TC Minutes 06-17-1980i MINTUES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COUNCILMEMBERS HELD JUNE 17, 1980 - 7:30 P.M. The Special Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 7:15 p.m. A roll call was taken with all Councilmembers in attendance except Allan Nottingham who arrived late. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, members of developers and Lot owners of the Center Mall Area as well as members of the press and public. The first item on the agenda was the Emergency Ordinance No.#80-17, AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.#80-15 ADOPTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN? OF AVON ON JUNE 10, 1980 AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN REGARDS THERETO. After discussion Steve Erickson moved approval of the Emergency Ordinance No.#80-17, an Amendment to Ordinance No.#80-15, seconded by Jim Wells. A roll call was taken with all the Councilmembers voting yes. First reading of Ordinance No.#80-13, Series of 1980, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION FOR THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WHILE HE IS ACTING AS THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER PRIOR TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A TOWN MANAGER; SETTING OUT THE DETAILS AND DUTIES OF THE POSITION FOR WHICH COMPENSATION IS BEING PAID; SETTING OUT THE TERM DURING WHICH THE COMPENSATION WILL BE PAID AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. Steve Erickson stated he was opposed to the Ordinance, the main reason was of what the residents of the Town had to think about hiring a Town Manager and when that time should be. At that point Mayor Alpi stepped down and Carol Richards, Mayor Pro-Tem, carried that portion of the meeting. Councilman Erickson continued, he further stated that as far as a Town Manager at this time, with the Town growing and with a lot of technical installations, such as the sewer and water lines, they should be looking for someone full time to manage the business of the Town. He thought the salary as put forth in the Ordinance of $26,400.00 on a pro rata basis, giving the Mayor 4-5 days a week, found that the amount of money would be very adequate to hire someone who is qualified and has the experience in managing a Town. Mr. Erickson requested that he would like to hear from some of the residents of the Town and how they feel on this matter. Councilman A.J. Wells responded and stated that is was not the responsibility of the Town or the Town Manager to install the sewer and water lines, that the Town had Engineers to see to that. He stated that he didn't want to negotiate with some unknown and thought it was a waste of time to look for another Town Manager at this time. Richard Schultz, Edelweiss Investment Group, stated he thought no one was more capable then the present Town Manager. He questioned if the salary was adequate. Councilman Bill Doyle stated that he thought the Mayor had things controlled and that in six months the Town Manager would be up for review and that he was satisfied with the Ordinance. Council Allan Nottingham stated that the Town should keep the present Town Manager and to go along faith the way the Ord.inance.is.stated. -1- • • Bob Wheeler, resident of Avon, stated he thought that it was time for the Town to look for a full time Manager. Clinton Watkins stated that 2 meetings ago the Council passed on a unanimous vote that in any appointments or any contracts over $10,000.00 to the Town that these positions or contracts would be advertised. Mr. Wells stated he would like to clarify that last statement and that the motion was clearly stated that appointments to Boards (meaning Design Review Board), furthermore, that the Town Manager's position was a personnel matter. Mr. Watkins stated that there may be some conflict between Benchmark and the Town, referring to some of the comments of Mr. Wells. Mr. Wells responded that he didn't find himself in a conflict at all. Loretta Erickson stated that she thought that the Mayor has done a good job, but wondered with the two jobs if leaves time to do both. Barbara Chaplin asked if it were proper to have one man doing dual positions. Ron McKenzie stated that he thought the Council needs to be thinking about when the Town does need a full time Manager and not wait till the Ordinance requires an over view and a follow up. Don Chaplin stated that Al Alpi is highly respected in the community and that if he is willing to assume the responsibility of the two jobs, that he personally applauds him. After a lengthy discussion Jim Wells moved approval of Ordinance No.#80-13, Series of 1980 on first reading, seconded by Hugh Price. A roll call was taken with Steve Erickson voting no, Carol Richards no voting. The rest of the Councilmembers voting yes. Jim Wells moved to consider this Ordinance No.#80-13, pass on second reading on the first regular meeting in July, 1980, seconded by Hugh Price and was unanimously carried. Next on the agenda was the discussion of the Town Center Mall. Attending the meeting were: Don Buick of Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Richard Schultz of Edelweiss Investments Group, Rick Larson of Peregrine Properties, Helmut Lilischkies, and Don Chaplin -a adjacent property owner from the Mall. The question of the Council was asked if the developers and property owners with mall frontage would consider to contribute to the cost of developing the Center Mall Area. URS Consultants estimated the cost would be $500,000 to $600,000. The Council agreed that the cost figure was high. Don Buick from Avon Center at Beaver Creek stated they would be in favor of working with the Town. Richard Schultz from Edelweiss Investment Group stated that the property value is $15 per square foot. Rick Larson representing Peregrine Properties stated that they are willing to work with the Town and are in favor of the mall. The Council agreed that the Town contribute the costs of the mall development..and they proposed a figure of 25% of all building costs and 25% of all maintenance costs. -2- 0 0 After lengthy discussion it was proposed that the Town Attorney begin to draft up formal legal documents to start the process. There would be no commitments on either the part of the Town or on the part of the Developers at this time. There being no further business, Steve Erickson moved that the Council adjourn and Hugh Price seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted - - C=z Z?-ZZ -L Town Clerk