JULY 26, 1983 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon,
Colorado was held in the municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road,
Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan Nottingham at 7:50
p.m. A roll call was taken with Larry Kumpost, Sheila Davis, Greg
Gage, Al Connell and Don Buick. Also present were Town Attorney
John Dunn, Town Manager Richard D. Blodgett, Finance Director Bill
James, Director of Public Works Norm Wood, Planning Director Dick
Kvach, Building-Administrator Dick Evans, Superintendent of Public
Works Dan Sunday as well as members of the press and public.
Councilman A.J. Wells was absent.
The Mayor called for Citizen Input.
Clark Musgrove of Fox Consultants in Denver approached the Council.
He was present to discuss the Northwest Colorado Council of
Government's position on Air Quality in the mountain resort areas
and the possibility of the Town of Avon's participating in a study
being conducted on this matter. He stated that the air quality,
particularly in ski areas, was becoming a great concern, most of
the pollutants being caused by woodburning fireplaces and stoves.
Problems that will be faced in the next two years are 1) health -
residents of these communities will be facing by breathing these
fine particulates, 2) economic - developers will face this because
the EPA is currently studying a standard that will limit the amount
of the pollutant. He stated studies show that in about one year the
EPA will pass the standard limiting the amount of pollutants in the
air. Colorado will then have to respond with a plan that will
convince the EPA that they will bring all of Colorado into
compliance with the new standard. The result will be that the
towns will probably have to pass some type of ordinance that will
limit the amount of woodburning that is allowed in mountain
valleys. Either by limiting the number of fireplaces and
woodburning stoves that are allowed or limit the frequency with
which these devices can be burned. He stated that the cost of
this study will be approximately $700,000, most of which will come
from developers and manufacturers of fireplaces and wood stoves.
$100,000 will be in-kind money from the major ski areas
specifically the CAST Towns. He stated he could not ask for money
to fund the study unless the Town is interested in the results of
the study and unless the NWCCOG is interested in the results. He
stated that at the June meeting, the NWCCOG was asked to do three
things, 1) give philosophical support to the study; make a
statement that they feel the results of the program are valid, 2)
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the NWCCOG manage the study for Fox Consultants. 3) NWCCOG seek to
raise funds for the study. He stated what is being asked of the ski
towns is 1) commitment of support to the problem, assist by
supplying staff members to do a nominal amount of work for the
study. 2) Convince members to vote at the next NWCCOG meeting in
favor of the NWCCOG managing the study. The management time would
be reimbursed to NWCCOG when the money is received from the
manufacturers and developers.
The Town Manager stated that in addition to the ski towns in our
Council of Governments region, they are also going to study four
different towns Crested Butte, Mt. Crested Butte, Purgatory and
Councilman Kumpost asked for a breakdown of the $700,000.
Mr.Musgrove then stated that what they want to do is to come up with
a list of strategies that the ski towns can use that are based on
engineering and scientific data in terms of what types of controls
you might choose to place on expansion of the development areas. He
stated that the area of study for this winter would be the level of
pollution of the fine particulates. They will be measuring only
the things that cause haze and possibly cause health problems.
Also, in the study is receptor modeling which is looking at the
filter on samplers that will be used to measure the fine
particulates to try to trace back the source of the particulates.
A study will be done on the appliances and this will be through
the Wood Heating Alliance. He stated a new proposal for cost
breakdown and other details would be available in about three weeks
which he would then make available to the Town.
Councilman Buick questioned using NWCCOG because out of 6 counties
and 25 towns only 7 are ski towns. He asked if it had been
considered going to the CAST towns who are wanting to control
fireplaces and air quality. He asked if that would not be a better
place to go for support management. He stated what is being looked
for here is a sponsor. The Town Manager stated that the CAST
The Town Manager stated that the CAST organization does not have the
staff. He stated a part-time staff could probably be provided but
NWCCOG already has a staff and that the NWCCOG would be in a good
position to provide a good management staff. He said looking at
the overall economic impact of the ski towns within the counties
involved is very strong.
Councilman Buick stated that there is a lot of county votes and
then municipal votes that have no interest and if this is important
to ski towns, and that is primarily where it is directed, you might
want to consider going in another direction if this fails.
Mr. Musgrove stated that he had met with Tom Cox, President of CAST
in Crested Butte and the feeling was that the CAST staff is more
impermanent than that of the NWCCOG. This is the reason for
wanting the NWCCOG to be involved. He also stated that Gary
Martinez of the NWCCOG said seldom is there an issue that comes
before NWCCOG that affects all towns equally, some not at all. If
members are not affected, they refrain from voting on the issues.
Councilman Buick summed up where he thought the motion was in June.
The request Fox is making is simply to support their energies so
they can go out and raise the $600,000 outside. Those who voted in
favor of it felt they were not committing to anything at this point.
They certainly were not capable in NWCCOG of saying "and the Town
of Avon will contribute $3,000". At this point Fox is not asking
for a dollar contribution but asking for an indication of support
for the study to find out more about the quality of the air. Would
we like to see this study. We will address the dollar question
when Fox is successful in getting the $600,000.
Mr. Musgrove asked that one other thing be considered. Supposing
that funding was obtained, that the Town submit a letter for Fox to
use as advertisement and that the Town would consider in-kind
support at a nominal level to offset the cost.
Councilman Buick stated that if that point arrived the support
would probably be there.
Councilman Connell asked what was meant by nominal.
Mr. Musgrove stated he was not sure what it meant yet because they
do not have any number.
The Town Manager stated what is trying to be accomplished is
important to the future of the town. Everyone recognizes the
importance of a fireplace in a ski town. It is an important sale
matter. We want to head off the situation of compulsory days of
not burning by good planning in terms of construction materials
that go into a fireplace. He stated he felt that it is worth alot
to the county, that he would like to see the details and dollar
figures. He stated that at the time the assistance is needed the
comprehensive plan and some of the ordinances will be completed
leaving some of the planning and engineering time free to devote to
the project.
Councilman Buick stated one of the concerns we as a Town
should have is that if our air becomes unacceptable to the EPA
or some federal agency then they are going to start dictating and
we as local municipalities want to do the controlling and not have
the Federal Government dictating to us.
Mr. Musgrove stated that that was the first comment he had heard
for defensive strategy which is very important. He stated that
during certain winter months the time needed to be donated would be
approximately 6 hours a week which will be more specific in the
final analysis.
Mayor Nottingham stated since Avon is in an openended valley that
we would not have as bad a problem as Vail or Telluride.
Mr. Musgrove stated he could not,without studing the situation, say
how much of a problem Avon would have. He stated, though, that if
there was enough pollution sources no matter if the valley is open
or closed there would be a problem.
Councilman Connell asked how it would affect Avon since the Town is
not nearly built out as for example Vail is. Will the study be
be valid if Avon is only 20 percent built.
Mr. Musgrove stated yes it would be valid because the intention
is to come up with, hopefully, some universal answers. Every
valley will not be studied with the same detail.
Councilman Connell asked if there would be some specific
information Avon would be able to use.
Mr. Musgrove stated there would be specific data concerning
meterological conditions, one of the most important things. Such as
inversion levels, how often do they occur, wind patterns, etc.
He felt the areas that will benefit most are those in the earliest
stages of development. Those benefiting least will be Vail and
Aspen who already have a problem which makes it more difficult to
fix than building in a planning strategy.
After further discussion by Councilmembers and Mr. Musgrove,
Mayor Nottingham asked for a motion to offer what assistance the
Town is able to offer.
Sheila Davis moved for Council's direction that Don Buick will
consider when voting that he encourage NWCCOG to support the study,
encourages them to take the management under their wing and also
attempt to secure financial support for the study.
Mr. Musgrove asked that it be reworded to state in-kind support
rather than financial.
Councilwoman Davis amended her motion to state "secure in-kind
support" not financial support.
Councilman Connell seconded the motion. There being no nay votes
the motion was carried.
Next on the agenda was Clint Watkins to discuss the Forest Service
Land exchange. Mr. Watkins stated he was present to tell the
Council about the project he and Al Connell were working on. He
stated they are in the process of putting together an entity that
will include other people to exchange some real estate with the
forest service in exchange for some of the forest service property
in the Town of Avon. Although they are in the preliminary stages
with this they felt it was far enough along to inform the Council
that they are working on this project. Mr. Watkins stated they
invision something similiar to what the people with the land around
Edwards was talking to the Town about recently on their exchange and
where the Town would end up with part of the property and part of
the property would be developed.He stated there was not anything
solid about that yet but it is generally how they see things
working. The land being looked at is land to the west of the Metcalf
quarter going up to Wildridge.
The Town Manager asked if that would be going all the way up the
side of the creek.
MX. Watkins stated he did not anticipate it including the top part
because June Creek runs through the area and the access road going
into the rest of the forest service land. He did not think the
Forest Service would include that on the disposal list. He stated
as things develop he would be back to talk to the Council.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Watkins for coming.
Next was an item that was not on the regular agenda.
A letter from the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission
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concerning the progress of the Comprehensive Plan.
Jerry Davis, a member of the P & Z, was asked by Mayor Nottingham to
comment on the letter.
Mr. Davis stated all the members felt the same, that to keep the
momentum going and the input up that perhaps sooner dates than
previously set for meetings need to be scheduled. He felt the last
meeting with the consultants went well, there was a wide range of
subjects, not always well put but touched upon. He stated that the
people felt there should be an additional meeting structured so that
additional people could be included since the previous meeting was
in conflict with a homeowners meeting. He felt more effort should
be put into publicizing these meetings and an effort be made to get
additional input from other entities of the community that may not
have been represented in just one meeting. He stated that the next
scheduled meeting was to be a discussion within small groups of
people on subjects already covered and the members do not feel it is
time to end the debate. Mr. Davis then asked Mike Blair, a member of
the P & Z, to comment. Mr. Blair stated there was a great show of
interest and enthusiasm at the last meeting and would like to see
that continue. Therefore, more support and more advertisement is
needed. He felt that there is more community participation needed
not just the P & Z Commission and the consultants and a few people
with special interests.
Mr. Davis stated he felt that there was either a misunderstanding or
lack of communication with the consultants that there was more
meetings and citizen input needed. He stated the board feels there
should be agendas covering certain topics to bring in different
citizens who are interested in different subjects. He did not
agree with having small groups of people sit around and talk about
the same subjects.
The Mayor asked how many more meetings were scheduled.
The Town Manager stated that when the contract was being worked on
this subject was discussed at length and an attempt was made to
pinpoint when the meetings would occur and what they would concern.
He stated everyone felt another meeting was needed and the consul-
tants did schedule one but only after they presented the plan. He
stated that all those concerned want the consultants to present the
plan to the public and answer any of the publics questions,not just
let them hand over the plan. He stated that other meetings had been
tentatively set but since this is not the only project, the
consultants could not schedule any others.
After further discussion it was decided upon to distribute some type
of flier containing information about the next scheduled meeting.
This would notify as many people as possible within the community
therefore, generating needed citizen input.
Councilman Gage stated that fliers should be put in every mailbox
not just in those few that had already showed interest.
Councilman Connell requested Councilman Gage to make that a motion.
Councilman Gage moved to have fliers put in everyones mailbox.
Councilman Connell seconded the motion. There were no nay votes the
motion carried.
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The Town Manager asked that the discussion on the agenda concerning
the Lift Bus System be moved up to Citizen Input so that Mr.
McIlveen of Beaver Creek Transit did not have to stay for all of the
meeting. He stated there was two parts to the report 1) that the
paper work was still being done with the highway department
concerning the transfer of management of the Lift Bus, 2) the
schedule for the Lift was being worked on to try to get more riders
to their Vail destinations a little before the hour. He stated that
with the adjustment in the schedule and more publicity, ridership is
expected to increase.
Councilman Buick asked why the big Lift buses were being run for 1,2
or 3 riders at most 6.
Mr. McIlveen stated that the 10-12 passenger vans had replaced the
large buses. He stated they would be used for a week or so as long
as they do not have the volumn of riders because they are easier and
cheaper to use. He stated the ridership is increasing, that it had
been slow. He stated he was working on how to get the riders into
Vail on the hour, that there was no way to get everyone there a few
minutes before they have to be at work with one bus with route time
being an hour and ten minutes. Mr. McIlveen then presented the Town
Manager with a tentative revised schedule, he stated that some of
the times may be changed. He stated input from the people is needed
to see how they feel. He stated a recent survey showed the majority
of the riders need to arrive by 7:30 a.m. This then presents a
problem getting the bus back into Vail by 8 a.m.
The Mayor asked Mr. McIlveen if there had been a questionnaire
handed out to the riders to see what times were best for them.
Mr. McIlveen stated a questionnaire was being made up and would be
in the buses within the next two days.
The Town Manager stated one of the problems of ridership is when a
service is stopped and then started again, ridership is lost. We
have tried to schedule this next year so that it will continue right
on through after the end of ski season.
Mr. McIlveen stated he was running into the same problem with the
Vail-Beaver Creek bus service. This is the first year for it and is
primarily geared for the people who need to be in and out of Beaver
Creek. He stated in the first week the average daily ridership was
10 now it has increased to about 100 per day. He stated because
people had already made travelling arrangements, the bus service is
showing less ridership. Mr. McIlveen said that the people from the
County really need to get the ball moving on the Transportation
Council; that is where the ball lies. He stated then it could
probably be proven there is a need for transportation within the
Upper Eagle Valley.
The Town Manager stated he had met with Jim Rubin from the County
and the County Attorney on the subject and they are putting
information together.
Councilman Buick asked if it had ever been determined if advertising
could be put on the Lift bus.
The Town Manager stated he thought there could be.
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Mr. McIlveen did not know why not.
The Town Manager stated he had spoke with Jim Schmidt about bus
advertising. Mr. Schmidt felt the Town would be better off not to
do their own advertising. He said he would have a memorandum on the
reasons why not at the next Council meeting.
The Mayor asked if it was being suggested the service be continued
for a little longer.
Mr. McIlveen stated he would like to play it by ear for awhile
longer to see what can be done. He felt that by doing some
schedule changes and citizen input could help.
Councilman Connell asked how long it should be continued.
Mr. McIlveen stated at least two more weeks to see if there is an
improvement. He stated he hated to see it started and then stop it
that we will really be in bad shape to run it next summer because if
people feel we are going to do that, which Vail was doing, I do not
think we will ever develop the ridership. If at all possible we
need to develop some kind of consistency or we never will have
The Town Manager stated that a resolution was adopted by Council at
the last meeting that authorized the Mayor to sign the agreements to
proceed. One of the agreements was that part of the original
agreement with Vail and that was we had to assume this
responsibility. Vail would attempt to run the Lift during the
summer months as long as ridership permitted. So we do have to make
a bonified attempt to run it during the summer. We do have a grant
from the highway department and contributions from all the
municipalities so we are obligated to try and that is what we are
doing now.
The Mayor stated that in two weeks we would like to have a report
and it would be discussed further at that time.
Mr. McIlveen stated he hated to see it stopped and that we cannot
prove anything by doing so.
Councilman Kumpost asked that by next meeting a recommended schedule
change be developed.
Mr. McIlveen stated the one he had given the Town Manager earlier
was a proposed change and that, hopefully, this schedule would be
in effect by the next meeting so it can be determined if the change
will help.
Further discussion followed.
The Mayor then thanked Mr. McIlveen.
First Reading of Ordinance No.#83-32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE
The Town Attorney stated this ordinance was a housekeeping matter
because the hazardous substance provisions of the emergency
response authority provisions of the Town Code comply with
amendments to the State Statute adopted in the last Legislature.
Sheila Davis made the motion to pass Ordinance No.#83-32 on the
first reading subject to the title being changed from "hazardous
material" to "hazardous substance."
Larry Kumpost seconded the motion. There being no further
discussion a roll call was taken. Those Council members voting aye
were: Larry Kumpost, Sheila Davis, Greg Gage, Don Buick and Al
Connell. There were no nay votes, the motion carried.
The Mayor then stated there would be a change in the agenda bringing
up the new business item of the Special Review Use for Colorado Ute,
Resolution No.#83-31 to approve a 115 KV Transmission Line on
Sections 34-82-2 and Sections 2 and 2-82-5.
Planning Director Dick Kvach provided Council with aerial pictures
of the area. He stated the Planning Commission had taken a tour of
the site and requested the conditions in the resolution. He stated
that the study requested in condition number two of Resolution
No.83-31 must be completed before the request of the second circuit
to go into Vail be approved.
Mr. John McNeil of Colorado Ute stated the second circuit would
probably be started in less than a year. Mr. McNeil was asked by
Council if there were any problems with the conditions stated. He
said there were none.
The Town Manager stated he had a concern about access. He stated
the County Commissioners took the route that has the least access
for repairs.
Mr. McNeil stated this was the least preferred route but that the
problem is not as severe in the area between Wolcott and the Beaver
Creek substation in Avon as it is when getting closer to Vail.
The Town Manager asked Mr. McNeil if he felt they could access this
Mr. McNeil stated yes that there was some existing access routes
that were put in when the first 115 KV line was built.
Further discussion followed.
The Mayor then asked Mr. Kvach if he was suggesting the Resolution
No. 83-31 be passed as it was presented. Mr. Kvach stated yes.
Sheila Davis moved approval of Resolution No.#83-31. Larry Kumpost
seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion carried.
Next on the agenda was Sunroad Group, Resolution No.#83-24._
The Mayor asked if there was anyone present to represent Sunroad
regarding a letter from City Market verifying the density transfer
with an understanding they no longer have any units in the area.
Resolution No.#83-24 was passed contingent on this letter and the
Mayor was asked not to sign the resolution until the letter was
Larry Goad of Benchmark Companies questioned the wording in the
letter that states Sunroad Group excercises an option. He was
asking if they really have an option that if it said its option that
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would be a little stronger in that it would maybe indicate there is
such an option. Mr. Goad was questioning whether this letter is
what the Council really needs to know there are valid contract
Councilwoman Davis suggested a copy of the Resolution be sent to
Nelson, Haskins, Groves and Prinster to see if they have any
objections, that the resolution does state there are 14 units
presently under option and may or may not actually be purchased.
She then asked the Town Attorney if he thought the letter was
acceptable. He stated he did not know because of the time lapse
since the last meeting this subject was discussed.
Councilman Connell stated that maybe Mr. Cole or some representative
of Sunroad should be present to answer the questions.
The Mayor suggested tabling the subject until the next meeting so
more inquiries could be made toward the conclusion of the subject.
Councilman Connell moved to table the matter until Mr. Cole or some
other representative of Sunroad gets back to the Council or to the
staff whether they do have an option or not. Sheila Davis seconded
the motion.
There was further discussion.
The Mayor then asked if there were any other comments, Planning
Director Dick Kvach stated that T.L. Prinster was to be in that
Friday and thought that he could approach him on the matter at that
The Mayor then asked for a vote on the motion. There were no nay
votes, the motion carried.
At this time Mayor Nottingham stepped down due to conflict of
interest and Mayor Pro-Tem Sheila Davis took over the meeting.
Resolution No.#83-29, Wildwood Resort, preliminary plat approval of
Lots 5, 52A, 52B, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision. This was a
continuance of the public hearing from the previous Council meeting.
Larry Goad was present to represent Wildwood. He stated that all
the requirements had been met and that a corrected preliminary plat
had been submitted to the Town staff. He stated they had added in
the letter that Wildwood would consider that the two westerly
accesses to lots 1 and 2 be combined into one and that it is
recommended the final drainage plan for the Swift Gulch area and
Wildwood Resort area be consistant with one another.
The Mayor Pro-Tem asked if staff recognized that all requirements
Council had asked for had been met. The staff stated yes.
A short discussion followed.
Greg Gage moved to adopt Resolution No.#83-29. Al Connell
seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion carried
with Mayor Nottingham abstaining.
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Resolution No.#83-30, Variance request for roadway widths on
Wildwood Road West Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision.
Al Testa was present to represent Wildridge Development. He stated
that this variance request is a result of a joint effort between the
Town and Wildridge Development to try to develop better
cross-sections for the roads in the subdivisions going on in the
Town. He said because of failures in the roadways in the past, he
would like the failures to be prevented from happening again. He
stated the Town Engineer had approached him and suggested the
roadway lanes be increased from 11 feet to 13 feet and the shoulders
decreased from 4 feet to 2 feet wide. He stated this would reduce
the chances of cars driving on the edge of the asphalt which causes
the asphalt to crack. Mr. Testa said their engineers were consulted
and did agree with the statement that it would prevent the asphalt
edges from cracking. He said that in the last paragraph of the
Resolution there was an addition which reads "It is further
recognized that the Subdivider has requested this variance at the
request of the Town, therefore the Subdivider shall not be
responsible for any failure due to differences in cross-section that
may be inherent in the cross-section approved by this resolution."
Councilman Gage asked if there were any safety problems.
Norm Wood, Director of Public Works, stated because of the wider
driving lane and narrow shoulder he did not feel there would be a
decrease in safety.
The Town Manager stated that it was his understanding that both
engineers were in agreement and want to try it.
Further discussion followed.
The Town Manager then asked the Town Attorney if he had any problem
with the wording of the resolution. He stated he had none.
Councilman Buick then moved to approve Resolution No.#83-30. Al
Connell seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion
carried with Mayor Nottingham abstaining.
Council recessed at 9:45 p.m. and reconvened at 9:57 p.m. with
Mayor Nottingham taking his seat.
Resolution No.#83-32 National Flood Insurance. Dick Kvach, Planning
Director, stated at the last meeting Council had authorized the go
ahead to prepare the necessary documents to get into the emergency
program. He then reviewed the contents of the Resolution. He
stated that the Town Attorney asked that paragraph 4 be deleted from
the Resolution because it was too openended.
The Mayor asked for questions. There being none Don Buick moved
approval of Resolution No.#83-32 with paragraph 4 deleted. Al
Connell seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion
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The Town attorney was excused from the meeting.
Change Order Number 1 for the Avon Road Landscaping was next. Norm
Wood, Town Engineer stated the change order is stating the changes
Council desired at the time the contract was awarded. It deletes
the walkway between Beaver Creek Blvd. and I-70 and the two walkway
lights, the wooden foot bridge and replaces the bridge with 30 inch
corrigated steel pipe, it reduces the ground cover that was in the
contract by 50% of the dollar amount. The amount of the total
changes being $13,908.89. He stated this amount could be added back
in later in trees, etc. He stated the change order was for the
contractor so he knows that this is official that these items do
come out.
Dicussion followed.
Larry Kumpost made a motion to go
Buick seconded the motion. There
ahead with the change order. Don
were no nay votes, the motion
Larry Kumpost stated that direction should be given that normal
procedure will be that the Engineer and Contractor sign off before
the Town Manager signs.
The bike path plans were then brought before Council. Mr. Wood
stated he needed Councils approval to proceed or modify the
bike path plans.
The Town Manager stated that we were working under a handicap,
having had several technician type people leave for full time
employment. We now have an excellent person from the fire
department who is an architect, Charlie Moore, who is now doing the
drafting work on a part-time basis.
Mr. Wood presented the Council with a full development plan for
lighting the entire bike path from the west end of Beaver Creek
Blvd. including the west side of the tennis courts, parking lot,
and the walkway coming from the Mall. The proposal is for 250 watt
high pressure sodium lights on 150 foot centers, fifteen foot poles,
with poles similiar to the ones in the Mall (exposed aggregate
concrete poles). These poles being about $200 less than aluminum
poles. He stated the bulb will have a yellow cast and that the
manufacturers recommended spacing on the lights is about 90 feet.
Councilman Buick asked what flexibility there was in the wattage.
Mr. Wood stated he was not sure if the fixture sizes were
interchangable or not, he did not think they were and in doing so
the wiring would have to be changed. Mr. Wood proposed to take a
base bid for 30 lights and complete wiring system in place and take
unit cost bids for the lights and poles. He stated the system would
be photoelectric. Mr. Wood stated the estimated cost of the project
is $65,000. He stated the proposal would be ready to go out a week
from this coming Friday to advertise for bids with action possibly
ready for the last meeting in August. He stated he hoped the
project would be finished the first of December and that the only
way to cut time would be rather than to advertise for bids
preselect 3-4 contractors and negotiate.
The Mayor asked for action on the matter.
Larry Kumpost moved to have Mr. Wood proceed with the bidding of the
lighting which is the 30 light alternate. Greg Gage seconded the
motion. There were no nay votes, the motion carried.
Further discussion followed concerning the places where the
plantings were to be put.
Councilman Gage said that at the last meeting it was stated that
instead of using Matthews and Associates the work could be done
in-house, he asked if that was still true.
Mr. Wood stated that at that time he had someone doing some field
work who left the following day.
Councilman Gage said that if it is necessary to go for outside help,
we should to get the job done.
Mr. Wood stated that that may be the way to go at this point but
there is still a problem getting field work done in some of the
other areas.
Further discussion followed.
Councilman Gage then moved to recommend to
the form of Matthews and Associates.
The Town Manager stated that would only be
Mr. Wood stated with all areas considered
within the next two weeks.
obtain outside counsel in
saving 2 days.
it would save a week
Councilman Gage stated that it would probably
expertise in making the planting decisions.
Sheila Davis seconded the motion. There were
motion carried.
help to have some
no nay votes, the
The Town Managers report followed. He stated he would be on vacation
the first and third week of August and that he may not make the last
Council meeting.
He stated that the following day he would be attending a meeting
with the Colorado Municipal League concerning some proposed PUC
railroad-highway grade separation rules. He stated he was asked to
participate because of the Towns railroad crossing problem.
He stated that he would also be finalizing the submittal to the
highway department for the Lift bus service. He stated that the
budget had been worked out and the system should reimburse us about
$6,000. He then discussed the invitation from Gerald Ford to attend
the Vail Foundation Public Forum.
Councilman Gage moved to have the Town pay for any of the
Councilmembers wishing to attend the public forum. Don Buick
seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion carried.
Don Buick made a comment on the noxious weed ordinance and the
headway being made around Town concerning the action it called for.
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The Town Manager stated that bids were being taken on cutting the
weeds. The Town is sending its employees out after working hours to
cut weeds with the Towns one piece of equipment. He stated this is
working but that it would take time.
Councilman Buick stated he was concerned about the private land such
as Peregrine, Savoy, Avon Center, etc.
• The Town Manager stated he had found an unusal agreement recently.
The Town was a recipient of a piece of mowing equipment from
Benchmark several years ago and receiving the equipment the Town
agreed to let Benchmark use it on their property if they needed it.
He stated they would pay for the operation of the equipment and that
they have asked the Town to mow their weeds. He stated that the
Town felt that was the first place it should start. He stated that
letters had been sent to all landowners.
Dan Sunday, Superintendent of Public Works, stated there had been
alot of response to these letters in the way of how much will the
Town charge to mow the weeds for the landowners. He stated they had
been referred to local contractors because the Town could not get to
everyone immediately.
Further discussion followed. There was no action taken.
The Mayor's report was next. He stated he had received a letter
from the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce asking if any of the
Council would like to volunteer for the dunking booth at the Eagle
County Fair.
The Mayor next read a letter from Greg Neal of Avon Center that
informed everyone that Ned Gwathmey is the new representative for
the Mall Committee.
The Mayor briefly discussed a letter from the Public Utilities
Commission about a proposed railroad crossing.
The Town Manager stated the league would be representing all the
municipalities in this matter.
The Financial matters were next presented.
Sheila Davis moved to receive items #1-9. Larry Kumpost seconded
the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion carried.
Sheila Davis moved to approve the Accounts Payable General Fund. Al
Connell seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion
Sheila Davis moved approval of Accounts Payable, Mall Maintenance,
Mall Construction, Capitol Projects Fund and the Transit Fund. Greg
Gage seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion
Larry Kumpost moved approval of the Reconciliation of Accounts
Payable. Sheila Davis seconded the motion. There were no nay
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votes, the motion carried.
The minutes of the July 26, 1983 Council meeting were then
Sheila Davis moved approval of the minutes for the July 26, 1983
Council meeting. Al Connell seconded the motion. There were no nay
votes, the motion carried.
Councilman Gage brought up the discussion concerning the Council's
involvement in activities promoting the area such as the Ford Golf
Tournament and the tennis tournament. It was stated that is was
probably too late to participate this year.
Finance Director Bill James suggested that the Town of Avon buses
be offered for use during the Ford Golf Tournament to shuttle people
back and forth.
The Town Manager stated there would be a work session for the next
Council meeting, that the pension program, personnel policies and
tract P would be discussed.
There being no further business the Mayor called for a motion for
Al Connell moved to adjourn the Council meeting. Sheila Davis
seconded the motion. There were no nay votes, the motion carried.
The Council meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
enn Bell, Deputy Town clerk