TC Minutes 02-09-19880
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado,
was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon,
Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at
7:50 p.m. A roll call was taken with Emilie Harrison, Steve Miller,
Clint Watkins, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Jerry Davis present.
Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James,
Director of Engineering/Community Development Norm Wood, Director
of Public Safety Joe Olson, Town Clerk Patricia J. Doyle, as well as,
members of the press and public.
Be it noted: Before the meeting was called to order, Bob Knous,
President of the Vail Valley Foundation presented and reviewed a seven
minute video and slides of the upcoming 1989 World Championships.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input.
Councilman Watkins moved that apprecation was in order to the County
Commissioners in regard to the decision they made in regard to
Homestake II, and to also thank the Wilderness Defense Fund for all
the time and money they had contributed. Also to thank Jim Lamont
and Norm. Wood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis and was
unanimously carried.
There being no further discussion, the Mayor closed the Citizen Input
portion of the agenda.
The Town Manager reported on the softball field on Tract P.
He stated that they had met with Chuck Schwahn of the Eagle County
School District. He stated that Mr. Schwahn requested additional
language in the Agreement between the Town of Avon, Benchmark Companies,
Vail Associates and the School District in regard to Tract P.
He stated that the School District would like to see an additional
condition inserted into the Agreement, which was, that if it would
be agreeable with Benchmark, to dedicate the land to the Town of Avon,
but if at some point of time the School District would want to build
a school on Tract P, then the ground would be returned to the School
District to be used as a joint use for the softball field and a soccer
He stated that the staff had no problem with that request.
He-stated that Benchmark was unavailable until Thursday for comment
on the request. Mr. James stated that if the Council did not have
aproblem with the request of the additional language in the Agreement,
the staff would proceed.
Councilman Watkins so moved. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Davis and was unanimously carried.
The Town Manager reported on the TV Translators.
Mr. James stated that they had conversed with the Town of Vail, and
related to them what Avon was requesting in regard to the translators.
He stated that Vail requested a meeting with the Avon Town Council,
Minturn Town Council, Eagle Town Council, and then return to the
County Commissioners to try to convince them that this was a
County-wide issue, and that the County be responsible for the TV
Translator System.
Council agreed.
The Town Manager reported on the Airport.
Mr. James stated that he had met with Stan Bernstein. He stated that
he and Mr. Bernstein would work together on a Annexation Financial
Model, in which, at any time the Town would be approached for annexations,
it would be easy to insert numbers, in terms of, police services,
fire services, parks and recreation, public works, etc.
Mr. James stated that he had taken Council's counter-offer back to the
developers in regard to what the Town would look at in respect to the
airport. He stated that he had not heard back from the developers.
Mr. James stated that on the 23rd of February, the Council would have
a final report from Ross Consultants on the airport.
In regard to the Transportation Study between Avon and Beaver Creek, Mr.
James stated that he had conversed with Ross Consultants. He stated
that a Firm of Leigh-Scott-Cleary from Denver had shown an interest
in coming to Avon and looking at the Avon System, and to possibly offer
some assistance. He stated that the Washington D.C. Firm would come in,
stay one day in the community, and then spend an all day work session
with the Council to look at alternatives of ways to finance the system,
cost analysis, type of system that was available. He stated that the cost
of this study from the firm of Washington D.C. would be in the amount
of $6,000, whereas, the firm from Denver would be in the amount of
After some discussion, Councilwoman Harrison moved approval of the
expenditure of $4,000 to use the firm of Leigh-Scott-Cleary from
Denver. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis and was unanimously
Mr. James stated that he would schedule work sessions, and that the
times and dates would be forthcoming.
The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council.
Councilwoman McRory moved to receive items #1 through #6. The motion
was seconded by Councilwoman Harrison and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Miller moved approval of the General Accounts Payable for
February 9, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Harrison
and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Watkins moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts
Payable for February 9, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Connell and was unanimously carried.
The minutes of the January 26, 1988 council meeting minutes were next
presented to the Council.
Councilman Watkins moved approval of the January 26, 1988 council meeting
minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell
and was unanimously carried.
Mr. James presented the Council with figures for initial Fire and/or
Medical responses for out-of-district areas, up to one hour in length.
The responses includes equipment, vehicles, and manpower necessary to
effectively deal with a fire or medical situation.
Councilman Miller stated that in regard to some of the old charges, he
did not recall them of being that high. He stated that they were never
any higher than $500, and at that time, he thought those costs were
too high. He stated that at that time, some of the districts were not
willing to let equipment out-of-district. He stated that the highest
charge was $500, and that was for the aerial truck.
Mr. Olson stated that they had received those figures from the Fire
Department (See memorandum attached to these minutes).
There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman
Connell moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Miller.
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Nottingham at 8:15 p.m.
tricia J. D¢tle, `-I TowVf' Cler
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The following figures are for initial Fire and/or Medical
responses for out-of-district areas, up to one hour in length. This
response includes equipment, vehicles, and manpower necessary to
effectively deal with a Fire or Medical situation:
Proposed Old
5150.00/mini-pumper $500.00
5150.00/rescue squad $500.00
5200.00/Class A pumper $650.00
5550.00/aerial truck $650.00
If more manpower or equipment is required, it will be charged
accordingly, after the first hour:
Proposed Old
5 10.00/hour/firefighter $ 20.00
5150.00/hour/mini-pumper $500.00
5150.00/hour/rescue $500.00
5200.00/hour/Class A $650.00
5500.00/hour/aerial $650.00