TC Minutes 04-24-1984• •
APRIL 24, 1984 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon was held
in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the
Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 7:45 p.m.
A roll call was taken with Larry Kumpost, Sheila Davis, Greg Gage,
A.J. Wells, Al Connell and Don Buick present. Also present were:
Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Public
Works Norm Wood, Building Administrator Dick Evans, Superintendent of
Public Works Dan Sunday, Planning Director Jim Lamont as well as
members of the press and public.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input.
Mr. Joe Kupchin was cancelled from the agenda. Clint Watkins
approached the Council. He stated that the minutes of the Planning
and Zoning Commission reflected the approval to Colorado Ute for the
115 KV Transmission Line and also reflected the information on the
studies and revegetation for areas that would be disturbed. He stated
that the Commission would probably put a package together and submit
it to the Council after their meeting on Thursday. There being no one
else wishing to be heard the Mayor closed the citizen input
Second reading of ordinance No.#84-4, Series of 1984, AN ORDINANCE
The Town Manager stated that Council had taken action on this once
before to award the bid for the telephone system for the Municipal
Building at the cost of $25,000 as being purchased on a lease basis
and an interest rate of 9% over a five year period of time through
Colorado National Leasing.
The Mayor opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no one
wishing to be heard the Mayor closed the public hearing.
A.J. Wells moved approval of Ordinance No.#84-4, Series of 1984 on
second reading. The motion was seconded by Larry Kumpost. Those
Councilmembers voting aye were: Larry Kumpost, Sheila Davis, Greg
Gage, A.J. Wells, Al Connell and Don Buick. There were no nay votes.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Resolution No.#84-15, Series of 1984 referring to Tract P.
Be it noted that A.J. Wells and Allan Nottingham stepped down because
of conflict of interest.
The Mayor Pro-Tem then proceeded with the meeting.
The Town Manager stated that basically what the resolution refers to
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is the expression of the Town's interest in Tract P. He stated Duane
Davis, Manager of Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District and himself
are meeting with the School Board tomorrow April 25, 1984, to address
potential uses of Tract P and try to encourage the School Board to
come up with some type of resolution in regard to whether Tract P will
be used for a school site or not. Some potential uses for Tract P
would be recreational and water treatment facilities. Mr. James
stated he felt it was in the Town's best interest that the school
board release the land so that it could be addressed in terms of the
Comprehensive Plan and also so the Town could plan for its ultimate
Greg Gage moved approval of Resolution No.#84-15, changing the
signature line to Sheila Davis, Mayor Pro-Tem. The motion was
seconded by Al Connell and was unanimously carried with A.J. Wells
and Allan Nottingham abstaining.
The Town Attorney reported on the National Institute of Municipal Law
Officers (NIMLO) which he attended May 23,24, 1984. The topics dealt
with Personnel Matters and Civil Right Actions. He stated that the
conference was of great interest.
The Mayor asked if there were any new Anti-Trust issues that possibly
should be pursued as far as legislation. The Town Attorney stated
that there was nothing currently in respect to Anti-Trust but there
was some activity on two issues, one being Cable TV Franchises and the
other was in the area of planning and zoning.
Norm Wood approached the Council. He stated that there were four
change orders before the Council.
Change Order #1 and #1M are necessary in order to facilitate
installation of duct work and attic fans in the area at the top of the
stairway and entrance to the third floor area which is being improved.
The changes consist of removing a section of the drywall ceiling and
replacing it with suspended ceiling tiles that would match the other
areas of the building.
There would be no increase in costs to the Town with these change
orders. The $1,500 is merely transferred from one contract to the
Norm Wood recommended approval of change order #1 which is
Ventres-Landauer Construction Company, to add $1,500 to their contract
and change order #1M which is Climate Control Company to reduce their
contract amount by $1,500.
Sheila Davis moved approval of Change Order #1 and #1M. The motion
was seconded by Larry Kumpost and was unanimously carried.
Change Order #2 and #2M, dealt with the improvements of the County
Nurse's space. He stated that he had forwarded these costs to the
County for their approval.
The Change Order #2 is with Ventres-Landauer Construction Company in
the amount of $12,894. Mr. Wood stated after breaking the items down,
his estimate came within $500 of the amount of the contractors.
Change order #2M deals with the mechanical system addition and is
increased in the amount of $1,174 which deals with re-arranging the
duct work to provide air supply and close air circulation in the
various rooms and also deals with some modification to the heat.
Mr. Wood recommended approval of Change Order #2 and #2M subject to
final approval from the County Commissioners.
Larry Kumpost moved approval of Change Order #2 and #2M subject to the
approval of the County Commissioners. The motion was seconded by
Sheila Davis and was unanimously carried.
The discussion of the Park Restrooms was before the Council.
The Town Manager stated that it was agreed that a Construction Manager
be used to build the project, that it be built on time and that it be
built within the budget of $55,000. Mr. James stated that he would
like to go through to review the plans with the Council because it
goes to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Thursday for
approval for design review. He stated that some of the problems are
that the Construction Manager wants to change some of the design
criteria for the building which could be a cost savings to the Town,
but it would also be making money for the Construction Manager.
He stated that because time is of the essence this cannot be brought
back to the Council every two weeks for revised approval. He stated
that once an agreement is reached on the type of building, that he
wants to take the position that staff would have final rule between
the Architect and the Construction Manager so that it can be built by
July 14th.
Bill Pierce, Architect for the project, approached the Council. He
presented the Council with the Park Restroom Plans for review which
included some of the proposed changes. Mr. Pierce stated that at the
last regular meeting the Council approved the design and incorporated
a glue-lam beam and round wood posts. He stated the Construction
Manager felt that he could save time and money (approximately $2,500)
if he did not use glue-lam beams and wood posts. Mr. Pierce stated they
would look at the suggestion. He stated on the inside of the building
the Construction manager recommended using concrete block for tiolet
partitions rather than the standard metal units. Mr. Pierce felt that
was a good idea. He stated it was suggested to eliminate the doors to
the stalls, but that would be a judgement call from the Council. The
reason for not having the doors installed was that they would be
subject to vandalism. He stated that the added thickness of the walls
does not allow enough room for a door for a third lavatory in each
side unless the building was extended. There would be electric hand
dryers installed and also it would be equipped for the handicapped.
Mr. Pierce discussed the pluses and minuses of the system of
negotiated bidding. He stated that the way it is set-up now, it is to
the contractors advantage to complete the project early and to do it
cheap. He stated that unless there are some real benefits to the
Town, he was going to try to hold the construction figure under the
$55,000 budget.
Mr. Pierce discussed the heavy duty heated welded gutter system. The
cost for the system had not been arrived at. The reason for the
gutter system was to keep the water from dripping back on the redwood
Discussion followed.
Larry Kumpost moved to approve the modifications as shown on the
drawing except that the doors should be added to the stalls. The
motion was secont by Al Connell. Those Councilmembers voting aye
were: Larry Kumpost, Sheila Davis, A.J. Wells and Al Connell. Those
Councilmembers voting nay were: Don Buick and Greg Gage. The motion
Further discussion followed.
Greg Gage stated that if they take out the glue-lam beams then they are
re-designing with the other $2,500 by putting in a gutter system with
detail. He stated that the architect is trying to get a building down
into the end of contingency and that the Town would end up with a
building that cannot get finished.
Mr. Pierce stated he did not want to see the Town get a $45,000
building for $55,000.
Don Buick stated he felt that this building project was very
Further discussion followed.
Larry Kumpost stated that Bill Pierce had the plans, he offered to
work with the Construction Manager on the changes and felt that Bill
was doing his job. Sheila Davis agreed.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Pierce for coming.
The Town Manager reported on bus ridership. The ridership through
April for the ski season was 111,194 on the Avon bus and Sunridge
(Beaver Creek pickup) was 17,310 for a total ridership of 128,504.
Mr. James reported on the Lift Bus Service. Jim Rubin was compiling a
final report concerning the Lift and will be presenting it to Council
on June 12th which is scheduled for public hearing for the public to
give input to determine whether or not the Lift will terminate
operations on June 1 of this year. He stated that Norm Wood, Bob
McIlveen and himself would be meeting with Urban Mass Transportation
Administration (UMTA) on May 11, 1984 to discuss processes revolving
around Grant applications for buses and equipment.
Mr. James reported on the bus needs for Avon. Mr. McIlveen concluded
that Avon needs six full size buses. Mr. James stated that they are
looking to purchase one full size bus for next year. If funds would
be available around August, possibly purchase two buses.
He discussed the joint venture with Beaver Creek Transit to purchase
buses. He felt that if that were to happen, there would be more
negotiating power with the manufacturer to buy three buses. Mr. James
recommended 1)pursue purchase of one bus and 2) pursue the joint
purchase of buses with Beaver Creek Transit. Councilman Gage felt
that the Finance Director should pursue both recommended suggestions.
After discussion Council agreed to look at this matter on May 15.
Next on the agenda was the report on the storing and preserving the
Council Meeting tapes. The Town Clerk stated that since the
Incorporation of the Town that the recording tapes have been stored.
Approximately 800-850 tapes have been accumulated through the years.
With the lack of storage space there is a problem of keeping and
storing these tapes. The Clerk was requesting a recommendation from
the Council as to whether the tapes should be preserved or be re-used
after a two-year period.
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After discussion A.J. Wells moved that the tapes be maintained by the
Town up through the first Council's tenure (May, 1980), for
historical purposes. Before that date, the tapes should be kept
for six years after which time they can be re-used, if they are
re-useable. That after thirty days the Liquor License Authority
Hearing tapes be re-used, but that the minutes of the Liquor License
Authority Hearings be approved by the Liquor Board and that the
Council work session tapes be kept also for a six-year period. The
motion was seconded by Al Connell and was unanimously carried.
Dan Sunday approached the Council. He discussed and reviewed the
Nottingham Park Work Schedule with the Council.
It was requested to check the lights on the Avon Sign.
The Town Manager discussed the dog control issue. He stated the
enforcement program started on April 19th. He stated at the present
time they are giving warning notices to owners in regard to dogs not
being on a leash.
He discussed the area which dogs are allowed in the Park. Also
discussed "Doggie Dumping Stations."
The Council agreed to restrict the dogs to the bike path and to
experiment with the dog stations.
After lengthy discussion A.J. Wells moved to change the Municipal Code
Title 8, Chapter 8.24.051, from the restricted area shown on the brown
colored map to the green colored map and that it be required that the
owners either take their dogs to the "Doggie Rest Areas" which three
stations will be placed in remote areas in the park, or clean up after
their dog. The motion was seconded by Al Connell and was unanimously
The Town Attorney stated that in regard to Public Service by the
owners of the dogs that violate the Ordinance, he suggested it should
be a general issue and that he would converse with the Judge on the
The Town Manager discussed the Administrative Ordinance. He stated
that currently there is no ordinance dealing with infractions against
park rules and regulations. It creates problems when dealing with
park users that violate park rules and regulations.
After discussion A.J. Wells moved to authorize the Town Attorney to
draft an Administrative Ordinance that would have some kind of
penalties for infractions against rules and regulations in the park.
The motion was seconded by Sheila Davis and was unanimously carried.
The Town Manager summarized the items that were discussed earlier in
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the Council work session.
Terry Halverson presented some ideas on an insert for the Vail Valley
Publication that would be addressed specifically to Avon having a map
showing the golf courses and emphasizing the special events of Avon.
Jim Rubin, Director of Community Development for Eagle County,
discussed Jim Lamont's report with the Council. The report dealt with
Transfer Density Units of Avon.
Mr. James discussed the two page summary report of a formula for
Transfer of Development Rights. He stated that the first page was a
summary of the second page which addresses a form of justification
for fractionalization of a unit based upon low, medium and high
density, square footage and population. He stated that this would be
placed on the next work session of may 15th.
At that point the Council discussed this matter at length with the
Planning Director.
There was no action taken.
The Financial Matters were next presented to the Council. Greg Gage
moved to receive items #1 through #8. The motion was seconded by
Sheila Davis and was unanimously carried.
Sheila Davis moved approval of the General Accounts Payable of April
24, 1984. The motion was seconded by Greg Gage and was unanimously
Al Connell moved approval of the Capital Projects Fund, Town Center
Mall Special Assessment Fund, Marketing/Promotions Fund, Transit Fund
and Public Works Fund of Accounts Payable for April 24, 1984. The
motion was seconded by Don Buick and was unanimously carried.
Larry Kumpost moved approval of the Reconciliation of Accounts Payable
for April 24, 1984. The motion was seconded by Sheila Davis and was
unanimously carried.
The minutes of the April 10, 1984 Council meeting was next presented
to the Council. Sheila Davis moved approval of the April 10th minutes
and the April 17th continued meeting minutes. The motion was seconded
by Larry Kumpost and was unanimously carried.
There being no further business to come before the Council Sheila
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Davis moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Al Connell. The
Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p.m.