TC Minutes 10-14-19860 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD 'OCTOBER 14, 1986 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nottingham at 7:51 p.m. A roll call was taken with Clint Watkins, Steve Miller, Sheila Davis, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Don Buick present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering/Community Development Norm Wood, Director of Public Works and Parks and Recreation Larry Brooks, Police Chief Joe Olson, as well as, members of the press and public. The Mayor called for Citizen Input. There being no objection, the Mayor deferred the first three citizen items until after the presentation from Brad Jones. Mr. Jones was a candidate for County Assessor. He stated that he was inquiring, from the Mayor and Town Council, what they found as matters of concern regarding the assessors office, and those concerns that might effect the Town of Avon. He stated that he was past County Manager from 1981 to 1985. Councilman Watkins stated that he had a concern of how the assessor's office assessed the time-share projects. They were apparently assessed on the condominium, instead of on the value of each week. Mr. Jones stated that he would look into that matter. He stated that the withholding and reduction of revenues were of interest to every council in the state, and that these cities and towns would have to look for new revenues, and would have to explore every possible resource. After discussion, the Mayor thanked Mr. Jones for his presentation. Jerry Davis approached the Council. He was before the Council to speak on a community affair which was the Public Access Television through the cable system, primarily, through Hertiage Cablevision. Mr. Davis was presenting the Council with a proposal. He stated that there was a vast amount of research that had been done on whether or not there was a need for Public Access Television, and if there was a need, who would be in charge, how would it work, and who would pay for it. 0 • He stated that Public Access was available to anyone who wanted to use it. They could contact Heritage, put their programming on Channel #5, which was available 24 hours a day, at no charge to anybody. He stated that if a citizen had an opinion, they should have it produced, and then it would be placed on the Channel for all of the community to view. He stated that there was a production facility being provided with an arrangement between Heritage Cablevision and the Town of Vail. The funding would become the responsibility of .the Town of Avon, Town of Minturn, Town of Vail, users of the Public Access, and Heritage Cablevision. He stated that the Public Access Committee was proposing an eighteen month window. The program would, during that time, be evaluated by all parties to determine the use by the community, the success of the program and whether the grants should be continued. Mr. Davis was requesting Council's support, along with, the trial period of eighteen months to make it work, and to request a contribution, which would consist of the Town's Franchise Fee for one year starting in 1987. The fee would be 30 or approximately $6,000. If the Public Access Television was successful, then the Town would be committing their Franchise Fee on a long term basis to Public Access. After discussion, Mr. Davis stated that he would return to the Council to see what the Council would offer for Public Access. Television. The Mayor thanked Mr. Davis for coming. Next on the agenda was the discussion of the Avon/Eagle-Vail Bike Path. Mike Mollica, County Planner with the Department of Community Development for Eagle County, approached the Council. He stated that-approxiaately a year ago, the Eagle-Vail Homeowners Association approached the County Commissioners with a request for a bike path. He stated that the County Commissioners felt that there was a need for a bike path in this particular area. Mr. Mollica reviewed the proposed bike path map with the Council. The bike path would run from Dowd Junction to Edwards. This group had been working on this project for several months, and apparently had finally arrived at a solution which may be feasible. The path would run from the railroad tracks on Avon Road to the stop light, run east on Highway #6 to the River Oaks Condominium project.. It would then run east and be connected by an easement to the local streets of Eagle-Vail. The Homowners Association would be contributing up to $25,000 for the project. Mr. Mollica was requesting that Avon contribute approximately $15,000 to $30,000. The County was willing to contribute $55,000, Vail Associates up to $7,000. The Town Manager stated that he felt it was an excellent project. He stated that Avon receives approximately $2,400 each year in lottery proceeds. Mr. James stated that he would request that the Avon Metropolitan District also contribute their lottery proceeds to this project. -2- • • Mr. Mollica stated that the construction would begin in the spring. The Mayor thanked Mr. Mollica for coming(See memorandum attached to these minutes). Mr. Bob Hull, Program Director with the Colorado West Professional Counseling Center, approached the Council. Mr. Hull presented their plan for the coming year and to request a contribution from the Town. The contribution was in the amount of $5,390 for services that Colorado West Professional Counseling Center provides for Eagle County. This figure was a loo increase over last year's contribution. Mr. Hull presented the Council with a break down of the services and a number of clients that have been brought in from the Town of Avon. Mr. Hull stated that he would like to appear before the Council quarterly, and present to them the program with statistics. After discussion, the Mayor thanked Mr. Hull for coming. Mr. Bob Knous, President of the Vail Valley Foundation, approached the Council. He brought the Council up to date with the 1989 World Cup Championships. John Garnsy, also with the Vail Valley Foundation, approached the Council. He stated that there was a couple of changes that had been made since the last time this was discussed with the Council. One of the major suggestions that was made was that they move the men's slalom to Beaver Creek. He stated that it should enhance this end of the valley. He stated that there would be seven events in Vail and six events in Avon/Beaver Creek. He stated that the maximum television coverage would focus on the downhill, which would be a real assest to the Avon/Beaver Creek area. Mr Knous stated that they would not conduct the event past February 12th, so that the World Cup would not impead over the presidential weekend. He stated that ABC Television owns the rights to the event. However, ABC was not. interested in covering the event during the week., but with their relationship with ESPN ESPN would cover the event during the week. The total budget of the event was approximately seven million dollars. That money would be used to produce and operate the event. Mr. Garnsy stated that the support of Avon, Vail and Eagle County would go toward the operation of the event. There were two separate committees; 1)was the advisory committee, and 2) was the organizing committee. Mr. Knous stated that he would submit a status sheet to the Mayor for his information. After discussion, the Mayor thanked Mr. Knous and Mr. Gransy for coming. -3- • Kevin Payne, Executive Director of the Western Vail Valley Chamber of'Commerce,. approached the Council. Mr. Payne once again thanked the Council for its support of the organization. Mr. Payne then reviewed the membership/revenues; special events; marketing; and the central reservations with the Council. Mr. Payne stated that the Chamber accomplishments were accomplished with the strong support of the entire community and that the Town of Avon has been the keystone in the growth of those accomplishments in the last couple of years. He stated that the Chamber was particularily proud, because by taking the Town's dollar contribution(this year it would be $42,500), the Chamber leveraged that to more than a million and a half dollars in marketing. He stated that he hoped he could count of the Town's support in the future. The Mayor thanked Mr. Payne for coming. There being no further citizen input, the Mayor closed the discussion. The next item 1987 budget. There being n hearing. on the agenda was public hearing on the proposed The Mayor opened the meeting for public hearing. one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the public Resolution No. 86-18, Series of 1986, A RESOLUTION GRANTING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE TO ALLOW AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR(BODY AND FRAME SHOP), ON LOT 11, BLOCK 1 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK. Norm Wood stated that an application was made to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Special Review Use to allow a body and frame shop on Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. The proposed site development plans utilize the natural features of the site to screen activities associated with the Special Review Use and to minimize impacts to surrounding properties. The plans show a low profile building set into the hillside at the northwesterly corner of the lot. The parking lot would-be screened by a landscaped earthern berm with the top approximately 10 to 12 feet above Metcalf Road. A small automobile storage yard(4 to 6 spaces)would be screened by a wooden fence, as well as, the building and earthern berm. Mr. Wood then reviewed the plans with the Council. He stated that after the discussions in the Planning and Zoning Commission's public hearing, the Commission approved the Special Review Use and recommended Council approval of the Special Review Use. Councilman Miller moved approval of Resolution No. 86-18, Series of 1986. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and was unanimously carried. -4- 0 The Town Attorney report was next on the agenda. Mr. Dunn reviewed and discussed a proposed Mutual Release Agreement. He stated that he had received a motion to continue the hearing, which was filed by FSLIC. The motion represented to the court was that the loan was being sold to some unknown financial institution. He stated that he would not oppose the motion. He stated he had also received a call from the attorney who represents Magnet Bank(the successor of State Savings of Salt Lake City as lead lender). Mr. Dunn stated that he was told by the attorney that there were two conditions to the sale of the note; 1)dismissal of the law suit filed in the Federal Court in which a third party complaint had been filed against the Town, but was not yet served on the Town; 2)a release by the Town of Avon of Magnet Bank. The Mutual Release Agreement had been drafted by both Magnet Bank's attorney and Mr. Dunn, of which he recommended that Council agree to, at this time. Basically, there was nothing to release, but Magnet Bank was requesting the executed release just so everything would be clean. He stated that the sale of the note would cause an infusion of new money. Mr. Dunn then reviewed the agreement with the Council. Councilwoman Davis had concerns of executing the agreement, and did not feel comfortable at this time to give approval for the release. Councilman Connell agreed. Councilwoman Davis stated that she would review the agreement and then contact Mr. Dunn to relay her comments and concerns at that time. Councilman Buick felt it was a very standard mutual release, and felt that a financial institution may make their ddcision on the spot, and he felt that waiting two weeks may make a difference as to whether it would slow down the process of the project. Councilman Buick felt that the Council should authorize the Mayor to execute the release agreement so that there would not be any time loss if a financial institution came aboard. Councilman Watkins agreed, and felt if the Council waited for another two weeks, it may hender the process. After discussion,. Councilman Miller moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Mutual Release Agreement as presented, and not to deliver the release until the Town received further information on the discussions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buick and was carried with Councilwoman Davis opposing. The next item on the agenda was the proposed bus stop on Benchmark Road for Falcon Pointe time-share. The Town Manager stated that he had received a call from Mark Mitchell, with Falcon Pointe, and that they were willing to contribute up to $10,000 for construction of the bus stop. Norm Wood reviewed the design for the bus stop with the Council. It included widening the entrance to Falcon Pointe, and the installation of guardrail to separate vehicular and pedestrian traffic. -5- 0 • After discussion, the recommended action was, 1) Receipt of an acceptable bid for construction; 2) Receipt of a written commitment from the developers of Falcon Pointe to reimburse the Town for the total cost of construction of the bus stop. Councilman Miller moved to authorize the Town staff to proceed with the bus stop construction upon receipt of an acceptable bid for the bus stop not to exceed $10,000, as well as, receipt of a written commitment from the developers of Falcon Pointe. Councilman Buick requested to amend the motion to change "reimburse" to "collect the majority of the contribution up front". Councilman Miller amended his motion to reflect that change. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was the request for a sixty day.extension for recording of Final Plats for the Eaglebend Subdivision. Norm Wood stated that Council had approved the final plats for Eaglebend on July 22, 1986. He stated that according to section 16.24.030 of the Municipal Code it was required that final plats be recorded within ninety days from the date of approval. The expiration date will expire October 20, 1986. Mr. Jeff Spanel indicated that all the required agreements and signatures could not be obtained by that date, due to the complicated nature of this subdivision and the number of parties involved, and was requesting a sixty day extension. Councilman Buick moved approval of the sixty day extension. The motion was seconded by Councilman Miller and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was a request to amend various sections of the Municipal Code. This request was from Chief of Police Joe Olson. Most of the items were just house keeping in nature. These amendments were regarding the following; 1) new ordinance conforming with state law regarding the towing of vehicles from public streets and right-of-ways; 2)new ordinance on criminal menacing; 3)adding two sections to the town ordinances on liquor laws; 4)town ordinance clarifying requirement on railroad crossings. Councilman Miller moved to direct the Town Manager to forward the requested amendment to the Town Attorney for drafting appropriate ordinances to amend the Municipal Code subject to Council review. The motion was seconded by Councilman Watkins and was unanimously carried. The financial matters were next presented to the Council. Councilman Buick moved to receive items #1 through V. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and was unanimously carried. Councilman Miller moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts Payable of October 14, 1986. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buick and was unanimously carried. -6- • 0 Councilman Miller moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of Accounts Payable of October 14, 1986. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and was unanimously carried. The minutes of the September 23, 1986 Council meeting were next presented to the Council. Councilman Miller moved approval of the September 23rd minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell and was unanimously carried.. The Town Manager stated that the Cafe Espresso, Inc. had given a dinner for the Battle Mountain High School Team. The Avon Police Officers served the team. He stated.that the Council could take pride in the Avon officers, as well as, the boys on the football team. Mr. James wanted to thank them for a super job. Mr. James also stated that Avon would be on one of the back covers of the ski maps for the 1986-1987 ski season. Councilman Watkins discussed the dues structure for the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. He stated that the figures for the Head Water Counties were paying more because it does effect this area. The amounts were based on the ability to pay. He stated he wanted to bring this matter to the Council's attention before the 1987 budget was finalized. Councilman Miller felt that Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District was not sufficient in their information to the public in regard to the safeness of Nottingham Lake after it had been serviced. The Mayor stated that he attended the last CAST meeting, which was held in Telluride, Colorado. It was stated that the ski industry was not growing, but just competing with one another. The ski industry nationwide has increased 1%. In the State of Colorado, it had increased 1.4%. -7- i • Larry Brooks would be picking up some 200, free to charge, trees averaging 2-3 feet from the Sophris Nursery. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Buick moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Miller. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Nottingham at 9:50 p.m. APPROVED: -8- Res-pec-tfblly Submitted: Patricia J. Doyle, Town Cyer • a MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: William D. James, Town Manager SUBJECT: Avon/Eagle-Vail Bike Path On Thursday, October 9, 1986, I met with representatives from the County and from the Eagle-Vail Homeowners Association to discuss a bike path that would connect Avon's bike path with Eagle-Vail. The main objective for the path is to provide safe access for local bicyclists between the two areas. This group has been working on this project for several months, and has final- ly arrived at a solution that appears to be feasible. Basically, the path would go from the railroad tracks on Avon Road to the stop light, and then east on Hwy. 6 to the River Oaks condo project. Just east of River Oaks, the bike path would then be connected by an easement to the local streets of Eagle- Vail to get the cyclists off the Highway. FUNDING: The County plans to use lottery funds for its share owners Association is contributing up to $25,000 to asked to assist in the total cost of the project. estimates are not available, Avon's share would be $30,000. The County is willing to contribute up to up to $7,000. of the project. The Home- the project. Avon has been Even though final cost approximately $15,000 to $55,000, and Vail Associates SUMMARY & CONCLUSION: This is an excellent project for lottery $2,400 each year in lottery proceeds. I contribute its lottery proceeds to this to pay, up front, the entire cost of the a two-year period. If, indeed, the cost lowing funds would be needed: funds. Avon receives approximately will ask that Avon Metro District also project. The County seems to be willing project and spread the total cost over can be spread over two years, the fol- (OVER, PLEASE) Honorable Mayor andOwn Council October 10, 1986 Page 2 ASSUME $30,000 TO BE AVON'S SHARE - Lottery Proceeds 1986 87 88 Avon $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 .AID 2,400 2,400 2,400 4,800 4,800 4,800 Additional Funds from Total $ 7,200 7,200 14,400 Other Sources 7,800 7,800 15,600 $ 4,800 $12,600 $12,600 $30,000 The above scenerio assumes the maximum contribution. Of course, if costs are lower, funds from other sources would be reduced accordingly. RECOMMENDATION: Listen to the presentation, and consider the proposal at the next Budget Work Shop, on October 22nd. WDJ/brj 10/10/86