TC Minutes 04-29-19806 41
HELD APRIL 29, 1980 - 7:30 P.M.
The Special Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town
of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor,
Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 7:50 p.m.
A roll call was taken with all Councilmembers in attendance.
Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Hugh Price Chairman
of the Design Review Board as well as members of the press
and public.
The first item on the agenda was the conveyance of Nottingham
Park from Benchmark Companies to the Town of Avon.
It was noted that Jim Wells stepped down,.
The Deed, Quick-claim and the Assignment were signed and handed
over to the Town of Avon..
Resolution No.#8 was read and after discussion Dick Casserley
moved approval to pass Resolution No.#8 as described by the Mayor
with the correction of "municipal", seconded by Bill Doyle and was
unanimously carried with Allan Nottingham and Jim Wells abstaining.
Mike Blair of Benchmark Companies approached the Council. He was
asking for approval for Wildwood Subdivision and Buck Creek Access
on condition,
After discussion Steve Erickson moved approval of the Buck Creek and
Wildwood plats contingent upon the items of the letter from Waynne
Gannett' the 16 item being resolved before June 1, 1980 and presented
back to the Council and that the final plans for the bridge would be
omitted from those plats, also contingent upon the items listed by
the letter from Mike Blair to,ithe Town Clerk dated April 29, 1980,
especially the last paragraph, seconded by Bill Doyle A roll call
was taken with Allan Nottingham and Jim Wells abstaining.
It was noted that Mike Blair will report back to the Council the
last meeting in May.
Dave Martinez, acting Chief of Police was introduced to the public.
There being no further business, Steve Erickson moved that the Council
adjourn and Dick Casserley seconded the motion. The meeting was
adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 8:25 p.m.
The Council then went into executive session.
Respectfully §,t b itted
Town Clerk