TC Minutes 05-03-19836 0
MAY 3, 1983 - 6:30 P.M.
The special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Sheila Davis at 6:38 p.m. A roll call was
taken with Greg Gage, Al Connell and Don Buick present. A.J. Wells and Larry Kumpost
arrived at 6:40 p.m. Mayor Allan R. Nottingham was absent. Also present were Town Manager
Richard D. Blodgett, Director of Public Works Norm Wood, Finance Director Bill James as
well as members of the public.
First on the agenda was the discussion of town beautification along Avon Road. The Council
reviewed and discussed the preliminary sketch of the proposed landscaping along Avon Road from
Interstate #70 to the railroad tracks. The Council discussed design of the street lighting
along Avon Road and also the information center.
The Town Manager stated that the schedule procedure was as follows:
1) May 3, develop preliminary plans; 2) May 4, meet with highway department, send notices
to potential contractors, and then finalize the development of the plans and the contract;
3) May 24, final plan review by Council; 4) May 27, June 3, June 10, publish official bid
request; 5) June 4, approval from highway department; 6) June 13, bid opening; 7) June 14,
award contract at Council Meeting; 8) June 15, send notice of award; 9) June 15-June 22,
assemble bonds, insurance and sign contract; 10) June 27-August 15, construction.
Don Buick moved approval of the preliminary plan as identified on the sketch, but in
addition, suggested that the Council consider the lighting for the bike path. The motion
was seconded by A.J. Wells.
Discussion followed.
The Town Manager stated the preliminary cost estimate was in the amount of $121,000, but
did allow for additional items, such as underground electric, split rail fence along the
Roadcal property, lighting along Avon Road, walkway lights, landscape lighting, and
information center.
After discussion of the additional items A.J. Wells moved to amend Councilman Buick's
motion to include receiving approval and proposals on items #1-4. Item #1) Placing
overhead electrical underground; 2) Split rail fence along Roadcal property; 3) Lighting
along Avon Road, a) street lights-I-70, Benchmark Road and railroad tracks-similar to
Beaver Creek Blvd. light; b) walkway lights-similar to mall area and Municipal Building;
c) Landscape lighting-uplights combined with (b). But deleting Item #4.
The motion was seconded by Don Buick and was unanimously carried. The Council then voted
on the main motion and was unanimously carried.
It was stated that Phase I would include the landscaping of Avon Road, Phase II would
include the north side of the interstate which would also include the Benchmark Sign or
it could include the park, the log cabin, bike path etc.
'It was agreed to change "Chapel Site", on the map to "Community Center." It was agreed by
the Council to plant larger trees of lesser quantity rather than small saplings and to
plant trees that would have a faster growing time.
A.J. Wells moved to receive the preliminary plan for the Nottingham Park map and
development plan. The motion was seconded by Greg Gage and was unanimously carried.
The second and last item on the agenda was the Avon Town Center Mall. The Town Manager
stated that 1) he had talked to Dean Harper, that the town was requesting a check in the
amount of $2,612.22, which was overpayment to Denton, Harper, Marshall; 2) that they have
prepared an agreement with Rodger Denton to do the work in the mall and 3) that Mr. Rodger
Denton submitted a landscaping estimate on the Avon Mall.
He stated that the mall committee agreed to send the letter to Dean Harper of Denton, Harper,
Marshall to terminate their services, that the committee agreed to enter into the agreement
with Rodger Denton; that the committee agreed to enter into individual agreements for taking
the assessments of the bonds; the committee agreed to the advertising sign in the bus
shelter and they agreed to the loaning of the money for the beautification effort up to
- 1 -
$150,000 of the $226,000 to the Public Works Fund and that the loan bear interest at the
rate comparable to the then prevailing rate of interest of the mall investments.
A.J. Wells moved approval to authorize staff to proceed with the completion of the
Avon Town Center Mall along the lines that were discussed and as outlined above. The
motion was seconded by Greg Gage and was unanimously carried.
There being no further business Don Buick moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by
Greg Gage. The Mayor Pro-Tem adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Patricia J. Doyle own Clerk