HELD APRIL, 8, 1980 - 7:30 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of
Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Offices, second floor,
Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 8:10 p.m. A
roll call was taken with all Councilmembers in attendance. Also
present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Chief Kenneth Sortland of the
Avon Police Department, Clinton Watkins Municipal Judge as well as
members of the press and public.
The minutes of the Special Meeting held April 1, 1980 were presented
to the Council.
Jim Wells moved approval of the minutes, seconded by Bill Doyle
and was unanimously carried.
The minutes of the March 25th meeting were presented to the Council.
After some discussion Jim Wells moved approval of the minutes with
the corrections of deleting (1) from page one and the correction of
(Wayne) on page two. Seconded by Steve Erickson and was unanimously
Bi-monthly financial reports were next presented to the Council.
After discussion Allan Nottingham moved approval of the Accounts
Payables with the exception of URS, until the invoice is discussed
with them and to hold Ron McKenzie's payment of $420.00 until it
is discussed with Stan Bernstein, seconded by Bill Doyle and was
unanimously carried.
It was noted that copies of the Design Review Board Minutes be
distributed to all the Councilmembers.
It was also noted to check out the fact the Town did not receive
the Real Estate Transfer Tax from Triond and Fawn Lake Ranch Company
from the sale transaction of the Benchmark Shopping Center.
Chief Kenneth Sortland then approached the Council. He discussed
alcoholism and intoxication treatment facilities.
Chief Sortland stated there are no such public treatment facilities
available. The nearest facility is either in Glenwood Springs,
Colorado or Lakewood, Colorado which could be used, but then would
leave the Town uncovered.
Chief Sortland requested that the Town write a letter to Jeff
Cushioner, Director of the Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
requesting we get a treatment facility in Minturn.
It was stated that the Police Department get tougher with the
liquor establishments here in Avon and not sell to persons under
the influence.
After discussion the Mayor thanked Chief Sortland for his report.
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Dave Peterson approached the Council. He was requesting subdivision
approval for Lot#36, Block#2. This was his second request for approval.
Mr. Peterson stated the the first mylar presented to the Council was
wrong and now has been changed.
After some discussion Steve Erickson moved approval subject to the
change in the language on the covenants, subject to the Building
Administrator verification that is the location of the buildi*g and
subject to the Title Company telling us that there has been no
recorded instrument of record change of ownership, if there has been
then the owners will have to sign the mylar, seconded by Allan
Nottingham and was unanimously carried.
Don Teal representing Sunridge approached the Council. Mr. Teal
is requesting approval of the plat on the vacation of lot lines that
was Lots#1-7,Block#3 and now are Lots#1-3,Block#3. It was requested
that 17here should be added to the idylar on the Town Certificate for
clarity sake the prior lot lines and easements. "All lots, rights-away
and easements except any easements shown within the designated area
as is shown on the previous plats are hereby vacated and re-dedicated
and re-platted as shown hereon." Also the uses, densities and acreage
should be inserted.
The design is for 198 condo units on Lots#l and 2, the remaining, area,
Lot#3, to be used as commercial site in the future.
After some discussion Steve Erickson moved approval on Amendment No#8
of the final Subdivision No#12 Benchmark at Beaver Creek contingent
upon the map showing the uses and densities per each lot and also
a review from the Building Administrator, the language to show
vacating the prior lot lines, and in a bond requiring ownership,
seconded by Dick Casserley and was unanimously carried with the
exception of Jim Wells abstaining.
Resolution No#80-7,
After discussion Jim
effective January 1,
unanimously carried.
involving the Police Pension Plan.
wells moved approval of Resolution No#80-7, to be
1980, seconded by Allan Nottingham and was
Augment Agreement, U.S. Bureau of Census.
This agreement referes to the enhancing the recruiting and hiring
efforts of field personnel to work on the 1980 Census.
The Town agrees to pay the rate of $1.00 per long form, .50 per short
form and .50 per vacant lot.
After some discussion Steve Erickson moved approval, seconded by
Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried.
Mike Blair approached the Council. It was noted that Jim Wells
stepped down.
Mr. Blair was asking approval on'the re-plat of portion of
Wildridge Subdivision for the Town of Avon.
In detail this is a re-plat with records of lots#1-12,13,14,15,16,
111.112 of Block#l, lots#49,50,51 of Block#2, Tract G in Block#3,
16,17,19,24-35-46,47,48,49; 72,73,89,90,91 in Tract H,Block#4,also
Tracts A,K.L, in Block#5. These are the areas that are shown on the
Plat that are being re-platted.
The reasons 1) is for adjusting the roadway to accommodate a wider
cut or wider fill; 2) to remove some lots--from steep access areas,
3) to add certain utility easements that are outside the standard
lot lines and road right-a-way.
They are changing the total lots from 356 to 352, four less lots, but
will retain the same number of dwellings units (830). They are
extending the area to the south 1,000.00 feet and adding 4 new lots
After a lenthy discussion Bill Doyle moved approval of the re-plat
of the Wildridge Subdivision contingent upon the corrections which
are 1) some of the dimensions on boundary and 2) re-check lot
access areas, seconded by Dick Casserley. A roll was taken with all
Councilmembers voting yes with the exception of Allan Nottingham
and Jim Wells abstaining.
The re-plat for the portion of Block#l, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, the Buck Creek
area; the road alignment access from the Buck Creek area to the Wildwood Subdivision
and because of that location necessarily had to revise the Wildwood Plat. They
are all related.
In the Buck Creek area which is from the Nottingham Road where the old barn is
located and in the wooded valley, they want to change the land use somewhat. In
Lot#5 they want to make that lot smaller and reduce the density from 230 units
condominium hotel lodge units to 110 condominium hotel units, include the new
Buck Creek road in that area and in the upper area locate a recreation clubhouse
facility and tennis courts and other outdoor recreation uses. The reason for
relocating the clubhouse is that it was so far up to.Wildwood and would be
better to relocate nearer to the major population of the Town.
Mr. Blair presented a proposed plat of Buck Creek showing the title of the Special Planned Area, a resubdivision of Lots#5,52,53,55,56,57, and 69 and
Tracts b,c,s,t,u,x, of Block#l Benchmark at Beaver Creek, final plat subdivison.
He then discussed the proposed road up Buck Creek to Wildwood.
They have increased the open space area. They have moved the multi-family area
from the northeasterly area, down to the southwesterly area. The land use was
discussed. There are presently 291 duplex lots,(582 units), 2 lots which would
have a total(which are multi-family lots of 290 units, overall total of
93 lots , 872 units, which increases the density from 1.2 units per acre to 1.31
units per acre.
After lenthy discussion Mr. Blair requested they r-ome back at the next Council
Meeting, April 22, 1980, for approval contingent on the fact they get approval
of the proposed Buck Creek Road.
A-95 - Region XII Comprehensive Planning - approved and signed unfavorable.
Health Planning and Resource Development - approved and signed
Judge Clinton Watkins stated that he didn't think it was necessary to have a
Prosecutor Attorney unless requested.
Ronald McKenzie representing the Rotary Club was requesting a donation of
$300.00 toward an ambulance for the Vail Medical Center.
After some discussion the request was denied.
Town Attorney discussed the codification of the Town Ordinances.
The Town Attorney was invited by Larry Reider to attend a meeting of the
Ski Town Attorneys this coming Friday.
Mr. Dunn also reported that the piece of legislation dealing with time-sharing
was killed in the senate. Mr. Dunn will be meeting a week from tomorrow with
Larry Reider and Beth Reichert to try to put together a joint approach with
the county, Vail and Avon.
The Council requested that Mr. Dunn meeting with Dick Evans the Building Administrator
in reference to the Peterson's Warehouse.
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There being no further business, Steve Erickson moved that the Council
adjourn and Bill Doyle seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by
Mayor Alpi at 11:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted: