TC Minutes 03-25-19860
HELD MARCH 25, 1986 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado, was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.
Mayor Allan Nottingham called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m. A
roll call was taken with Clint Watkins, Steve Miller, Sheila
Davis, A.J. Wells, Al Connell, and Don Buick present. Also
present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James,
Director of Engineering/Community Development Norm Wood, Director
of Public Works/Parks and Recreation Larry Brooks, Chief of Police
Joe Olson, and members of the press and public.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input. As there was no one to be
heard, the Mayor closed this portion of the meeting.
Being that the agenda lacked ordinances, resolutions, and
unfinished business, the Mayor called for the New Business at
Mr. James stated that, at the last meeting, Council had requested
that staff draft some guidelines with regard to trains stopping at
the major crossing in Avon. Council had suggested that speeding,
noise, and breaking of trains at the intersection be addressed.
After some discussion, Councilman Miller moved to authorize the
Town Attorney to draft an ordinance incorporating the suggestions
and restrictions outlined by Joe Olson and Norm Wood.
Councilwoman Davis seconded the motion.
Councilman Watkins suggested that the railroad not be required to
blow the whistles through town, due to the noise factor. Council
agreed. The Mayor called for a vote, and the motion carried
Regarding the suggested BMX track next to Avon Center, Mr. James
stated he was still waiting to hear from the Town's insurance
company regarding liability coverage and the requirements that
would be imposed.
No action was taken.
The Board of Building Appeals appointments were next presented to
Council. Mayor Nottingham felt that one of the applicants might
possibly have a conflict of interest, because he sits on one of
the Town's other boards. The Town Attorney stated there would be
no conflict.
Councilman Watkins felt that someone appointed to the Planning and
Zoning Commission should not be appointed to the Building Board of
Appeals. He felt the Board's present members should be contacted
to assure their continued interest in serving on the Board. He
felt there should be some continuity.
Councilman Buick moved to appoint all the applicants to the Board,
and to have them appoint an alternate. Councilman Wells seconded
the motion. The motion carried by a 4 to 2 vote, with Councilmen
Watkins and Miller opposing.
Next on the agenda was a letter from Cole & Sutton regarding a
real estate transfer tax settlement offer from Resort America.
Mr. James stated that earlier, in the Town's work session, Dennis
Cole had proposed a settlement of all transfer tax owed by Resort
America for time-share at the Christie Lodge and, in addition,
some other terms and conditions they would like incorporated into
future time-sharing projects. Mr. James stated the proposed
settlement was in the amount of $25,000.
Councilman Connell moved to accept the $25,000 settlement offered
by Dennis Cole on behalf of Resort America. Councilman Watkins
seconded the motion.
Councilman Buick felt there should be a time frame established
within which the Town would receive the check.
Councilman Connell amended his motion to include a time limit not
to exceed ten days from the date of this meeting. Councilman
Watkins amended his second, and the motion carried unanimously.
A report on the Uniform Fire Code was next presented to Council.
The Town Manager stated that Steve Miller had asked to be allowed
more time to review the concerns of Jim Comerford. Mr. James
reported that staff also needed more time, for meetings with the
private sector, and for checking with other municipalities to see
how they have dealt with the Uniform Fire Code.
Councilwoman Davis moved to table second reading of the Uniform
Fire Code Ordinance until April 8, 1986. Councilman Connell
seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
Councilman Wells moved to set the public hearing for April 8,
1986. The motion was seconded by Councilman Connell, and carried
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A report on proposed landscaping for Benchmark Road was presented
to Council next.
Norm wood stated that staff has developed a plan for landscaping
along Benchmark Road. This landscaping would tie into existing
landscaping at the municipal building, and would extend, between
Benchmark Road and the railroad tracks, to the end of the
Peregrine Project and stop at the edge of the Lodge at Avon
property. Mr. Wood reviewed the proposed plan and the estimated
costs. (See attached Benchmark Road Landscaping Cost Estimate,
dated 3/24/86.)
He stated the total cost of $30,000 would come from the Town of
Avon's Capital Improvement Fund and the Avon Metropolitan
Discussion followed. Councilman Watkins felt it would look
better, and possibly cost less, if grass, shrubs, and trees were
used rather than both the greenery and the stockade fence.
Councilman Connell stated that the fence would help screen the
train tracks somewhat. Councilman Watkins moved approval of the
Benchmark Road Landscaping Plan, deleting the $8,000 for six-foot
stockade fence materials. As there was no second, the motion
died. Councilman Miller moved approval of the Benchmark Road
Landscaping Plan, as presented by Norm Wood.
Councilwoman Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried by a
5 to 1 vote, with Councilman Watkins opposing.
The Mayor reported on a Proclamation for Colorado Recycling Month.
He stated that the State of Colorado has one of the most
successful and extensive recycling programs in the nation, and he
encouraged Council's support.
Mayor Nottingham requested that Council consider proclaming the
month of June as, "Colorado Recycle Now". Councilman Miller so
moved. Councilman Buick seconded the motion, and it carried
The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council.
Councilman Miller moved to receive items #1 through #8.
Councilman Buick seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
Councilman Buick moved approval of the General Fund Accounts
Payable for March 25, 1986, with the exception of the Bendelow &
Dethman bill for $3,666.97. Councilman Miller seconded the
motion, and it carried unanimously.
Councilman Watkins moved approval of the Transit Fund Accounts
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Payable for March 25, 1986. Councilman Miller seconded the
motion, and it carried unanimously.
Councilman Buick moved approval of the Reconciliation Sheet of
Accounts Payable for March 25, 1986. Councilman Connell seconded
the motion, and it carried.unanimously.
The minutes of the March 11, 1986, regular meeting were next
presented to Council. Councilman Miller moved approval of the
March 11th meeting minutes, as presented. Councilman Buick
seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
Ted Bendelow, with Bendelow and Dethman, approached the Council.
Mr. Bendelow was before Council in regard to a shopping center
proposed in the area.
Mr. James requested that Mr. Bendelow review and use Resolution
No. 81-8, which was a guideline for Industrial Development Bonds.
He further requested that Mr. Bendelow supply the Town with
information, using the resolution, so the Town can decide whether
it can proceed with assistance for the project. Mr. James stated
that Council would need to see some financial numbers.
After discussion, Mr. Bendelow agreed.
No action was taken.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilman Watkins moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Miller. Mayor Nottingham adjourned the meeting at 8:30
ctfu11 submitte
tricia J. le, Town ler
MARCH 24, 1986
Rough Grading and Shoulder Improvements
Contract to be Negotiated $ 925.00
Irrigation System Materials
Installation by Town Personnel 1,775.00
Soil Preparation and Sod
Contract to be Negotiated 5,200.00
Six Foot High Stockade Fence Materials
Installation by Town Personnel 8,800.00
Shrubs, Ground Cover and Gabion Materials
Installation by Town Personnel 1,500.00
3 Cottonless Cottonwood (32"
6 Blue Spruce (10'
5 Aspen (12"
23 Green Ash (2"
Installation by Town Pers
Parking Spaces by Fire Station
Contract to be Negotiated
- 5") $ 375.00
- 2") 375.00
- 2211) 2,070.00
3nnel 4,470.00
$ 27,330.00
$ 30,000.00
$ 5,000.00
$ 25,000.00