TC Minutes 09-09-1986•
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nottingham at 7:56 p.m.
A roll call was taken with Clint Watkins, Steve Miller, Sheila
Davis, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Don Buick present. Also present
were: Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of
Engineering/Community Development Norm Wood, Director of Public Works,
Parks and Recreation Larry Brooks, as well as, members of the press
and public.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input. Mark Matulik with the Water
Conservation Board, approached the Council. Mr. Matulik worked in
the Department of Flood Control and Floodplain Management. He gave
a brief history of how Avon entered into the National Flood Insurance
Program. He stated that the Federal Government, as mandated by
Congress, through Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA), which
administers the flood insurance program, has been ordered by the
Congress, to move all of the remaining Emergency Phase communities,
of which Avon was one, into the Regular Phase of the NFIP, within
the next year. He stated that Avon has been slated for "Special
Conversion", which means that there was a determination made at the
higher levels of the Federal Government, that the existing engineering
information that the Town has, was sufficient to move Avon into
the Regular Phase of the program. Mr. Matulik stated that the most
important point that the Council had to consider was to adopt a more
stringent ordinance in directing growth in those floodplain areas.
The concern of the Water Conservation Board was the fact that Swift
Gulch, Metcalf, and Buck Creek had never been studied in any detail,
except for the Claycomb Engineering Study, which was performed
relative to the culverts being placed under I-70. That study showed
that possibly the floodplain was too high. He stated that the Water
Conservation Board would offer their assistance to the Town of Avon to
do their engineering analysis of the flows to the 100 year floods, and
to determine whether or not those flows were accurate. The analysis
would be done at the Water Conservation Board's expense. The funding
would come directly from FEMA. Counci man-Miller asked:if Mr. Matulik
forseen any future problems in relation to the funding coming from
FEMA for the Water Board to operate. Mr. Matulik stated that they
had performed those activities at the Water Board before FEMA came
into existence.
• •
The Council concurred that further discussions should take place
beforea decision could be made. Mr. Matulik stated that all they
would need would be a written request to the Agency from the Town
of Avon to proceed. The Mayor stated that Council would continue
the discussions on the matter and thanked Mr. Matulik for coming.
Councilman Miller requested that Mr. Matulik keep the Council informed.
Steve Isom with the Economic Development Coalition, approached the
Council. Mr. Isom stated that the last two years, they have put
an Organization together that could promote Economic Development in
Eagle County. He reviewed the-effort and work that has gone into this
Coalition. He stated that he had received information from the
Department of Commerce of Development which was an itemized list of
all the responses they have received in the last six months. There
were sixty one responses from various business that were interested
in locating in the State of Colorado. He stated that there were a
few business that would like to locate on the Western Slope,
such as, a manufacturer of wildflowers, suppliers of home furnishings,
etc. He stated that the Coalition was starting to structure for
1987 by drafting a budget of between $65,000 and $70,000, to hire
a full time person. This person would work directly under the ECDC
group. The governing body would come from each Town, from Eagle
County, the two Chamber of Commerces. They would meet once a month
and give direction to this individual. The job description would be
based on the same program that was developed for Colorado Springs,
Grand Junction, Mesa County, Delta and Montrose. The main thrust
for 1987 was, 1)the promotion of Eagle County through the Department
of Commerce Development; 2)through fielding questions from outside
sources; and 3)to continue to market Eagle County as a wholesale
distributionary for the ski industries, marketing the airport area;
and keeping the Brochure update. He stated that the goals were: 1)
a letter from the Town Council supporting the Eagle County Development
Coalition, stating that, it was an appropriate organization and that
it was something that should be continued, and to expand, and to
hire a full time person; 2).the need of Council's financial support
in an amount of approximately $3.,000 to $4,000; 3) that the Council
make a lobbying effort-with the County Commissioners. The salary for
a full Time person would be between $30,000 to $50,000.
The Town Manager commended Steve Isom, and the Coalition, on the
extensive work they have done. He stated that the Coalition has sent
names to the Town of Avon of potential-groups that are interested in
The Council concurred that they would consider this matter at budget
time. Mr. Isom stated that he would be making a full presentation
and proposal to the Council after the discussions with Eagle County.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Isom for coming.
• •
The Mayor stated that the next item was not an agenda item, but wanted
to bring the matter up before the Council for discussion. The item
being the Countywide Television Translator System.
Art Kittay approached the Council. He stated that the Vail Town
Council, at their afternoon work session, unanimously approved a
similar letter. They would be sending the letter to the County
some time next week. Councilman Watkins had concerns with the
revised letter that was before the Council. He stated that if the
cost was within reason, it would be worthwhile to pursue the study.
He stated he would support sending the letter to that effect to Eagle
County, but was not in support of the rest of the contents of the
letter. Councilwoman Davis agreed and stated that at the last meeting,
she requested that the letter state that the Town would like the
County to do a feasibility study, which was to be the extent of the Letter.
Councilman Miller and Councilman Connell stated that they felt
comfortable with the letter the way it was presented. The Town
Attorney suggested to use just the first paragraph and to delete
the rest of the letter. After discussion Councilman Watkins moved
to amend the letter that was presented to the Council, by deleting
everything except the first paragraph, and in the paragraph, delete
the last sentence, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the revised
letter. The motion was secon.ded'by Councilwoman Davis. The Mayor
called for a vote. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Clint
Watkins, Sheila Davis and Don Buick. Those Councilmembers voting
nay were: Steve Miller, Gloria McRory and Al Connell. The Mayor
broke the tie by voting aye to revise the letter.
Second reading of Ordinance No. 86-20, Series of 1986, AN ORDINANCE
Council. Mr. Wood stated that Ordinance No. 86-20 and Resolution No.
86-17 were closely related, in that, it addresses the zoning.
Mr. Wood, at that point, reviewed the Zoning and Land Use for the
Yacht Club, with the Council. He stated that the Planning and Zoning
Commission had reviewed the proposed zoning,held a public hearing
and recommended that Council approve Ordinance No. 86-20 on second
reading. The Council had concerns of Jim Lamont's letter, which
viewed concerns over the architectural design, pedestrian and
vehicular circulation, insufficient data on floodplains, and access
off of Highway #6. Mr. Lamont, in his letter, indicated these problems.
The Council felt uneasy about the disagreement between Mr. Lamont and
Mr. Wood, as to what was required. Mr. Wood stated that those concerns
were not expressed at the public hearings, and at the presentations
earlier in the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. Mr. Wood
stated that the letter was only received Friday, September 5, 1986.
0 •
Mr. Wood reviewed the proposed problems of Mr. Lamont's with the
Council. He felt these areas were being dealt with through the
design process. Mr. Wood stated that he felt that the developer
had adequately addressed all the requirements. Councilman Watkins
suggested that Mr. Lamont be aware of a deadline for submitting
his reports. Councilman Buick felt that Council should ignore
the letter and move on. After discussion, the Mayor opened the
meeting for public hearing. There being no one wishing to be heard,
the Mayor closed the public hearing. Councilman Miller moved approval
of Ordinance No. 86-20, Series of 1986 on second reading. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Connell. Further discussion followed.
Councilman Watkins had a concern of the density and the height of
the project. He stated he could support the density and height on
Lot 1, if the rest of the property would connect to Tract A(open
space), and suggested the developer give up the eight units on
parcel 2.
Terrill Knight approached the Council. He stated that in regard to
Mr. Lamont's letter, the developer felt that the concerns were
resolved. Mr. Knight stated,in respect to Councilman Watkins concern
of parcel 2, the developer reduced the units on that parcel from
eleven units to eight units. Mr. Knight stated that if the Highway
Department did not issue the developer a permit for access onto
Highway #6, the eight units would not be a reality. The dedication
of Tract A was discussed. Mr. Wood stated that that matter would be
dealt with through the Subdivision Agreement. Councilman Watkins
suggested that the additional language be placed in record to
read, "Development Rights may not be transfered". The developer
Councilman Watkins moved to amend the motion to include that the
additional language be placed in record, "Development Rights may not
be transfered". The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and
was unanimously carried. The Mayor called for a roll call for the
main motion. Those Councilmembers voting aye were: Clint Watkins,
Steve Miller, Sheila Davis, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Don Buick.
There were no nay votes. The motion was unanimously carried.
Resolution No. 86-17, Series of 1986, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL
COLORADO. Councilman Connell moved approval of Resolution No.
86-17, Series of 1986. The motion was seconded by Councilman Miller.
There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
Second reading of Ordinance No. 86-21, Series of 1986, AN ORDINANCE
• •
The Town Manager stated that after conversing with Dick Evans, the
imterim Building Official, that probably the Wynfield Inn would not
come on line until January or February of next year, and that the
Falcon Pointe would be on line approximatley the first of the year.
He stated that with that in mind, he would recommend that the Town
not purchase a new bus at this time, but to continue with the
present system of operation, and to take a look at the whole
transportation system during the budget process.
Councilwoman Davis moved approval of Ordinance No. 86-21, Series of
1986 on second reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Watkins. The Mayor opened the meeting for public hearing. There
being no one wishing to be heard, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
The Mayor called for a roll call vote. Those Councilmembers voting
aye were: none. Those Councilmembers voting nay were: Clint Watkins,
Steve Miller, Sheila Davis, Gloria McRory, Al Connell and Don Buick.
The Ordinance was denied unanimously.
The Town Manager stated that the owners of Falcon Pointe had halted
the work of the new color change on the exterior of the building.
The owners would be returning to the Planning and Zoning Commission
to discuss the color change.
The Town Attorney stated that in respect to Spanky's Tavern License,
the Authority would not have the 30 days to determine a decision, as
was earlier stated, but that a decision would have to be made
at the time of the hearing. Mr. Dunn suggested that he would act as
prosecutor in advising the Police Chief, and the Authority would
act as the Jury. He suggested that an attorney be hired to advise the
Authority. Councilman Connell stated that he did not think that the
Town should not encounter a great deal of expense over this matter.
The Town Attorney reported on the Peregrine Project in respect to the
FSLIC case. He stated that the Town would have a pursuasive argument
in response to FSLIC's motion to dismiss all the pending preceedings
out of the District Court. Further information would be forthcoming.
Mr. Dunn stated that the Town of Avon had received a letter on August
29, 1986 on a Notice of Claim from the law firm of Tilly and Graves
representing PPL Development Corporation. The Claim came forth from
PPL Development Corporation's submittal of construction plans for
the Peregrine Village Condominiums to the Town for approval and
acceptance by the Town. The plans for PPL were first submitted in
1981, (the Town at that time was. under the 1979 Building Code. PPL
returned to the Town in 1983 with revised plans, and at that time, the
Town had adopted the 1982 Building Code. Mr. Dunn stated that the
lenders were under the impression that all the codes were met. He
stated that was when all the trouble started because of the differences
between the 1979, and the 1982 Building Codes.
0 •
After reviewing the Claim of Tilly and Graves with the Council,
the Town Attorney stated that the Claim would be turned over to
the insurance company.
The Town Manager was informed by Dr. Charles Schwahn, Director of
the School District,that the district was not going to proceed with
the Bond Issue for the proposed two new schools(Avon, Gypsum),
because of the drop in enrollment. This would give the Town, as well
as, the school district, time to work together to obtain a final goal
on a larger gymnasium and to make that a part of the Town's overall
proposed community center.
The Town Manager reviewed the budget schedule with the Council. Some
of the concerns for the proposed 1987 budget were; 1)transfer tax;
2)sales tax revenues; 3)revenue structure.
The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council.
Councilman Miller moved to receive items #1 through #11. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buick. Councilman Watkins requested that
the transfer tax transactions be checked to make sure all of the
transactions from the time-share show up on the revenue sheet. Also,
requested that, on the detail statement of revenue and expenditures,
he would like to have those figures of the taxes broke down on the
computer report. With those requests, the motion was unanimously
Councilman Miller moved approval of the General Fund of Accounts
Payable for September 9, 1986. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Watkins and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Miller moved approval of.the Reconciliation Sheet of
Accounts Payable for September 9, 1986. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Watkins and was unanimously carried.
The minutes of the August 26, 1986 Council meeting was next presented
to the Council. Councilman Miller moved approval of the minutes of
August 26, 1986, with one correction. Page 5, 14th line, change "280"
to "28". With that correction, Councilman Connell seconded the motion
and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Watkins suggested that since the public works staff
works the special events for the Town, that they should be
compensated by receiving a T-shirt and hat, not only for their
efforts and time, but also it shows some identity and authority.
Councilman Watkins stated that the Charter states that this present
Council sets the salaries, by ordinance, for Council and Mayor.
He stated that if there were to be any changes, they should be made
before the new Council comes on line in November. He would like
to discuss the Mayor's salary structure, which he felt, was too
high. Councilwoman Davis suggested that this matter should be discussed
at budget time. Councilman Buick felt that there was a significant
difference between a Councilmember's salary and a Mayor's salary and
position, and could not support a change of salary structure. After
discussion, it was agreed that this matter be placed on the next
Council agenda for discussion.
Kevin Payne; Director of the Western Vail Valley Resort Association,
reminded the Council of the Resort's Annual Banquet, which was to be
held Thursday, September 11, 1986.
The Town Manager requested that Council adjourn into executive session
to discuss the shopping center, the anchor tenant, the Town's
strategy to proceed to submit a contract on a certain parcel of land,
and to discuss two personnel matters.
Councilman Miller moved to adjourn into executive session. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buick. The Mayor adjourned the meeting
at 10:10 p.m., at which time the Council retired into executive session.