TC Minutes 02-23-1988•
MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 23, 1988 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at
7:30 p.m. A roll call was taken with Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller,
Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis present.
Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James,
Director of Engineering/Community Development Norm Wood, Director of
Public Works/Parks and Recreation Larry Brooks, Director of Public
Safety Joe Olson, Town Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as, members
of the press and public.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input.
The Mayor noted that Ruby's had withdrawn their application for
The Town Manager stated that Ruby's did not have any intention of
putting in Ruby's and Deluca's in Avon Center.
Bill Perkins approached the Council. Mr. Perkins is a Boardmember of
the non-profit corporation of the Vail Community Television(VCTV).
He stated that he was representing the Board of Directors for the
Public Access Television for the valley. He stated that Public Access
was to provide a community with access to the airways. He stated that
they have been working on the funding to make this public access work.
He stated that at this point they have gotten Vail and Heritage to
agree to some funding. He stated that they were now asking Avon to give
the same percentages to the funding of that operation on a limited
three year basis, and then review it at that time. He stated that after
several months of negotiations with the Vail Community Television Board,
they have reached an agreement which they jointly endorse and request
the Town of Avon to consider and authorize. The terms of their
agreement are as follows:
1. Heritage will agree to an increase in Franchise Fee in the Town of
Avon, concurrent with our renewed Franchise Agreement in the Town of
Vail, from 3 percent of gross revenue as presently defined to 5 percent
of gross revenue with the additional 2 percent to be earmarked for the
2.. Separate from, and in addition to the revenue generated from the
Franchise Fees above, Heritage will fund a grant to the VCTV in the
form, of paying all lease expenses, common area fees and required
insurance on the present studio space.
3. VCTV will take responsibility for all repair, maintenance,
equipment replacement and operating expenses for locally produced or
originated programming and will oversee programming on the designated
public access channel on the valley cable TV System.
4. Heritage will donate all studio equipment to VCTV.
5. This entire arrangement is subject to the periodic review and
reconfirmation or revocation by the Town under any process or
procedure they wish to establish and VCTV and Heritage agree to be
bound by the reconfirmation or revocation as it occurs.(See letter dated
February 22, 1988 which is attached to these minutes).
Councilwoman Harrison moved approval to amend the Franchise Agreement
with Heritage Cable, to conform with the memorandum to the Town of Avon
as of February 22, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilman Miller
and was carried with Councilman Davis abstainina.
Wayne Townsend with Slifer Designs approached the Council. Mr. Townsend
was requesting a modification of the Mechanical Code to allow gas fire-
places. He stated that they were in the process of opening up a
Design Showroom in the sourth end of the building of Christie Sports.
He stated that they would like to install a gas fireplace in the show-
room. He stated that it would be a gas circulating fireplace with a
gas ignition.
After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that the
Mechanical Code be modified, and that an ordinance be drafted showing
the modification to allow gas fireplaces in the Town of Avon. The
ordinance will be placed on the next council aqenda.
Councilman Miller stated that he was representing Kevin Payne,as well as,
Council's representative of the Board of :the Board of the Resort
Association, and also representing the Rotary Club in respect to the
upcoming Auction, which would be held March 30, 1988. He stated that
there was twenty one applications for requests for funding. He stated
that they agreed on ten of the recipients, two of which are in the
Rotary Club, which related to their International Club and their
Scholarship Program. He stated that the next highest sum that the
Rotary Club would attempt to make, would go to the Avon/Beaver Creek
Resort Association. He stated that he and Kevin Payne have requested
that the money go toward a Sculpture Park in Avon. The funds would
go toward creating a base for the Sculpture, landscaping and lighting.
He stated that there were two sites mentioned;
1. was the location on the south-west corner of the exist ramp.
2. was the corner of Avon Road and Beaver Creek Boulevard by the Avon
Center Sign.
Councilman Miller stated that it was requested by the Rotary Club that
the Park be named,"Rotary Sculpture Park in Avon".
There was no Council action.
First reading of Ordinance No. 88-2, Series of 1988, AN ORDINANCE
Town Manager stated that in the 1988 Budget, there was $51,000
provided for a purchase of a new tractor for the Parks Department.
The tractor has a number of functions and attachments, which are;
a mower, a turf aeriator, turf sweeper, snow plow and a snow blower.
He stated that the Town cannot participate in the Lease Purchase
Program. However, Chrysler Corporation, who purchased the Bonds, had
given the Town the best interest rate at 7.750. The equipment would
be purchased over a two year period of time.
Councilman Miller moved approval of Ordinance No. 88-2, Series of 1988
on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis.
Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller,
Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis. There were
no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried.
Resolution No. 88-5, Series of 1988, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL
Norm Wood stated that a Plat had been submitted for AAA Duplex,
Lot 19, Block 2, Eaglebend Subdivision. The Lot was located immediately
east of the Cluster Homes in Eaglebend. He stated that the plans have
been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. He stated that
Resolution No. 88-5 approves the final plat for the AAA Duplex subject
1. Submittal of a party wall agreement for the duplex subdivision for
review by the Town Attorney; and
2. Completion and execution of all Certificates in a manner satisfactory
to the Town Attorney prior to filing with the Clerk and Recorder of
Eagle County.
Councilman Miller moved approval of Resolution No. 88-5, Series of 1988.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell and was unanimously
Next. on the agenda was an agreement between the Town of Avon and Payco-
General American Credits, Inc.
Joe Olson stated that in respect to the out-of-district fire and medical
response collections, they were attempting to aet the bills out as
quickly as possible, then there would be two follow-up notices sent to
those out-of-districts residents that elected not to pay. He stated
that chances of collecting the fees would possibly be null after the
third notice.
Mr. Olson was recommending that they turn those bills over to a
collection agency. The rates quoted by Payco-General American Collection
Agency were 33 1/3o if there were no legal preceedings, and if there
were legal preceedings, the rates would be 50% to the agency.
Councilman Miller had a concern of using the collection agency.
Mr. Olson stated that there would be the three attempts to collect those
monies, and stated that the Public Safety Department was not a collection
agency. He felt it was better to turn this over to professionals.
Discussion followed.
Councilwoman McRory suggested that the changes on the contract should
be initialed.
Councilman Watkins was not convinced that the Public Safety Department
needed a collection agency to collect unpaid bills. He stated that it
should be used as a final solution.
Mr. James suggested that staff bring back to the Council, a draft
policy of a collection process which the Council could approve, and
possibly include a penalty and interest charge.
Council agreed.
The Parks and Recreation Action Plan would be brought back to the
Council after the final meeting of the Task Force. The Council would
then endorse the Plan.
The softball field on Tract P. Mr. James stated that Benchmark Companies
have agreed to the conditions to dedicate that land for a softball field
to the Town of Avon, and if a school were to be built on Tract P, then
the Town would dedicate the land back to the school district for school
facilities and town facilities.
The Transportation Study. A staff committee has been appointed, as
well as, an executive committee to address how to provide transportation
between Avon/Beaver Creek. The Council's representatives consists of
Steve Miller, Al Connell and Jerry Davis.
The TV Translators. Mr. James stated that they have set up a meeting
with various communities and districts with the County Commissioners
at 9:00 a.m. on March 15, 1988 to address the County Commissioners, that
they should be the ones responsible for paying for the engineering study
and for the overall administration of the County-wide TV Translator
The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council.
Councilman Miller moved approval of the Cosgriff, Dunn & Abplanalp
statement for January billing. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Harrison and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Miller moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts Payable
for February 23, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell
and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Watkins moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of
Accounts Payable for February 23, 1988. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Connell and was unanimously carried.
The minutes of the February 9, 1988 Council Meeting was next presented
to the Council.
Councilman Miller moved approval of the February 9, 1988 minutes as
presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Watkins and was
unanimously carried.
Councilman Davis moved to adjourn into executive session on a personnel
matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell and was unanimously
carried. The meeting was adjourned into executive session by Mayor
Nottingham at 8:27 p.m.
a2t'tl r ~6 - ( .1'~lC c d t
icia J. Doyle, T w ler
February 22, 1988
Mr. William D. James, Town Manager
Town of Avon
P.O. Box 975
Avon, CO 81620
Dear Bill:
Heritage Communications, In
2195 Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50312
After several months of negotiations with the Vail Community
Television board we have reached an agreement which we
jointly endorse and request the Town of Avon consider and
authorize. The terms of our agreement are as follows:
1. Heritage will agree to an increase in franchise
fee in the town of Avon, concurrent with our
renewed franchise agreement in the Town of
Vail, from 3 percent of gross revenue as
presently defined to 5 percent of gross revenue
with the additional 2 percent to be earmarked
for the VCTV. In addition we will jointly seek
an amendment to the existing Minturn franchise
to increase their franchise fee to 5 percent
for the same purpose. Heritage's support of
those amendments is limited to amending
franchise fee percentages only. Heritage will
also voluntarily commit 2 percent of the basic
service revenue from all areas served in Eagle
County outside of the three incorporated towns
to VCTV for its operating budget. All fees
would be paid within 45 days of the end of each
quarter. The 2 percent was calculated in our
1988 rate structure and would not be added on
to the present rate or treated as a separate
pass through. We also will pay on all revenue
retroactively to January 1, 1988. We estimate
the above formula will produce approximately
$44,000 in revenue for VCTV in calendar year
2. Separate from, and in addition to the revenue
generated from the franchise fees above,
Heritage will fund a grant to the VCTV in the
form of paying all lease expense, common area
fees and required insurance on the present
Mr. William D. James, Town Manager
February 22, 1988
Page 2
studio space; or in lieu of the above and
concurrent with the cancellation or transfer of
the lease to a third arty, a cash grant of
$16,000 per year. This grant period would be
concurrent with the remaining lease term, from
12 noon February 1, 1988 to and expiring on 12
noon February 1, 1992. This cash payment, if
selected, would be made on February 1, 1988;
1989; 1990; and 1991. Any cash payments will
be reduced by a pro rata amount equal to 1/12th
of $16,000.00 for each month of each year until
Heritage is released from its lease obligation
if VCTV elects to move the public access studio
and production facilities.
3. VCTV will use its existing fund deposited with
the Town of Vail and the 2 percent franchise
fee revenues plus any lease abatement payments
as an operating budget. VCTV will take
responsibility for all repair, maintenance,
equipment replacement and operating expenses
for locally produced or originated programming
and will oversee programming on the designated
public access channel on the Vail valley cable
TV system. At the present time the designated
channel is 23. Heritage will make available a
signal from C-SPAN II (Senate television
coverage) to fill any hours VCTV elects not to
4. As soon as practical, and with the mutual
understanding that such time will be most
advantageous to Heritage from a financial point
of view, Heritage will donate all studio
equipment to VCTV. It is anticipated the event
could occur concurrently with the roll-over of
the limited partnership which owns the Vail
cable TV system or at the end of the
depreciable life of the equipment.
5. This entire arrangement is subject to the
periodic review and reconfirmation or
revocation by the Town under any process or
r ~
Mr. William D. James, Town Manager
February 19, 1988
Page 3
procedure they wish to establish and VCTV and
Heritage agree to be bound by the
reconfirmation or revocation as it occurs.
I sincerely appreciate the consideration by you and the Town
Council of this request. I believe this is a highly
washable agreement that gives locally produced and
programmed television its best chance for success.
Kevin L. Rice
Senior Vice President
cc: Gene Garton - Heritage
Jerry Davis - VCTV