TC Minutes 07-17-1979d % VA 0 4 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COUNCILMEMBERS HELD JULY 17, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. The Special Meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Angelo Alpi at 7:40 P.M. A roll call was taken with all Councilmembers present. Also present were Jerrell and Darrell Davis, Town Attorney John Blish, as well as members of the press. As the first order of business, Mayor Alpi announced the selection of Rocky Moun- tain Cable TV to provide cable television for the Town of Avon. After discussion, Council asked John Blish to draft a resolution pertaining to the same. Jim Wells then moved to authorize said resolution stating that the Council had agreed in principle to grant a cable television franchise to Rocky Mountain Cable TV, subject to the negotiation, finalization and execution of the appropriate ordinance and/or agreements. Bill Doyle seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken with all Councilmembers voting yes. (A COPY OF SAID RESOLUTION #79-16, IS ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES.) John Blish further indicated the first reading of Ordinance No. 79-16, granting a cable television franchise to Rocky Mountain TV could be tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, July 24, 1979. Concerning the approval of the construction contract for the West Beaver Creek Boulevard Bridge, Jim Wells "stepped-down" to discuss with the Council a letter from Leroy Tobler of KKBNA Engineers. In part, the letter informed Wells of three bids received on the bridge, with the low bidder being Peter Kiewit & Sons. Wells then asked the Council for their "blessings to go ahead and execute the contract with the low bidder (Peter Kiewit & Sons) so the project can begin." Carol Richards then moved to authorize John Blish to prepare a resolution, authorizing Benchmark to enter into a contract with Peter Kiewit & Sons for the amount quoted in their bid, and further should the Town Engineers who are reviewing the bridge, discover something substantial, a change order shall be issued to remedy the situation. Richard Casserley seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried with Jim Wells abstaining. A discussion of the PUC application in reference to a proposed public crossing of the Denver Rio Grande and Western Railroad at Beaver Creek Boulevard was held. It was suggested that John Blish compile a list of probable Denver attorneys, one of whom the Council would hire, the file the PUC application. Jim Wells also requested that John Blish compile the list by Tuesday, July 24. Mike Blair next presented the plans for two service and pedestrian bridges for Nottingham Park to the Council. He stated the cost for the two bridges would be $8,000 (total), that a contractor had been hired and asked the Councils' recommendations on color. He also outlined other recreation plans for the park including: bicycle and walking paths, a baseball field, a soccer field, and perhaps tennis courts. In other discussion, the possibility of prohibit motorized vehicles and dogs in placement plans were mentioned. drafting an ordinance which would the park, as well as tree and shrubbery In other business, Richard Casserley moved to authorize John Blish to draft an affidavit releasing the restrictions on Amendment #7 to the plat, which states in part that approval shall not be final until the road plans have been finalized. Steve Erickson seconded the motion and the it was unanimously carried, with Jim Wells and Allan Nottingham abstaining. '1 14 0 0 -2- Ken Sortland announced that two applicants for the police officer positions had been chosen. There being no further business before the Council, Jim Wells moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Richard Casserley and adjourned by the Mayor at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted • RESOLUTION No 79-16 SERIES OF 1979 • A RESOLUTION NAMING ROCKY MOUNTAIN CABLE TV AS THE COMPANY SELECTED TO PROVIDE CABLE TV SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF AVON AND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE WITH ROCKY MOUNTAIN CABLE TV IN THE DRAFTING OF AN AGREEMENT SETTING FORTH THE DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED FRANCHISE. WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 17.6 of the Town Charter for the Town of Avon, Colorado, have been altered as a result of the Special Municipal Referendum Election held in the Town of Avon on July 10, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Town Council may now establish by Ordinance, without further approval of the electorate, the terms, fees, compensation, conditions, and any other matters related to the granting of franchises; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that sub- stantial numbers of residents of the Town of Avon desire to receive cable television service; and WHEREAS, in order to permit the installation of a cable TV system within the Town of Avon, it is necessary for the Town to reach an agreement with the proposed operator of the cable TV system; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: The Town Council hereby intends to grant and does grant to Rocky Mountain Cable TV a franchise to provide cable TV service to the residents of the Town of Avon, Colorado, subject to the negotiation, finalization and execution of an agreement between the Town Council and Rocky Mountain Cable TV; and further, that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized to represent the interests of the Town in reaching such an agreement. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED THIS ~rDAY OF JULY, 1979. TOWN OF AVON Angelo/V. Alpi, May r ATTEST: Town Clerk, Tonie Koonce 0 RESOLUTION NO -0 SERIES OF 1979 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BENCHMARK AND PETER KIEWIT & SONS RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS THE EAGLE RIVER NEAR THE -INTERSECTION OF BEAVER CREEK.BOULE- VARD AND U.S. HIGHWAY 6 & 24. WHEREAS, Benchmark has advertised and solicited bids for the construction of a bridge across the Eagle River within the Town of Avon at a location near the intersection of Beaver Creek Boule- vard and U.S. Highway 6 & 24; and WHEREAS, Peter Kiewit & Sons has submitted the low bid in the amount of $251,185.00; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has agreed to pay for the bridge under an arrangement with Benchmark; NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO THAT: The Town of Avon authorizes Benchmark to contract with Peter Kiewit & Sons for the construction of the Eagle River Bridge in the stated amount. The Town reserves the right to insist on any structural or design changes when such changes can be supported by the advice of structural or consulting engineers. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED THIS ''JjA.DAY OF JULY, 1979. TOWN OF AVON i ANGELO V. ALPI, MAYOR ATTEST: TONIE KOONCE