TC Minutes 12-11-1979• • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COUNCILMEMBERS HELD DECEMBER 11, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. The Regular Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Offices, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Alpi at 7:50 p.m. A roll call was taken with all Councilmembers in attendance. Also present were Town Attorney John Blish, Chief of Police, Kenneth Sortland, Doug Fuer, Boulder insurance firm, Sherry Dingwell, Alpine Federal Bank, Tom Glass, NWCCOG, Ken Shaprio and Bill McCoy, Shaprio Construction as well as members of the press and public. Minutes of the November 27th and Special Meeting of December 4th were presented to the Council. After some discussion Carol Richards moved approval of the November 27th minutes, seconded by Jim Wells and the motion was unanimously carried. Carol Richards moved approval of the December 4th minutes, seconded by Bill Doyle and the motion was unanimously carried. Bi-monthly financial reports were next presented to the Council. After some discussion Dick Casserley moved approval of the accounts payable w1th.the.exception of Collett Enterprises, seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried. Jim Wells requested that Benchmark receive copies of the Claycomb invoices so that his staff can go through them to determine the total reimbursement owed to the Town. It was suggested by Town Attorney that the Council give the Mayor the authority to pay the Collett Enterprises invoice when the problem is resolved. Dick Casserley moved to modify the previous motion.as suggested by the Town Attorney. Jim Wells moved to ratify the payments that were made since the last meeting which were not on the last meetings accounts payable, seconded by Dick Casserley and the motion was unanimously carried. The monthly financial reports were next' reviewed by the Council. Second reading of Ordinance No.#24,"AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING COLORADO SENATE BILL 79; ESTABLISHING A POLICE PENSION FUND FOR THE TOWN OF AVON AND PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO." It was suggested by the Town Attorney that this Ordinance be tabled since there was.not a representative from an insurance corporation to present to the Council relevent information on the pension plan. Tom Glass from the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments approached the Councjl.' Each year he prepares a list of NWCCOG activities by county basis. The basic philosophy thatunderfees ._'fhe operations is that local government and local government officials are best suited to tailor the State and Federal programs to meet local needs. The NWCCOG program covers a wide range of activities from natural resources to housing, energy impact, solid waste planning and etc. After a leng.tk;.y discussion Mr. Glass requested-to the Council the approval of the contribution cat $1,000.00 for the quality quanity crust fund. Carol Richards moved approval of the contribution, seconded by Bill Doyle and was unanimously carried. • 0 Sherry Dingwell from the Alpine Federal Bank then approached the Council. She introduced herself and stated that they are new in Town. The office was Western Federal Savings, Alpine purchased the office in June of this year. The Association has started a savings program and have started loans. They have made loans of $600,000 and loan in the entire valley. On a $100,000 Certificate of Deposit they give a percentage of 12%. They basically give permanent loans- not construction loans. Ms. Dingwell passed out to each Councilmember a finanical statement from the bank. After some discussion the Mayor thanked Ms. Dingwell for coming. Doug Fuer approached the Council. Town Attorney, John Blish introduced Mr. Fuer. Mr. Fuer is from Boulder, Colorado, the Mayor and Town Attorney invited Mr. Fuer to be present at the meeting to present to the Council an acceptable. program. Mr. Fuer stated that the Council has to make a decision rather quickly.on the pension plan fund. They are currently working with the Town of Vail in all of their fringe benefit programs. The primary source of their businessris Forporations,.but do consult with a few municipalities in the counties also. Mr. Fuer has developed a program based on Stan Bernstein's projection for the Town. They have the figures that can provide better coverage then what the Colorado State Police and Fireman's fund can provide and better coverage then what the Federal Government can provide through Social Security. They project they could save the Town $50,000 on the next ten years in costs and provide better benefits. They can provide better benefit to employees at 5% of payroll instead of 6.3 growing to 7.65%. Plus if an employee leaves he takes all of his own contributions with him and the interest that was earned on the contributions. The Town is in an ideal situation to select a plan for social security because of the minimal size of the employees. Mr. Fuer passed to each Councilmember, material on the plan. After a lengthly discussion the Mayor thanked Doug Fuer for coming. The Mayor asked Tom Glass to come before the Council and explain the NWCCOG A-95-Training for City and Regional Planning Commission. After discussion Steve Erickson moved approval to mark the report favorable, seconded by Jim Wells and was unanimously carried. Tom Landauer representing Buck Creek Associates, approached the Council. Mr. Landauer is asking for vacation of lot lines 13-16,Block#2, Town of Avon. The first phase of this project is 14 units on Lot 14 and crosses over on Lot#13. He is requesting vacation of the side lot easements also the vacation of the lot lines themselves. He has received letters from all the utility companies except Rocky Mountain Cable, which he will have tomar.row. He also had a prepared Resolution. After some discussion Steve Erickson moved approval of Resolution No.#27 to vacate the lot lines, contingent upon the review of our Town Attorney, the quick-claim deeds from Mountain Bell and Holy Cross Electric Association and also a letter from Rocky Mountain Cable TV, Inc. to vacate the easements, seconded by Jim Wells and the motion was unanimously carried. Bill McCoy and Ken Shapiro representing Shaprio Construction approached the Council. They hope to accomplish, with the suggestion of the Design Review Board to go before the Council, two basic topics which concern the Avon Center at Beaver Creek project. the one topic is a informational review for the Councils benefit - and the other topic is the possible inclusion of employee housing in the development plan. Bill McCoy, project architect, gave.a. basic description.:o.f what was: presented to. the Design Review Board Meeting of December 5. It was suggested that both the Council- members and the Design Review Board Members meet jointly with Shapiro consultants in work sessions as often as possible to all work together till the completion of the project. After a lengthly discussion Mayor Alpi thanked both Ken Shaprio and Bill McCoy for their presentation. -2- • • Town Attorney John Blish reported that on Wednesday he met with Paul Swift of the law firm of Gorsuch, Kirgis, Campbell, Walker and Grover in reference to the railroad crossing. On Friday the Town Attorney went to an annual survey of governmental law meeting. The Council saw no conflict in Boettcher and Company using Stan Bernstein's services to generate data for "Statement" (a statement about the Town, area and the Town's ability to pay off the bonds.) Went to a meeting in Vail concerning Time-sharing. Mayor Alpi read Resolution No.#26,"The regular meeting of the Town Council scheduled for Tuesday, December 25, 1979 is hereby vacated and cancelled. The next regular meeting following the date of this Resolution will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 19.80." Steve Erickson moved approval of Resolution No.#26, seconded by Dick Casserley and the motion was unanimously carried. (A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION IS ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES.) Next Tuesday, December 18, will be a Special Meeting. There being no further business before the Council, Steve Erickson moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Dick Casserley and adjourned by the Mayor at 12:00. Respectfully Submitted: Town Clerk -3- ~~~.l1sn ~ePfv~4lv,»'L • TOWN OF AVON is RESOLUTION MO. 26 SERIES OF 1979 WHEREAS, the fourth Tuesday in each month is set aside for the regular meetings of the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the fourth Tuesday in December, 1979 is also Christmas Day; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWI1 COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: The regular meeting of the Town Council scheduled for Tuesday, December 25, 1979 is hereby vacated and cancelled. The next regular meeting following the date of this Resolution will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 1980. DATED this 11th day of December, 1979. _'i"' Angel V. Alpi, ?ayor Town of Avon ATTEST: Patricia J. yle, Town Clerk Town of Avon