TC Minutes 12-18-19790 r MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COUNCILMEMBERS HELD DECEMBER 18, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. The Special Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 7:40 p.m. The roll was delayed so as to let Paul Swift make his report because of a time schedule. As the first order of business, Mayor Alpi had Mr. Paul Swift approach the Council. The Town Attorney made a brief introduction. Mr. Swift was accompanied by Steve Holt and George Hovey. They reported of what has been done in regards to the PUC and what the schedule will be in the next 3-4 months in terms of the Town's application to file for a hearing. In terms of the PUC crossing there are these problems, 1) the bend in the track, the cars would have a problem viewing down the track, 2) the stack of cars waiting at the crossing while the train is in route and 3) the proposed school site near the track and the children playing on the track. At this point Mr. Swift introduced Steve Holt to the Council. He is vice president of URS of Denver. Mr. Holt stated that phase I would be an analysis of the existing and projected volume and circulation patterns within the whole community, that this drives a lot of the key data, 2) phase II would be a series of Town Council meetings discussing the issues in more detail and 3) phase III preparing for the PUC presentation, that Mr. Holt would be the individual who would be crossed-examined on the stand. Their firm is a full service engineering, architectural and planning firm and will provide the Town with a view down the road. Mr. Holt stated that this track is the second most troubled in the State. In 1978 a study was made, there were 2 pull trains a day - 12 all together and in 1985 there was a projection of an additional 15 to 21 trains. The Mayor thanked the gentlemen for their report. At this time the Mayor called for a roll call. All Councilmembers were present with the exception of Steve Erickson. Also present were Town Attorney John Blish, Town planner, Mike Blair, Terrill Knight of the County, Hugh Price, Chairman of the Design Review Board as well as members of the press and public. Terrill Knight with the County of Planning and Development approached the Council. Accompanyin+g;-,Mr,~.- Ktfight was -Tom Johnsen:: , They raporte& on the Open Space' Plan. They showed slides of the whole valley from Vail to Eagle. They stated that this plan has notyet been adopted. After a lengthly discussion Mr. Knight asked for support from the Council. They hope to save scenic quality as well as wild life and recreation areas. Dick Rautio from Manpower in Minturn, Colorado approached the Council asking for a contribution. The purpose of the Manpower Training Program is to train long term local residents in Eagle County for better jobs. He is requesting a minimum of $3,250.00 for the calendar of 1980 or a 2 year request of a minimum of $6,500. Mr. Rautio is also requesting the Council to nominate a representative for the Town of Avon on the Manpower Committee which meets once a month. After some discussion the Mayor thanked Mr. Rautio for coming. Tom Landauer nexted approached the Council requesting for final approval of the Condominium map for Buck Creek Condos. The map shows phase I of this project. There was some discussion of the lots#13,14,15,16 on how to define the plat more clearly and the problem of parking. It was stated that there is underground parking for this project. After some discussion the Council asked to have the reading of the plat defined more clearly. John Wheeler approached the Council for an approval of the re-subdivision of Lot#48, Block#l, Rushmer-Wheeler project. The reason for re-subdividing the project is mainly for financing. There was also some question of the wording on the plat for this project. After some discussion both Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Landauer requested that the Council give final approval to their projects subject to the changes. Carol Richards requested that the eningeers for the Town look over the plats and o.k. them because there were mistakes on them and that there could be approvals given subject to review by the engineers and Town Attorney proving the language. After some discussion Carol Richards moved approval to authorize the Mayor and the Town Clerk to sign the maps for both Rushmer Townhouses and for Buck Creek Condos after the changes have been made, seconded by Dick Casserley and was unanimously carried with the exception of Jim Wells and Allan Nottingham who abstained. Mike Blair representing Wildwood and Benchmark approached tfie Council. He was asking for procedural approval of abtaining access from the easterly part of the Town up to the Wildwood subdivision. It was noted that Jim Wells stepped down from the rostrum. The procedure would be to begin to revise the plats to finalize the road plan to meet Town road standards. Benchmark is in the process of buying the Allred property which consists of 3.2 acres so they can fit it into the planning of the area, mayble moving the recreation area down into the valley from Wildwood. After a lengthly discussion Dick Casserley moved approval fora procedural approval., seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried with the exception of Allan Nottingham and Jim Wells abstaining. The Design Review Board Members Cynthia Jordan and Tom Landauer's term of one year has expired. Jim Wells moved approval to reappoint them, seconded by Dick Casserley and was unanimously carried., They will now' serve for '3 years. Tiago housing was then discussed by the Council. After some discussion Carol Richards moved approval to re-establish the trailor park next spring, seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried. The Mayor reported that the culverts were going in on Nottingham Road and that the ditches are being cleaned out and the work should be done this week. The application of Larry Kumpost was next presented to the Council. Through the recommendation of the Design Review Board today, it was agreed that he would be a prime candidate to ne*iinate him. Jim Wells moved approval of this nominee, seconded by Bill Doyle and was.un-'atiimously carried. It was noted that a letter of thanks be sent to the other-applicants and that their resume will be held on file. -2- r The Mayor stated that the Council had to decide to choose URS consultants or not for the project (railroad). After some discussion Carol Richards moved approval to hire URS at least the phase I study and that Paul Swift be instructed to file the PUC application as soon as possible, seconded by Allan Nottingham and was unanimously carried. Carol Richards stated that the Town should get a consultant to help with the Avon Center at Beaver Creek project as soon as possible. Jim Wells moved approval not to appropriate money to Manpower Training Program, seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried. There being no further business, Dick Casserley moved that the Council adjourn and Allan Nottingham seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 12:00. Approved: Respectfully submitted Town Clerk i • D15" I