HELD AUGUST 19, 1980 - 3:00 P.M.
The Special Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado
was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon,
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 4:00 p.m. A roll call was taken
with all Councilmembers in attendance except Hugh Price who was absent. Bill Doyle
arrived late. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn and Town Administrator Dick
There was some discussion of the Hunter Young project. They are not completing the
landscaping. The Mayor requested the Council to give him some concrete suggestions on
how to approach the contractors on this issue on how to make them comply.
The leasing of warehouses and office spaces were discussed along with the dealing
with Certificate of Occupancies.
The Council also discussed the expiring of the bonds and insurances of the contractors.
It was suggested that the Police Department inforce the rules of the Town, and that if
the contractors do not comply, they be cited into court.
It was stated that the Town Clerk submit a copy of these minutes to each Design Review
Board Member.
After lengthy discussion Jim Wells moved approval that the Council direct the Town
Attorney to draw up an Ordiance whereby the Ordiance requires the contractors to have
their landscaping complete within 60 days if they complete their projects in the months
of May, June, July, August or September. If there is a temporary Certificate of Occupancy
(C.O.) obtained before the landscaping is completed, the contractor will be required to
put up cash for all uncompleted outside work and that the cash will be held by the Town
in a savings account, the earningseither to go toward the landscaping, etc., or back to
the credit of the owner. The Ordinance also should read that in the sole discretion of
the Town, the Town can proceed to put in the landscaping and/or other uncompleted work.
If the projects are completed in October through April and the developer wants a
temporary C.O., the developer shall be required to put up cash at that time for landscaping,
etc., to be completed by the following June. The motion was seconded by Bill Doyle
and was unanimously carried.
Jim Wells moved to issue a Certificate of Occupancy, subject to the owners complying
with all the conditions of the Desi~n,Review Board and to the satisfaction of the Town
Council and the DRB, to the owners of the Troxel Warehouse. This was seconded by Allan
Nottingham and was unanimously carried.
Jim Wells thirdly moved to issue a C.O. to the Beaver Creek Automotive, subject to all
the conditions, and issue a Special Use Permit subject to all the conditions. This was
seconded by Allan Nottingham and was unanimously carried.
Jim Wells moved to (fain the approval, if possible, from the fire department to issue a
C.O. to D & E Towing. If the fire department refuses, then they should cease and desist
and be shut down. Assuming the fire department will approve, then issue a C.O. with all
the conditions, and issue a Special Use Permit with all the conditions. This was
seconded by Allan Nottingham and was unanimously carried.
It was stated that the time allowed for complying with all the conditions applicable
to the safe occupancy of the building is ten(10) days.
• •
The Mayor requested that he would invite some input on the HUD program from the Council.
The Mayor requested approval for 2 Radar guns for the Police Department.
The Council agreed and approved.
The Mayor requested that the Council approve the communication radios for the Park
and the Building Administrator. Price for the radios are in the amount of $1,000.00
each. The Council agreed and approved.
Public Service was discussed. It was stated that the Town Attorney contact Gary Hall,
manager of Public Service.
There being no further business, Steve Erickson moved that the Council adjourn and
Bill Doyle seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submiti-e id :