TC Minutes 10-08-19800 •
HELD OCTOBER 8, 1980 - 4:00 P.M.
The Special Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado
was held in the Town Offices, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 4:15 p.m. A roll call was taken
with all Councilmembers in attendance except Allan Nottingham who was absent.
Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Administrator Dick Evans as well
as the public.
First on the agenda were Chambertin Townhouses. Mr. Howard LaGarde' approached
the Council requesting a 5 foot variance approval for Building III. The 5 foot
variance contains escarpment and the solarium area.
The drainage was discussed. The landscaping and the retaining wall was discussed.
It was requested that Chambertin complete the retaining wall before the paving of
Nottingham Road and if the project of the wall cannot be completed, that the
developer repair any damage done, if any, to Nottingham Road.
Mr. LaGarde' presented to the Council a improvement survey taken October 8, 1980
showing the setback for Building #4 as 20.9'.
After lengthy discussion Jim Wells moved to approve a variance in the setback of
Building #3 and #4 of Chambertin Townhouses, so long as Building #4 is infact, where
it is shown on the improvement survey by KKBNA, so long as Building #3, including
the escarpment is 20' setback, and so long as they build a proper retaining wall
approved by the Town Engineers with the wall rising to a point to provide some
protection for the pedestrians which could include some landscaping along the wall.
The motion was seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried.
Larry Kumpost representing Sunridge at Avon approached the Council. He was requesting
a Condominium Map approval.
Town Attorney John Dunn commented that he reviewed the Plat and the Condominium
documents and they appeared to be in order.
After lengthy discussion and reviewing the list from Claycomb Engineers that Norm
Wood presented, Jim Wells moved approval of the Condominium Map of Buildings I and J,
Sunridge at Avon Phase II, with the modification in the owners Certificate Language
as discussed which adds the words,"a portion of", and so long as they satisfy the
questions of the engineers of the Town of Avon. The motion was seconded by Steve
Erickson and was carried with Hugh Price abstaining.
There was discussion of the Condominium Map for Phase I for Sunridge at Avon.
The Mayor stated that the Map for Phase I was recorded in Eagle without the mayor's
or the Town Clerk's signature. The Town Attorney stated he had looked at the Mylar
and that the Mylar was indeed at the County Court House without the signatures.
Bob George reported that his experience in the past that they went through the Title
Company for recording mylars and not the Town Council for approval. He reported that
they were in the process of closing on Phase I and needed them recorded.
After discussion the Council requested that Mr. George have a copy made of the Mylar for
Phase I and have it reviewed and signed.
The Mayor reported that there may be intra-bus service in Avon to Beaver Creek Ski
area, possibly two buses in the morning and two buses in the evening.
Norm Wood with Claycomb Engineering reported on West Beaver Creek Blvd. He reported
that instead of the price of $16.00 a yard for asphalt for the widening of the Blvd.,
it will be $9.00 a yard. There was an error in the calculation.
Wood reported that on Beaver Creek Place there should be 8" of base and 4" of
asphalt and as of to date there is only 4" of asphalt layed.
Councilman Jim Wells reported on the research done on the previous work done on West
Beaver Creek Blvd. It was concluded that the Town contact Chen and Assocates to do
more testing on Beaver Creek Place and Benchmark will reimburse the Town for the
charges and that Lincoln DeVore be notified to do the testing on West Beaver Creek
The Electrical Inspector position was discussed.
There being no further business, Steve Erickson moved that the Council adjourn and
Bill Doyle seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted: