TC Minutes 09-01-1981-A, . 0 0 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COUNCILMEMBERS HELD SEPTEMBER 1, 1981 - 7:30 P.M. The Special Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, was held in the Municipal Building in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 7:45 p.m. A roll call was taken with the Councilmembers in attendance with the exception of Allan Nottingham who was absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn as well as members of the Design Review Board. Resolution No.#81-15, Series of 1981, A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING ORDINANCE NO.#81-23, SERIES OF 1981; DETERMINING THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT, BOND NUMBERS, PROVISIONS FOR REDEMPTION AND MATURITIES OF, AND RATES OF INTEREST ON $2,700,000 OF THE TOWN'S SPORTS FACILITY REVENUE BONDS(BEAVER CREEK ASSOCIATES PROJECT, SERIES 1981); DETERMINING REVENUES TO BE PAID FOR SUCH PROJECT; AUTHORIZING INCIDENTAL ACTION; AND REPEALING INCONSISTENT ACTIONS. After some discussion Larry Kumpost moved approval of Resolution No.#81-15, Series of 1981. The motion was seconded by Sheila Davis and was unanimously carried. The Mayor discussed waiving permit fees on the Mall. He stated that the cost of permit fees have not been included in the total figure. The estimate fees would come to a total of $3,618.00. After discussion the Councilmembers agreed to waive the fees for the Mall. The Mayor discussed the handling of the financing for the Mall. He stated he thought the finance director's time was well accounted for the thought it would be to much of an overload. The Councilmembers agreed that they would like the Town to handle the funds and to control it and if the work load was to much that the Town hire another bookkeeper. After discussion A.J. Wells moved approval that the Town adopt the policy with regard to the Town Center Mall that all costs specifically identifiable_'~onstructing the Mall, be charged to the Mall fund namely without limiting those items, inspection fees, building inspections, engineer fees, accounting fees, etc... The motion was seconded by Bill Doyle and was carried with Steve Erickson opposingthe Permit fees. Draft of the revised Ordinance No.#81-22, Series of 1981 was next on the agenda. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A ZONING CODE FOR THE TOWN AVON; PROVIDING FOR ZONE DISTRICTS AND AN OFFICIAL MAP; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS AND REGULATIONS; ESTABLISHING AN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW BOARD, OUTLINING ITS FUNCTION IN RELATION THERETO; AND PROVIDING PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS THEREFOR; AND REGULATING AND REQUIRING OFF-STREET PARKING; REGULATING SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR NON-CONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES; WITH PROVISIONS FOR INTERPRETATION, REVOCATION AND INVALIDATION OF PERMITS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF; AND SETTING OUT ADDITIONAL DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. After lengthy discussion the Council agreed that they would like to meet with Terrill Knight and the Design Review Board Members and set up a work meeting to discuss each item in the Ordinance. There was discussion of the contract for the contractor for the construction of the Mall. The Mayor stated that Alice Alpi has resigned from the Design Review Board. The Council requested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mrs. Alpi. It was requested that letters be sent to recent applicants that are resident-landowners and see if they are still interested in the position. Also that a ad be placed in the local papers. -1- C The Mayor stated he is in the process of setting up a ~grievancecommittee. He stated that he approached Larry Kumpost to represent the Council, Al Reynolds would be Chairman of the committee and that they are looking for one more member to serve on the committee. There was discussion on the contractors and sub-contractors for the construction of the Mall. Councilman Erickson stated that he would be resigning from the Mall Advisory Committee because of conflict of interest. After some discussion A.J. Wells moved approval to accept Steve Erickson's resignation and that the Council appoint Mayor Al Alpi to represent the Council on the Mall Advisory-Committee. The motion was seconded by Bill Doyle and was carried. There being no further business Steve Erickson moved that the Council adjourn and A.J. Wells seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully Subm' Patricia J. Doyle, own Cler -2-