TC Minutes 07-08-19800 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COUNCILMEMBETS HELD JULY 8, 1980 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Offices, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 7:40 p.m. A roll call was taken with all Councilmembers in attendance with the exception of Carol Richards who resigned as Town(Councilmember:as of July 8,.11980. Also present at the July 8th meeting were Town Attorney John Dunn, residents from the Benchmark Mobile Home Park as well as members of the press and public. The minutes of the June 10, 1980 meeting were next presented to the Council. Steve Erickson moved approval of the minutes, seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried. The minutes of the June 17, 1980, Special meeting was presented to the Council. Hugh Price moved approval of the minutes of the 17th, seconded by Steve Erickson and was unanimously carried. Bi-monthly financial reports were then discussed. After discussion Steve Erickson moved approval of the Accounts Payables with the exception of Mark Donal•dsori's_statement, seconded by Allan Nottingham and was unanimously carried. Allan Nottingham moved approval of the Parks and Recreation Accounts Payables, seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried. Resolution No.#80-11, Series of 1980, Appreciation of Clinton Watkins serving as Municipal Judge. Bill Doyle moved approval of Resolution No.#80-11, seconded by Jim Wells and was UM.tnimously carried. Resolution No.#80-12, Series of 1980, A Resolution that would, give the: Mayor and the Town Clerk the autborit;- to execute Ag-i-.ement with Department of Highways for Prci i(::ct SOS004413.1. Jim Wells moved apjor.oval cf Reso'.-.tion No, #80-12, seconded by Bill I:o• ?_e an.' was unanimously carried. Second reads-ag, of Ordinanc:~ 9, Series of 1980, AN ORDINANCE LICENSING SOLICITORS AND PEDDLERS AND ESTABLISHING FEES THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. Jim Wells moved approval of Ordinance No.#80-9, Series of 1980 on second reading, seconded by Hugh Price. A roll call was taken with all Councilmembers voting yes. Second reading of Ordiance No.#80-13, Series of 1980, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION FOR THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WHILE HE IS ACTING AS THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER_PRIOR TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A TOWN ?MANAGER; SETTING OUT THE DETAILS AND DUTIES OF THE POSITION FOR WHICH COMPENSATION WILL BE PAID AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. The Mayor stepped down and Steve Erickson acted as Mayor Pro-Tem. After discussion Jim dells moved approval of Ordinance No.#80-13, Series of 1980 on second reading, seconded by Hugh Price. A roll call was taken with all the Councilmembers voting yes. 0 0 Second reading of Ordinance No.#80-16, Series of 1980, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MODEL TRAFFIC CODE FOR COLORADO MUNICIPALITIES, 1977 EDITION, ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 2, PROVISIONS OF SAID CODE AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. After discussion Hugh Price moved approval of Ordinance No.#80-16, Series of 1980 on second reading with the correction in Section 3, (provisions), seconded by Jim Wells. A roll call was taken with all the Councilmembers voting yes. A.J. Johnson representing the residents of the Mobile Home Park approached the Council. They were asking for support from the Council and the Town. The residents are fighting the eviction notices that were handed out to the dog owners of the Mobile Park. After discussion the Mayor stated that as a govern body the Council could not intervene, but as individuals they could support the residents. Keith Taylor representing AY Townhouses approached the Council. He was asking for final approval of the Plat for Lot#44, Block#l, Benchmark Subdivision. After discussion Jim Wells moved approval of the resubdivision of Lot#44, Block#l Benchmark at Beaver Creek subject to correcting the Amendment No.'s for the Town and the subdivision(Amendment No.#9 - final subdivision Amendment No.#13) and subject to adding the statement under the certificate of Dedication and Ownership: Parcels A,B.C, may not be used for Time-Sharing units, seconded by Steve Erickson and was unanimously carried. Rob Edwards representing Avon Villas approached the Council. He was asking for final approval of the Condominium Map for Avon Villas Lot#17, Block#2-6 units. After discussion Jim Wells moved approval of the Condominium Map for Avon Villas, Lot#17, Block#2 subject to adding the statement in the Owners Certificate to the effect that 101,102,103,201,202,203 may not be used as Time-Sharing Units and subject to providing to the Town, to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney, the Articles of the Corporation and the By-lams of the Condominium Association and subject to the Town Attorney's acceptance of the so called Condominium Declaration, seconded by Hugh Price and was unanimously carried. First reading of Ordinance No.#80-18, Series of 1980, AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A CURFEW FOR PERSONS UNDER SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE; REQUIRING INSTRUCTION BY PARENTS OR GUARDIANS OF SUCH CHILDREN OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF. After discussion the correction was made in Section 5, delete "act which would constitute a", delete "if committed by an adult, when". Allan Nottingham moved approval of Ordinance No.#80-18 on first reading with the corrections, seconded by Steve Erickson. A roll call was taken with all the Councilmembers voting yes. First reading of Ordinance No.#80-14, Series of 1980, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CODE FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, ORDINANCE NO.#79-12, TO DEFINE "TIME-SHARING UNIT;" TO CHANGE THE DEFINITIONS OF "MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING" AND "HOTEL,MOTEL AND LODGE," TO MAKE TIME-SHARING UNITS A SPECIAL REVIEW USE. After discussion Jim Wells moved approval of Ordinance No.#80-14, Series of 1980 on first reading with the deletion of the last sentence in the Title and the spelling error on page 2, seconded by Steve Erickson. A roll was taken with all the Councilmembers voting yes. John Dunn reported that in reference to the Transfer Tax between TRIOND and Fawn Lake Ranch Company for the sale of the Shopping Center there was a letter sent to the Attorney of Fawn Lake Ranch and as yet have not had a response. -2- L~ The Mayor reported that he had received a copy of addressed to Mary White, Administrator of the Vail letter was regarding the necessity of a Helicopter a letter from the Town of Vail Valley Medical Center. The landing site. The Mayor reported that Building Department is growing and is needing help with the plan checking and inspections. An outfit called the Building Department Company, Inc. of Denver, Colorado has submitted a proposal which consists of; inspections of supplemental services for construction to meet applicable construction codes on a call basis. It would be a certified inspector with ICBO at a rate of $16,00 per hour. The over time charges would be 1.3 times the above hourly rate. After discussion the Council agreed to have the contract signed on a yearly basis and the termination of 30 days. The Council approved unanimously with a nod. Resolution No.#80-13, Series of 1980, BE IT RESOLVED THAT ALL PLANS, INCLUDING PLANS FOR DRAINAGE FOR STRUCTURES OF FIVE UNITS OR MORE OR ANY COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE SUBMITTED TO THE AVON DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ALSO BE SUBMITTED TO THE TOWN'S ENGINEER AT LEAST DAYS IN ADVANCE OF SUBMITTAL OF THE SAME TO THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CRITERIA CONTAINED IN CLAYCOMB ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC.'s LETTER OF JULY 3, 1980, ON FILE HEREIN, ARE ADOPTED AS TEMPORARY REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN WITH RESPECT TO DRAINAGE AND URBAN RUNOFF. Steve Erickson moved approval of the Resolution No.#80-13, Series of 1980, seconded by Jim Wells. A COPY OF THE RESOLUTION AND THE LETTER FROM CLAYCOMB ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. OF JULY 3, 1980 ARE ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES. The Mayor reported that the Park and Recreation Department have asked permission for a purchase of a Air-o-fier for the tractor and a York Rake, the cost would be $1,400 for the Air-o-fier and $1,076.00 for the York Rake, a total of $3,076.00. They are also requesting the purchase of a riding mower and accessories, which would be a mower and utility trailer. $3,501.00 for the riding mower, the mower attachment, $401.00 and the trailer, $298.00, a total of $4,200.00. Jim Wells moved approval of the purchase, seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried. A-95 - Colorado Community Based Solar Training and Retrofit Project. After discussion Steve Erickson moved approval and favorable for the Project, seconded by Hugh Price. A-95 - Colorado small business assistance program. After Discussion the Council marked the Project Unfavorable. The Mayor reported that the Town intends to expand West Beaver Creek Boulevard an additional 8' as soon as possible, which will give, pull off lane for traffic, bike path and pedestrian path. The approximate cost will be around $i29,088.9-0 q oao.oa 40. John Dunn stated that the Charter requires the vacancy for the Council Seat be filled within 30 days. It will be discussed at the next Council Meeting. -3- • • There being no further business, Steve Erickson moved that the Council adjourn and Bill Doyle seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 11:10 p.m. Respectfully Submit(d: Town Clerk • • RESOLUTION NO. 80-13 SERIES OF 1980 BE IT RESOLVED that all plans, including plans for drainage, for structures of five units or more or any commercial structure submitted to the Avon Design Review Board also be submitted to the Town's engineer at least days in advance of submittal of the same to the Design Review Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the criteria contained in Claycomb Engineering Associates, Inc.'s letter of July 3, 1980, on file herein, are adopted as temporary regulations of the Town with respect to drainage and urban runoff. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED THIS - T-rt DAY OF JULY, 1980. ATTEST: ~CLv ✓L-< J F Patricia J. D1le, Tobin Clerk TOWN OF AVON CLAYCON* • ENGINEERING C A 30 0~ ASSOCIATES, INC. July 3, 1980 Town of Avon P.O. Box D Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mayor Alpi and Council Members RE: Drainage Criteria Job No. 1776.015 Dear Mayor Alpi and Council: We have developed some base criteria for handling drainage and urban runoff in the Town of Avon that should be beneficial to the long term interests of the Town. These criteria, if approved by yourselves, will be presented in final form in the completed drainage study. We should set the guidelines for drainage policy and pollution control even before completion of the drainage study. As you know, Avon Center, Wingspread, Peregrine and numerous other large projects are currently in the Town review process. As soon as the Town sets the basic outline of policy for drainage, we can work with the developers during the review process. In this way, the developers can be made aware of the Town's criteria early in the review process, and plan submittals accordingly. Our initial recommendations cover four areas: I Design Criteria II Ownership and Maintenance III Enforcement IV Construction Phasing I. Design Criteria A) Urban Pollution Control. All of the larger multi- family projects should incorporate detention facilities to allow oils, sands, greases, animal wastes and the like from paved areas to be caught before discharging the runoff.. In addition, the outflow rate must be less than inflow to compen- sate for the large percentage of impervious area in the development and the high runoff rates. 207 /ILL:-\G[:-- PLAZA GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 81601 303-945-8676 . M d~ 0 Town of Avon Page 2 July 3, 1980 Specific recommendations for detention facilities are as follows: Number of Units. All parcels larger than four- plex should submit a specific detention plan. Sizing. Detention ponds should be sized to take into account both snowmelt and rainfall runoff. Snowmelt occurs over a period of several months, with a near constant flow rate during that time. Rainfall runoff occurs at intervals, at greater intensities. The detention pond should provide a base volume of four hours detention for snowmelt, plus an additional surcharge volume for rainfall. The 10 year event should be the basis for sizing both rainfall and snowmelt capacities. Release Rate. Since snowmelt is a constant flow over a relatively long time, the snowmelt release rate from a detention pond will be the same as the inflow. The rainfall release rate should be such that a four hour average deten- tion time is achieved for a 10 year recurrance interval runoff. Grease Traps. All ponds should incorporate some type of skimming baffle or grease trap to prevent oils from reaching the receiving waters. At its simplest, the device can be a baffle around the outlet pipe. At.the developer's option, the grease trap can be placed at the pond inlet. This location would avoid the aesthetic problem of oils floating in the pond surface, but may be more difficult to maintain. Maintainability. All ponds should be maintainable by machine. Small ones should be designed narrow enough so that conventional excavating equipment can reach in and scoop out accumulated silt and sand. Larger ones should be provided with an access ramp and a surfaced bottom so that machinery can enter the pond to clean it without becoming mired. Where space will not allow a detention pond, a filter curtain should be provided. This device would be a trench backfilled with crushed rock, Town of Avon Page 3 July 3, 1980 with sand or other pervious surfacing on top. Urban runoff flows along the trench and enough ponding occurs to allow water to infiltrate down through the trench. Oils and other pollutants are retained on the surface. Periodically the surface layer (with pollutants) needs to be scraped off and replaced. The filter curtains or drains can be accommodated to the site in many ways: i.e. parking lot medians, borders and landscaped areas. B) General Drainage. The main requirements under this area are: Culvert Sizing. All roadside culverts should be capable of passing the 10 year storm event (rainfall plus snowmelt). No culvert should be smaller than 18 inches. 100 Year Flood. In general, it is not necessary to size roadside and cross-road. culverts for the 100 year flood. The site grading should be de- signed so that no major structural damage occurs as a result of the 100 year flood. Flow along the roadway itself may be utilized to take care of conveying the 100 year flood. Major structures (i.e. bridges, large box culverts) should be de- signed to accommodate the 100 year flood. Similarly, any diversion swales around Nottingham Lake (for urban runoff) should be able to carry the 100 year runoff from their tributary areas. II. Ownership and Maintenance Detention facilities should remain in the ownership of the developer_ or the homeowner's association. Regular maintenance is imperative, otherwise these facilities become useless eyesores. To accomplish that, standardized language should be inserted into each subdivision agree- ment, or made a condition of Design Review Board approval. The gist of the statement would require the homeowner's association to clean and maintain the facilities at regular intervals to the satisfaction of the Town (i.e. the Build- ing Department, the Town Engineer). If not done, the Town would have the power to clean out the facilities with its own forces or on contract, at the homeowner's expense. Town of Avon Page 4 July 3, 1980 III. Enforcement. Once the initial requlations have been reviewed, modified as necessary and approved by the Town, a specific ordinance amending the subdivision regulations should be enacted. This ordinance would set forth the drainage policy of the Town, and outline specific design criteria to be followed in the submittal of subdivisions for approval. IV. Construction Phasing. The construction stage is itself critical for pollution control. Any regulations adopted by the Town should include the following: A) Construction of detention ponds to be done before anything else on site, and all construction runoff diverted through them. The ponds need not be in final form. B) Use of hay bales and other measures to prevent silt-laden runoff form reaching streams, irrigation ditches or Nottingham Lake. We would like to review these items with Council at the July 8, 1980 work session. Very truly yours, CLAYCOM ENG EERING ASSOCIATES, INC. ti n Gannett, P.E. Proj ct Manager WG/njh cc: All Council Members