of the paper work associated with certificates of occupancy. The current code only allows issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy until all landscaping and site work is complete. These revisions would allow issuance of a permanent, rather than a temporary certificate of occupancy-:upon receipt of a satisfactory landscape and cleanup deposit. Other provisions in this section are essentially the same as in the current code, with the exception that the interest rate has been changed from eight percent to twelve percent in the event the Town should be required to complete the work and recover costs in excess of the security deposit. Mr. Wood recommended that Council adopt Ordinance No. 88-10, Series of 1988 on first reading. Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of Ordinance No. 88-10, Series of 1988 on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Miller. The Mayor called for a roll call. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller, Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried. -4- E Resolution No. 88-12, Series of 1988, A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF MARK DONALDSON FOR HIS TIME AND SERVICES ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Councilwoman Harrison read the resolution. in its entirety. Councilman Davis moved approval of Resolution No. 88-12, Series of 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilman Miller and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was the Appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission's decision. The Appeal request was from the Phoenix Discovery Group, part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek/proposed 14 unit Condominium Complex. The Town Manager stated that this matter has been continued for a couple of meetings. He asked that Norm Wood give a brief presentation in regard to comments of the staff on this Appeal. Mr. Wood reviewed the proposed project and the history which lead to the Appeal. At that point, Mark Donaldson representing the Phoenix Discovery Group, approached the Council. Mr. Donaldson asked Councilman Watkins if he did indeed have a conflict of interest. Councilman Watkins stated that he had no financial interest in the project at all. Mr. Donaldson then proceeded. He discussed the size, design and the amount of units of the project with the Council. He stated that he felt that there was a large shortage of units, of this type of housing,in Avon, in this price range. He stated that there were three different plan types, a variety of one bedroom, shapes, options, etc. Mr. Donaldson reviewed the site plan with the Council. He stated that they were using the existing driveway and were creating parking along the northside of the project, and would have parking spaces that would be covered. He stated that they were eliminating some balconies to the lower area so there would not be a lot of clutter on the Nottingham road side, and the highway side. He stated that the project would have a different drainage system then did the previous condominiums in that area. George Rosenberg, attorney representing the Phoenix Discovery Group, approached the Council. Mr. Rosenberg too, had concern of Councilman Watkin's interest in the project. The Town Attorney stated that he did not think that appropriate, and ruled that Mr. Rosenberg was out of order. Mayor Nottingham ruled it out of order and asked that Mr. Rosenberg proceed. -5- Mr. Rosenberg indicated that there was an article in the Vail Daily on March 22nd, 1988 that indicated that Mr. Watkins was a part-owner in six units, the project known as the Chambertin Townhouses, which were adjacent to the proposed property. Also, there were documents which stated that Mr. Watkins presently was representing a Mr. Morino who had purchased units in the Chambertin project. He then proceeded. Mr. Rosenberg stated that it appeared that the issue before the Council was one of Fractionalization. Councilman Davis did not feel that Fractionalization was the issue. He stated that he believed that the Appeal was on the design of the building, which was denied based on the preliminary review and not necessarily on Fractionalization. Mr. Rosenberg stated that it was unclear of what the Planning and Zoning Commission did because, their decision did not give specifics. Councilman Davis stated that the Council was brought together to determine whether or not the Council would uphold, or overturn, the decision, of the Planning and Zoning Commission. At that point, the Town Attorney asked that Mr. Rosenberg proceed and to make his statement, so the matter could be brought to an issue. Mr. Rosenberg proceeded and reviewed the guidelines of which the Planning and Zoning Commission followed. The guidelines which were cited were: Section 6.13 and Section 6.16. He reviewed the transcripts of April 5, 1988 and April 19, 1988 of the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings, with the Council. Mr. Donaldson stated that all indications of the transcripts of those two meetings, was that the project was in conformance with all the Town's requirements, and that it really came down to the design of the building. He stated that he also was at a loss of what the issues really were. Discussion followed on those issues. Mr. Rosenberg asked that all the materials that were presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission, be part of the record, such as, exhibits, transcripts, various other documents(see attached to these minutes). Mr. Rosenberg stated that these units were split; 450 square feet per unit in some, and 600 square feet per unit in others. The fire lane access was discussed. Mr. Rosenberg stated that it was the problem of the adjacent land owners, and not the problem of the Phoenix Discovery Group. He gave a brief history of the Chambertin Project,which went back eight years. He stated that this project at this time does meet the requirements of the fire department, and that his clients had been advised,that the building official, and the fire department, do not have any problems with this property, as far as, access lanes and safety requirements. -6- • 0 Mr. Rosenberg, in summary, requested that the Council overturn the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the grounds that the design review requirements have been met. He stated that there was nothing in the records that indicated a problem with the design review aspects of the project. He stated that this was a preliminary design application, and not the final. Mr. Rosenberg requested the privilege of rebuttal in respect to any discussions that would coming before the Council at this time. The Mayor so agreed. Councilwoman McRory moved to affirm and uphold the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission, to deny the application of the Phoenix Discovery Group, that ';portion of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell. The Mayor opened the meeting for discussion. iidvid Hammond, resident of Avon, and property owner of Unit 1-B of the Sherwood Meadows Condominiums, approached the Council. He stated that he was strongly opposed to the 14-one bedroom units. Fie felt that it would have a direct impact on his unit value, and was not comfortable with the density that it might generate. He stated that he was the representative for the Sherwood Meadows Condominiums, and they too were opposed to the proposed project. Robert Hegameyer, Corporate Secretary of Syndicate Glass, which was the owner of Unit 13 of the Chambertin Townhomes, approached the Council. He stated that at the April 19th Commission's meeting, it saw a 5 to 0 vote, the vote being centered on Section 6.13 and Section 6.16 of the Design Review. Some of the Concerns at that time were; fire and emergency access. He stated that he felt the Commission members were also concerned of a proposed modification to lower the density; concerned about the fire and emergency; concerned about the desires of the neighbors, and the compatibility of the project; concerned of certain information that was lacking on that type of a building; concerned whether it was in the best interest of the neighborhood; concerned of the absent of site data. He stated that the Chambertin people and their insurers, have spent 1.7 million dollars shoring up the three buildings that already exist. He stated they were concerned of the proposed building and the undermining of the project, concerned of the drainage and landscaping. He stated, he thought that was the reasons for the 5 to 0 vote to deny the project. He stated that he was speaking for the Chambertin Homeowners Association, and requested the sincere consideration from the Town Council to deny the project. Councilman Connell had concerns of the fire trucks entering the project. It was stated that possibly, the small trucks could make the turn, but the bigger trucks would have to go to the end of Nottingham Road, turn around, and then back track to enter the project. -7- • Bill Fleisher, owner of Unit 12 of the Chambertin Townhomes, and secretary to the Association, approached the Council. He stated that he was totally opposed to the project. He stated that he would not mind 4 or 5 units on that site, but not 14 units. George Rosenberg then returned in response to the citizens that spoke in opposition of the project. He stated that density was not the issue as some of the neighbors so indicated. He stated that that issue was a zoning matter. It was not the issue. He stated that they have a Use By Right, that the proposed project was in the right zone, they were entitled to fractionalize as a matter of fractionalization falls within the formula, they were not asking for any more fractionalized units than they were entitled to. He stated that with respect to the fire lane issue, it was not a dedicated road or fire lane in any fashion. It did not belong to the Town, it did not belong to the people next door, and that it was not subject to the covenants, and that there were no letters from another law firm, which represented a title company. He stated that it was their opinion that those covenants had no effect on the fire lane issue. He stated that if there were any approvals based on the fire lane, they have long since expired. He stated that there was nothing that said the his clients could not go out and block off that road. He stated that the Town was trying to take that property to solve someone elses problem at the expense of his client. He stated that if the Town wanted to condemn it, and pay for it, that was fine with them, but that was not the way to solve the problem, unless there was cooperation. Mr. Rosenberg stated that the above was not the issue before the Council, but that the issue was whether or not the Planning and Zoning Commission had the basis to deny, based on design review. He stated that there was nothing in the record to indicate so. Mr. Rosenberg felt that the Town was being put in a position by the neighbors, that the Town should deny the project because of their personal tastes and desires. He stated that his clients have complied with all the ordinances, rules and regulations, and therefore should be entitled to their approval. The Mayor called for a vote on the motion. The vote was 5 to 1 for denial for the project with Councilman Watkins abstaining. Councilman Connell reported on the proposed Teen Center. He stated that the Committee had sent a survey form to the Battle Mountain High School to be filled out by the students in respect to a proposed Teen Center. He stated that there were 230 responses in favor of a Teen Center. A meeting would be scheduled to discuss a location for a Center. He stated that the students were asked if they would pay for memberships. He stated that out of 230 surveys, 200 were in favor of a fee, which ranged from $2.00 to $5.00. Councilman Miller stressed the importance for such a Center. -8- a The Town Manager reported that a meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, May 26, 1988 at 12:00 noon in the Council Chambers with the Transportation Committee. Mr. James has invited the Councilmembers to attend if they so desire. The Committee was to review some of the scenarios that they have discussed and have come up with. The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council. Councilman Miller moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts Payable for May 24, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman McRory and was unanimously carried. Councilman Miller moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts Payable for May 24, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman McRory and was unanimously carried. The minutes of the May 10, 1988 Town Council Meeting was next presented to the Council. Councilman Miller moved approval of the May 10, 1988 Council Meeting Minutes with a correction on page 6, 12th line, change, "appropriate" to "inappropriate", page 7, 5th line, change that sentence to read: "Mr. James requested authorization to proceed to draft two separate agreements; 1) with the Town of Avon and Benchmark; 2) with the Town of Avon and the School District." With those corrections, Councilman Connell seconded the motion and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was an item under Other Business. Councilman Miller stated that he again had attached a cover letter to the statement that he read at'the May 10th Council Meeting in respect to the Town of Vail's adopted ordinance on "No Smoking.' He stated that at the last meeting, the majority agreed not to discuss his concerns. He stated that he would like to bring this matter back on the table for possibly a rule or regulation, or both, as it may apply, both this time and the first time, in his approach to no smoking in any buildings, either owned, or managed, by the Town of Avon. He stated that he was still concerned of the health and welfare of the staff, ourselves, and the visitors. He stated that he would like to know the concerns of those who do smoke, review the potential to come up with either an ordinance, rule, or regulation that would relate to no smoking. Councilwoman Harrison stated that freedom was slowly being legislative taken away. She stated that piece by piece, little by little, freedom would be given away. She stated that in the end, it would become such a surprise to all. She stated that laws should not be made to keep people from smoking. It has gotten to the place where even the Town Council passes laws that regulate what happens in the municipal offices. She stated that she was begging the Council to take another look at these kinds of ordinances, rules and laws, and look at it again for what it was. -9- E She stated that these kind of laws should not be passed. Councilman Watkins had concerns of how the press was printing the wrong information. He stated that the Council had not adopted any ordinance on no smoking. He stated that he would hope that the press try and inform the citizens correctly. Councilman Davis stated that personally it was difficult to sit at the council meetings with cigarette smoke in the room. He felt that laws would not have to be passed if the smokers would have the courtesy of not smoking. Councilwoman McRory suggested that Council volunteerly refrain from smoking in the Council Chambers, post a "No Smoking" sign in the Chambers, but the rest of the building would be on its own. After discussion, the Councilmembers agreed to compromise and take smoking breaks every two hours during the Council Meetings. Bill Fleisher once again approached the Council. He requested that Council amend the fractionalization ordinance to allow notification to residents of the area, of such projects as the one that was before them this evening. He felt necessary to allow a longer time frame for notification. He felt that the ordinance did need some revision. He also was concerned of the Wal-Mart sign. He stated that it was too bright for this area. Buz Reynolds, Commission Member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, approached the Council. He also agreed that the fractionalization ordinance needed to be revised. He suggested that a combined meeting between the Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission be scheduled to discuss the ordinance. After some discussion, the Council agreed that there be a combined meeting. The meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Miller moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Harrison. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Nottingham at 9:40 p.m. PECTFULLY SU ~L - -10- ;;6U v - - 4-1 P tricia J. D yle, wn Cler} s STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNIMG AND ZONING COMMISSION - 4/5/88 Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Project Preliminary Design Review INTRODUCTION: The Phoenix Discovery Group, owners of the eastern portion of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, have applied for Preliminary Design Review of a 14 unit condominium project they propose to construct on the existing foundation located on the site. The proposed three story building nas a stucco exterior, clad windows, and a flat roof design. Parking is being provided by a combination of surface parking and carport parking which is incorporated into the building. The Applicant proposes to utilize the Town's Fractionalization Ordinance to build the 14 units. A site plan, building elevations and floor plans have been submitted for Commission review. STAFF COMMENTS: A review of the plans submitted for this application has resulted in the following information: Site Area = Approximately 38,331 square feet. Building Area = 7260 square feet or 19 of site (50`, allowed) Open Space = 21,060 square feet or 55`; of site (25' required) Building Height = 30 feet (60 feet allowed) Parking Requirements: 14 - 1 bedroom units @ 1 112 spaces/unit = 21 spaces 4 guest spaces per Zoning Code = 4 spaces Total 25 spaces required (25 spaces provided) Parking consists of 11 surface parking spaces, and 14 parking spaces in a carport incorporated into the building design. Two of the covered spaces meet minimum size requirements for compact car spaces (8' x 16'). According to the Zoning Code up to 30% of covered parking spaces may be reduced in size for use by compact cars. 0 M E M 0 TO: Bill James, Town Manager FROM: Norm 'good, Director of Community Development DATE: May 6, 1988 • RE: Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Proposed 14 Unit Condominium Complex Appeal of Planning and Zoning Commission Decision Phoenix Discovery Group presented a preliminary design for a 14 unit condominium complex to the Planning and Zoning Commission at April 5, and April 19, 1988, meetings. The proposed project consists of fractionalization of four residential development rights into 6, one-third development right units and 8, one-quarter development right units. The project would be located on the eastern portion of Lot 46/47 which was previously approved for the fourth phase of the Chambertin project. Following review of the application, the Planning and Zoning Commission denied preliminary design review approval based upon non-conformance with Design Review Guidelines: Section 6.13 The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties. Section 6.16 The objective that no improvement be so similar or disimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. On April 20, 1988, Victor Mark Donaldson, Architect for Phoenix Discovery Group submitted a letter to the Town Council appealing the Planning and Zoning Commission decision. On April 28, 1988, we received a letter from Victor Mark Donaldson requesting a written opinion from the Town Attorney to explain the provisions of subsection 17.22.010 of the Avon Municipal Code. This particular subsection of the Code states the purposes of the Fractionalization of the Development Rights chapter of the Municipal Code. On May 5, 1988, we received a letter from Victor Mark Donaldson requesting that the Town Council postpone action on the appeal to the May 24, 1988, meeting. This request is based upon a personal conflict as well as a decision regarding the requested legal opinion. 0 0 Memo to Bill James from Norm Wood May 6, 1988 Appeal of Planning and Zoning Commission Decision Proposed 14 Unit Condominium Complex Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Continue review of appeal regarding Planning and Zoning Commission decision denying preliminary design review approval for proposed 14 unit condominium complex on Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek as presented by Phoenix Discovery Group; 2. Direct Town Attorney to prepare written legal opinion of subsection 17.22.010 of the Avon Municipal Code. o • VICTOR MARK DONALDSON • ARCHITECT Oox, 5300 • Avon, C6orodo 81620 • 303/949-5200 May 4, 1988 Town Council Town of Avon Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 HAND DELIVERED Honorable Councilpersons: As you know we have requested an appeal to you with regard to our proposed development known as a part of lots 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. In speaking with Mr. Norman Wood, P.E. this week, I under- stand that you may wish to table our appeal for one more meeting due to the lack of a certain legal opinion from your Town Attorney. I too have a possible conflict with being heard before your council on the May 10, 1988 Council agenda. My wife has been enduring a very difficult pregnancy and the delivery date is now scheduled for the afternoon of May 10th. We will appreciate your postponing our appeal until the regular meeting of your council on May 24, 1988. Thank you for this consideration and we will appreciate hearing from a staff mem- ber as soon as possible to confirm this request. Sinc naldson, Architect for Phoenix Discovery Group cc: Ms. Arlette Weber :,rpi-je Town of Avon MAY 5 VN 8 Zo A- M ~j' A-.•- 1 70 , Ot2c y_ . Will-am D. o:•:^ of Avon ?ox 975 Avon, Colorado- ear Rill. • VICTOR MARK DONALDSON • ARCHITECT Box 5300 • Avon. Colorodo 81620 • 303/949-5200 James, Town Manager 81620 As „VL Ta„ be aware, Off ice is presently working or. the n of several development projects ir. the Tow^. of Aron Some of ' hese involVe ut_liz or. ati of t h; fractionalization of development s as spec • ed c':ap ter 17.22 of the niciYal_ code. At a recent planning and zo.^,i^7 co^missio^ meeting, Mr Jim aT^._', S'Our planning CO.n.St:ltan+ stated h:s C^ ern about the unit mix of one of my designs and labe_ed it ' as be-;--,, mcnocultural_' . Since then, other siail ar co:n:rents have been made to me from the staff about another of our ^ . rro;,ec*_s. The reason for this letter is to request a :•,ri++e., opinion F `:e Torn Attorney ,-jith respect +c from ` the interpretation of cer*_ain sectio^s of chapter 17.22. 1 am very aware of the concept behind the creation of this particular regulation but do not share the current opinion of your planning staff with regard its interpretation. to .;o-- 1 d like for the T f• own Attorney to render a written opinion possible, to explain what the provisions of subsection. 1722 010 mean. in other words, what does 'monocultural' mean and what does it have to do with growth in Avon.? T thank you, in advance for your assistance in this matter. As you can i^:agine, this is a very important issue to myself and my clients :•,hic'.= does indeed add to the confusion regarding Avon's attitude toward development" and growth. f y ~ J s_- ; onaldso^, Architec*_ cc: VICTOR MARK DONALDSON • ARCHITECT Box 5300 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 303/949-5200 April ?n :p8p Town Council Town of Avon Box 9? 5 Avon, Colorado HAND DELIVERED Honorable Cou c_lperscns- r e hereby respect fu,1„ r es hereby I cq~ + +L,c 'zr. or+,_,ni+~~ to appeal + -I Y to this Town Council the dec_ _ the 8, ~C- Commission to e.,,.,, our ap- Ca+ - 5 ._..n .7 Z YY - inn l Design Review at their .meet;r of A^- 191-998. Our application for this project is known as part of tot 46/47 ?lock 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. Phoen;x Discover- Grou- a Colorado genera; now the owner of this ,-cal estate and we 1 appreciate being heard before this ccun ' c' at -cur earliest convenience. Thank y I„ C e f o 2" .,.,ul,. consideration of cur request - I - P`:oeni- Discovery Group cc- Ms. Arlette Weber n LJ Town of Avon P. O. Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 (303) 9494280 April 20, 1988 Phoenix Discovery Group P. 0. Box 5300 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group, 14 Unit Condominium Complex Design Review Gentlemen: J 1 Thank you for your presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 19, 1988. The following action was taken regarding the above described request. The Commission denied this application as submitted, citing non-conformance with the following Design Review Guidelines: Section 6.13 - The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties; and Section 6.16 - The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. The following is the procedure for filing an appeal to the Town Council, taken from the Planning and Zoning Commission Design Procedures, Rules and Regulations. Section 10.00 - Appeal to Town Council: 10.10 - A decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed to the Town Council by the applicant or any aggrieved person or at the request of the Mayor at any time before the decision becomes final. 10.20 - Not more than thirty days following the filing of an appeal, the Town Council shall review the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Town Council shall, in writing, confirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Commission within thirty days following the commencement of review. If it deems insufficient information is available to provide the basis for a sound decision, the Town Council may postpone final action for not more than thirty additional days. Failure of the Council to act within thirty additional days shall be deemed a granting of the approval, unless the applicant consents to a time extension. 0 April 20, 1988 Phoenix Discovery Group Planning & Zoning CoRnission Action April 19, 1988 Regular Meeting Page 2 is 10.30 - Any decision by the Town Council which results in disapproval of the Planning and Zoning Commission decision shall specifically describe the reason for disapproval. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, Charlette Pascuzzi Recording Secretary Copy/File • -.0 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 5, 1988 Page 4 of 11 Lot 36~Block 1 , Be_nc hmar k at Beaver Creek. Addition to Existing Proj-ect1_ Desian Review (coat. ) Gersbach stated that he sees no problems with the guidelines as recommended by Staff. Landauer moved for f i nal approval, subject to the applicant meeting the Staff recommendations of, 1. Submittal of a fully dimensioned site plan and a complete grading and drainage plan, prior to obtaining a building permit; arid Provide a sign program, conforming to the requirements of the sign code, prior to obtaining a building permit. Gersbach seconded. The motion passed unanimously. At this point, Gersbach had to leave for another commi tment. Reynolds returned as a voting member of the Commission. Donaldson stepped down due to a conflict of interest regarding the next item on the agenda. Part of Lot 46/47. Block 1. Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix: Discovery Grous~l4 Unit Condominium Project, Preliminary Design Review - Wright stated that the Phoenix Discovery Group, owners of the eastern portion of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark: at Beaver Creek, have applied for preliminary Design Review of a 14 unit condominium project they propose to construct on the e;: i st i ng foundation located on the site. The proposed three story building has a stucco e>:terior, clad windows, and a flat roof desion. Parvint; is being provided by a combination of surface parkir,G_ and carport pari,in7 which is incorporated into the bui 1 di ;tg. The app: i cant. prcpc(=_ed to uti 1.1 Ze the Tow!-: s Fractionali--stion Ordinance to build the 14 units. A site plan, that includes floor plans and building elevations and a dimension floor plan for oildii:atIC•i-1 h&S teed provided. Thor;as Weber cf Great Divide Construction, on behalf of one of the partner and representing Phoenix. Discovery Group stated that they would be developing a property that has been a blemish in Avon for six, years. In order for the project to be successful, they are utilizing Avon's fractionalization code. After research, they are gearing these units toward the weekend skiier with families. These will be small but efficient units, with a reasonable price structure. He stated that they will be addressing the Town of Avon's requirements concerning the structural integrity of the foundation and the certification of the area in sanitary drains when construction begins. He stated that they have also o • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 5, 198e Page 5 of 11 Part of Lot-46/47,-Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creel:, Phoenix Discover Groqp 14 Unit Condominium Pro ect~ Prel i mi narr Desi gn Review (cont. ) started cleanup on the site. He stated that they have eliminated the problem of ice buildup on the north side by designing a flat roof, which will be drained t.hrouq_h the building. No -living quarters have been designed over the garage=s or any parl:ing areas, thus the, have eliminated these liability problems. The stucco will blend with the previous designs of the neighbor t this time he introduced Marl: Donaldson for discussion of design and materials to be used on the project. Mr. Donaldson stated that he was representing the Phoeni). Discovery Group. He stated that they had gone to great lengths to desion a project that is very compatible with the neighborhood while honoringthe goals and objectives of the Avon fractional izatit--,n ordinance. There are eight 1/4 density right units that are one bedrooms design that are les=s than 450 square feet and six 1/3) density right units that are about 599 square feet or less. This is a total of 4 residential development rights, which is assigned to this lot. He stated that this project is no longer associated with the Chambert i n Townt-hoates and wi l i rfc,t bs a part of that. It will be a pro jest untc itse; It w i I I be cc,aipr.tIbie but with it Own ind vidLk St•.IE. Donaldson then asked for any quesci ons regard: nc: the design re`ew. - Reynolds as:.ed about the cl osl no Gf T G?- the roav that toes through and if it would ca.usE Purc,t l e-ms r-s th the Fire Deprrtaser,t. Don cal dsor: St2_ed that- thEV h_c meL with the depa! Ci?,cf? of public safety and they ha.,e expressed concerns a.nc:: what they thin.: that can be negotiated is an emergency lane access so that the neighbors can be provided the reces=s in such a st.uation. 4.GC" =_tatec t-:&4- tni s is e E i] tiu !:c C= E _ staff is r ecommendi ne as a coed] ticirs L-E-cire i',I +;:1:c c- final design review that a condition be attached that ar, acceptable emergency access would be provided as part or any final design plan and that would be subject to approval by the department of public safety. Bill Fleisher, an owner of Chambertin, asked about the intent of the fractionalization ordinance. Donaldson read from Chapter 17.22 paragraph .010, Purposes: To encourage the development of a wide variety of residental housing types, particularly affordable dwelling units either by purchase or rental to persons of all income levels, visitor and resident al i l:e. Fleisher expressed concern. regarding the type of people PI anr,inq and April Ss 1986 Page 6 Of 11 • Zoning Meeting Minutes Part of Lot 46/47,_ Block 1 , Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoen_1>:_Discovery Groupi_14 Unit Condominium Project, Pr_el i mi nary Design Review (cont. > that would be occupying these unit=s. Disct,sssion followeo on the reasons that fractionalization was adopted by the Town. Cuny stated that this application was within the Town ordi nar,ce as to the amount c.4 units he car: pact on this property. Fleisher was concerned about the use in their area. He stated that tie didn't think that the ordinance was designed to tai:e place where it would be detrimental to adjoining properties. He stated that Donaldson was aware a year ago about the Association's desires regarding this proposal. He also mentioned the problems of debris and felt that the cleanup should have beer, done sooner. Cuny =stated that the Commission was aware of the problems and that the applicant had agreed to do the cleanup as soon as the snow melted, and as Donaldson had mentioned, they have started this work. Cl int Wet i;i ns, a prospective buyer o4 soine of the ur,i 4, S at Chaniberti n, stated that he disagrees with the statentent made by Donaldson, that this project is designed to be compr.tibie with the neiohbGrhoGd. He feE'_ that the app;1 1 crti on =_1-,ou, d be denied on the bas. G4 nUntber 6 of the design review guidelines. which titdtes: The Cab lect i ve that r:c 1 (TiP!"C,VeME,I' t;e SO =1,T,: . ar dissimilar to others lr. the :~iCir,ltY tr.at V210eS. or aesthet_c will ce impa:reo. He -r-els t`,at this project is about as ~.~.3,Ttt can cet +ot the who; e r,ei nh crhooo . Graham. Presid£•r,t G7 the Charrtn•ert-.r: TUw!-:hCmE' Howc-owners Association, introduced Ste•"en Mte,'er-, Management representati-ve for the Association, and Ms. L 1 ndd- Pel ; , Vice Press dr`ri. r.4 the Hcr.,ec,t-jners. Association si r.,Le , _ _•f U- tftt' :c _ L.r L iF;i,= tt:c_ !t= F C =CL Ur Ed W2til the Char!ber tin Toa:n;-,oa,es' &n el abot at E_ p%-; the con=siderable arrtGUnt of money the homeowners had e::pended on mai:ing these homes livable. Graham stated that in the original plat filing on this particular project that: " the filing of this plat shall also serve as the vacation of the lot line between Lots 46 and 47, the resulting lot shall hereinafter be known as Lot 46/47". This basically makes this a continuous piece of property. The Homeowners Association views the entire lots 46/47 as one contiguous piece of property and as a member of the Homeowners Association. Mr. Graham cited the original design, plans of the developer, the articles of incorporation, the by-laws, o • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 5, 1988 Page 7 of 11 Part of Lot_46/47s Blocl: 1.Benchmark at Beaver Creel-, Fhoeni_Discovery Group, 14 Unit Condominium Project, Preliminary Design RE-view (cont.) the declaration of covenants and restrictions on the property also give architectural control to the Association O\ er arty outbuilding or structure o4 any kind that oc,& on the property that is part of the Association property. Graham stated that to date they have had no communication from Mr. Donaldson and his gr-OUP that they would like to pursue a particular project. The Homeowners want to see the project completed as was originally designed and developed. They strongly object to a structure being put on the property representing 14 units when the original concept called for 4 buildings and 4 units per building. They feel that they must protect the integrity and quality of the project. Graham stated that they would like to welcome Mr. Donaldson into the Association as a developer, pending his presentation of a proposal to the Homeowners Association Architectural Review Committee, at which time they would be more than happy to discuss his Plans. They, understand that Mr. Donaldson and his. company vioul d 1 ; i:e to make a pro-it on this project, however, they do and will object to any structure being placed on the property that is different from the o!-i gi nai design. Cuny asked about the vacati ort of the lot line. wuod stated that the property was re-subdivided through c. foreclosure deed Of tr ust activr,. wh,ch is ail r e::eTtption from th:e SUbdivision reouiations.. This Is -,caw a separ cte erupt-r ty. Cc~r:a; d_o r er.d ntu the record a letter f r-om 5, i ver Hayes oL.L of E-t-in er , 'Legal COUnCi 1 for sev'erai iris ur&rCE underwriters ti-.at underwrite title insurance companies. The letter states that the declaration of covenants, and restr i c t i c,ns of Chamber t i n TownhoV=Ec ~-7-rfect. t~-rrc;e!: or encumber t!,e t"e-., erop.crty ceverec by the title insurance commitment for the Fhoenix Discovery Group property, based on the following: 1. The property as defined in section I of article 2 of the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions, is only a westerly portion of lots 46/47 of Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4. This westerly portion is identified and shown as Chambertin Townhouses Filing No. 1 on the plat filed December 19, 1980. 2. Section 2 of article 2 of the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions expressly provided for the addition at the election of declarant of the balance of Lot 46/47, a repl at of lots 46/47, Block: 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4. Any such addition was, however, conditioned upon the Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes. April 5, 1988 Page H or' li Part of Lot_4_6/47, Flock: 1.,_ Benchmark' at Beaver Cree.,, Phoenix Discovery G-OLIOD. 14 Unit Condominium Project1 P_r_e_l i_miMary Design Rev_i_ew _(_c_ont . ) f i 1 i ng of a st'(ppl ementary declaration of covenants and restrictior,~ with respect to the addition of property which stall extend the =chefr,e of the covenant and re5trictio!ts of the declaration, of such property. The r i oht of the decl ar ai tt to mak: a such an addition e::pressl y exp: red June 1. 1986. The chain of title prepared by E.ag2e County Title Corp. does not di=sclose the e;:ecut i can or recordation of any such supplemental declaration. The certification of dedication and ownership on the plat of Chambertin TownhOUSes, Filing No. 1, specifically recites "the owner laid out, platted and Subdivided only part of lots 46/47, blkc 1, benchmark- at beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4 as Chambertin Townhouses, Filing No. 1. Wood stated that all this is a civil matter and the Commission should deal only with Town regulations and Town criteria. Public input should be considered in making the decision, but the actual review =should be based cir; desion review criteria. Cunt' stated thit letters objecting to this project had been received from Mr. Fleisher, Mr. Orval Paul, Mr. John Grahatr,. Mr. Jc•el Karten and Mr. Patric:. FitZo_erald. of l c,ivnE"5 c,,' r'- Townhouses.. Dcina.l d -or. Etched that they had beer, negot i at i nos or; the pr orter"t for c:bOLlt 12 mo!ith~-; and WFre ?vjare G, t-e ea°_emE nT. situation. He str_.ted that J1 r~e`'G lde!~~r kit!"; the P-DIL hai, peen cooiea to M.-. GrcF+afr, ar,C thy[ `}fie.- h&, d never received any responEe from hi-m. Curly stated ti!at the Sta++ repot t ane diesion£ £r:r,: rr:ar the bui~din_ is in compliance. The froct1G11al:~ai~ n i= cofnpl fiance. Linda Pell stated that she had never seen anv G r G c !:1C1-.--r--,-f, or h c. r• o- f act w: t M r L1 : r, r t C. c Gr. 1 ECjc.r ]I nU i r,: £ ll,cLtE' Sr;e SZatet that t!-,trE r:c£ t•c later recording than the one Donsidson had quoted. Blair stated that he was not inclined to make a decision at this time after hearing all this discussion. He stated that he felt an increase in units would not neces=sarily be incompatible in the neighborhood. He felt that there should be some way for an agreement or understanding between the property owners. It may be unrealistic to see this project completed with just 4 large units. Reynolds stated that even though the outside of the proposed building is similar, the use of the building is a dramatic change from the concept of the whole area. He feels that the value of Donaldson's project will Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes - Apri l 1988 Page 9 of 11 Part__of-_Lot_ 46/47 _B1ocl; 1 , Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discover y Group, 14 Unit Condominium Pr-O Uect1_ Prel i mart ary Design Review (cont. ) devalue the adjacent properties. LandaL:Er stated that he agreed wi tti Mr. Reynolds. Donaldson stated that he woUl d like the Commi ssi un to tal-e action on this application at this time. He feels that the project has been presented well enough that the Commission can act on c~ preliminary design review basis at this time. Discussion followed on the market for units. Further discussion followed on the design review guidelines and Town ordinances. Blair stated that he felt that all design review guidelines have been satisfied with the exception of number b. Donaldson stated that they would try to work with the neighbors regarding the driveway. Cuny stated the recommendations from Staff if this preliminary design review application is approved. Blair moved to approve the preliminary design review with the condition that aoree,,ent be made with the adjacent property owner and that ti-,e Staf = Cord.,t i ons be satisfied and that the plan be brought back, however it Tii qht be modified, at the convenience of the appI : cant. This moticni received no second. It alas felt that the Cori, no ssi on Coul d no',- r equi re the sccgc-tstet-i z, or eeetei..t . Lart(iaUer- ((+oved to coat i roue tail s app I i cEt? oi-, Unt I 1 ti-,e r: e.: t (itee i rig. F,r;,noldE seconded. ircnal r,=on a=i:Cd thhat rc:ther COntl MUE this matter t ie CotT,mi ssion ei they" approve or d-Eny this project or, a preliminary basis. Landauer then changed his motion from continuance to denial o4 this application, PUC?t i -:t- desi on re`. i ew gL:l '-IC . t r:E nuan!_;er b the r ea.=c-r, . Reynolds seconded. The motion failed with Landauer and Reynolds voting aye and Cuny and Blair voting nay. Further discussion followed on the need to develop this property. Landauer moved again to deny this application as submitted stating item number 6 as the reason. Reynolds seconded. The motion failed again with Landauer and Reynolds voting aye and Blair and Cuny voting nay. Blair restated his previous motion regarding some sort of agreement or at least some evidence showing that the applicant has attempted to reach some sort of agreement with the adjacent owners. • • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 5, 1988 Page 10 of 11 Part of-Lot 4614_7,-PIocF; 1,- Benchmark at Beaver Creel:, Phoenix Discovery Group. 14 Unit Condominium Projects P_r_el i mi nary_ Deli gr,_ Revi e_ w_,. (c_ > No second was received. Cuny stated that since two members were absent from the commission, possibly there should be a motion to continue this to the next meeting so that the full Commission would be in attendance. Landauer moved to continue this application, until the next meeting. Reynolds secrnded. The motion passed unanimously. Mart; Donaldson resumed his position as a voting member of the Commission. Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark at beaver Creek, Derby Station, Desi qn Review Wright stated that Coastal Mart, Inc., owners of the Derby Gas Station has submitted a letter requesting that their application for design review of a storage bui l di na be wi thdrawr, at this time. Staff regiIESts thEt the Commission move tc accept the withdrawal for the record. Landauer moved to accept the withdrawal. Donaldson seconded. The motion pas=sed unani moiIsl v. Si n CGdE T-c-nd'rrier,t5 . Or i dnance 8C-6 bJacd statee that a draft of Or di na.n,_e 8C-c. has teen provided, 2mendi r-,q the sign code, as per' ti-.e Rr e : Cl's directions from, the CoAlmission. He stated that VIC- attorney, Under paragraph H. "Devei opment Signs", n.urrber- charged the wording to read "Development signs not meeting these criteria may be approved by the planning arid <oninC CCmfT l X51 Gri Cr:l upon a determl nation tv thE' platining c1!tU 2Gr;1lay ~,_'II1171i5~~U11 L}ld1 c; V.: I:;I, Sr, C.U 1Q granted pursuant to Section 15.28.090 !B) of this Code. Cuny stated that she would like to have time to study this Ordinance ana then consider it at the next meeting. Commission members agreed. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of 3/15/88 Regular Meet; ng - - Donaldson moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Landauer seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business Landauer asked about the plan for the seeding of the lot next to Wal-Mart. o Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 5, 1988 Page 11 of 11 Other business (cont.) Wood stated that this will be dealt with at the time of the Certi f i cate of OccLIpancy for the retail shops. ClearUp, landscaping and completion of the park::ng, etc. wi 1 1 be addr essed. A notion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10: ~.~5 F'M. Respectfully submitted, Charlette Pascuzzi Recording Secretary Commission approval `Date M. Eq1 ai r F. Cuny• 7. LandaUer M. Donaldson C. . r. . F. F:evno e= • • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 3 of 15 Part of Lot 46/47 Block 1. Benchmark at Beaver Creek: Phoenix: Discovery Group, 14 Unit Condominium Pro iect Preliminary De=ion Review Donaldson asked that the record show that he was stepping down due to a conflict of interest. Gersbach also stepped down stating that he had presented a letter of conflict of interest to the Recordino Secretary. - Wood stated that since this was a continuance of the last meeting and since Fran:; Doll was not present at that meeting, it should be cleared up whether he has made himself familiar with the previous discussion by listening to the tape. Doll stated that he had listened to the tape and was aware of the previous discussions. Wood =stated that the Phoenix Discovery Group, owners of the easterly portion of Lots 46/47, formerly known as building one of the Chambertin Project, has applied for preliminary design review. The design review is based upon a fractionalized project containing 14 one bedroom condominium units. This would be a fractionalization of the four- development rights which are currently assigned to that site. During the previous discussion there was a great deal of di scussi on regardi rig the sui ta} i 1.1 ty of the proposed project and that use of fractionalization. The building is a three story structure to be located on -he e:;isting foundation, with stucco exterior. clad windows, and -lat roof de=sign. Parking is provided by a '_crnt i r,a,* i on; c•f surface par'n- Ing and ether- park i no s-Dace i r:cork;.;- ated into the building. Staff review i nd cates that th proposal does coniorT, with the zoning _~rdinance through the USE 01- the fractionalization process and is within, the building heights, setbacks, parking requirements, open space, etc. Wood stated that due to the discussion that has tonne up on fractionalization of d e 1 -1 : r e 't r? ght=_ he we-uT o rFad the Yurpocs.c of the -f rac tional i_z at ion ordiniRnce as it- r:as adopted. Woc.d then read from Chapter 17.22-Fractionalization of Development Rights, Sections A, B, C, and D. Wood then read from the Design Review Guidelines under Section 6 of the P&Z Rules and Regulations, Design Review considerations the items to be considered in reviewing a design of a proposed project. Sections 6.11 through 6.17 were quoted. Section 7.30 of the Planning and Zoning Procedure was also quoted. Wood stated that all the above were items that the Commission need to keep in mind in reviewing this project. Cuny stated that in the packets were additional correspondence received since the previous meeting. One from Jerry Burris, opposing this project and one from O • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 4 of 15 Fart of Lot 46/47 Rlock 1 Benchmark at Feaver Creep: Fhoeni x Discovery Group. 14 Unit Condominium F•ro iec} Preliminary Design Review (cont.) Mrs Lisa Johr:son Hammond a resident of Sherwood Meadows, stati nc. c•:)r,ccrn about the blind curve and the traf f i c coking out of the proposed project. Also included was a letter from ~~r Dona.dscn that was sent to the Chamber-t i n ^omec•wners Ass,ic i at i cn . Cuny as,-ed if the e.ppl i c ant had my additional information to present. Thcm,E:s Weber, on behalf of one of the partners ir, Phoenix Discovery Group, Stated that after the last meet ino_ they held a brief meeting with John Graham and Linda Fell at which they cor-4irmed that the documents which Ms. Pell had mentioned were in fact the same as the recorded dOCUrr,ent which the Phoeni>: Discovery Group, had re:erred to. Mr Weber stated that Mr. Graham had stated at this meeting that he would oppose any development on the property which did net conform with the previcus development and would. pursue the development, quote "all the way" and that the Chambertin Homeowners votee unanir-,oust,/ to support t ,at position. Mr. Weber compared the proposed units kith the one bedroom units at Sherwood Meadows, stating that their proposed units were larger than the ones at Sherwood Meador-:=. Mr. Weber then presented the Commissio,-, with antther letter frOM Silver and Have Weber then d_ scus=_s••_ th:e matter Cf deva3 t: a t ` 1 Gi• G. ad.~acent proeer-ties coT:Gar-ing the variOUS ?*:Ulti -faR:l1v units that c' e Ui_t G vole a...il j U -,ltS I n U - , rcii Gad ;^•vvn. H= then stated that the lic sec entIy est==biis:-,ed b, Mr. Wati::irIS Fitrchise eSt_ibl ekes at 41 per square foot. The value established ty Mr. Fleisher's purchase set these values at $55.67 per square foot. He =stated that the late=-t appraisal, that he r d.:0= at,C:,ut se` the sal r es _ t $ ' Z'i c . - ~ e Guar-e ~C!3t. i^e tt. tI-at 1t iS .^ct ti',.= Ce..iup(*:snt t t h. a -4-111 devalue this property. Recarding the Char,bertin efforts to complete their project, the punch list for completion has been known since 1984 and it still is not complete. Weber stated that the Chambertin owners had the opportunity to purchase this property if they so desired and could have seen that it was completed the way they desire. However, they made no effort to do so. Weber read excerpts from a local newspaper stating that Watkins also .planned similar uses for his units. He stated that he felt it was ludicrous to as=sert that they would be devaluing the Chambertin property by improving their property. Mr. Weber stated that if they did not have pre-sales, they would not continue with the project. Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 5 of 15 Part of Lot 46/47, Bl oc t: I Benchmar at Beaver- Creel; Phaen+i x Di scctt. ery Group . 14 Unit Colidomini um Pro _tct Preliminary Design Review (cont.) r1r . Wc1se- State-; that Mr. Donaldson woui c now review some cT the issues from the Commission. Mr. DortaidsDn stated that -r,e of the regrets that he had from the last r.,eetirto was that they did not get into Jirr, Lamont's planning review report. Donaldson proceeded to comp6re their fourteen one bedroom, units with the units of Sner"ood Meadows and with Chamterti which he stated has 16 bedroo4T,s in each building. Donaldson stated he could not understand why Watt:in was objecting to their one bedroom units when he has already stated publicly that he would like to do the same thing. Cur,y a=_t;ed i f there was anyone else that would I i r-e to add information. Clint Watkins stated that he would like to address the cemments made by Mr. Weber and Mr. Donaldson, concerning the article in the newspaper. He stated that he had told the newspaper that the units were designed where the bottom: part could be loct:ed :,=f, but that he has neVer indicated that he desired to separate the units. He stated that if ever he did consider this action, he '.vOL(itj Get aoDroval front the HoMeowinc-r L5 c _sCClatlJr: be-'ore trying to push it through the n•:~ and ZOn,i t-,q +JfT:lTii sE l Ort _ John: G -a{,a-:T: ei ter atec t`:e objections tha the !'~:.'.t7iec•=:n erc As c. G'`.. ctt on 1-;a= regarding th.s ^:--.j£'Ct i'+r. ;Jrci;l~t Et~.~t'_ r ~~-r-d1nC Mr t~Je='Qr c CC':?::?:C'r:~5 ac`.•C:L't the `;r•_~s nc) L bei'-•~ co(Ttp1eted tha* `hE iLEn:= to be C1:7::3? Eted ar _ a part C,f the r.EECC: t1 :r!l: legal P roc eedl n: g= against the ins-ur-an Ce cc T,pctn,:'. He stated that the Assc,ci ati on has undertat:en on its own behalf , without any funding from the insurance company, C!-:d 11 01-11 rEL' is rE•;T.ertt E.s rect.' , red b` r-v_,n. Two of he`:T - .~._-r LL•r.CCJr.~ t!-:e re'aseens they are objecting to this project, dea' i,.ith property values and also acce=ss to the units. Mr. Graham stated that their sole purpose is to protect the quality and integrity of the property as it was originally designed and developed. Mr. Graham stated that at the conclusion of the last meeting they offered to sit down with the applicant regarding the proposal. To date that has not happened. He quoted from a letter received from Mr. Donaldson stating that they plan to continue through the review process in an expeditious manner. Mr Graham stated that he felt that this was not a very willing attitude in trying to reach a reasonable compromise. He stated that the Homeowners are firmly resolved to see this thing through to a conclusion. He 4 r Plannino and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 14, 19GE Page b of 15 Part of Lot 46/47 Block. 1 Bench:T,ark at Beaver Creel' Phoenix Discover Group, 14 Unit Cot-sdorr, . ni un, Project Frei i mi nary Design F'evi ew (cont..) stater, that it is their request that the project be der:: ed as it i bei ne proposed to the Commi ssi or:. Fober t Heua.meyer, aooear i ng as the corporate secretary of Synd catE Glass. the owner Lf Unit 1-, Ch-a:r,bertir;. Mr. Hegan,e ,er asl: ed the Comrr,i ssi on to consider a coup l e r ac t_ or S reC=ar i 7,C t ~,e desi r, rev i eW c 9 " auidei ir:e~. Consi dEei- , if the Corr:s:i ssi on is sc, i ncl i ned to approve the prefect, whether- Mr. Donaldson Would be required to rr+odi - y the project to allow free ingress and egress from. Either direction in the event of a snow problem, C:r roc;: prob1eaf or the need to yet a fire truck or ars:btli ar,Ce up there. There must be -F ree acCess for trCvei and to to-urinate it may violate the coning code= or ordinances. He stated that the Commission shot:ld consider- the compatibility of design to minimize site impacts to adfacent properties and compatibility of proposed impro-ve,Ttt•nts with site topography. Would Mr. Dvr.r.1 d -or-. b e a:i l l i n Q o and is it with it, the pos er of the Cu r,n,i st i ors to mandate that he r:od the =oun:dati on i r, t:-ie same fashion as the Ch a,m,bC-t-1_in four,dat:ons rsere ,T:od1 ird. What impact will there be on t`:e hillside if tI:as Pro1ECt is bLf_lt on that foundatior. and what ifr,~:,z,ct wi 1l thst-e be on the Chambertin foundation=. He stated ` _ L serious CC,rrsider-t-i-r of `S' ! teirs. and theV• c 5 t~ t be _ r c, one of the L ,?:irti Ssi ur S a1 =C. :e tai_ed L t. :'i stlc:. .:n~ Ct :dos &no•ther one- of -I e: he, do not feel it wi 1 l be a.e_t`,et: 1 e..i r. (r. Nacer:i,an asi-ed 1 . N.r D -:u~oF: ' ' C+r,ci• WJ s1C pcv.:de them rjit a financial ouarEntee thlat-- the wort. woui d not ca,nace the re,T:edi al work that Chambertin has done. Would he be willing to post a bond and is it wi thin the power c.f the Coma:: ssi on to require one. st c.t e:7 1-hat ,he-~ hd`:-e only r ecentl y, he.a..r oT thl project and is authorized to state that David and Lisa Haimmond . Jan and Jim Hackett. Bi l i and Ki r.: Andree and Donna Hesl:ins as well as himself are opposed to the project at the present time. Cuny asked him to state his reasons why. Mr. Peterman stated that they believe that the density of the project is such that it is out of character with the neighborhood and are concerned with the valuation and the potential soils impact at the west end of their project. Mr. Donaldson responded to the comments from Mr. Graham regarding the fire lane sign stating that it has no bearing on ownership, development rights or use of property. He stated that the letter sent to the • • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 7 of 15 Fart of Lot 46!47 Flack 1 Benchmark: at beaver Creek. Phoenl>: Discovery Group, 14 Unit Condominium Project Frel i mz r:ary Design Review (cont.) Homee►-lner s ASSOc i at i Jr, came after- Mr. Graham informed him that they would oppose them on anvthir--.g otter than arGttler 4 unit project. That is why the letter states that they pi at, to proceed with the pro sect as submitted. He stated that he was confused with a' i tke ob JE-cti ons, as he thi nt-- that an --one that hrs invested ,7onev in that neighbc'f hood would wel code development of that Site. Ke stated that he was also confused about Mr. Hagerrrsever requeSting free access. He said he could not understand why the gentleman wc,uld thins: that they would give free access acro=ss their property. Also, regarding the caissons, C5 o= the 29 have already been installed by the same contractor under the supervision of the sane structUral engineer, and they intend to follow through with the rea-aining four or five that are required. These requirements will be taken care of at the time of application for a building permit. Mr. Donaldson stated that as far as post i mo a bored to protect somethi ne that they have been thr-c:uet:, he stated that the project would be undertaken wi th the proper liability, worr,ran coT,per._.ation, etc. nE- stated that in ter-,?,s cif the comp&rie- their property to the other three +ilinc_= C+T :i":ri*~bert i rf . the-! are apprGDx i aiatei y Gr:r= third ? - -~Er ir, i~F:d 'r: teo-ms of the GV L°r d. l it-eCc.Ct ~or:a,c,sun =fated tha'L Y:♦ c, r, 3 1 crge: Y f?saJe w. P 04 Jso _.1!-;` h. 0.T,eai... resort hc•::'_s sor weer=:err c' t C>-S - t!=mot ~e - ice.-eC Lei ievL_ t :at Cha.7,bertin on1• has T l i ' O"-frie?, CICCL:p Br-:ts C11e_ Cr.e 'Or r- T f r er:t 3l prC.cer t i es. Al s' afe'- rfa 1 - "7 a the r: o:-it to rent out ths, r properties without coming bef cr-e this boarc or without talking to their neighbors. He stated that they were only asking that the Commission re,. i ew the project tr:at Ncirm Woud stated at the heel-lninc_. _ J i m Leasont stated that there will be some modi f i cat i on, or elaborations to his comments, since he wi li be taking into consideration the comments made at the last meeting and at this one so far. Regarding Section 6.11; there is general agreement that the zoning requirements and other applicable rules and regulations have been attained. Regarding 6.12; provided that there is sufficient investigation on the soils condition, the site is suitable for a wide varity of residential structures. The type and.quality of material of which the proposed structure is to be constructed is consistant with =standards for multi-unit residential structures. Regarding 6.13; The design does not appear to adversely effect the distribution of light and air of o Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 11~, 1988 Page 8 of 151 Part of Lot 46/47 E{lc,c1" 1 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoeni x Discovery Group, 14 Unit Condomi ni un Project Preliminary Design Review (cont.) adjacent properties. This is one of the key cr i ter i a in oval flat i rto i Mpa.Cts cin adjacent properties. The acres c= fire safety eauiprrlent to adjacent properties may be adversely effected by the Si to desi on. Mr. Lamont stated that he = el t that this is a key issue. Site drainage and lards%ape plans are of insufficient detail to dLt&rmirte their corrtpatibilit., with e;:istina or proposed site plans of adjacent properties. He considers this as a matter of further design study that can be resolved. Regarding 6.14; Insufficient information exists to determine the impact upon soils movement and lancscaping or retaining wall art north side of exterior- parkir,Q lot. Make sure that the retainina Wall is of a sufficient stature that it would not allow for any soils movement. That may reduce the concern for l i mi ti nq eME-r genC'; access for all the properties. Regarding 6. 115; The visual appearance of the propo=sed imc•rcverei--nf dues not in ;itit p,rincipzl views nor block the s G ar e':P0E!Lur e= ad!agent and neighborina properties. He feels this is a key element When, you ioc'1. at how the buildino is sited. Insu+L- Cient :r:ferlm,a'-iC-n e-- i5-s to determine if lan'sca-ina W.- it have an. 2000pltEllDIa VI SL:al aPpEarar.Ce frpf7: t!ie public rJc<.v5. C -.e L- tr,e cc:nce. n= fr ow, the a.esthetiC stardDoInt for e er:t i r' e nci gI",bori-;C. 'd i s that ma-r-e'•: u= ti to e:s i st i nti tC, the eGSt ha--ie pct!:.=n '""mat pains LID i „Si.4 t-c ':c,It a /~uai i tb - 1 f1 .:~C J- L'~l C' i LnC 1"t o t ~.ll Uc+1 - --mo - i e ~U - rt t eG ti:a - that Ol!ctj i landscapii-g. to carried entirely alorla N,Jttirlgha!-t Read. The e>:terior and enclosed parking areas are not located in principal views from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. On further study of the p' an to irnpro~e the l and=_caping of the rear par;ring area so that it is more mitigated for public ways. Regarding 6.16; The apprarent mass of the three story flat roof structure is consistent with two and three story structures on adjacent properties. Building offsets on the south elevation are significant enough to be similar in appearance of structures on adjacent properties. It carries through a similar theme throughout the neighborhood. Exterior materials, architectural detailing and color can be modified to emphasis wood siding which is the prevalent siding material in the vicinity. Through minor modifications of the building mass, the exterior could have a little bit more wood that would bring it more in compatibility with the neighbors which are stucco and wood. Again, provisions Plannirsg and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 9 of 15 Part of Lot 46%47 PI ocl > ertchmarl; at Beaver Creel::. Phoef-,ix, Discovery Group 14 Uri t Condofti ni un; Pro iect ;=r el imTr,arv Design Re•:iev: (cont. ) shQUI d be Ttc.de for adegUat= fire safety access to adjacent properties. Landscaping lfttprovements c.hould bE- q=;al i tati F1 and quantitatively i ncr easc-0 2nd rftai rltai nee. to the t.tE~ndards cccis: stmt wi th e:; i S`i no 1mproveii-eats in the vi ciititV. N, L. infortTEti or,: or Standards are avai labie that 1-)dicatE- that el tier t{ e prOPC-Eed use nor the aesthetics c.f the improvement arc so similar yr di Ssl mi l ar to ether=_ in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. The bUrdE'n of proof In determining Values and aesthetics lies with the app i i cartt . The overriding concern from, a pubI i c body is a consistency ce,Ttpati bi l i ty and desires of the neiohborhooe. Those are the two criteria that are si Gni f i cant considerations that this Cornmi ss.i on 5:71OUl d tal::e under advisement. There is no body of information within the Town of Avon, nor has there been pre=sented any information by the applicant which gives indic-:tion of the types cf unit - e>:istirtc in the neighborhood. The whole neighborhood is sort of mix-(Tended together, sv that what we have here is the first instance of a mono-culture tape building coiling i r t" the nei chbor-hood. The -Ordinances. of the Town of rvcn. not the goal and the policies and the programs L~,t t? =U1 & the ;r~Ctic•r, l Zat-:tDn or-dlnence WEr-E ♦ t Cyr, 1 f' t f:~ Cr r t v 4 ~c.!-<t - i :iC za ttT F:.:-t3° L?oi 1 Cv. wc.J ' ~•e h t s c:t -E7r vat . cn that _ t i,c,i ,t Ge r: ~hC t e=` in'terz-t of t'I& neJ(J- L.orh,0c.d tL• Cvr:t1r:'u that :T:1,, t c ITts i ach.i e`: ed. has Lc, be the to rder't c.f t f-. e a P P I i carat. There i = c. e_r : r•~. cat i c I that at 1 Eat on ad tacer:t props- rties. there is -a desire for- Cyr, MUIFtc tha- mixed-use residential development. There is only one other site besides this in the is=mediate - . =.L: Cray ot't • c. cwhich ti-i& re: hborhoc•d is - - , ~y G E•.~'l :-t p E' d is f c i r 1 ~J V: E: 1 establ ished. ?hC desires of the rtei gt,borhood in compatibility is a very important isSLie. Fractionalization and mixed-u=se will become more and more an issue for Avon, so this particular project has brought forth the first real sense of community and sense of neighborhood. In terms of value, Mr Lamont stated that he has yet to see, in this valley, where any particular development may down-value any values in the neighborhood. This is an economic issue and no one in the room is qualified to make this judgement, however the Commission is qualified to make the judgement in terms of the aesthetics and impacts on the neighborhood. It is his professional recommendation that the Commission tal=e a long hard look at the unit mix and o • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes Arri] 19, 1988 Page 1 fl of 15 Fart c•f i_ot 46 /47 Block 1 Benchmark at Beaver Creek . Fhoeni x Discovery Group, 14 Unit Condomi ri ual Project Prelilrlinary Desion Rev_ew (cont.) tl1a.t you consider as one of the conditions of approval the t ecorlsideration of the unit mlix that is beino proposed. - Mr. Donaldson stated that the fractionalization of Fa!cov Fui nt caused quite a controversy, where the e :t e InEi Q!-bor hood ca.m:e to cippose 1 t . It was approved and the yZ-.i L:es were nLt shown to be detrimental to the neighbors. Mr. Donaldson stated he has a problem with the review comments and that was that they had made every effort to meet art a pre-planning basis with the entire staff and at that time you did not address many c4 the iSSUes you brought up tonight. You were asked about three days ago i f vo~-i had an, modifications to your staff report as previously written and you said no. Mr. Donaldson stated that they did not have any problem with providing emergency access. We have maintained this all alano. They have work=ed out the grading plan sc that the driveway slopes away from: the building and i n •doi %c, o it becor:ie=_ about a five foot cut between the two properties. They want to get their project app. owed as subrlitted so they can yo to the .,.-rket and test their deli c:n i r: the friar'::e~L pi ac t•. The d•--a nage issue i . a sen s:t]'`:e concern to the:ll. Two wee;:s at_o they han` d=-. . . C eC Ce --G P1r _ ahcin u- 1 -le }icl?rCowr. '-Iev dlr~ .:ot wc.'-t the:. to COIt . F!U C: a:=ceSC- the i• C'r-r!-t' _n t::E .5t•I f~•t-t -i:c:t the- E, C-f do ecEeale,it e:;1 no access riahts exists t? 2Ei EC t °ff: tL -°_tt-ain -F •-c? i c d o i i; c, -'or i ability eason=_. Llhat he was oet t i ng to was the drainage issue. They have a need to install a proper drainage =_wale down the west side o4 the property. This was indicated in the letter to Mr. Graham;. Since that :•1 _ _ d~Gtrj r.L;tt';'. : the r1Gx4~r-F-JL'.- ..aa ~ r ~:PVC Lar:: ef-: ~ :1 ~'G•ri tt,eii: E•A. ,es to cG::struct a drainage facility on Mr. Donaldson's property for their proliect. r. Donaldson is concerned about the drainage issue. He stated that they were prepared to wort, with the neighbors to agree on proper drainage for both properties, but do not intend to be precluded to have good drainage on our own. As far as the retaining wall requirements, we have worked out all the regrading and the contours and reviewed the soils reports and basically the tallest wall they will construct is sir, feet high which is about half the height of the other walls that have been constructed on the site to support their buildings. Donaldson stated that preliminary review does not require landscape review and yet over half of Mr. Lamont's review included comments regarding the Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1986 Page 11 of 15 Part of Lot 46/47 Bloc t; 1 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium_ Project Preliminary Design Revi eM. (cont.) landscaping. They plan to do intensive landscape treatment, more than exists on the neighboring properties. Donaldson asked Lamont to elaborate on his comment that their landscape appears to be less than adequate for the neighborhood. Lamont compared their landscape with the landscaping to the east. Theirs is more arid than manicured as the easterly landscape is. Donaldson reminded Lamont of the limitations the soil engineer placed on the property. The property cannot be sodded or irrigated. They intend to do the best possible with the dry land approach. As to the comment about the wood treatment on this project, Per. Donaldson stated that, after 12 years of designing buildings in this area, he is a little tired of wood, and the upkeep of wood is more, and Chambertin is an e;:ample. He stated that they would consider some wood treatment if necessary for this Commission. As far as the burden of proof being on the applicant, Mr. Donaldson stated he had a prob1eT, with that, but would do the best he could off the cuff. He stated that they had surveyed the units avai 1 r.bi e in the Avon mari::e_ ar-ea. He stated that when, you consider pro ~Ects 1 i i;e Sunridge, where units are sei1ina -or 40 to 45 thousand dollars that once sold -vr -C~ t 100 thousa}-.d do,ir:-s and the Chambe-tin c.r , ject i t~.el f that once sold for as high as 45C) thOUSar.d G=wllars, thr-se --ialuc-5 car-not be protected. He =_c• duE t bet i eve tie those vai ues e;; i st today. He can't sce where the, are e-fecting their va nos Regarding the mixture that Per. Lamont referred to, they feel that they are providing a mi. ture in the fact that they rare a mono-culture building. In closing Mr. L"D .dS n _t;-ted that the-v would -eciate the Ccerf.aai s_ _n 1 1 owi no them to rr;Gr i;et tni E pr O 1~ c_ beca:lse they believe that they are right on target. They have considered lesser larger units which would be directed at locals, but the prices are not where the market is. The number of two, three and four bedroom units available in Avon is staggering. Cuny asked if there was anyone else that would like to comment on what Mr. Lamont has said. Mr. Graham commented on the french drain system and the retaining walls. Weber stated that they do not intend to use the french drain system that is there. Cuny asked the Commission members for comments. Blair stated that the foundations , retaining wails and the drainage is a technical area that is beyond this 0 • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 191 1988 Page 12 of 15 Part of Lctt 46/47. Bloct,, 1 Benchrr,ark at Beaver Creek Phoeni r. Di =.coverv Group 14 IJni t Condominium Project Prel i mi nar,; Desi gr Review (cont. ) Corr,mi ssi or, and their technical ability and has to be addressed when the building permit is taken out. Doll statea that he had listened to the tapes of the r vevi ous meet i nc and reviewed the minutes also and now he has listened to another hour of discus=_ion tonight. and mostly what he has heard is a.n argument between two parties, the applicant and his neighbors and he fir•.ds it very diT+icult at this time to sort out from all this argument what the Commission need=s to know to approve or disapprove the design review. He stated that he did not hzo.ve an/ Particular fault to find with the building, the way it 'ool or the way it will sit on the property. He stated that he was very SUpprised to see any buildings built on any of that property. The thing in the Cesign review that concerns him more than anything else is the argument about the access through the buildings. He stated that it is imperative that an access be a'varilable_ He is disappointed that the applicant and the nei gh~c:rrs t,ave nc,t set} led this matter before putting all this srtoke up in front oT this Commission. He also agrees with Blair regarding the foundation=_, w- lis etc. Blair stated that t-r,_:,:be tt;e tV10 GLtestic;rt= of density and des i on should be separated. He asked the Staff if 11'• the CLtr r =-.'t ZOrtir:q allowed nor }he T} 3Ctl'~r:G I~zt ~lJn. 1aL:C~ -Lat_et that one of tht-- pl:rposfzs o- the Tr"~ .1 cr r'. . • c~lzal=iG cr-di -:~:nc~ wa.s Lo per-:r,i t de,: e'1 opmerit rights to b T•-C t1-:nc.iliEd-i ir:to a c - GtTt~i 1 r: c.i`.Gn G-~ S::tom j 1 cr -:n a t `.rL• 3 _ t~~ :eU c the aggregate gr ( =S =.]L;ar e `-'00t,Ce 0T i y L r:. LS f r act i anal i zec. is 00-verned Linder a (T,a:; i. rill limitation. Development rights may be Tractionalized only on lots zoned either- through conventional zoning or C~ -=fit sIF' !7t C,r triPlp}( Or 1=.rOef_ mlilti -fami'V use. i iclr c=.i eC iT the f'c,CZlGrial ~a4~2Grt has to be appro"•:ed by the Town Council. Wood stated that the fractionalization i approved through the design review process, then if it becomes a condominium project, in order to sell those units, it is also approved by the Town Council through the subdivision process. Blair stated that he did not believe the design and uses as proposed are incompatible with the neighborhood. He feels that if the drainage and the foundation and access for safety and traffic considerations can be resolved and if the design is found not to be inconsistent with the area and not inconsistent with the Town ordinances and goals, the only incompatibility is with the preference of the adjacent owners. Curry stated that Larrront . s comments about the • • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 13 of 15 Part of Lot 46/42 Block I Benchmark at Beaver Creet; Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Project Preliminary Design Review (cont.) morso-culture building helped c l ear up some of her understanding of Section 6.16 regarding it beinG similar or dissimilar. Lar:dauer stated that he felt that Doll stated scwve good points and he goes along, one hundred percent. He also thinks they need to take into consideration the views of the neighboring property owners and these comments and letters are extreme ly negative. He feels that the density is too much for one project. The emergency access is very critical and this must be worked out if this project is to be approved. Reynolds stated that at first he thouqht this project would wort::, but there is so much strong feeling against it that he feels. that he should loot; out for the c omrnu n i t,./. Cuny stated that some action should be taken on this matter tonight. Bill Fleisher stated that he objects to having 14 more nei chbors and he feels that this is too many. He has no probl en: if they giant to build another 4 unit building. Blair moved to approve the application with the conditions that the Staff has suggested, which includes emergency access through the properties and that the fractionali-ed Unit den=_ity be limited to not more than nine t_IrtitE unless _greed LtPOM by the c.d-acent -_~roperty oviners and the fractionalization is apprc:-:•ed by the Towns COLIr-tL 1 Z when. it coo:es be-Fore the Count 1 l. Wood stateu i r-. order to conform vii th th e Bondi t i on be-_ no attached, the-y- need to have desicn CU1 GEL i nes section number. attached tc. them1 5`2Ct-r as desi.in guideline for emergency access as included in the staf* report can be based on section 6.13 and section 6.14 of the de=_i on, gui del ines. The secor:d condition that the eta ~ hail was th.&t t "-:e previo,_isIv acre•=c: upon roadway easement a1ontc Nottingham Roaa be incorporated in the final plat, based on section 6.11. With the condition of the limitation o= not more than nine units, that could possibly be based upon section 6. 13, and section 6.16. Blair stated that he would be glad to include these specific references in his motion. Cuny asked for a second to the motion. Hearing none the motion failed. Blair asked the Staff what the consequences would be if the Commission failed to take action. Wood stated that the project would be approved as submitted, by default. Reynolds asked the applicant what he thinks of the motion. o • Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 14 of 1 Part of Lot 46/47 Block i Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Di scoverv Group, 14 Unit Condominium Project Preliminary Design Review (cont.) Mr. Donaldson stated that he didn't thank it had anythinq to do with the application and that he thought it would be an illegal motion. They are not asking to amend their application. Landauer moved to. deny the application a submitted, citing Section 6.1" the compatibility of the design to minia:ize site impacts to adjacent properties, and Section, 6.16; the objective that no improvement be so si mi 1 ar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or ae=sthetic will be impaired. Doll seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Wood =stated that the decision of the Commission shall become final if no written appeal is made to the Town Council by any aggrieved person within twenty days' following the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commi ssi on. Ordinance 88-6. Sign Code Amendments Donaldson and Gersbach resumed their status as voting members of the Coma:: ss i on. r Donal dson asked if the temporary si on provision was sat i =_f actorv. Cun',' =stated she thought it was =_-incr r:Ur::ber four had been added. 7i scLiss.i on followed o:-: the cescr :pti on of a =sign.. Wood st.1ted that eicr yt?ino in the ordinance was as Ciscusset in previous, meetings with the eXCEC tlor: oT_ additions to the development sign (no. 5) and the same addition to Section Pour of the temporary signs section. Discussion followed on these additions. Discussion on temporary s ions followed r-eearci no the tiR:` r;er3o~. Doll moved to chance Section Two to state: thirty days instead of one hundred twenty day=s. Gersbach seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Reading and Approval of P & Z Minutesof 4/5/88 Regular Meeting - Reynolds moved to approve the minutes of the 4/5/88 regular meeting as submitted. Landauer seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes • April 19, 19SE3 Page 15 of 15 Other Business Charlie Gersbach stated that he wanted to say goodbye as - this is his last meeting as a memter of the Commission. He also made the recomiTiendation that. every thirty or forty days the staff change the placement of the name plates so that measbers sit next to different members. It would create more comradery among the group. Ger-sbach moved to adjourn. Donaldson seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM. Respect;ully submitted, Charlette Pascuzzi Recording Secretary Comm 2 ' P. Cu T. Landauer F. Dc N. DID J. ~e D. Hi I C. McRorv L~- MEMO • TO: Planning and Zoning Commission Members FROM: Ray Wright, Engineering Technician DATE: April 19, 1988 RE: Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Complex Design Review This item was continued at the meeting of April 5, 1988. Staff has not received any additional information from the Applicant. The Applicant is requesting Preliminary Design Review approval from the Commission. The Staff report from the April 5, 1988 meeting is attached for your review. PLANNING AND ZONING ACTION: Approved as submitted ( ) Approved with Recommended Conditions ( ) Approved with Modified Conditions ( ) Continued ( ) Peni e`d Withdrawn ( ) Date 4 LO .P Michael Blair, Secretary /~3 The Commission denied this application as submitted, citing non-comformance with the following Design Review Guidelines: Section 6.13 - The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties; and Section 6.16 - The objective that no improvement be so-similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired Town of Avon P. O. Box 975, Avw, CO 81620 (303) 9494280 April 8, 1988 Phoenix Discovery Group P. 0. Box 5300 Avon, Colorado 81610 RE: Part of Lot 4b/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group, 14 Unit Condominium Project, Preliminary Design Review. Gentlemen: Thank you for your presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 5, 1988. The following action was taken regarding the above described request. The Planning and Zoning Commission continued this application until the April 19, 1988 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Charlette Pascuzzi Recording Secretary Copy/File O • Staff Report to Planning and Zoning Commission - 4/5/88 Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Project Preliminary Design Review Page 2 of 4. A summary of the proposed units including unit size (in square feet), fraction of development right used for each unit, and total development rights used is listed below. UNIT ='s AREAS FRACTIONS TOTAL RDR's 1A, 2A, 3A, 598 sf I/3 RDR 2 RDR 1E, 2E, 3E, each each 1B, 2B, 3B, 449 sf 1/4 RDR 1 1/2 RDR 1D, 2D, 3D each each 2C, 3C 447 sf 1/4 RDR 112 RDR each each 14 units 7,176 sf 4 RDR 4 RDR Town records indicate that there are 4 residential development rights assigned to this parcel. The submittal apoears to conform with the requirements outlined in the Planning and Zoning Commission Design Procedures, Rules and Regulations for Preliminary Design Review. Staff recommends that the Commission review this application for conformance with the following Design Review Guidelines: 1. The conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. 2. The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located. 3. The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties. 4. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography. 5. The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. 6. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. 0 0 Staff Report to Planning and Zoning Commission - 4/5/88 Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Project Preliminary Design Review Page 3 of 4 7. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the Commission finds that this application conforms with the above Design Review Guidelines, or can be modified to be brought into conformance, Staff recommends that Preliminary Design Review approval be granted, subject to: 1. Final design include an emergency access between this project and the adjoining project to the west that is acceptable to the Department of Public Safety. 2. That the previously agreed upon "Roadway Easement" along Nottingham Road be incorporated in the Final Plat for the project. 3. Final design must conform with the requirements of the Zoning Code, Planning and Zoning Commission Design Procedures, Rules and Regulations, and other modifications requested by the Commission. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Introduce Project; 2. Presentation by Applicant; 3. Commission Review of Submitted Materials; 4. Act on Application. Respectfully submitted, Ray Wright Engineering Technician 0 0 Staff Report to Planning and Zoning Commission - 4/5/88 Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Project Preliminary Design Review Page 4 of 4 PLANNING AND ZONING ACTION: Approved as Submitted ( ) Approved with Recommended Conditions ( ) Approved with Modified Conditions ( ) Continued Denied ( ) Date--Y Ar,~' % 4v Michael Blair, Secretary ~~I G~( ) Withdrawn l 11 - This item was continued until the April 19 1988 Pl annin and Zonin Commission Meetinq. To: Town of Avon From: JF Lamont RE:Project Review: Phoenix Discovery Group Condominium Residences A part of Lot 46/47, Block 1 BMS Date: April 1, 1988 0 The following Design Guidelines have been reviewed and are offered for consideration by the reviewing authorities and the applicant. Section 6.00 Design Guidelines: 6.10 Design Review Considerations: The Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of a proposed project: 6.11 The conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. Comment: See Staff Report 6.12 The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located. Comment: Provided that sufficient investigation has :-een conducted of soils conditions the site is suitable for a wide- variety of residential structures. The type and quality of materials of which the proposed structure is to be constructed is consistent with standards for rnulti-unit residential structures. 6.13 The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties. Comment: The design does not appear to adversely effect the distribution of light and air of adjacent properties. The access of Fire Safety equipment to adjacent properties may be adversely effected by the site design. Site drainage and landscape plans are of insufficient detail to determine there compatibility with existing or proposed site plan of adjacent properties. 0 page two 0 6.14 The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography. Comment: Insufficient information exists to determine the impact upon soils movement and landscaping of retaining wall on north side of exterior parking lot. 6.15 The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. Comment: The visual appearance of the proposed improvement does not inhibit principal views nor block the solar exposure of adjacent and neighboring properties. Insufficient information exists to determine if landscaping will have an acceptable visual appearance from the public ways. Exterior and unenclosed parking areas are not located in principal views from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. 6.16 The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. ` Comment: The apparent mass of the three story flat roof structure is consistent with two and three story structures on adjacent properties. Buildina offsets on the south elevation are significant enough to be similar in appearance of structure on adjacent properties. Exterior materials, architectural detailing and color can be modified to emphasis wood siding which is the prevalent siding material in the vicinity. Provision should be made for adequate fire safety access to adjacent properties. Landscape improvements should be qualitatively and quantitatively increased and maintained to the standards consistent with existing improvements in the vicinity. No information or standards are available that indicates that either the proposed use nor the aesthetics of the improvement are so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. • 0 page three 6.17 The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Comment: The proposed project is in substantial compliance with the adopted development goals, policies, and programs of the Town of Avon. TA033188 March 28, 1988 Mr. Norman Wood, P.E. Director of Community Development Town of Avon Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Norm: Please find attached four copies of our application for Preliminary Design Review by the Avon Planning and Zoning Commission at the upcoming meeting of April 5, 1988 As you may recall, we have previously submitted for Conceptual Review and would now like to continue the review process as we are anticipating successful marketing and actual construction to take place this year. Our exterior materials are primarily two tones of stucco, clad windows, painted metal railings along with a flat roof design. We will bring a color sketch of the exterior to the meeting along with some proposed material samples for review. Please let me know if you will need information prior to the meeting in have a complete Preliminary Review. Architect any additional order for us to Thank you. If ted, ~ ~+itltn0 C2p21~dfp(~ r - Town of Avon r1j MAR, 2 8 - f/pdgapp.2 • • JACK SILYLR WILLIAM B. HAYMM DRROORY A. SfIITH SHVJ_MN H. Sar m PBOoY E. STtvrxe WARREN A. ROHINRON SURAN V. MARTIN PETER & doj_r)w'EIN M ARJOR IIi J. Err PATRICK J. TowN JAMER J. DurncY HERRHEL J. SHAPIRO PENNY L. CHRIWPY DAVID P. SANDERR ERTHER A. CRAWFORD KEVIN M. DurneY SILVER AND HAYES A PROtrERSIONAL OORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW MIN'I'" FLOOR BANK WEWrXRN BUILDING 930 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD DENVER, COLORADO 80908 April 1, 1988 Mr. Victor Mark Donaldson Phoenix Discovery Group Box 5300 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation/Phoenix Discovery Group; Order No. 300589-C4 Dear Mr. Donaldson: OF COI TNaRL ANDREW L. QVIAT ROBLRT T. HADYS TE -CAHONE: (.90Ci> 321-5700 T ou-cIomcw, GIR)) MI -6796 At the request of Eagle County Title Corporation and its underwriter, Title USA Insurance Corporation, this Firm has reviewed the following matters: 1. Title insurance commitment of Title USA Insurance Corporation having an effective date of March 4, 1988, at 7:00 a.m., and issued by Eagle County Title Corporation under its order number 300589-C4. 2. The chain of title to the real property covered by such title insurance commitment and that was prepared by Eagle County Title Corporation. 3. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restric- tions of Chamberlin Townhouses Filing No. 1 recorded December 19, 1980, in Book 315 at Page 042 of the records in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County. As a result of this review, we have concluded that Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Chamberlin Town- houses Filing No. 1 do not affect, burden or encumber the §ECI IVEN APR 1 1 1988 O SILVER AND HAYES A PROMRSIONAL CORPORATION Victor Mark Donaldson April 1, 1988 Page 2 E real property covered by the title insurance commitment refer- enced above. This conclusion is based upon the following: 1. "The Property" as defined in Section 1 of Article II of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, is only a Westerly portion of Lots 46 and 47 of Block 1 in Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4. This Westerly portion is identified and shown as "Chamberlin Townhouses Filing No. 1" on the Plat filed December 19, 1980, in Book 314 at Page 993 under Reception No. 211368 of the records in the office of the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Section 2 of Article II of the Declaration of Cove- nants, Conditions and Restrictions expressly provided for the addition, at the election of the Declarant or the Declarant's successor in interest, of "the balance of Lot 46/47 a replat of Lots 46 and 47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amend- ment No. 4". Any such addition was, however, condi- tioned upon the filing of "a supplementary declara- tion of covenants and restrictions with respect to the addition of property which shall extend the scheme of the covenants and restrictions of this Declaration to such property". The right of the Declarant to make such an addition express3y expired on June 1, 1986. The chain of title prepared by Eagle County Title Corporation does not disclose the execution or recordation of any such supple- mentary declaration. 3. The "Certification of Dedication and Ownership" on the Plat of Chamberlin Townhouses Filing No. 1 filed December 19, 1980, in Book 314 at Page 993 under Reception No. 211368, specifically recites that the owner laid-out, platted and subdivided only "part of" Lots 46 and 47 in Block 1 of Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4 as Chamberlin Townhouses Filing No. 1. 0 SILVER AND F AYES A PROFSBBIONAL OORPORATION Mr. Victor Mark Donaldson April 1, 1988 Page 3 Should you need additional I suggest that you seek the Corporation and its owner, reached at 476-6423 in Vail, 0 documentation or assistance of Eagle Norman E. Larkins. Colorado. Very truly yours, SILVER A Profe i JS / lck c--~ CC: Mr. Norman E. Larkins, President Eagle County Title Corporation CC: John C. Mulvihill, Rocky Mountain and Counsel, Title USA Insurance information, County Title Norm can be orporation Regional Manager Corporation April 7, 1988 Mr. John W. Graham, President Chambertin Homeowners Association P.O. Box 667 Simpsonville, South Carolina 29681 Dear John: RECEIVED APR 1 1 1988 We appreciate you and Linda taking time after the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission meeting last Tuesday night to discuss your concerns abet our development proposal. Since then we have thoroughly revietred our own documents and your concerns with regard to our development approach. We are now writing to you pursuant to the request by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Tuesday night. To begin with, we firm- ma;rtaJ" our belief that your association has no access easement across our property or has any direct control over our architectural design. This is based upon the very thoroughly researched legal opinion which we have enclosed for your review. Please review this letter vis-a-vis your recorded documents. This situation does not exist because of our development proposal or purchase of this property, but instead due to inaction by other previous parties. As an aside, when Linda stated in the public meeting that we had NOT included all of the recorded documents in our research, she was wrong. After the meeting she gave us her copy of what she was referring to and it was EXACTLY the document which we had referenced! John, we believe that our development proposal is in confor- mance with the Avon Zoning Ordinance, Design Review Guide- lines, Development Goals, Policies and Programs as well as the Fractionalization Ordinance. Further, we are absolutely convinced that our development scheme will NOT diminish your already reduced property values, but will instead enhance the development on this hillside while filling a market need in a very architecturally pleasing manner. At this p oint, we see no reason to delay our development schedule or modify our design. Therefore , our plan is to continue through the review process in an expeditious manner. As we worked out the details of our own drainage plan and parking and site layout this week we discovered that there are some remaining areas of concern between our two properties. • page two Mr. John W. Gramm April 7, 1988 1) Based on a good drainage design for our development, it will be very difficult to physically construct an emergency access way between our properties. Please let us know is you have any budget constraints with regard to this issue. 2) A drainage swale will need to be constructed between our two buildings to handle surface runoff fro- both parking/drive areas. This is a Town of Avon requirement and we feel that the cost should be shared equally, John, please contact us to set up a mee*.ing to discuss these and any other issues that you may have concerning our mutual developments on this hillside. Respectfully Submitted, Victor Mark Donaldson, Architect for Phoenix Discovery Group cc: Mr. Norman Wood, P.E., Director of Community Development Ms. Patricia Cuny, Chairwoman Avon Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Eddie D. Murphy, Consolidated Asset Management Company Emily J. Bennett Ms. Linda Pell Mr. Clinton Watkins Marino Construction enclosure: letter f/graham.l o o Southern VAE SIDENT JOHN GRAHAM Technologies, s~ inc. Southern Technologies, Inc. ■ Post Office Box 667 ■ SimpeonvMe, South Carolina 29681 • Telephone 803-288-8178 March 24, 1988 Mr. Norm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Town of Avon Post Office Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Wood: This letter is to confirm the meeting held with you in your office on Wednesday, March 16, 1988, in which Ms. Linda Pell and I, represented the Chambertin Homeowners Association, regarding the Associations position on the development of the foundation for building number one on the original Chambertin Townhome Project. As we discussed, the original concept for the project called for sixteen family units constructed in four separate buildings on the entire project consisting of two lots located on Knottingham Road. To date, three of the buildings have been constructed representing a total of twelve units of the original sixteen planned. It is our understanding that a preliminary design has been presented regarding the construction of fourteen single bedroom units on the foundation originally designed to accomodate four family units. The current individual homeowners as well as the Homeowners Association strongly object to the construction of any structure that does not substantially represent the three existing buildings consisting of four family units per building. The original articles of incorporation, by-laws and declarations of the Association define in detail the Association's architectual control over any and all construction regarding the project. The Association has voted unanimously to pursue all options regarding a consistent completion of the project as it was originally Of A14011 MAR 2 8 1988 • • Mr. Norm Wood March 24, 1988 Page Two conceived. As you are aware, over the past four and one-half years a tremendous amount of effort and money has been expended in resolving the construction problems encountered with the project. Your and the town's assistance in helping us to substantially complete the necessary repairs has been greatly appreciated. We will continue to work diligently to being these necessary repairs to a conclusion. Thank you again for allowing Linda and myself to visit with you on such a short notice. Cordially yours, Chambertin Homeowners Assoc. Jo n W. Graham President cc: Board of Directors Chambertin Homeowners Association Members Chambertin Homeowners Association Ms. Patricia Cuny, Planning & Zoning Comm. Avon, Colorado Harch 29, 1988 Mr. Norm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Town of Avon Post Office Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Wood: • This letter is in regard to the Chambertin Townhome Development of Nottingham Road, of which we recently became members of that project's Homeowners Assoc- iation by purchasing Unit 15. We feel the Chambertin units are aesthetically amongst the best in the valley and as such were dismayed and quite upset to find there were plans for the foundation of Building 1 that would effectively and most dramatically lessen the aesthetics by constructing fourteen one- bedroom units instead of the four-family units as are contained on Lots 2, 3 and 4. At our recent meeting I voiced my objection to this plan and present to you, by virtue of this letter, our strenuous objection to the proposed plans on Building 1's lot. Prior to purchase, we understood that Lot 1 was part and parcel of the Chambertin project and construction on this foundation would be along the same lines as the existing homes. We re-read those documents and still feel Lot 1 is indeed part of the entire Chambertin project. We look forward to spending many years in our unit and would hate to see new construction which is not compatible with it's neighbors. Thank yo l Patrick J. Fitzgerald P. S. I would like to extend my thanks to the town of Avon and you personally for your cooperation in bringing these projects on-line. cc:`<S- Patricia Cuny, Planning & Zoning Commission, Avon, Colorado Mr. John W. Graham, President, Chambertin Homeowners Association 0 • JEWELERS Executive Offices: 240 Union St., a P.O. Box B-M a New Bedtord. Ma. 02741 • 617/99&. M4 March 29, 1988 Mr. Norm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Town of Avon P. 0. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Wood: It has been brought to my attention that a person(s) represented by Mr. Mark Donaldson has purchased the foundation for building number one at Chambertin Townhomes and that Mr. Donaldson is planning on presenting to the Town of Avon a plan that would allow his client to build fourteen single bedroom units on a foundation that was originally esigned for four family units. As an individual homeowner and a member of the Chamber- tin Homeowners Association I strongly object to any construction that is not consistent with the three existing buildings each of which has four family units per building. The Association's original articles of incorporation, by-laws, and declarations define its architectural control over any and all construction regarding the project. I fully support the Association's decision to pursue all options regarding a consistent completion of the Chambertin Townhome Project as it was originally conceived. I sincerely hope that you will turn down any request for the construction of a building at Chambertin that would be substantially different from the three existing buildings. Thank you very much for your consideration Sincerely yours, Joel Karten President JK : rbh 0i "yon ISO APB " 0 ORVAL A. PAUL 4205 VIRGINIA VIBTA LONG BEACH. CALM 90807 818/424.8854 April 1, 1988 Mr. Norm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Town of Avon Post Office Box 975 Avon, Co 81620 Dear Mr. Wood, • I have been advised by some of the owners of the Chambertin Homeowners Association that you are considering a request to build 14 one bedroom units on the remaining slab of the Chambertin Townhome project. When I purchased my unit several years a-go, it was my understanding and I believe the bylaws will confirm that the Association has architectual control regarding any building that would not conform to the original concept of 4 units per slab. As you are well aware, we have had many problems with this project over the past years which has substantially depreciated the value of the units and I strongly feel that if you were to allow the 14 one bedroom project, it would only serve to lower the value of the existing townhomes further. Those of us in the Chambertin Homeowners Association will make every effort to see that this project is completed in its original concept and will appreciate your cooperation in helping us in this endeavor. Sincerel Orva A. Paul Chambertin Homeowner RECEIVE, APR 41988 oal*"'L rAnri: 4, 1968 Vir. \oz^n Flood Director of E~rclneerinc and Cor-munity Jeve,ourent 'own of Av o-, 0. Sox 975 Avon, CO 81620 Yom. wood, ^:s ;ester :s to co-'---= . ons;-'_or o-^ '^e ce-:P- e of -ne `o-,:-scat;o^ -o~ 3ui;_rc tio. o' Z^e or c_^a: 7owr_ncr..e nro - ec : . is -t un6erstan6--na t: at a n-e:i-i.arv des'= .as oee^_ n-esented recardina t_re corstnac or of Lmarteen s:-,C-'e cecroo^ an 's on -e `ounda';o- for Cnanbert_^ 3u::ai7c No. or :ra;_v desicrea to acconrodate F0;.,'= ?A?!=--v as a ^o-eow=sr C', berg- an6 a :orc-tine -es;de-t of A-, on, Co-orado, strona:v object to t'--e the construct;= of a^_.; str•,:c--ure does no- s-Libstantia::y renrese-t -^e -^ree e.-_:sz_- rq iTui:d:ncs w^:c^ cons:st of ----its r)er b:_;d:r__c w:- lots o± scaare footace and exce;:e_^_t worms-as^:o. -:'^e twe:-ve C:a::oerti^ ^_ts t:a- are ccr..o:e'ec are -,en.- oF,:`s'andi--_c in s`ze. w;t'_^. attention ci,-e^_ -o de,a;i and des;c^_ed to `ate rate of -^_e -a--cer farni : ies and/or . . _ -`a:.; _y- corpora--e retreats for sk.i vacations. To t9-cc a :o' z:a' renrese^_-s 25% of ',!^e o:,-era:: Dro-ec- and _fo-ar-zee- : i vinc -s wow:d be cetr,.-ien-a not o^_v to '^.e ^a:Jert~_ '=_'s t_az are e•';S~_'?C bu-, t^_e ^_efC_^_Dorinc proper-t-es as we-':. s'ro*-C:y urge yon rot to a_oo_ rose any toss--- ct;o^_ o_ -^e afore-:e^tio:sd sot extent for a bru_:di-c_ co.s_st_-r of `o-= 'aI',:-nI S~ =_anat~e and GeS~C^ OL `e V~,~SZ;rte cra dins . -'-^e goose any ;se s= :d be __-_e sa=e as ad =o_.^_^c orooer-:es in z^,e neic'?oor-i=. r SiTcere- /`T T a aesoat cornmunf~y 1000 lionsridge loop • vail, colorado 9 81657 9 telephone (303) 476-1500 o -o Mr. Norman Wood P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 April 6, 1988 Dear Norman, It has been brought to my attention that a preliminary hearing was held last night reguarding the construction of single bedroom units on the now vacant foundation at the Chambertin Townhomes on Nottingham Road. Please let this letter serve as my extreme opposition to such construction! I am a home owner at 1B, 0371 Nottingham Road, (Sherwood Meadows), and in this complex alone there are three, empty, single bedroom units already "on the market" with no buyers. Obviously a need for additional similar units is unfounded, not to mention the detrimental effect these units would have on my current property values. After having personally visited the actual site of proposed construction, I found it's access to and from Nottingham Road to be quite dangerous. The driveway entrance is situated not only on a hill, but also on a "blind" section of the curve directly behind my home. The amount of proposed increased traffic into that project will surely bring mayhem that could easily be avoided with conscientious forethought that you as a leader in this field of expertise can certainly be held responsible. This is why I implore you to be my spoksman in opposition of this plan at Chambertin Townhomes. Thank you for your support in stoping this proposal; please feel free to contact me at your convience if you have any further questions reguarding this matter. Sincerely, M s. sa Johnson Hammond Jim: 949-1377 Wk: 476-1170 von Of AP R - 7 1988 SYNDICATE GLASS INC. STORE FIXTURES FOR MODERN MERCHANDISING 5610 CRAWFORDSVILLE RD., SUITE 14M • P. O. BOX 2417% INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 4=4 • PHONE 31712417311 April 12, 1988 Mr. Norm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Town of Avon P. 0. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Chambertin Townhomes Association Building 1 Foundation, Nottingham Rd,, Avon, CO. Dear Mr. Wood: In late March, 1988, Foundation #1 of the purchased and that t the structure. This new owner planned to on a foundation that a total of 4 units. I first received word that Building above mentioned Townhomes had been he new owner was intending to complete was good news. Then, I learned that the construct a 14-unit dormitory type dwelling was originally planned and built to hold As a homeowner of Chambertin #13 since 1980, with 7 years know- ledge of the Foundation #1 property, I strongly object to the plans submitted at the Design and Review Hearing held on April 5, 1988. A 14-unit dormatory type structure would be detrimental to the value of all homes in the Nottingham Road area, specifically Chambertin Townhouses. Beyond this, I feel that the Town of Avon will suffer in future years, due to this type housing construction. The intended use of the current fractionalization law is not befitting to this situation. Please consider the above comments. Let's see the Town of Avon prosper for future generations, not be a stepping stone to "get rich quick" construction that offers immediate financial gain for a few. RECEIVED APR 1 cc: Mr. John Graham Ms. Linda Pell ely, rr Burris President OFFICES i SHOWROOMS INDIANAPOLIS, IN MIDDLEBURY. IN PASO ROBLES, CA STURGIS, MI E Sherwood Meadows Association. Inc. Box 93 Avon, Colorado 81620 May 4, 1988 Avon City Council Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Complex Dear Members: It is our understanding that the above referenced developer has appealed the decision of the Plannino and Zoning Commission dated April 199 1988 wherein the Commission denied approval for the project as presented for Preliminary Design Review. As a resident/owner in Sherwood Meadows and as Vice President of the Sherwood Meadows Condominium Association , I am authorized to state that the Association's Board of Directors, representing all owners in the Association, voted on April 23, 1988 to oppose the Phoenix project as presently designed. We are concerned with the proposed density of the project. The proposed density of 14 one bedroom units on a site originally designed for four single family units deviates substantially from the present mix of one, two and three bedroom units on Nottingham Road. We are further concerned with the lack of any notice from the developer concerning the proposed project as we feel we will be directly impacted by the proposed development. We are further concerned with the potential increase traffic, noise, lack of geological stability and in Pile loss of value to existing and adjacent properties. We urge nt he bcounc i 1 to carefully study the issues. We urge the council to deny the project as presently designed and presented. Sincerely, Sherwood eadows Association, Inc. bye Greg A. eterman F?ce~~~A~ Town of Avon Vice-President MAY 51988 • 0 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON • ARCHITECT Dox 5300. Avon, Colorodo 81620 • 3031940-5200 February 2, 1988 Town Council Town of Avon, Colorado P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Secretary of State State of Colorado 1575 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado 80203 You are hereby notified that the undersigned as (a f inaasial interest in the 'Chambertin foundation lot 46;47, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivisin, AvAvfon, essional Colorado) and that the undersigned isPDeluca's project in services in connection with the Ruby J the Avon Center building, both of which may cause a conflict ss a discretionary function of interest as to his exercise Commission as a Planning and Zoning The above matters will be coming before vario,as town of Avon commissions and councils in the next fewSweeki. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding busness. Respectfully Submitted, Victor Mark Donaldson, Architect planning and Zoning Commission member Town of Avon Sherwood Meadows Association. Inc. Box 93 Avon, Colorado 81620 May 4. 1988 Avon City Council Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Part of Lot 46/47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Phoenix Discovery Group 14 Unit Condominium Complex Dear Members: It is our understandina that the above referenced developer has appealed the decision of the Planning and Zonino Commission dated April 19, 1988 wherein the Commission denied approval for the project as presented for Preliminary Design Review. As a resident/owner in Sherwood Meadows and as Vice President of the Sherwood Meadows Condominium Association , I am authorized to state that the Association's Board of Directors, representing all owners in the Association, voted on April 23, 1988 to oppose the Phoenix project as presently designed. We are concerned with the proposed density of the project. The proposed density of 14 one bedroom units on a site originally designed for four single family units deviates substantially from the present mix of one, two and three bedroom units on Nottingham Road. We are further concerned with the lack of any notice from the developer concerning the proposed project as we feel we will be directly impacted by the proposed development. We are further concerned with the potential increase in traffic, noise, lack of geological stability and possible loss of value to existing and adjacent properties. We urge the council to carefully study the issues. We urge the council to deny the project as presently designed and presented. Sincerely, Sherwood eadows Association, Inc. by Greg A. sterman dote"v-~1 Town of Avon Vice-President MAY 5 1988 P 0. Box 959 Beaver Geer WorWo 81620 303-9496400 303,'949-1515 303,'949-6018 April 19, 1988 Town Council Town of Avon, P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado Colorado 81620 Secretary of State State of Colorado 1575 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado 80203 You are hereby notified that the undersigned has a financial interest in the Chambertin foundation project (known as lot 46/47, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Avon, Colorado). The undersigned is a Colorado Real Estate Broker listing properties at Chambertin owned by the F.D.I.C. This may cause a conflict of interest as to his exercise of a discretionary function as a Planning and Zoning Commission member. The above matters will be coming before various town of Avon commissions and councils in the next few weeks. nespectfuliv submitted VAIL/ SS0 f/1-'IES 1 'EAL STATE, INC. Chd'r`1 M ~i t'WV-_, Branch Broker Planning and Zoning Commission member Town of Avon CG:cibm Va a<soraies .ec - va : .ea+e :ee .