MEETING HELD APRIL 26, 1988 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of P.von, Colorado,
was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado,
in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Steve Miller at
7:45 p.m. A roll call was taken with Emilie Harrison, Clint Watkins,
Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis present. Mayor Allan
Nottingham was absent. Also present were Assistant Attorney Terri
Diem, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood,
Director of Public Works/Parks and Recreation Larry Brooks, Planning
Consultant Jim Lamont, Town Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as,
members of the press and public.
The Mayor Pro Tem called for Citizen Input.
There being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor Pro Tem closed the
First reading of Ordinance No. 88-6, Series of 1988, AN ORDINANCE
Norm Wood stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission had requested
some revisions to the Sign Code. The purpose of the revisions were to
clarify some areas of the Code, and also to make some provisions to the
Code which would be more compatible with the applications that they had
been receiving and subsequently improved.
A memorandum was submitted which summarized the proposed changes.
Mr. Wood then proceeded to review those changes which were as follows:
Section 1. 1. Redefines "Building Front" to allow more than one side
of a building to be considered as a front when the property is bordered
by more than one street.
5. Deletes the provision that only one property boundary may be
considered as a lot front.
9. Revises sign area definition to include only one side of a two
sided sign in sign area calculations.
Section 2. A. Removes reduction to 1/3 square foot of allowable sign
area per lineal foot of building front in excess of 32 lineal feet and
eliminates maximum sign area of 64 square feet. This change was requested
to allow signage on larger buildings to be more in scale with the
• •
B.1 No change. B.2 Increases allowable sign area for an individual
business in a multiple business project from 12 square feet to 20
square feet in vehicular oriented locations.
B.3 Allows an increase in sign area based upon lineal feet of store
front of an individual business in multiple business project when
approved as a part of an overall sign program.
H.1 No change. H.2 No change. H.3 No change. H.4 New paragraph
allowing sign administrator to issue permit for development sign
meeting specified criteria without planning and Zoning Commission
review. H.5 New paragraph providing for Planning and Zoning Commission
review of development signs not meeting specified criteria.
M.1 Increase allowable area for temporary signs from 16 square feet
to 35 square feet. M.2 Increase the frequency which temporary signs
may be displayed from once every 120 days to once every 30 days.
M.3 No change. M.4 New paragrpah providing for Planning and Zoning
Commission review of temporary signs not meeting the specified criteria.
Mr. Wood recommended that Council adopt Ordinance No. 88-6, Series of
1988 on first reading.
Councilwoman McRory moved approval of Ordinance No. 88-6, Series of 1988
on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell.
After some discussion, Mayor Pro Tem entertained a vote on the motion.
Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Clint Watkins,
Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were no nay votes.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Assistant Attorney Terri Diem requested that the Council retire into
executive session after the adjournment of the meeting-in respect to the
Wilson/McAdams Litigation.
The Council agreed.
The Council, by ballot voting, appointed the following applicants to the
Planning and Zoning Commission. They were: Denise Barlock-Hill, Clayton
McRory and John Perkins. It was requested that letters be sent to the
applicants who were appointed, and also letters to those who took the time
to apply, and thank them from the Council. Also, a resolution in
appreciation of their time and services for the outgoing members.
The new members would take their positions at the May 3rd, 1988 Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting.
Norm Wood reported on the Denver's Lost Water Options - Two Forks
Reservoir. He stated that he had reviewed the memorandum "Denver's
Lost Water Options" and the draft resolution with Barbara Green,
the water attorney for North West Colorado Council of Governments. Mr.
Wood stated that Ms. Green suggested that if the Town wished to adopt
a resolution as a gesture of opposition to the Two Forks Project, that
it should be tailored specifically to Avon's objections. He stated that
the Two Forks EIS review and public comment period had been extended
from May 5, 1988 to May 20, 1988.
• •
Councilman Watkins reported on the meeting that was held in Denver,
which Governer Romer attended, in regard to the Two Forks Reservoir.
Councilman Watkins felt that the County's position was well stated by
County Commissioner Dick Gustafson.
Councilman Watkins agreed that a resolution should be drafted that
would be tailered more toward Avon's situation.
Councilman Connell moved approval that staff draft a resolution in
respect to the Two Forks Reservoir. The motion was seconded by
Councilwoman Harrison and was unanimously carried.
This resolution was to be approved at the next council meeting.
It was stated that there was a need for a state-wide water policy.
Next on the agenda was a report on the Building Cost Comparison.
Norm Wood stated that he had done a study of variable building costs
which were under control of the Town or County. The costs were based
upon a duplex having 1850 square feet per unit.
(See memorandum attached to these minutes).
These fees were for the following:
Design Review; Building Plan Check; Building Permits; and Road Cut
Mr. Wood stated that these figures seemed to bear out complaints that
it costs more to build in Avon than in surrounding areas, although
the differences in these costs is fairly insignificant compared
to the overall land and building costs for a typical project.
Mr. Wood stated that these costs were relatively insignificant compared
to the total project cost, and recommended that the Council consider
some revisions to Town Codes to reduce these cost differences and
remove some requirements which may be minor obstacles to developers.
These requested changes were:
A. Section 15.04.440 - Delete the 1.5 multiplier for calculating
building permit and plan check fees. This would make building permit
and plan check fees the same as in Eagle County.
B. Section 15.04.720 - Modify to allow permanent Certificate of
Occupancy providing adequate surety (1500 of estimated costs) is
provided to assure completion of exterior cleanup and landscaping.
Current provisions only allow for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy
until all landscaping and cleanup is complete.
C. Section 12.04.280 - Modify to eliminate requirement for a
performance bond for work within a public right-of-way if work does not
involve cutting pavement such as installation of driveway entrances.
Mr. Wood stated that these changes should have a relatively small
impact on the Town and should address a significant proportion of
complaints received from builders and developers.
Councilman Watkins directed staff to draft an ordinance to reflect
these changes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis and was
unanimously carried.
• •
Councilman Davis requested that staff come back to Council with
a report in regard to the recent issue of underground parking and
above ground parking, in relation to, compact cars.
Mr. Wood stated that he would have a report for the Council at the
next meeting.
Proclamation in regard to "National Consumers Week" was next presented
to the Council.
Mayor Pro Tem Miller read the Proclamation in its entirety.
Councilwoman McRory moved approval that April 24-30, 1988 be set aside
and be proclaimed as "National Consumers Week". The motion was
seconded by Councilman Davis and was unanimously carried.
Mayor Pro Tem Miller stated that Council had received a letter of
response from Daniel Sunday, President and General Manager of Alpine
Vending and Video in Avon. Mr. Sunday had acknowledged the Council's
concerns, and offered that response to the Council for discussion.
Councilman Connell stated that it was his understanding that the
Christie Lodge had barred all local young adults from the building,
parking lot and general premises.
Councilman Davis stated that it was an issue of concern for such a
small community. He stated that the issue was not whether someone
was discriminating or not discriminating, but that there was a
problem. He stated that the Council cannot dictate how people should
run their business, but the Council could act as a mediator to solve
the problem, and stated that he did not have a solution to the problem.
Councilman Watkins stated that it was wrong if the young local adults
were being discriminated against, and not allowed on that premises.
He stated that the young local adults were the ones who built up that
business. He stated that he had no solution to the problem, but it
did indicate a need for a teen center.
He stated that there are a number of buildings around Avon that were
not being utilized, and maybe there would be a place to open a center.
Mayor Pro Tem Miller agreed, and suggested that an interested member of
the Council set down with interested members of the community, as well
as, interested young people, and try and form some sort of committee
to identify; 1) the problem and 2) the need, and to see what was available
in the community for such a center.
• •
Councilman Davis stated that he would support some type of funding
fur such a project, but the interest would have to come from the
community as well.
Mayor Pro Tem stated that he would like to see some type of generic
out-of government approached as to what the problems were; what the
needs were; then, bring those concerns back to the Council, or the
committee. He stated that based on what those needs were, and what
an appropriate dollar amount, the Council could then possibly help.
The Town Manager stated that he felt that it was doubtful that the
Town needed a teen center. He suggested that the Town pay for
supervision at the establishment.
Councilman Connell stated that he would volunteer his time to set
on the committee, but that the issue needed some adult interest,=.along
with, teen input.
Councilman Davis stated that a committee was needed, but even more so,
more information was needed as to what the teenagers wanted.
After further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Miller stated that he needed
some direction from the Council.
Councilman Watkins stated that Council may want to ask for volunteers
of people who were interested in serving on a committee, then possibly
contact the Council for help.
It was suggested that the Town offices may be used as a contact point,
and that all interested people who have information or phone numbers
of interested people, contact the Town Clerk's Office.
The Town Manager gave an update report on the July 4th Western Days
Event. He stated that the event had been moved to the 6th and 7th of
August, 1988. He stated that the Committee had met several times, and
felt that it be best to contract outside, and to have someone else put
the event together. He stated that they would bring a final budget
back to the Council by the May 10th meeting. He stated that they want
to break even on this event. Mr. James recommended an amount of $500
to Thomas Entertainment Consultants.
Councilman Connell so moved. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
McRory and was unanimously carried.
Mr. James reported on the T.V. Translators. He stated that he and
Councilman Davis would be meeting with the County Commissioners, Thursday,
April 28, 1988 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss T.V. Translators. He stated
that he had received a proposal from Cal Thomas regarding T.V. Translators.
Mr. James reported on the Checkmate Statue. He stated that they should
have a cost estimate by the next council meeting.
Mr. James reported on the softball field. He stated that there was a
new agreement for Tract P and the softball field. He stated that Jim
Wells had agreed to this new agreement, and now they would present
the agreement to the County School District for their approval.
Mr. James reported on the Audit. He stated that he needed authorization
from the Council to write off a receivable from the 1987 Audit. He
stated that Christie Lodge had a receivable of approximately $90,000.
Mr. James stated that if it was not written off, the Town Attorney
would then have to give a qualified Opinion, which he recommended that
he was not in favor of doing.
Mr. James stated that, according to Mr. Dunn, the write off would not
affect the litigation. He stated that the Auditors did not have a
problem with taking the receivable from the 1987 Audit.
Councilwoman Harrison moved to authorize the Town Manager to write off
the receivable of $90,000 which was in regard to the Christie Lodge.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell and was unanimously
It was noted =.that this litigation matter would still be pursued by the
Town Attorney.
Norm Wood reported on the railroad crossing on West Beaver Creek
Boulevard. He stated that he had talked to Mr. William Holtman,
Superintendent for the Rio Grande Railroad, John Walker their attorney,
and Jim Osmond, Crossing Engineer.
Mr. Wood stated that he did not receive any more of a reception on the
agreement on the crossing, then the Town received previously.
Mr. Wood had scheduled a meeting with Mr. Osmond to see if there would
be other options that they might consider. Mr. Wood suggested that the
Town work on a update cost estimate such as;
preliminary feasibility study; financial analysis; and a potential
accident analysis.
After further discussion, the Council agreed that staff proceed on this
Mayor Pro Tem Miller stated that he was reviewina the current ordinance
that was adopted at the Town of Vail as it related to "Not Smoking"
in the Municipal Facilities. He stated that he would have a report
at the next council meeting.
0 0
The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council.
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts
Payable for April 26, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Watkins and was unanimously carried.
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of
Accounts Payable for April 26, 1988. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Connell and was unanimously carried.
The minutes of the April 12, 1988 council meeting was next presented to
the Council..
Councilman Connell moved approval of the April 12th, 1988 council meeting
minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Harrison'
and was unanimously carried.
There being no further business to
Harrison moved to adjourn and that
at the request of Assistant Attorn,
seconded by Councilman Davis.
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor
the Council retired into executive
come before the Council, Councilwoman
the Council retire into executive
ay Terri Diem. The motion was
Pro Tem Steve Miller at 9:19 p.m. and
session on a litigation matter.
atricia J. 0,,6yle, Voqn Cler
i i
TO: Bill James
FROM: Norm Wood
DATE: April 8, 1988
RE: Building Cost Comparison
The following is a comparison of variable building costs which are under
control of the Town or County. The costs are based upon a duplex having
1850 Square feet per unit.
Design Review
S 120
$ 100
S *
$ 370
Building Plan Check
Building Permit
Road Cut Permit
These figures seem to bear out complaints that it costs more to build in Avon
than in surrounding areas, although the difference in these costs is fairly
insignificant compared to the overall land and building costs for a typical
Although these additional costs may be relatively insignificant compared to the
total project cost, I would recommend that we consider some revisions to Town
Codes to reduce these cost differences and remove some requirements which may
be minor obstacles to developers. these changes are:
A. Section 15.04.440 - Delete the 1.5 riultiplier for calculating building
permit and plan check fees. This would make building permit and plan check
fees the same as in Eagle County.
B. Section 15.04.720 - Modify to allow permanent Certificate of Occupancy
providing adequate surety (1501, of estimated costs) is provided to assure
completion of exterior cleanup and landscaping. Current provisions only
allow for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy until all landscaping and
cleanup is complete.
C. Section 12.04.280 - Modify to eliminate requirement for a performance bond
for work within a public right-of-way if work does not involve cutting
pavement such as installation of driveway entrances.
These changes should have a relatively small impact on the Town and should
address a significant proportion of complaints received from builders and